Redevelopment Agency 1017025S F:F:CORDED AT Hl:QUEST OF' AND \'ilIEN RECORDED MAIL TO: /~ " V ~ (,,<- <'. vV 'V"'r"\v , 0'''' Ov ~ 0 r,x;V ~'\ G Goldfarb ar.d Lipman ,_ :\ '\ ~" One l'iontgomery Street 00 ~~...\'< ~y, \':v\ Tel<2s.i.s Tower ~\\~c5" Twerty-Third Floor ,Q'" :'\ \.;> San Francisco, CA 94]04~9~~'\() Attn: Linda Iv:audlin (',CPO~'O av '\ '\ ,. 0 'O~ STATEMENT OF INSTITUTION OF REDEVELOPMENT prOCEEDINGS f I ~_ L J r '.J' .J :. \ , AT ~,UJ~j~S~ Of JUl G lZ 51 PM '89 u: 't' i.' ,\1 !1I';' SA",,', L ' :': , ,'!-i t It:, t ~ - '.~ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that proceedings for the redevelop~ent of the City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment Project Area (the "Project Area") have been instituted under California Com~unity Redevelop~ent Law, Pealth and Safety Code Sections 3JCCO et ~. The Project Area is situated in tl:e Cour.ty 0: E~2r:ta Clara, City of Gilroy, State of California, and 15 more particularly described on Exhibit: 1\ C'tt-achod l~ereto cJ.:-;C: LY this reference made cJ. pilrt- hereof. '1' 11 i s S t cJ. t e r.~ en tis m a c1 e '" n d f i Ie cl P'~ r s l~ art to If e a 1 t h and Safety Code Section 33373. f:'" tc'd: ,J \l 1\' h, llJ i-)9 Community Developrnert Agency of the' City Cjf Gilroy Dy: _~~/ f}~ I.li chae 1 norn D'-'~HltJ' Execut~L\'0 ril-(~ctor 05/09/89 #01:)/849702 Exhibit "A" DESCR I PT I CJI Of TIE P'r:OPOStD tin Of IillROY ~In IEDfYELCAEIfl PIOJECT MfA The proposed City of Gilroy COllmrlity Redevel~t Project Area consists of two non'contiguous perts, the larger of which includes portions of the original community (and which hiS two exceptions), while the aeetter pert includes the City lewlge trelt~t facilities lends, III II ~re perticularly described IS follows: ,.ARCH OWE (, leginning at the louthwest conner of that certain percel (APN 783.18'8) located It the northwest conner of the Intersection of Monterey Roed and Golden Glte Avenue in the City of Gilroy, Slntl Clara County, California, which Point of 8eginning Is Ilso on the northern rlght.of'vIY line of Golden G.te Avenue; thence elst along laid rlght.of....y line and louthern ~operty line of uid percel 2,097.15 feet, ~re or less, to I point opposite the louthwest conner of laid Interlection; thence louth Icross Golden Glte Avenue 75 feet, ~re or less, to the louthwest conner of ,aid Inter' lectlon; thence continuing louth along the western rlght'of'vIY line of Monterey loed 1,Z59.40 feet to a point on the northern ~operty line of I certain percel (APW 783- 19.1) located on Monterey load; thence ellt 30 feet, rd thence louth 734.44 feet, to the northeast conner of I certain percel (APW 783'19-10) loclted on Monterey load; thence west 846 feet to the northwest conner of laid percel; thence aouth 1,248.91 feet to the aouthwest corner of aaid percel, laid percel conner being located on the northern right'of- ..y line of Day load; thence ellt IlOl'l\l uid right-of- ...y line rd p"operty line 846 feet to the louthellt ~nner of uid parcel; thence louth 40 feet, ~re or lHs, acrOlI Day load, to the louth. ~t conner of the interlectlon of Monterey load and Day loed; thence continuing aouth 1,078.69 feet, ~re or less, to the north, ..It conner of I certain parcel (APN 790-6'29) located on Monterey load; thence west Ilong the northern property line of laid percel, rd I contirr.ation of uid property line, 1,319 feet, ~re or leu, to the aouth.a.t conner of I certain interior percel (APW 790-6-6) located off Monterey load; thence north 50 feet to the northelst corner of uid percel; thence welt 345 feet to the northwest conner of uid parcel; thence louth 750.20 feet, ~re or less, to the aouthweat ~nner of I certain adjacent interior percel (APtl 790.6.32) located off Monterey load; thence elst 957 feet, ~re or IHs, to the northwest conner of a certaIn parcel (APW 790.7-1> located on Monterey load; thence louth 833.13 feet, ~re or lHs, to the northweat conner of the interlection of Church Street and Flrrell Avwnue; thence ~t along the northern right,of'vay line of -1- Farrell Avenue 126.74 f~t, end theree louth 10 f~t, and theree egain ~t 910.67 f~t, 8Dre or less, to the northeast corner of the intersection of Farrell Avenue and Wren Avenue; c. theree contiraJing ~t 40 feet, 8Dre or lesl, acroSl Wren Avenue to a point on the weltem ri~t'of'way line of said avenue; theree louth along the ~tem right'of.way line of Wren Avenue 907 feet, 8Dre or l~s, to the northwest corner of the interlectlon of Wren Avenue and Tatl.ll AII'ef"IUe; theree cont i raJi ng louth acrosl Tatl.ll Avenue 40 f~t, more or 1~1, to the louthwe.t corner of laid intersection; theree ~t 207.8 f~t to the northwest corner of that certain parcel (APN 790'17-11) located on Tatl.ll Avenue at Wren Avenue; theree south 668.5 feet to the louthwest corner of laid parcel; theree east 206.3 feet to the louthealt corner of .aid parcel; theree louth along the weltem right'of.way line of Wren Avenue 1,039 feet, 8Dre or les., to a point ~ite the .outhwelt corner of a certain parcel (~ 790- 26'47), loc.ted on the ea.t .ide of Wren Avenue, which parcel i. a part of the City of Gilroy la. Ani..s Park; theree ealt 66 feet, 8Dre or Ie.., acrOl' Wren Avenue to .aid .outh~t corner of ..id parcel; theree ealt 475 feet, IIOre or less, and theree .outh 440 feet, 8Dre or les., and theree east 1,650 f~t, 8Dre or l~., to the northwest corner of a certain parcel (APN 790-28-1) located on Church Street; theree .outh 612.65 f~t to the northea.t corner of a certain parcel (APN 790-28-5) located on ElSt Coort at welt:r.Jm Avenue; theree west along the northern property line of .aid parcel 54 f~t, 8Dre or less, to the east em right- of-way line of East Court; theree contiraJing welt 9S feet, 8Dre or In., acrOlI ealt Court to the weltern right'of'way line of East Court; theree contiraJing ~t along the northern property lines of thOle parcel. located along Welt:r.Jm Avenue 137.49 feet to the ealtem right.of....y line of Nama Street: theree contiraJing west 6e feet, 8Dre or In., acrOl' Nama Str~t to the westem rlght-of-...y line of Nanna Street: there. contiraJing west along the northem property I ine. of thOle parcel. located along welt:r.Jm Avenue 416.03 feet to the "Itern right'of- way line of Diane Court: theree contiraJing welt 50 feet acro.. Diane Court; there. contlraJing west 105 feet, and theree .outh 14 f~t, and theree ~t 100 feet to the ea.tem rlght-of....y line of Cal'1llel Street: theree contin.Jing Wit 67.5 het acrOlI Cal'1llel Street; theree north along the western right'of'way line of Can.el Str~t 14 feet: there. welt lOO feet to the ea.tem rlght-of-...y line of Dorll Court: theree welt 50 feet acrOl' Dorl. Court: theree contlraJlng welt 100 feet, end thence .outh 5.75 f~t, 8Dre or lnl, end theree welt 113.96 feet to the .altem rlgnt-of-...y line of Waylend Lane: theree welt- 60 feet acrOlI Wayland l_; theree north 32.~ f~t along the weltem rignt-of....y I ine of Waylrd Lane: theree welt 181.40 f~t to the .a.tem rlght'of-w.y line of La Alondra Way; there. welt 60 feet acrOl' La Alondra Way; thenca -2- south along the western right-of-way line of La Alondra Way 49.38 f~t, ~re or less, to the northeast corner of a certain percel (APIj 7'90-24-10) located on Welburn Aven.oe; th~e west along the northern property line of said percel, and a continuation of said property line, 576.77 f~t to the eastern right-of-way line of Wren Aven.oe; thence continuing west 60 f~t ecross Wren Aven.oe to the ~tern right-of-way line of said str~t; (, thence south along said ~tern rlght-of-....y line 260 f~t to a point opposite the southwest corner of a certain percel (APIj 7'90-24-19) fronting on We I burn Aven.oe; thence east 60 f~t across Welburn Aven.oe to said southwest corner of said percel; thence continuing ust along the southern property line of uid p.rcel, end a continuation of said property line, 430 f~t, thence contin- uing east 69.39 f~t, and thence esst 74.81 f~t, to the southeast corner of a certain percel (APIj 7'90-24-27) fronting on Welburn Aven.oe; thence north 27.63 f~t along the .astern property line of said percel; thence east 95.63 f~t to the ~tern right'of-way line of La Palome Way; thence .ast 60 f~t across La Palame Way to the southwest corner of a certain percel (APIj 7'90-24-31) fronting on We I bum Aven.oe; thence east along the southern property line of said percel, end a continuation of said property line, 130.48 f~t, and thence .ast 70.'1 f~t, to the western right-of-way line of Wayland Lane; thence .ut 60 f~t across Wayland Lane to the southwest corner of that certain percel (APIj 7'90-31-1> fronting on Welburn Aven.oe; thence east along the southern property line of Hid p.rcel end other pe~els fronting on We I burn Aven.oe 454.44 feet to the ~tem rlght.of- way line of Ca~l Str~t; tflence ...t 75 feet ecraas Ca~l Street to the Hatem rlght-of-....y line of s.ld street; thence north alon; the Hltem right-of-way line of Ca~l Str~t 25 f~t to the southwest corner of a cerUln p.rcel (APtl 7'90-34-8) fronting on Welbum Aven.oe; thence ...t along the southern property line of Hid p.rcel, end . continuation of Hid property line, 300 f~t to the ~tem right- of-way line of lilenwood 11*:1; thence .ut 60 feet ecraas Clenwood 11*:1 to the Hstem rlght.of.....y line of Clenwood 11*:1; thence continuing ..st alon; the aouthern property lines of thOle p.rcels fronting on We I burn Aven.oe 300 feet to the __tern right-Of-way line of Hanne Street; thence aouth along the Neltern rl~t'of-....y line of Nama Street 61.M feet to a point oppD5lte the southwest ccrner of a ceruln p.rcel (APN 7'90-34-52) fronting on Welburn Awnue; thence .ut 75 feet ecroll Hma Str~t to Hid southwest ccrner of said p.rcel; thence .alt Ilong the southern property line of Hid p.rcel, end I contlruatlon of .ald property line, 260 feet te- the __Urn rl~t'of-...y line of LI Coche Way; thence eest 75 feet ecrOls La Coche Way to the Hltern right-of-way line of LI Coche w.y; thence north Ilong said Hltern rlght-of-....y line U6.M feet to the aouthust ccrner of the Intereactlon of Wilburn Awnue end La Codle Way; -)- th~e ust along th. louthern rlght'of-.,.y line of Welburn Avenue 337.79 f~t to the louth~st conner of the Interlectlon of Welburn Avenue and Church Str~t; th~e louth along the ~stern right-of-way line of Church Str~t 559.73 f~t to a point which II the northeast conner of a certlin parcel (APN 790-36-2) fronting on Church Str~t; th~e ~t Ilong the northern property line of laid parcel 337.79 f~t to the north~t conner of laid parcel; th~e louth 85 f~t, ~re or 1~1, to the louthwest conner of laid parcel; th~e louthwest 63.99 f~t, and th~e louth 737.24 f~t to the northeast conner of the Interlection of La Coche W.y and Broadway; th~e louth 20 f~t acrosl BroadwlY to a point on the louthern right-of-way line of IroadwlY; th~e ellt along th. louthern rlght-of'wlY line of Iroadw.y 344 f~t, ~r. or 1..1, to the loutheast conner of the interlectlon of Church Str~t and Broadway; th~e louth along the western rlght-of.w.y of Church Str~t. crossing Gurri.. Drl..... 355.63 f~t to the north~t conner of the intersection of Church Str~t and the Illey bet~ Gurrl.. Drive and First Str~t; th~e west Ilong the northern rlght.of....y line of laid alley 675.3 f~t. ~re or I.... to the northea,t corner of the Intersection of aaid alley and Henne Street; th~e north Ilong the eastern right-of-way line of Henne Str~t 150 f~t, .ore or l~s. to a point opposite the northe.lt conner of a certain parcel (APN 790-32-41) fronting on Henne Str~t; C' th~e west 75 f~t acrosl Ha~ Str~t to the northellt corner of I.id parcel; th~. ~.t along the northern property line of Illd parcel 130 f~t to the northwest conner of Illd parcel; th~e louth along the western property line of laid parcel 58 feet. .ore or I..,. to the southwest conner of laid parcel; thence west along the northern property I ines of those plIrcell fronting on Firlt Str~t 219.75 f~t to a point on the elltern rlght-of-...y line of Slr~t Street; thence west 60 f~t acrosl Sar~t Street to the north~t conner of thl interlectlon of Sargent Str~t and the Illey bet~ Iroedway and Flr.t Street; thence west along the louthern property lines of those propertl.. fronting on Broadw.y 350.5 f~t. ~re or I.... to the northellt corner of the inter. section of Clrwel Str~t and uld Illey; theree north 30 feet. ~,.. or les.. to I point opposite the northel.t conner of a certlln parcel (APtl 790-32-33) fronting on Clrwel Street; thence west 60 f~t acrosl Clnnel Str~t to the northealt corner of laid parcel; th~e west Ilong the northern property line of laid parc.l 100 feet to the northwest conner of laid parc.l; thence north 5 feet. to the northelst corner of a c.rtlln parcel (APtl 790-32-49 Iltuated between Iroedway and Firlt Street; th~e west Ilong the northern property line of uld parcel. and I contlruatlon of laid property line. 216.26 feet. ~r. or I.... and th~e louth 45 feet. ana thence Wit n.45 f~t. ~r. or IHI. to a point on the 'Istern rlght-of....y line of W.yland Lane; th~. -4- west 63 f~t, ~re or less, across Weylend Lene to a point on the western right-of-wey line of laid lene; th~e louth along the western right-of-way line of Weyland Lene 155 f~t, ~re or less, to the north~t corner of the interlection of "iller Avenue end Flrlt Str~t; th~e louth 66 f~t, wore or less, across Firlt Str~t to the louthwest conner of leid interlection; th~e louth along the western right-of-wey line of "iller Avenue 269.93 f~t, to a point opposite the louthwest conner of a certain percel (AP~ 799-21-39) bounded by "iller Avenue, Firlt Str~t and Princevelle Str~t; th~e east 80 f~t across "I ller Avenue to uid louthwest conner of leld percel; th~e eest 77.78 f~t, and th~e east 102.21 f~t to the loutheast conner of laid percel, .aid corner being allo the northwest conner of the Interlection of Princevelle Str~t and the alley litueted betwe<<l Princevalle Str~t and Second Str~t; th~e ust 60 f~t acrosl Princevalle Str~t to a point on the ealtern right-of'way line of princevalle Str~t; ( th~e north Ilong the "Item rlght-of-~y line of Prince- valle Str~t 31 f~t, ~re or lesl, to the louthwest corner of I certain percel (AP~ 799-21-9) fronting on Princevalle Str~t; th~e east Ilong the louthern ~operty line of laid percel 133.04 f~t to the .outheast conner of .aid percel, Ilid conner 1110 being on the weltern right-of-way line of the Illey betwe<<l princevelle Str~t and ClnBel Str~t; th~e louth Ilong the ~tern right-of- ~y line of Ilid alley 30 f~t, ~re or lell, to I point opposite the .outhwest conner of I certlin percel (APN 799-21-2) fronting on CanBel Str~t; th~e ellt Ilong the louthern ~operty line of Ilid percel 133.04 f~t to the loutheast conner of laid percel, laid comer IllO being on the ~tern right-of-lAIY line of ClnBel Str~t; th~e louth Ilong the ~tern rlght-of-lAIY line of ClnBel Str~t, crOSlin; Second Str~t, 1,427.Z8 feet, ~re or leIS, to the louthwest comer of the Interlection of Thir-d Str~t and Canllel Str~t: th~e .llt Ilong the aouthern right'of'w.y line of Thir-d Str~t, crOSlin; CanBel Street, Dowdy Street and Mwna Str~t, 955.00 f~t, ~re or lesl, to the aouthweat conner of the inter- IKtion of Thir-d Str~t and the Illey betwe<<l Mwna Str~t and loswna Str~t; th~e louth IlOf"G the wstern right'of-lAIY line of ..id liley, crosling Fourth Street and Fifth Street, 1,781.93 f~t, ~re or I..s, to the northwest corner of the InterlKtion of ..id alley and w..t Sixth St~t: ttlence ~t alOf"G the northern rlght-of-..y II,. of Sixth Street, crOllln; Ham. Street, 375 feet to the northWest C1>nner of the InterlKtion of w..t Sixth Str~t and the Illey between Dowdy Str~t and Mam. Street; thanee aouth Ilon; the ~tern rlght'of-~y line of ..id alley, c~lir'G w..t Sixth Street, 62J f~t, ~re or lesl, to the northwest conner of the IntersKtion of West Seventh Street and .lld Illey; thence wst 110f"G the northern right-of-lAIY line of w..t Seventh Street, c~lif"G Dowdy Str~t, 375 feet to the northwest conner of the Int.rsKtion to West -5- S~Vfflth Str~t end the alley betw-en Ca~l Str~t end Dowdy Str~t; thenc~ .outh along th~ west~rn right-of-way line of .ald all~y, crossing ~t S~Vfflth Str~t, 63a f~t to th~ north~t corner of the Inters~tion of ~t Ei;ht Str~t and .aid alley; thence ~t along th~ northern right-of-way line of ~t Eighth Str~t, crossing Cannel Str~t end Princ~valle St~t, 561.Ge f~t to th~ north~t conner of the Int~r.~tlon of Welt Eighth Str~t end Princ~vall~ Str~t; ( thence aouth along th~ ~t~rn ri;nt-of-~ line of Prince- valle Str~t, crossing Ei;hth, Ninth end Tenth Str~t., 1,179.68 feet to th~ .outh~st corner of the Inters~tion of Princevalle Street and Tenth Str~t; thence east along the louthern right-of-way line of Tenth Str~t, crossing Prlncevalle Str~t, C{envie-w Drive end Roserna Str~t, 1,710.96 f~t, ~re or less, to the north~t conner of a certain percel (APN 799-32-43) fronting on West Tenth Str~t; thence south along the ~tern property line of ,aid percel, end a continuation of said property line, 285.14 f~t. to the .outh~t conner of that certein percel (APN 799-32-44) fronting on Church Str~t; thence eest elong the .outhern property line of .aid percel 120.27 f~t to the ~tern right-of-way of Church Str~t; thence .outh along the ~tern right-of-way line of Church Str~t 72 f~t, and thence continuing south 37.56 f~t, end thence 26.93 f~t, end thence 60.01 f~t, end thence 62.95 f~t, end thence 63.90 f~t, end thence 47.82 feet, to a point ~ite the .outh~t conner of a certain percel (~ 799-33-41) fronting on Church Street at Southgate Court; thence east 75 f~t across Church Str~t to the ~th~t conner of .aid percel; thence continuing eut along the ~thern property line of uid percel, end a continuation of uid property line, 326.79 feet to the north~t conner of that certain percel (APW 799-33-42) fronting on Monterey Roed at Eleventh Street; thence aouth along the ~tern property line of uld percel rid a continuation of uid property tine, crossing Ele-vwnth Street, 969.16 f~t to the .outh~t corner of a certain percel (APN 799-33-43) fronting on Monterey Roed at Eleventh Street; thence eut along the .outhern property line of uld perce I 210 f~t, ~~ or lea., to a point opposite the north~t conner ofa certain percel (APN 799-46-6) front ing on Monterey Roed; thence louth 55 f~t across a certain percel (APN 799-35-14) of the Santa Clara Valley Water District to the north~t corner of laid percel fronting on Monterey Roed; thence louth along the ~tern property line of ufd percel, end a continuation of uid property line, 566.59 f~t to the .outhwest conner of a certain perc.l (APW 799-46-7) fronting on Monterey Roed; thence east along the .outhern property line of uld percel 101.90 fHt, end thence 110 fHt, to the .outheast conner of .aid percel, uld point allo being on the ~tern ri;ht-of-way of Monterry Roed; thence .outh along the ~tern rlght-of-WIIY I I,. of Monterry Roed, c~sing lLCh"lI -6- ( , Av~, 915 f~t. ~r~ or l~s, to the louth~st corner of the Interl~tion of Monterey Highway end Luch~sa Av~; l~ thence east acrosl "ont~rey Highway 178 f~t, ~re or l~s, to the louth~ast corner of the Interl~tlon of "ont~rey Hi;hway and Luch~sa Avenue; thence louth end louth~ast lKong the eastern right-of'way line of Mont~rey Highway 1,682 f~t, ~re or l~s. to the north~st corner of the Int~rl~tlon of "ont~rey Highway and the South Vall~y freeway (Stat~ Rout~ 101); thence continuing aouth~ast across th~ freeway 760 f~t, ~re or 1~1, to a point on the east~rn right-of-way line of the freeway; thence louth along the eastern right-of-way line of the f~ay 1,652 f~t, ~re or lt$s, to the louth~st corner of a certain parcel (APN 841-14-66) fronting on the freeway frontege road; thenc~ east along th~ louthern ~operty line of Illd parcel 1,560.40 f~t, ~r~ or less, to th~ louth~ast corner of laid percel, which point II allo on the west rlght'of-way line of the South~rn Pacific Railroad; thenc~ north along th~ ~t rl;nt'of'way line of th~ railroad 2,679 f~t, ~r~ or l~s, to a point on aald rlght-Of'way; thence east across laid right-of'way 105 f~t, ~re or less, to a point on the east right-of-way line of the railroad; thence louth along th~ east right-of'way line of the railroad 2,679 f~t, ~re or l~s. to a point on laid rlght-of-wey line, which point Is allo the louth~st corner of a certain parcel (APN 841-15-109); thence east along th~ louth ~operty line of laid percel, end a continuation of ufd ~operty line, which II the louth rlght-of'way line of Southside Drive, 1,655 feet, ~re or les., to th~ aoutheast corner of th~ tnterl~tlon of Southllde Drive end RosII Lene; thence north along th~ "Item rl;ht'of-wey line of Rossi Lene 2,444.~ f~t, ~re or t..l, to the aouthwelt conner of that certain parcel (APN 841-15-11) frontlr'41 on RosII Lene; thence east along the louthem ~operty line of said parcel 1,820.5 feet to the loutheast corner of said parcel: thence north al ~ the "I tem ~operty II ne of u I d par~ l, end a contlr-uatlon of aald ~operty line, 2,010 f~t, ~re or l..s, to the aouth~t corner of that certain parcel (APN 841,17- 31) frontlr'41 on the pacneco Pan Highway frontege road; thence .ut .l~ tM aouthern ~operty line of aald parcel, end . contlr-uatlon of said ~rty line, 2,336.46 feet to the loutheast corner of that certain parcel (APN 841-17-4) fronting on Paeh~o Pa.s Mlghway; thence louth 344.25 f~t to the louth~t corner of that tertaln parcel (APN 841-17-5) frontlr'41 on Pach~o Pal. Highway; thence MIt alon; th. aouth~m ~operty line of laid parcel 692.e1 feet to the aouthHlt corner of said parcel; thence north alon; the "It ~operty line of said parcel 715.56 feet, ~re or lea., to the northeut conner of laid parcel, wtllct\ point fa allo on the louth rlght-of-..y line pacneco Pan Highway; thence .ut alon; the louth rl;nt'of-wey line of P8Checo P..I Highway 40 feet, ~re or leal, to I point on laid rlght-of-wey line, wtllch point II .llo the north- -7- ~t corner of I certlln percel (APN &41-17-63) fronting on Pacheco PISS Highway; thence louth along the ~t property line of Illd parcel 1,128.70 f~t, MOre or lesl, and thence louthealt Ilong the louth~tern property line of Ilid parcel 712.02 f~t to the louth~t corner of thlt certlin percel (APN &41'17-64) aituated on Llegas Cr~k; thence east along the aouthem property line of said percel 1,059.95 f~t to the aouthealt conner of Ilid parcel; thence north Ilong the eastern property line of said percel 23. 16 f~t, thence contirY./ing north 511. 15 f~t, and thence 168.89 f~t and thence 134.25 f~t, ( and thence 22.37 f~t, and thence 187.05 f~t to the aouthwest conner of thlt certain parcel of the Santi Clarl VIlley Wlter Dlltrict (APN &41-17-59) fronting on Pacheco Pili Highway; thence east Ilong the louthern property line of said parcel 100. 79 f~t to the aouthellt corner of said parcel; thence north along the elltern property line of Slid parcel 122. 166 f~t, and thence 166. 188 f~t, and thence 245.19 f~t, and thence 359.4~ f~t and thence 190.79 f~t to the northellt corner of Illd parcel, alid point IllO being on the louthem right-of-way lfne of Pacheco Pili Highway; thence north acrOlI Plcheco Pili HighwlY 125 feet, .ore or 11S1, to I point on the northem rfght'of-way lfne of the highway; thence west Ilong the northem rlght-of-wlY lfne of the highwlY 6,144 f~t, .ore or lesl, to the louthealt conner of that certlin percel (APN &41-10-37) loclted at pacneco PIli HighwlY and hnz Lane; thence north Ilong the elstem property line of laid parcel, and I contin- uation of Ilid property line, 963.59 f~t to the northelst corner of that certlln parcel (APN &41-10-57) fronting on Renz Lane; thence west Ilong the northem property line of Illd parcel 292.65 f~t to I point on the ...tern right-of-way lfne of Renz Lane; thence north Ilong IIld eHtem right-Of-way line 75.36 f~t to the louthelst corner of thlt c.rtlln parcel (APN &41-10-27) fronting on Renz Lane; thence contirY./ing north along the .astem property line of said parc.l 373.94 feet to the northellt corner of said parcel; thence west along the north.rn property lfne of aald parcel 29.Z5 f~t to I point on the .astem right-Of-way line of the South Vllley Fr~y; thence north Ilong clld eaatem rlght'of- way line 953.78 f~t to the louthellt corner of the Interlactlon of the fr~y and Gll~ Road, II1fch point fa alao on tha northern property line of the Ronan Channel of the Santi Cllrl Valley Wlt.r Dlltrlct; thence ellt Ilong laId north property line of the Ronan Ch8rYlel 262.'" f~t, MOre or Ie.., and thence contlrY./lng ...t 1,600 f~t, .ore or 1lSI, to the aouthellt conner of that certlin parcel (APN 841-111-45) fronting on Gll-.n Road; thence north along the e..tem property line of laid parcel 607.95 feet to I point on the aouthem rlght'of-WlY line of GlllMn Road; thence north acro.. Gi I.,., Road 75 feet t~ I -point on the northern rlght'of-way line of saId road; thence WItt along the northem right-of-way line of 'Il~ Road 570 f~t, ~e or lHI, to the northellt corner of the i -8- fnt~rl~tion of Cil-.n Road end c.mino Arroyo; tn~~ nortn Ilong tn~ elst~nn right-of'wlY line of c.mino Arroyo ers f~t. .or~ or less, to I point on tn~ loutn~rn property line of tnlt c~rtlin perc~l (APW a41'69-14) fronting on Camino Arroyo; tn~~ elst Ilong tne loutnern property line of Ilid perc~l 1.019.95 f~t to tn~ loutn~est conner of Ilid perc~l; tn~~ nortn Ilong tne elst~rn property line of Ilid perc~l, end I continuation of leid perc~l, 4.156.49 f~t to I point on tn~ loutnenn right-of'wey line of L.lvel I ry Road; l tn~~ west Ilong tn~ loutnenn right-of-w.y line of L~lvesl~y Road 15 f~t, .or~ or less, to I point on Ilid rignt'of.wey line opposite tn~ .outn~ast conner of I c~rt.in percel (APW 835-4-41> fronting on tn~ nortn .i~ of Lelve-slry Road; tn~e nortn across Lelveslry Road 60 f~t to said perc~l corner; tn~~ nortn Ilong tn~ eest property line of Ilid percel 170 f~t, 8Or~ or less. to tne nortn~est conner of Ilid percel; tn~~ west Ilong tne nortn property line of Ilid perc~l 405.~ f~t. 8Or~ or less. to tn~ nortnwest conner of Ilid percel; tn~~ loutn along tne ~tern property line of Ilid perc~l 170 f~t to I point on tne nortnern right-of-wey line of l~aveslry Road; tn~~ west along 'lid nortn~rn rignt-of-wlY line 166.46 f~t to tne ,outneast corner of tnlt c~rtlin parcel (A~ 835-4-16) fronting on lelve-sl~y Road; tn~~ nortn along tn~ 'lsteMn property line of Ilid percel 270 f~t to tn~ nortnelst conner of Ilid percel; tn~~ west Ilong tn~ north~nn property line of said percel 210 f~t to a point on tn~ ..,unn rlght-of....y ltne of ~ hidro Avenue; th~~ north alon; the ..'tenn rlgnt.of....y line of San y,idro Avenue 3.530 feet to the aoutnel't conner of th~ Inters~tion of San y,ldro Avenue end ll' Anl..s Avenue; tn~e .Ist .long tn~ aouth~nn rlght'of-...y ltne of III Ani..s Avenue 7!5 f~t, .ore or less, to tne northelst corner of tnlt certain parcel (AP~ 835,4-51> fronting on '-n hidro A--.ue .t LIS Ani_, A~; thence nortn . ecrou La. Ani.., Avenue 40 f~t to a point on tne north~nn rlght.of....y line of LI' Anl..s Avenue, which point II .1'0 th~ aouthel.t conner of thlt oertlin perc~l (AP~ 835'5-1) fronting on La. Ani... Avenue; thanee north alon; the .lsteMn ~rty line of uid parcel, end I C<<ltl,.".tlon of uld property ltne, 1,864.19 f~t to I point on the louthenn rlgnt-of....y line of ton_ey Avenue; thenc~ north KrOl. ton_ry Awn.Jt 50 f~t to I point on tne northenn rlgnt-of-...y line of uld lvenue; thenc~ ~t Ilong the northenn rlght-of-...y ltne of uid lvenue ~.09 feet, end tnenc~ north a feet, end thanee west, Crol' I ng tn~ fr_y frontl~ N*l end the Couth VIllry f~y and C<<ltinJing Ilong the north rlgnt.of....y I fne of ton_ry Avenue 535 f~t, 80re or I..... to a point on said rlght.of....y ltne, Wlich point I, allo the nortttwe&t conner of a certlln parcel (~ 835-5-16) fronting on ton_ey Avenue; tnanee louth alon; the west ~rty line of said percel and I contll'1Ultlon of said pn:lptrty line 1,735 feet, 8Or. or les., -9- to the northeast corner of that certain percel (APN a35- 5-4) front ing on Lu Ani..a A~; thence ~t along the northern property line of aaid percel 331 f~t to the north~t corner of aaid percel; thence aouth along the ~tern property line of uid percel 180.25 f~t to a point on the northern rlght-of-WIIY line of Lu Anillllla A~; thence ~st along the northern right-of-way line of Las Animea Av~ 1,710 f~t, ~re or lesa, to the northeast corner of the Interaection of Las Ani... Av~ end Monterey Road; thence north along the eastern right-of-way I ine of Monterry Road, crossing CoI'lensey Averue, Buena Vi.ta Av~ end Denio A~, 7,270 f~t, ~re or lea., to a point opposite the northeaat corner of that certain percel (APN 783-18- 7> fronting on Monterry Road; thence ~st acron Monterry R~ 130 f~t, ~re or less, to the northeast corner of .aid percel; thence west along the northern property line of .aid percel 2,127.15 f..t to the northwest corner of .ald percel; thence .outh along the western property line of uld percel, end a continuation of .aid property line, 629.38 f..t to the Point of Beglmlng. EJlC'ePt i on One Thou properties .Ituated In the city block bo.rded on the north by East Ninth Str~t, on the ~t by Alexander Str~t, on the louth by hst Tenth Str..t end on the eut by Chestl"lJt Str~t. L' EJlC'ePt i on T we Those propertl.. located at the loutheaat corner of the fnteraection of Eaat Tenth Str~t end Chestnut Str~t: epeelf- Ically those percela boI.nOed on the north by hat Tenth Str~t, on the west by Chestnut Str..t, on the aouth by the .outhern property line of a certain percel (APN 841-66-16), which property line la no f~t aouth of Eaat Tenth Str..t, ~re or l..a, and on the Hat by the South Valley freeway. P'ARcrl 'NO ~Inn;ng at the northwest corner of that certain percel (APN 841-30-12) located e.st of the Southern P.clflc .allroad rlght'of-way; thence .outh along the ~tern property lfne of aald percel and the Hatem rlght-of-WIIY line of the railroad 2,540 f..t, ~re or l..a, to the aouthwest corner of .ald parcel; thence Hst along the .outhern property line of .aid percel ',853 f~t, ~re or l..a, and thence contll"lJlng eut 934 f..t, ~re or lesa, to a point on the eaat property line of laid percel; thence north along the eut property line of aald perce I 34 f~t, ~re or l..a, and thenca eaat 40 f~t, JIOre or I ua, end thence .outh , 00 f~t, ~re or lesa, end thence .ast 803 f~t, ~re or less, to a point on the ~t property line of a certain parcel (APN 841,30- "); thence -10- .outh along the Nestenn property line of laid percel 1,489.554 f~t to the .outhwest co~r of laid percel, which point Is also on the northern property line of a certain percel (AP~ 841-30-2); thence Nest along the northenn property line of lIid percel 538.984 f~t to the northwest co~r of laid percel; thence louth along the Nestenn property line of laid percel 1,414.974 f~t to the louth- west co~r of .aid parcel; thence elst along the .outhenn property line of .aid percel 1,558.128 f~t to the loutheast co~r of Ilid percel, which II allo located on the western property line of a certain percel (APW 841-29-19) located on Llagls Cr~k; thence .outh along laid NeStem property line of IIld percel 1,010 f~t, ~re or less, to the IOUthwest co~r of .ald percel; ( thence "It along the .outhem property line of laid percel 1,544.36 f~t to the loutheast co~r of .aid parcel; thence north along the eastenn property line of .ald percel 496.02 f~t, end thence contiraJing north 551.01 f~t, end thence 600 f~t, and thence 430.03 f~t, end thence 476 f~t, end thence S49.47 f~t, end thence 150.eJ fe-et, end thence 300.04 fe-et, end thence 342.25 f~t, end thence 135.91 f~t to the northeast co~r of said percel; thence east along the .outhenn property line of a certlin percel (AP~ 841-29-13) 990.82 f~t, ~re or less, to the louthelst co~r of Ilid percel; thence north along the .altenn property line of laid percel 1,659.24 feet to the northealt co~r of Ilid percel; thence wst alClrG the north property line of laid percel, end a contlruatlon of laid property line, 4,264 f~t, ~re or leu, to the northwest co~r of a certain percel (~ 841-29- 14), which point II allo on the ..stenn property line of a certain percel (APW 841-15-4) frontlr'G on the louth Ilde of Southslde .oed; thence north along the ...tern property line of .aid percel, end a contin- uation of laid property line, cr~slr'G Southllde Roed, 165 fe-et, ~re or 1"1, to the IOUth.ast co~r of a certain percel (AP~ 841-15-5) fr-ontlr'G on the north Ilde of Southllde Roed; thence NeSt along the louthem property line of laid percel, end. contlrLWtion of laid property line end the northem rlgM-of-...y line of Sovth- aide Roed, 635 feet, ~r. or Ie.., to a point opposite the north- wst co~r of I certain percel (~ 841-15-73); thence .outh ecross Southslde Rced 58 feet, ~re or 1"1, to the northwest co~r of laid percel; thence IOUth Ilong the ""tem property line of .ald percel 1,023.44 f~t to the IOUth,,"t co~r of .aid percel, which point fl allO on the northenn property line of a certlln percel (~ 841-30'12); thence Nest alClrG the northenn property line of laid percel 2,709.11 feet, to the northwst corner of laid perc.I, which II allQ the Point of t.ginnlr'G. -11- (, H...y. 152 ..hnlf-III Dr, : .. . . " ,----.---- . I ~ l r----1 I r.-1 \ CJ Redevelopment Project Area ___ City Limits oU -l~ t PROJECT AREA