Ordinance No. 605 / I . (I Ill- 1It,,~ ,j l'",r '." ;T), .'; >/J' ''t.{. '$l{~ #>>-. ~~_LJ.I aaor 4 4 ~, .) t: lft}/. .t)~Cf..,;23 Q R D .! NAN C E N O. /'" (~: ~ '<-,- ./ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINA.NCE NO. 594 OF THE CITY OF GILROY BY SUBSTIT~'ING THE DESCRIPTION OF A PUBLIC urrILITY EASEMENT IN THE PLACE OF IrHE EASEMENT DESCRIBED IN THE SAID ORDINANCE WHEREAS the Common Council of the City of Gilroy has heretD- fore adopted Ordinance No. 594 which provided for thl~ abandonment of a public utility easement. over a strip of land of un.iform widt:.h of four feet, the center line of which is the line dividing Lots 4 and 5 of Castlewood Park Unit No. 3 tlb shown on thl:l Map on file in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, and, WHEREAS the said Ordinance was by its provision to be made effective when and if the ovmer of the said subdivision conveyed to the City of Gilroy another public utility Qasement similar to the one a.bandoned, the center line of which vIas to be located at a uniform distance of fJeven feet southeabterly of th(~ line dividing said Lots 4 and 5, and WHEREAS the owner of said subdivision has requested that the locatio~ of the new easement to tak8 the place of the one abandoned by said Ordinance No. 594, be cha.nged from the location as specified in the said Ordinance so that the same will be described as folloWE-:: A strip of land of a unifonn width of four feet, the center line of which is described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the westerly line of Lot 4 in Block 6 as shown on map entitled ltTract Noo 2023. Castle- wood Park, Unit No.3" which map is recorded in Book 90 of Maps at pages 40 and 41, Records of Santa Clara County, California, distant thereon S. OQ46'30ltW. 8.00 feet from the corner common to Lots 4 and 5, and running thence parallel with the line common to said Lo.ts S.89013'30"E. 120.0 feet to a point in the easterly line of Lot 4 and the westerly line of Filice Drive, distant thereon S.0046'30"W. 8.00 feet from the corner common to said Lots 4 and 5." and J~ WHEREAS, the said proposed re-location of said easement will only result in the mowing or the said easement the distance of one foot southeasterly of the location as set forth in the said Ordinance - 1 - Il' ~.. :~ e. . '). ~UG( 't't J.( PAGf.) ~4 No. 594, and will be ju.st as advantageous to the City of Gilroy as if the change was not Inade, and there i<3 no reason for not and making the said change, lit can only 'bf;,: C1.ccomplished by aID.(mding said Ordinance Noo 594, and 'V~HEREAS the ownerE of ,,;aid nr':2mif"ei:: have deliv(:::ced to the Ci.ty of Gilroy s. good and sufficient deed conveying title to a f\ublic u:tilit:l'r 'c;a3ement over tnl;; aid pr(2Jnh,e::, . It') J:k~fore Clt~;:3c:ci})ed which it is proposc-;;:d to G,ub:.:;titute for th~2 re-located easement as set forth in said Ordinance No. 594i NOV'J,ri'HEREFORE, THE MAYOR Pu.'m COMMON C01JNCIL OF Tl-'::E CITY OF GII..RO~ DO ORDAlt'ii AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following def3cr ibed easc:ment being that hereinbefore mentioned wit'hin the City of Gilroy, is hereby vacate~d and abandofl;,,'d, to \vit ~ A public utility eaf:,ement OVE::r a strip of land of a uniform width offour (4) feet, the center lim" of villi.eh if: thc~ line dividing Lots 4 and 5 of Castlc:~- wood ParI: Unit No. 3 iJb sho\>m on the official map thereof on record in the Office of the County Recorder of Scinta. Clara County. SECTION II. Th8 City Clerk is hereby directed to have a certific:d copy of this Ordinance recorded in the Office of ths County Recorde:c of Santa Clara County l California, inu"1\ediately upon its becoming effective. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force frOIl'l and after its adopti.on and approval. ADOPTED AND P}$SED this 15th day of June, 1959, by the following votes: NOES: COUNCII.ME~T: 'J t '>, , " f 1, ( COm.~CILMEN: "c' '.J) 1.-1, t (~~rr3 e":! t~J(? n t~/'l(" rty-: . (r(~;:'j 'OJ n AYES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: <01,,1 APPROVED: . -... . )l,g }3Yl C >1 f.: ~ J,1ayor ATTEST: - 2 .- " ') . ' "r City Cler}: A4~') ~.)5 Boor ':t '~Ji:~ PAGE .J:;. I, G. 8. CARR, the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy ~o hereby certify that the annexe~ copy of Ordinance ~05 has been comnared by me with, and is a full. true and correct CODY of the whole of such Ordinance duly adopted at and apnearin~ amonv the official minutes of a re~ular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. held on the 15th day of June, 1959. at which a quorum w~s present. 1// ..z / ~./i) l ell. {/ City Clerk 6f the City of Gilrov. Cou~ty of Santa Clara, State of California. lG4!>>429 · 'OOf 44 r.;;,J '. V,_ PAGf5?:] FILE 0 F 0 Pi ;.1 E C 0 fW "-' /)..AT P r: r' ~.. (l e. c L J;titTh;;~~~~ ~ C'I' I' I" SA~{rA ..' "..... "I '" il..... r '~jUN7 y t::tt.;, ,,-'i' jJ II