State of California - Relinquishment of Highway No. 40252 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CIS. R1CT-4 Fox PLAZA MARKET AT POLK SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 94102. nJ' r.. llOOK V ;:>3 ('ACE 302 ....... . , \ I . , '-1 J.' t\ \ l' J)\",..r'D k 0-/ ,.." ~MIU I STATE OF CALIFORNIA J" I ;",/.'7 Un IL ..IJ . .. II 01 f'1.:1 Sit ')r") !'CSt ~J.J:J:J 'l'. \ It... .......... MASARU KAWAGUCHI HIGHT OF WAY CLLARANCE LNGINi::.:LH NO FEE (), I SAti I , ,I \ '( i RELINQUISHMENT OF HIGIMAY RIGHT OF WAY IN THE CITY OF GILROY, ROAD 04-SCL-152-l0.l-l0.3 REQUEST NO. 40252 WHEREAS, highway right of way within the City of Gilroy, on Old Gilroy Street between Ninth Street and Tenth Street, road 04-SCl-152, hereinafter particularly described, has been superseded by a change in the location of said highway; and WHEREAS, this Commission has found and determined, and does hereby find and determine, that it is desirable and in the public interest that said highway right of way so superseded be relinquished to the City of Gilroy for use as city streets; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS VOTED by the California Highway Commission that it relinquish, and it does hereby relinquish, .. to the City of Gilroy, effective upon the recordation of a certified copy hereof with the Recorder of Santa Clara County, all of the State of California's right, title and interest in and to said superseded highway right of way in said City, together with the right of way and appurtenances thereof, described as follows: HIGHWAY COMMISSION RESOLUTION HO. R 1698 Pa<,~ed by CH.C t MAY 1 ~) 1971 8~OG{ [JJ53 {'AGE 303 PARCEL 1: All of that portion of superseded STATE highway (Old Gilroy Street), Road 04-SCl-152, bounded on the east by the northerly line of that certain parcel of land described in deed to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, recorded May 9, 1968, in Book 8116, at Page 460, Official Records of Santa Clara County and on the west by the follo~ling described line: COMMENCING at the intersection of the northwesterly line of Ni.nth Street with the southwesterly line of Old Gilroy Street: thence along a line, which is at right angles to said southwesterly line, northeasterly to the northeasterly line of Old Gilroy Street. Excepting and Reserving to the State of California any and all rights of ingress to and egress from the highway hereby relinquished in and to the adjacent and adjoining freeway, except at such points as now are or may be established by resolution of this Commission. . . ..~ "'.~' ,":. , .. THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the foregoing is a full and correct copy of the original resolution duly passed by the California Highway Commission at its meeting regularly called and held 19th May 19 71 on theu_____________day oL_____m_n_mnnm ______,_u, Redwood City in the City of__ umu___ . 24th lay 11 Dated thismn_ _ day 01., 19_u___. ~-rLSi:-4-/u ~. " ,/';" .. " I. .. ' HAROLD A. RICHARD ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION EST fllJ4t. .0114.11001.70 1M os~ , . HIGHWAY OOMMISSION RESOLUTION liO. R 1698 Passed by C.H.e. MAY 1 9 1971 RELINQUISHMENT OF HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY IN THE CITY OF GILROY, ROAD 04-SCL-152-10.l-10.3 REQUEST NO. 40252 WHEREAS, highway right of way within the City of ~ilroy, on Old Gilroy Street between Ninth Street and Tenth Street, road 04-SCl-152, hereinafter particularly described, has been superseded by a change in the location of said highway: and ~mEREAS, this Commission has found and determined, and does hereby find and determine, that it is desirable and in the pUblic interest that said highway right of way so superseded be relinquished to the City of Gilroy for use as city streets; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS VOTED by the California Highway Commission that it relinquish, and it does hereby relinquish, to the City of Gilroy, effective upon the recordation of a certified copy hereof with the Recorder of Santa Clara County, all of the State of California's right, title and interest in and to said superseded highway right of way in said City, together with the right of way and appurtenances thereof, described as follows: PARCEL 1: All of that portion of superseded STATE highway (Old Gilroy Street), Road 04-SCl~152, bounded on the east by the northerly line of that certain parcel of land described in deed to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, recorded May 9, 1968, in Book 8116, at Page 460, Official Records of Santa Clara County and on the west by the following described line: COMMENCING at the intersection of the northwesterly line of Ninth' Street with the southwesterly line of Old Gilroy Street; thence along a line, which is at right angles to said southwesterly line, northeasterly to the northeasterly line of Old Gilroy Street. Excepting and Reserving to the State of California any and all rights of ingress to and egress from the highway hereby relinquished in and to the adjacent and adjoining freeway, except at such points as now are or may be established by resolution of this Commission. THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the foregoing is a full and correct c~py of the original resolution duly passed by the California HIghway Commission at its meeting regularly called and held on the.m.~.9_~_~___day oL.......___n~~~...___..._m' 19 ,__'7.~ in the City oL___..___..__~.~~_\f.~_~.~__.~_~.tX___n' Dated this n~~~~__day oL__~f1;>' ....n._' 19.m~_~ ~r~~_ HAROLD A. RICHARD ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION EST. 6541. 40634-5003_70 5M OSP ~ L!- ~- (,;P) ~._ d :: (-;; 0 ;: ~ ~::~!ff >- 0 ~ ~=~:': :-::j~?: ~ ~ ~ ::tl ._."_",,, _ a: l.-!- ... :x: '- '~.=-:i~1I) t- ~ N Cf) 0", ",-. ~ )- Z - ~ ~~2z~~ LU ~ ..!..Z" L~,.!..J'-3!!iil~'llIl:: U~h C- ') ~ !c ::." ~ LL . ^ 0 .. '~? .~_.. ~ Do. - X U I ~ >- (...~. 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