Redevelopment Agency (2) .,f M) NO FEE FOR RECORDATION PER GOVERNMENT COD' SECTION 6107 ; 2, 1J346981 ') ,-, .-- ~ 00 en -0 t:- en "" Recorded at request of and when record return to: FILEO HJh HLGUHt; \~CO~ ',' ;{E;'~r.ST (.r t> ~ \., Os. lJ' ,r .... '1 .( ~ \ ~~7.!J '~9 Q ... _ . (1 City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Attn: City Clerk r\j() FEE ."4L ;.;-, ;'\ ',.) S OJ .'-J e.n &AI." ' ;. ~ COUNTY L '.;.i~ ~"'IiE I.lfUiHflER NOTICE OF NON-EFFECTIVENESS AND EXPUNGEMENT OF THE CITY OF GILROY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Notice is hereby given that, for the reasons set forth below, Ordinance No. 89-12 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy, dated July 5, 1989 (the "Ordinance"), adopting the City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan"), has not taken and will not take effect. Consequently, the Ordinance and Redevelopment Plan (which were recorded in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara on July 6, 1989 in Book LOll at pages 001-075 as Instrument #10170254), and the accompanying Statement of Institution of Redevelopment Proceedings (the "Statement", which was recorded in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara on July 6, 1989 in Book LOll at pages 076-088 as Instrument #10170255), are hereby expunged from the official records of the County of Santa Clara and do not constitute a lien, encumbrance or other cloud upon the title of the real property described in the Ordinance, the Redevelopment Plan and the Statement. This Notice of Non-Effectiveness and Expungement of the City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment Plan applies to that certain area designated in the Ordinance, the Redevelopment Plan and the Statement as the "City of Gilroy Community Redevelopment Project Area", as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated in this Notice by this reference. Subsequent to its adoption and prior to its effectiveness, .the Ordinance was validly referred to a vote of the electorate of the City of Gilroy pursuant to the provisions of California Health and Safety Code Section 33365 and California Elections Code Sections 4008 and 4053. At the general election of November 7, 1989, a majority of the electorate voting on the matter voted against the adoption of the Ordinance and the Redevelopment Plan. Pursuant to California Elections Code Section 4055, the result of such vote is that the Ordinance will not take effect and, consequently, the Ordinance, the Redevelopment Plan and the Statement do not e~r or in any way affect the real property described in the tached Ex 'bit Dated: I'\overnber 30, 1989 By: . Susanne Steinmetz City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (SEAL) 11/28/89 #B059B/B49702 c ..-) ti L 18 5 P~G~ u I Exhibit "A" DESCJtIPTlCJI OF THE ~ Clll OF 'ILROY aJK.Illll IEDfYElClAEIfT NOJECT Mil. The proposed City of Gilroy CClllIlU'llty !tede~l~t Project Area consiete of two non-contiguous perte, the larger of which includee portions of the original community (and which his two exceptions), while the ~ller pert includes the City 1~lge trelt~t facilities lands, all as ~re particularly deecribed as follows: PARCH DIIE c' '~Inning at the .outhwest corner of that certain percel (APN 183-18-8) loclted at the northwest corner of the intereection of Monterey !toad and Golden Gate Avenue in the City of Gilroy, Slnta Cllrl County, Califonnla, which Point of '~inning ie aleo on the northern right-of-vlY line of Golden CIte Avenue; thence elet along .aid right-of-way Une end louthenn property line of &lid percel 2,097.15 feet, ~re or lese, to I point opposite the louthwest corner of .Iid interlectlon; thence .outh Icrose Golden Glte Avenue 75 feet, ~re or lese, to the .outhweet corner of .ald inter- lectlon; thence continuing louth Ilong the weetern right-of-vlY line of Monter~ !toad 1,ZS9.40 feet to I point on the northenn property Une of I certlln parcel (APN 183- 19-1) located on Monter~ Road; thence ea.t 30 feet, end thence .outh 734.<< feet, to the northeaet corner of I certain parcel (APN 783-19-10) loclted on Monterey Road; thence west &46 feet to the northweet corner of .aid parcel; thence louth 1,248.91 feet to the .outhwest corner of Ilid percel, .aid parcel COf'ner being loc.ted on the northenn rlght-of- ..y I ine of DIY Road; thence .11t along ..id rigoht-of- way I ine end property line &46 feet to the louthea.t corner of ..Id parcel; thence louth 40 feet, ~re or l..e, ecroll Day !toad, to the .outh- Wit eorner of the interaection of Monter~ Road end O'y Road; thence contlnu'~ Iouth 1,078.69 feet, ~re or lese, to the north- ..et corner of a certlin parcel (APN 790-6-29) loclted on Monterey load; thence Wit Ilong the northenn property line of .ald percel, and a continuation of ..Id property line, ',319 feet, ~re or l..e, to the Iouthe..t corner of I certlin Interior parcel (APN 790-6-6) located off Monter~ Road; thence north 50 feet to the northeaet eonner of ..Id parcel; thence west 345 feet to the northwest corner of ..Id parcel; thence aouth 750.20 feet, ~re or lese, to the aouthwest corner of a certlin ~jlCent interior parcel (APN 790-6-32) located off Monterey Road; thence ..et 957 feet, ~re or l..., to the northwect corner of I certlln parcel (APN 790-7-1> loclted on Monterey Road; thence louth 833.13 feet. ~re or 1..5, to the northwest corner of the interlection of Church Street and ferr.ll Awruei thence west along the northenn rlgtlt-of-vay I ine of RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WRITING, TYPlfIlG. CARBON cnPIFS cr-: I' -.. '.','fRIX PRINTERS MAKe; PwR hi..." vuRAPHIC RECORD RECORDER'S MEMO l"" .. ,~ WRITING. TYPIIlJG, CARBON ::; . l~ '", IT MATRIX PRINTERS "...c; P(;Cn rHvTOGRAPHIC RECORD -1- L 185 PAGE Flrrell Avenue 126.74 feet, end thence louth 10 feet, and thence 8;ain west 910.67 feet, 8Dre or less, to the northeast corner of the intersection of Farrell Avenue and Wren Avenue; r \........ . thence continuing west 40 feet, ~re or less, KrOlS Wren Avenue to I point on the western right-of-way line of eaid IVenue; thence louth Ilong the westenn rlght-of-vay line of Wren Avenue 907 feet, 8Dre or l..s, to the northwest corner of the interlection of Wren Avenue Ind T8tUl Avenue; thence continuing louth IcrOSI T8tUl Avenue 40 feet, IIOre or leu, to the louthwest corner of uld Intereectlon; thence west 207.8 feet to the northwest corner of that certlin parcel (APN 790'17-11) loclted on TatUl Avenue It Wren Avenue; thence eouth 868.5 feet to the southwest corner of laid parcel; thence east 206.3 feet to the louthelst corner of laid parcel; thence louth Ilong the western right-of-way line of Wren Aven.Je 1,039 feet, 8Dre or 1..1, to a point opposite the louthwest corner of a certain parcel (APN 790- 26-47), loclted on the ellt side of Wren Avenue, which percel fa . part of the City of Gilroy LIS Ani..s Park; thence ealt 66 feet, ~re or lesl, KrOSI Wren Avenue to said southwest corner of Ilid percel; thence eaet 475 feet, ~re or leu, and thence louth 440 feet, ~re or less, end thence east 1,650 feet, ~re or 1..1, to the northwest corner of . certain parcel (APN 790-28-1) loclted on Church Street; thence louth 612.65 feet to the northelst corner of I certlln percel (APM 790-28-5) located on fact Court 8t welbum Avenue; thence welt Ilong the northern property line of laid percel 54 feet, ~re or less, to the elstern right- of-way line of fist Court; thence continuing welt 95 feet, ~re or l..s, KrOle Ellt Court to the western right-of-way line of East Court; thence continuing west along the northern property linea of thOle parcell located Ilong Welbunn Avenue 137.49 feet to the elltem right-of-way line of Nama Street; thence continuing WIt 6l! feet, ~re or l..s, KrOll N8I'nI Street to the Wlt.nn right-of-way line of Nanna Street; thence continuing weet along the northem property linel of those parcell loclted Ilong welbum Avenue 416.03 feet to the elltem right-of- vlY line of Diane Court; thence continuing west 50 feet acroll Oi_ Court; thence continuing west 105 feet, end thence louth 14 feet, end thence west 100 feet to the .astem right-of-way line of Cal"1llel Street; thence continuing west 67.5 feet Kross Cal"1llel Street; thence north along the western right-of-way line of Can.el Street 14 feet; thence west 200 feet to tha .Istern right-of-way line of Ooril Court; thence west 50 feet KrOll Oorll Court; thence continuing west 100 feet, and thence louth 5.7'5 feet, ~re or I..., 8nd thence west 113.96 feet to thl .astem right-of-way line of Wlylend Lane; thence west- 60 feet ecross Wlylend Lene; thence north 32.48 feet along the westem right-of-way line of Wlyland Lane; thence vest 181.40 feet to the "'tem right-of-vay line of La Alondra Way; thence vest 60 feet KrOll La Alondrl WlY; thence / RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WPjTI~ 1\"1. :YPING. CARBON COPIEe: . t,nllX PRINTERS MAKE t-l""....ri t'l1i.J1 vuAAPHIC RECORD -2- 677 l185PAGE 678 ... RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WRITING. TYPING. CARBON COPIES OR DOT MATRIX PRINTERS MAKE POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD , louth along the wee tern right-of'Nay line of La Alondra Way 49.38 feet, ~re or lese, to the northeast corner of a certlin parcel (APN 790-24-10) located on welbunn Avenue; th~e west along the northenn property line of &lid percel, end a continuation of &lid property line, 576.77 feet to the eaetern rlght'of-Nay line of Wren Avenue; thence continuing weet 60 feet ac:rOle Wren Avenue to the ~tern rlght'of'NlY line of laid Itreet; (; thence louth along Slid westenn right.of....y line 260 feet to I point opposite the louthweet corner of I certlin perce I CAPN 790-24-19) fronting on we I burn Avenue; thence east 60 feet across ~lburn Avenue to laid louthweet conner of laid parcel: thence continuing east along the louthern property line of laid percel, .-.d a continuation of Ilid property line, 430 feet, thence contin- uing eaet 69.39 feet, and thence elet 74.81 feet, to the loutheaet conner of I certlln parcel CAPN 790-24-27) fronting on ~lburn Avenue; thence north 27.63 feet along the .Ietern property line of laid percel; thence east 95.63 feet to the westenn right'of.vay line of La Pal~ Way; thence .Iet 60 feet ac:rOlS La Palome Way to the louthweet corner of a certlin parcel (APN 790-24'31) fronting on Welbunn Avenue; thence elst Itong the louthenn property line of laid parcel, end a continuation of laid property line, 130.48 feet, end thence .ast 70.11 feet, to the weetern right-of'vay line of Waylend Lene: thence .ast 60 feet IcrOIl Wayland Lane to the louthwest corner of that certain percet (APN 790'31-1) fronting on ~lburn Avenue; thence eact along the louthenn property line of Slid parcel end other parcell fronting on ~lbunn Avenue 454.44 feet to the ~tenn right'of' ..y line of Carwel Street; tttenc:e Mlt 75 feet ecroae Carwel Street to the ...tenn rlght'of'way line of Slid It~t; thence north Ilong the ..stern right'of.vay I ine of Carwel Street 25 feet to the louthwest corner of a certain parcel (APtl 790-34-8) fronting on ~lbunn AYerUe; thence .act Ilong the IOUthenn property I ine of ..Id parcel, end I continuation of Slid property line, 300 feet to the westenn rlght- of....y line of Glenwood Road; thence ..st 60 feet ac:roal Glerwood load to the ..stenn rlght.of....y I ine of GlerMlOd Road; thence contlnuh'41 ..et along the IOUthenn property lines of thou parcell frontir'4! on ~lburn Averue 300 feet to the Wltenn rlght.of....y line of Menna St~t; thence louth along the western rlght-of....y line of Menna Street 61.88 feet to I point opposite the louthwest earner of a certain parcel (APN 790-34-52) frontlr'4! on ~lbunn AV'InJe; thence .ast 75 feet ecroee Menna Street to Slid Iouthweat earner of Slid parcel; thence .act along the IOUthenn property tine of Mid parcel, end I continuation of ..Id property line, 280 feet tc the watern rlght.of....y line of LI Coche Way; thencl ..ct 75 feet ecroas LI Coche Way to the ..stenn right.of....y line of LI Coche Way; thence north Ilong Slid ..atenn rlght.of....y line 136.88 feet to the Iouthlact earner of the int.~tlon of Welburn AV'InJe .-.d LI Coche Way; -3- ,. RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WRITING, TYPIWG, CARBON COPIES OR DOT MATRIX PRINTERS MAl-a: PVOR PH01 OGRAPHIC RECoAD L185PAGE thence east .long the southern rlgnt-of-way line of welbunn Avenue 337.79 feet to the louthMest corner of the intersection of we I burn Avenue Ind Church Street; thence south Ilong the western right-of-way line of Church Street 559.73 feet to I point which il the northeaet corner of . certlin percel (APN 790-36-2) fronting on Church Street; thence welt Ilong the northern property line of aeid percel 337.79 feet to the northwelt corner of 1.ld percel; thence louth as feet, ~re or lesl, to the louthwest corner of s.ld percel; thence louthwest 63.99 feet, and thence louth 737.24 feet to the northeast corner of the interlection of La Coche W,y and Iroadway; thence louth 20 feet across IroadvlY to a point on the southern rlght-of-vay line of IroedwlY; thence elst along the louthern right-of-way line of Iroadw.y 344 feet, ~rl or l..s, to the loutheast corner of the interlectlon of Church Stre<<t and Broadw.y; thence louth along the western rlgnt-of-vay of Church Street, crossing Gurrln Drlw, 355.63 feet to the northwelt corner of the intereection of Church Street and the alley between Gurrln Dri~ .nd Firet Street; thence west .long the northenn right-Of-way line of Illd .ll~ 675.3 feet, ~re or lnl, to the northeast corner of the intersection of laid .ll~ end Henna Street; thence north Ilong the eastern right-of-wlY line of Henna Street 150 feet, ~re or less, to I point ~Ite the northe.st conner of a cert.in parcel (APM 790-32-41) fronting on Henna Street; c-, thence welt T5 feet acrosl H.nna Street to the northellt corner of &lid percel; thence Mest along the northenn property line of laid parcel 130 feet to the northwest corner of laid parcel; thence louth along the weltern property line of Illd parcel 5a feet, ~re or Ins, to the louthwest corner of aeld parcel; thence west .long the northenn property I ines of those parcell fronting on Flrlt Street 219.75 feet to . point on the e.stern right-of-way line of S.rgent Street; thence welt 60 fe<<t acrosl S.rgent Street to the northwest corner of the interlectlon of Sargent Street and the Ill~ between IroadWay and First Street; thence vest along the louthenn property lines of those properties fronting on Iroadway 350.5 feet, ~re or lnl, to the northellt corner of the inter- lection of ea,..l Street and aeld Illey; thence north 30 feet, ~re or lell, to I point opposite the northe.st corner of a certain parcel (APtl 790-32-33) fronting on C.,....l StrMt; thence vest 60 feet across C.rmel Street to the northellt conner of IIld parcel; thence welt along the northenn property I ine of lIid parcll 100 feet to the northwest corner of aeld parcel; thence north 5 feet, to the northeut corner of a certlin parcel (APtl 790-32-49 lituated between IroadWay and Firlt Street; thence west Ilong the northenn property line of laid parcel, and . continuation of lIid property line, 216.26 feet, ~re or l..l, end thence louth 45 feet, anct thence welt 72.45 feet, ~re or l..s, to a point on the .lItern right-of-way line of Wayland L-.; thence -4- 67~ RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WRITING. TYPIt>JG, CARBON COPIES OR DOT MATRIX PRINTERS MAKE POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD L 185 PAGE west 63 feet, .,re or lese, ecrou ~ayland Lane to I point on the western right-of-way line of Ilid lane; thence louth Ilong the western rlght.of.vay line of Wayland Lane 155 feet, .,re or less, - to the northwest corner of the intereection of Miller Avenue end Firet Street; thence louth 66 feet, ~re or less, across Firet Street to the southwest corner of laid interlection; thence louth along the western right'of'way line of Miller Avenue 269.93 feet, to I point opposite the louthweet corner of I certlin parcel (APN 799-21'39) bounded by Miller Avenue, Firet Street end Princevalle Street; thence .ast 80 feet ecrose Mi ller Avenue to uid louthwest corner of ~aid percel; thence eaet 77.78 feet, and thence east 102.21 feet to the loutheast corner of Ilid parcel, laid corner being Ileo the northweet corner of the interlection of Princevalle Street and the Illey Iltuated between Princevllle Street and Second Street; thence east 60 feet ecrose Prlncevalle Street to I point on the .Ietern right-of'wlY line of Princevalle Street; (- '-- thence north along the Hetenn right.of....y line of Prince- valle Street 31 feet, ~re or lese, to the louthweet corner of a certlin percel (APN 799.21'9) fronting on Prlnc:evllle Street; thence .Ist along the louthern property line of Ilid percel 133.04 feet to the loutheast corner of laid parcel, Ilid corner Ileo being on the western rlght-of-vay line of the all~ between Princ:evalle Street and C.~l Street; thence louth along the western right-of- WIly line of laid Ill~ 30 feet, ~re or l.ee, to . point opposite the aouthwest corner of a certlin parcel (APN 799-21-2) fronting on Ca~l Street; thence .act along the louthenn property line of .Iid parcel 133.04 feet to the louthelet corner of laid parcel, Illd corner al50 being on the vestenn right-of-...y line of Ca~l Street; thence louth along the vestenn right-of....y line of Ca~l Street, crossing Second Street, 1,427.28 feet, ~r. or leas, to the louthwect corner of the int.rlectlon of Third Street end c.~l Street; thence .Iet along the aouthern right.of....y line of Third Street, crossing Ca~l Street, Dowdy Street and Mama Street, 955.00 feet, ~re or leal, to the aouthveat corner of the inter. aection of Third Street rid the Illey between Mama Street end losama Street; thence louth IlClnll the vestenn rlght.of....y line of laid all~, croeslng fourth Street rid Fifth Street, 1,781.93 feet, ~re or lese, to the northweat comer of the interlec:tfon of laid alley and West Sixth Street; thence vest alClnll the north.nn rilltlt'of'wy I ine of Sixth Street, croll Ing Mama Street, 37'5 feet to the northWest corner of the interlec:tion of West Sixth Street and the Illey between Dowdy Street end Mama Street; thence aouth along the westenn right-of....y line of laid alley, croesing west Sixth Street, 62J feet, ~re or leal, to the northweat corner of the int.~ection of West kwnth Street end laid II ley; thence vest alClnll the northern rlght-of....y line of West kwnth Street, croeslng Dowdy Street, 37'5 feet to the nort'-st comer of the tnt.~ec:tlon to West -5- 680 RECORDEfl'S MEMO FAINT WRIl':J8. T', Pi~G, CARSot-I COPlr;s cPo (,.-,[ U,TRIX PRINTERS MAKE PVvR ....Hc.r OGP.APHIC RECORD L185PAGE Seveflth StrHt end the Ill~ between Cannel Street end Dowdy Street; thence louth Ilong the weltern rlght'of'wlY line of Illd Ill~, crouing ~t ~th Street, 63a feet to the northwest corner of the interlectlon of West Eight Street and laid all~; thence west along the northern rlght'of-vay line of ~t Eighth Street, crouing Cannel Street and PrlncevIlle Street, S61.08 feet to the northwest corner of the intersection of West Eighth Street and PrincevIlle Street; r-- '- thence louth Ilong the vestern ri;ht'of'VWV lIne of Prince' valle Street, crOlling Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Streets, 1,179.68 feet to the louthwest corner of the interlectlon of Princ:evllle Street and Tenth Street; thence .alt along the louthenn right-of-vay line of Tenth Street, crOlling Prlncevalll Street, Glenvie-w Drive and ROIarna Street, 1,710.96 feet, ~re or Ie.., to the northwest corner of I certlin percel (APN 799-32'43) fronting on West Tenth Street; thence louth Ilong the western property line of Slid percel, and a contlruatlon of Illd property line, 285.14 feet, to the southwest corner of that certlin parcel (APM 799'32-44) fronting on Church Street; thence e..t Il~ the louthern property line of uld percel 120.27 feet to the westenn right'of-vay of Church Street; thence louth along the western rlght'of.way I ine of Church Street n feet, and thence continuing louth 37.58 feet, end thence 28.93 feet, and thence 60.01 feet, and thence 62.95 feet, end thence 63.90 feet, end thence 47.82 feet, to I point oppoalte the louthwest conner of a certlln parcel (APN 799'33-41) fronting on Church Street at Southglte Court; thence .ast 75 feet ec:rOls Church Street to the aouthwest corner of laid percel; thence continuing ...t Ilong the aouthenn property line of ..I d parcel, end I cont lnuat i on of ..id property line, 328.79 feet to the northvest conner of thlt certlln parcel (APN 799-33-42) fronting on Monter~ Road at Eleventh Street; thencl louth al~ the westenn property line of uid parcel end I continuation of IIld property line, croallng Elewnth Street, 969.16 feet to the louthwest conner of a certain parcel (APN 799-33'43) fronting on Monter~ Roed at Eleventh Str.-t; thence ellt al~ the louthenn property line of ..Id parc.l 210 feet, ~,.. or less, to a point oppoalte the northwest corner of ' I certain parcel (APM 799'46-6) fronting on Monter~ Road; thence Iouth 55 feet ec:rosl a certlln parcel (APN 799'35-14) of the Santa Cllrl Valley Wlter Dlltrlct to the northvest conner of Illd parcel fronting on Monter~ !t*; thence louth Il~ the vestenn property line of uld parcel, end a contlruation of ..Id property line, 566.59 f.-t to the louthwest conner of a certain parcel (APN 799-46'7) fronting on Monterey Road; thence ellt along the louthenn property line of IIld parcel 301.90 feet, end thence 130 feet, to the louthellt corner of Illd parcel, ..id point 1110 being on the vestern rlght'of-wlY of Montlrey Road; thence louth al~ the vestenn rlght.of....y lina. of Monterey Road, croeslng luc:hesu -6- ( 681 L 185 PAGE 682 RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WRITING. TYPING, CARBON COPIES OR DOT M/\ 1 RIX PRINTERS tJIM.E P00R PriOTOGRAPHIC RECORD Avenue, 915 feet, ~re or less, to the louthweet corner of the interlection of Monter~ HIgh~IY end Luchesea Avenue; ( "'-/ thence east ecrosl Monter~ High~ay 175 feet, ~re or le-ss, to the louthelst corner of the interlectlon of Monterey Highway and Luchessa Avenue; thence louth and loutheast a{ong the eastern right-of-way line of Monter~ Hlgh~ay 1,682 feet, ~re or le-se, to the northwest corner of the interlectlon of Monterey Highway and the South VII ley Freeway (Stlte !toute 101); thence continuing loutheact acroce the freewlY 760 feet, ~re or lese, to a point on the eaetern right-of-vlY line of the freeway; thence louth Ilong the eaetern right-of-way line of the f~ay 1,652 feet, ~re or lese, to the louthweet conner of a certain parcel (APN 841-14-66) fronting on the freeway front.;e road; thence .ast Ilong the louthern property line of laid parcel 1,500.40 feet, ~re or Ieee, to the loutheaet corner of laid percel, which point il Ileo on the veet rlght-of-vlY line of the Southern Pacific Rlilroed; thence north along the NeSt right-of-way line of the railroad 2,679 feet, ~re or lese, to I point on IIld right-Of-way; thence elst Icroce .aid right-of-way 105 feet, ~re or Ieee, to I point on the east right-of-way line of the railroad; thence louth Ilong the eaet right-of-vay line of the rall~ 2,679 feet, ~re or Ieee, to I point on Ilid right-of-vay line, which point ie 1110 the louthwect conner of a certain parcel (~ 841-15-109); thence elet Ilong the louth property line of IIld parcel, and I contlfUltion of uld property line, which il the louth right-of-way line of Southeide Orl~, 1,655 feet, ~re or leal, to the loutheaet corner of the interlectlon of Southlide Oriw and Rosli L_; thence north along the ..ltenn rlght-of-..y line of Rocei L_ 2,444.75 feet, ~re or 1..1, to the IOUthveat corner of that certlln parcel (APN 141-15-10 frontil'4l on Rosli L_; thence ..et Ilong the louthenn property line of IIld parcel 1,820.5 feet to the louthelst corner of IIld parcel; thence north alClr4l the "Item property line of IIld parcel, and I contlruation of IIld property line, 2,010 feet, ~re or l..e, to the IOUthveat corner of that certain parcel (APN 841-17- 31) front il'4l on the P.cneco Pall Highway frontege ~; thence hat alClr4l the IOUthenn property line of hid parcel, and I contlruatlon of IIld property line, 2,336.46 feet to the IOUtheact corner of that certain parcel (~ 841-17-4) frontil'4l on Pacheco PIli II i gh~ay; thence louth 344. ZS feet to the louthwes t corner of that certain parcel (~ 841-17-5) frontll'4l on Pacheco Pall Hlgh~ay; thence ..et alClr4l thl IOUthenn property line of IIld parcel 692.81 feet to the IOUthHlt corner of hid parcel; thence north alClr4l the "It property line of IIld parcel 715.56 feet, ~re or 1..1, to the northellt corner of hid parcel, whidl point il 1110 on the IOUth right-of-vay line PKheco Pau Highway; thence .lIt alClr4l the louth rlght-of-..y line of Padleco Pasl IClghway 40 feet, ~re or l"l, to a point on IIld right-of-way line, whldl point il allo the north- -7- RECO;1l)Er.'S MEMJ F.~,lr--:T WRITING. ';Yr)i~~G, CAR80~ COPIES OR r:-")T /..IATRIX PRINTERS r..iAr\t t-vvtl PhOTOGRAPHIC RECORI) L185PAGE 683 west corner of a certlln parcel (APM 841-17-63) fronting on Pach~o Plse Highway; thence louth lIon; the west property line of laid perce I 1,128.70 feet, MOre or lesl, and thence louthellt along the louthwe$tern property line of Illd parcel 712.02 feet to the aouthwest corner of that certain percel (APM 841'17'64) litUlted on LIeges Creek; thence ellt along the louthem property line of uid parcel 1,059.95 feet to the louthealt conner of Ilid parcel; thence north along the eastenn property line of uid percel Z3.16 feet, thence cor.tinuing north 58.15 feet, Wld thence 168.89 feet end thence 134.25 feet, r Wld thence 22.37 feet, Wld thence 187.05 feet to the louthwest conner of that certlin parcel of the Santa Cllrl VIlley Water Dlltrict (APN 841'17-59) fronting on Pacheco Pili HlghwlY; thence .act Ilong the louthem property I ine of uld parcel 100.79 feet to the louthellt corner of uld parcel; thence north along the ealtern property line of IIld parcel 122.166 feet, Wld thence 166.188 feet, Wld thence 245.19 feet, end thence 359.43<' feet Wld thence 190.79 feet to the northealt conner of laid parcel, Ilid point 1110 being on the louthenn rlght-of'way line of Pacheco Pili HlghwlY; thence north acrosl Pacheco Pili HighwIY 125 feet, MOre or leal, to a point on the northem ri;ht-of-vay line of the hi;hvay; thence west along the northern rlght-of-vlY line of the hlghwlY 6,144 feet, ~re or lesl, to the louthellt corner of that certlin percel (APM 841.10-37) loclted It Pacheco Pa.. Highway Wld !ten: Lane; thence north along the .Ietem property line of laid parcel, and a contino uatlon of laid property line, 963.59 feet to the northelet corner of thlt certlln parcel (APN 841-10-57) fronting on Renz Lane; thence west Ilong the northem property line of laid parcel 292.65 feet to a point on the eastenn rlght-of....y I ine of Ren: Lane; thence north along &lId eastem rlght'of'way line 75.36 feet to the loutheast corner of thlt certlln parcel (APN 841'10'27) fronting on Renz Lane; thence cont inuing north along the ...tem property line of uid parcel 373.94 feet to the northellt corner of uid parcel; "--- thence WIt Ilong the northenn property line of laid parcel 29.25 feet to a point on the ...tenn rlght'of-way line of the South VIlley Freew.y; thence north along laid .altern ri;ht-of' ",y line 953.78 feet to the louthealt corner of the Interaection of the freew.y end Gll~ Road, W1lch point fa allo on the northern property line of the !tonen Chennel of the Santi Cllra Valley Wlter Oiltrlct; thence .llt along Illd north property line of the Ronan Charnel 262.48 feet, ~re or 1"1, end thence continuing Hit 1,600 feet, ~rl or leal, to the louthellt conner of thlt certlln parcel (APM 841-18-45) fronting on Gll-.n !toad; thencl north Ilong the .lItem property line of uld parcel 607.95 feet to I point on the louthem rl;ht-of-wey line of GIlIMn !toad; thence north ac:rOlI Gi I~ !toad 75 feet t" . -point on the northenn rlght.of....y line of IIld road; thence wtt Ilong the northenn rl;ht'of.vay I ine of 'Il~ Road 570 feet, ~ or 1..1, to the northellt corner of tl'te / -8- L 1.85 PAGE 684 RECORDE:iT3 MEMO F/'::..:r WRITING. T'rT"t~C, O.RBQt.I COPIES on ('UT //.t, ;r~IX PRINTERS M';I<E POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD fntereection of Gll.-n Road end c.mino Arroyo; thence north along the eastenn right'of'vlY line of c.mino Arroyo 1175 feet, ~re or lese, to a point on the louthern property line of thlt certlin percel (AP~ 841-69-14) fronting on Cemino Arroyo; thence .15t along the louthern property line of laid percel 1,019.95 feet to the louthea5t corner of laid percel; thence north Ilong the elstern property line of laid percel, end a continuation of &lid percel, 4,1S6.49 feet to a point on the louthern rlght-of-vay line of L.I~el~ Road; (' ~ thence veet along the louthern rlght-of-NeY line of Lelveeley Road 15 feet, ~re or lese, to I point on laid right-of-vay line opposite the loutheast corner of a certlin percel CAPN 835-4'41) fronting on the north lide of L"~l~ Road; thence north .crose Lel~el~ Road 60 feet to uld percel corner; thence north along the ea5t property line of Illd parcel 170 feet, ~re or les5, to the northeaet corner of Ilid percel; thence we5t Ilong the north property line of laid parcel 405.56 feet, ~re or lese, to the northwe5t corner of said percel; thence louth Ilong the ~tern property line of Illd parcel 170 feet to I point on the northenn rlght-of'vay line of Leaveel~ Road; thence west along Ilid northern rlght-of-vay line 166.46 feet to the southeast corner of that certlln percel CAPN 835-4-16) fronting on Lea~ley Road; thence north along the .astern property I ine of laid percel 270 feet to the northeast conner of laid parcel; thence ~t along the northern property line of uld percel 210 feet to a point on the ..stenn right'of-..y line of hn Tlidro AYenoIe; thence north along the "Item right'of'"y line of San Ylidro Avenue 3,530 feet to the aouthea.t corner of the intersection of San Ylldro AYenoIe and LI. Anl..e AYenoIe; thence .Iet along the aouthenn right.of....y line of Lac Anl_e Avenue 785 feet, ~re or les., to the northeaet conner of thlt certain percel (AP~ 835-4'51) fronti"" on hn Tlidro Awrue at Lac Anl_e Avenue; thence north . acroll La. Ani... AYenoIe 40 feet to a point on the northenn right.of....y line of lal Ani..e Awrue, ..nich point fa allo the aouthe..t corner of that certlln parcel (API( 835'5-1' fronting on lal Anl_e AYenoIe; thence north along the .aetern property line of laid parcel, end a continuation of laid property line, 1,864.19 feet to . point on the louthenn right'of-.,.y I ine of Coh_~ Avenue; thence north ecroae Coh_~ Awrue 50 feet to I point on the northenn right'of'"y line of IIld avenue; thence ~t Ilong the northern rlght-of...y line of laid aYenole 94!.09 feet, and thence north II feet, end thence wst, croeel"" the freewy fronta~ reed end the South VIlley frwway end contlnul~ along the north right.of....y line of Coh_~ Awrue 535 feet, ~re or l"l, to a point on IIld right.of....y line, ..nldl point fa allo the northwest COf'ner of a ceruin parcel (APN 835-5-16) fronti~ on Coh_~ Awrue; thence louth along the wst property I ine of laid parcel and I continuation of laid property line 1,735 feet, ~r. or l..., -9- ~:. :.'.~~ ::/ ~~ ~1 ~.: '1~!:; : ,'" :::,~ J L 185 PAGE Fr'>.:", V'" ;:"'1 ,.~~. ';-', "H.lG, C:,ll.80f'l CuPIES OR COT MA iR1X PRlNTER9 MAKE POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD to the northeast corner of that certlin percel (AP~ 835- 5-4) fronting on las Ani..a A~; thence wett along the northern property line of laid percel 331 feet to the northwest corner of Ilid parcel; thence louth along the western property line of Ilid percel 180.25 feet to a point on the northern right-of-way line of liS Ani~a A~; thence wett along the northern right-of-way line of liS Ani~1 Avenue 1,710 feet, ~re or lesa, to the northealt corner of the interlection of las Ani..e Avenue and Monterey !toad; thence north along the .astern right-of-way line of Monterey !toed, croseing Cohansey Avenue, B~ Vietl Avenue end Denio A~, 7,270 feet, ~re or lese, to a point opposite the northealt corner of thlt certlin parcel (AP~ 783-18- 7) front Ing on Monterey !toed; thence west acrosl Monter~ !toad 130 feet, ~re or 1~1, to the northellt corner of Ilid percel; thence ~t along the northern property line of Slid parcel 2,127.15 feet to the northwett corner of Illd percel; thence louth Ilong the ~tenn property line of &lId percel, and I continuation of laid property line, 629.38 feet to the Point of leglnnlng. Ell cept i on (he Those properti~ Iltuated in the city block bou-ded on the north by East ~inth Street, on the wett by Alexander Street, on the louth by Eeet Tenth Street and on the eaet by Chestr"lJt Street. ~ ......... Ell~ion Two Those properties located at the southealt conner of the interlection of Elat Tenth Street and Ch~tr"lJt Street: lpeCif- ically those parcell bou-ded on the north by East Tenth Street, on the wett by Ch~tr"lJt Street, on the south by the louthenn property line of a certlln parcel (AP~ 841-66-16), which property line Is no feet louth of ealt Tenth Street, ~re or 1"1, end on the ..It by the South Valley freftlly. f'ual n.o ~fnning at the northwest conner of that certain parcel (APN 841-30-1Z) located "It of the Southern Pectflc Ilellroad right-of-way; thence louth along the VHtenn property line of laid parcel and the "Itenn rIQlht-of-way I ine of the rlllroad Z,540 feet, ~re or l..a, to the IOUthVHt corner of laid parcel; thence ..at along the louthenn property line of laid parcel 1,853 feet, ~re or l..a, and thence continuing .aet 934 feet, ~re or lesa, to a point on the .ast property line of laid parcel; thence north along the .ast property I ine of IIld parcel 34 feet, ~re or 1..1, and thence ealt 40 feet, JIOre or l..l, and thence louth 100 feet, ~re or lesl, and thence ..at 803 feet, ~re or less, to a point on the wett property line of a c.rtain parcel (AP~ 841-30- 11); thence -10- 685 .' L 185 PAGE RECORDER'S MEMO 1 FAINT WRITING TYP COPIES OR r)'~,~ _,'NG, CAReO~ MAKE P ".', MA I filX PRrNTERS ()QR PHi,,) {OGRAPHIC RECORO louth slong the weetern property line of laid percel 1,489.554 feet to the louthweet conner of laid parcel, which point ie Ileo on the northern property line of . certain percel (AP~ &41-30-2); thence west .long the northem property line of uid percel 538.984 feet to the northwest corner of laid parcel; thence louth along the weetern property line of Ilid percel 1,414.974 feet to the louth- west corner of said percel; thence east along the louthem property line of laid perce I 1,556.126 feet to the louthelst corner of laid parcel, which il 1110 loclted on the western property I ine of . certlin percel (APN &41'29-19) loclted on LI.gae Creek; thence louth along &lid westenn property line of uld percel 1,010 feet, ~re or leee, to the IOUthwest corner of laid percel; r '"-, thence "It .long the louthenn property I ine of &lId percel 1,544.36 feet to the louthelet corner of Ilid parcel; thence north .long the e.stem property line of Ilid percel 496.02 feet, and thence continuing north 551.01 feet, and thence 600 feet, Ind thence 430.03 feet, end thence 476 feet, and thence S49.47 feet, and thence 150.83 feet, end thence 300.04 feet, and thence 342.25 feet, and thence 135.91 feet to the northeast corner of Ilid percel; thence ellt .long the louthenn property line of a certlin parcel (AP~ &41-29-13) 990.82 feet, ~re or Ieee, to the louthelst corner of Ilid parcel; thence north .long the ealtern property line of Illd percel 1,659.24 feet to the northellt corner of Ilid parcel; thence west alq the north property line of uid parcel, end a continuation of uld property line, 4,264 feet, ~re or lese, to the northwest conner of a certain percel (~ &41'29- 14), which point h allo on the "Itenn property line of a certain parcel (APII &41-15'4) frontl~ on the IOUth llde of Southllde Road; thence north .lq the ..Itern property line of said percel, end . contin- uation of uid property line, croeei~ Southllde !toad, 165 feet, ~re or 1..1, to the IOUth..et corner of a certlin parcel (APN &41'15-5) fronti~ on the north llde of Southlide Road; thence west along the louthenn property line of &lId parcel, end II continuation of IIld property line end the northem right.of....y line of South- llde Roed, 635 feet, ~re or l..l, to a point opposite the north- west corner of a certain parcel (~ &41'15-73); thence louth ecross Southllde Road 58 feet, ~"e or l..l, to the northwest corner of uld parcel; tt.ence IOUth along the westenn property line of uld parcel 1,023.44 feet to the Iouthwest corner of laid parcel, which point il allo on the northern property line of a certain parcel (APW 841']0-12); thence weet Ilq the northem property line of uid parcel 2,709.11 feet, to the northwest corner of lIid percel, which Is allO the Point of ~inni~. -11- 686 li85PAGE 68 { (, t'hwy. 152 ""a"lfolll Or. r--------- . I ! l r-----1 I r' -.J \ L CJ Redevelopment Project Area City Limits 01 ~I -I~ t PROJECT AREA