Berri, Marie - THIS INDJt]NTU3E made and enteri3d into this 18th dq,::, of Fer,rurlry 1908 'by ~r\.d. bet1-reen MI1:ri~ 13~:r:ri ( a ,ddow.) oj' I~h(, IJ ollnty 01' sAnta o l~ra, 8t9. ta 01'" Oalit"'ornia, the l1~lrt::' of tl'li3 f.1rRt part, and the 01 ty of l1ilroy, '3. municipal co:rporation of' the County of' Santa Clara, state of C~lifor~i~, the p~ty of the ~e(}onn part, WITf{ESSETH:- Th9. t the said party of th'3 fi !'1'!t part ,for and in considera- tion o.f the 1:l1tm of two l'mndrl,d ~lnd t'\llf~nty dollars to her in hand paid 'hy t'11~ eairl party of the fV~(J(mrl ljllrt, the Tecei!)t ",rhereof is hdr"by '1cknowll:ldged, find of' the covenants and agl'dem'3ntA here- in8ft;~r cont~ine(l on the part and beh~.l:r of' ~he fFdfl. party of" the second part, doe8 by these :oresente gr~nt, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the ol1i'l party of the second !Jart. ::uld to its SUCCoS8()rn 1. '1(lq~l"~ienR a 11 tl-J.at cert~in pi'~ce and !>~c"l of land. 81 tua te, lying '1nl. being in the Oi ty or Gilroy, 0011nty of Santa C V~ra. state ot' Cqlif'orni~, bou.nrl~d A.nrJ. rlencriben q,s 1'o110w8, to w.it: B..,ginning :l!lt a potnt in the south.,rl~' line of IJot N'o 9 in Block 1 SO'lth R.q,ng~ 1 ""'8t of' the Oi t:, of' Gilroy which pOint 1B 141.50 f..3at wjstdrly fr'Jm the w~6teI'1~, l.ine of' Mont"r"y street, and run- ning th,,:ml}e ~ollth'"Jrly and p~ral1el to the 11'78sterly line 01' Monterey 1. 90int in street 107.20 :feet to/,th~ northerl~r line of' Sev:mth str~et die- t ant 141.50 :fl3et ''''e~terly of the point of interH"ction of' the northl3rly line of' S"v(-}nth Strl9L~t wi th th~ 'lfF.,~t ('rl~r line of Mon- t.e'T'ey Stre"t; thenc" w)Bt:1rly 'Ind !:Ilong th(:;t northerly line of' Seventh street 12 f'+;,t; thenc", northi-}rl~' 'ind parallel to the 1vent- erly l:Lne of Ilonterey Street 107.20 feet to tpe f'lo'lthnrl~' fine , of' Lot No 17 in 6a.id Bloak; q, nei thence tHlsterly 12 feet to the place ot' l)';ginnine. . . TO hlive an" to hold unto t.he Rlliri. ~)arty of t}1H fJ~oond part and its 8uccesoors and aSAign6. T'11.) "l!3id. ptI!.rty of' the Aecond p8.rt 113 to er'3ct !:l. r-l1.l.bHt~ntial f'tH1C') on tl1e line of' the !)roperty herr9by llJonveyed, 1\t 1 ts O~ e;rJpenee Q"'1d is to :place q strong w'ire 80r')(:~n in :front of the window of the dwelling of' tht~ :Da:rt~,. l)f' th'3 fi -rat part on the west'3rly line of thl~ pr,,,mias8 here'hy conv'J~r~d. to:,lroteot said window from !HrSOnS !>as~i~ thJ:'ou~ thf3 prem1eee hf3reby conv':iy;:;d. In erecting 8'iid :fenoe the party of' the oecond 9art Wl~' use th~ fence now on or n~ar the line of the ~reperty hereby con- veyod. when practicable. Anli the 8!lirl I)'1T'.:, of tl-J.~ first :r>art, ann her heirs, the 8a.id premiRC38 in the quiet and pe~ceableposseu8ion of' tIle 8aid Darty of th~ ""'conti ,a.rt. itA BllCceS80rs And aSAigns, A.nr1 against all and every 9 ~rson '1!1d persons vJhomf.1o,~'re=", lR~~f1111y c l~.imi:ne or to ole.1m the "lame shall 8.nd willwarrant, anrl ~r thel'le presents f or"v",r d3f~nd. IN WIT1m3g WHEREOF the 11110. :9art~, of the first 9:1Tt has h.Jre- :lY; to set her ~~md the day rlnfl Y..~~ in thi 8 I"'1denture f:Lrst wr'i tten. I k )/!J.. .. l(j rBe. . I fL4LILL.~~ " 'J7 /LA.. ~ Marie Berri being unabl'3 to l~r:Ltd h3r name, her n'1me WIlA written b~' "TSl-lter G. Fit~e:~"t"11d 'It rlf'}r ri:'1Ue8t rind in h0:r !)rea- dnce and she made her marll in 01t:r preAl'1nr:e. ~ilf/Jii~~ __ ___.." ~~~A' /Z~AA1Ar,A./ i 'N"i t,neB~1e8. T .. ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ SS COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA. S' ~ On thit:L...................~....... ;I....:!!:......................day oL............ h'''.'. .......................... in the year ~one thousand nine hUndred~before me. WALTER G. FITZGERALD. a lVo'ary PubHc in and for 'he County of ,Sanro ~;~:~~:;~p;:a~~~f~~.::.~~~.~.~~~,~~i:i:~~~ .................. .......nn h._.___'" ....n...... _",_,""'-' ...__.... ....On"" .......... .._n............ ............. ............ ..- .n....._... ..n_ ..... -....-... ...n....... -.-----" known to me to be the person.._.................whose name~.........subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that~e.......... ............executed the same. Witness my hand and offici eal my oflic~n Clara. the day and year last: a c;.~.J11 N ............ ..n" u ..n..~~......._-_...~...- . . ~ ;:.i1 r""'l ~ .: 0 >- 0 ~I H 0 ~ Ii. p:: 0 ~ IT: >- I'i1 0 E-t +" H H 0 ~ < Iio1 ~ ::x:: E-i ii v} -,..-.."....".:...... 00 o OJ rl ..c: +" C\~ rl -E-';,-'.'~~_ >. F-; ro g ,0 1) IX< ...... ..... (D +" Q q t 1\ ci' ~~ Q) , ~ 1-;~ ~ : (J _o~ 0: : 0) ~ . . !ci'!~ ~s= "-:. ~ L '..I ' . "': c '- ~ "0. ._... <( "'-i --I " .t.. .c.,.. : :","::J "<:j: ~ : "". <:< l: "tr; .,~~ 'r..;: (,. ;); <1" ~ ' Q. l b.O .._ r\ j ,\~ ~ :J ~ ,- C-l : '''(;",,:l '_l I: # ! 2:---~i ~ : i'S} .-~ \l'"l ;~~~~,--; ~ till ...... '0 IV) ''" 'j "'-~ '': C' .". c.... Q "1:::l t_ O (.' (,.. cr: { \ It ~ ':::....~,,' -~..._...