Brem, Henry and Sarah E. (2) i .~ , Boor~On'1 1478354 -, <:1, P~r,f Application No..,3024E!3...... f' ja ')9.... 7Q.' ':) 54 t), ". ,.,0.:, ... 8d~fAI.i ~'EOlJF.:ST'O' Western Title Guaranty Camp DJ .it '!'3 .~. I.R.S. ~rant 11lttb 1Jnbibibual HENRY BR>>1 and SARAH E. BREM, his wife, and GEORGE BREM and SARAH A. BR>>f, his wife, the first part ies , hereby GRANT TO ~ uFflCIAl Ht::COftDS I~NT. CLA~'" COUNTY J.,e..~~ pr.rC~l<O!:l:<r CITY uF GILRUY n.r.so the second part y , all that real property situated in the ~, . ~ Above space for Recorder County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe in the Southeasterly line cf Ninth Street in the City of Gilroy, distant thereon S. 700 00' w. 56.75 feet from the point of intersection of the Southeasterly line of Ninth Street, with the Southeasterly prolongation of the Northeasterly line of Alexander Street; thence leaving Ninth Street, S. 210 52' E. 594.31 feet to an iron pipe in the Southeasterly city limit line of the City of Gilroy and the true point of beginning of this description, said true point of beginning being in the Northeasterly line of that certain 80326 acre tract of land described in the need from Hirasaki Farms, a corporation, to Manabi Hirasald, et \lX, dated June 8, 1949 and re- corded June 10, 1949 in Book 1801 of Official Records, page 137, Santa Clara County Records; thence along the Northeasterly line of said 80326 acre tract of land, S. 200 00' E. 786.85 feet to the Easterly corner of said 8.326 acre tract of land in the Northerly line of Bane Lane; thence along the Northerly line of Bane Lane, S. 890 45' E. 21032 feet; thence 1ea.ving Bane Lane and running parallel with the Northeasterly line of said 80326 acre tract of 1a'1d, N. 200 00' wo 794023 feet to said Southerly city limit line of the City of Gilroy; then'ce along said city limit line, S. 700 00' W. 20 feet to t.he true point of beginning, and being a' portion of Ranch Lot No 0 44 as shown on Map No. 7 accompanying the report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa C1arao 'n . .-r; _d'Y~~:~iL~c-m .:d.........n..................n..............m.m.~~....m.mm ) · .7'-~~~~:;;~..~:lt~......m..n..... ..~~~~~u~d...................... /' Sarah A. Brem. , STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ''.~ '... i. ,\. . COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 55, ) ,.-. ~ ~I . //~' .) A,:1.'~:.:::..::;:;:..,I/;,; On this I () day of -t'~ ,19)[.. before me, /GctU'./-d-Ac.-Cr". /ff,y' ~>Q,..f:/:',..'~~<' ,:;;,,,,~bH~";.df"':;~:"~_~s..=?~ ~ .~?~.~,/~~):,: .~ '-'f:.~ /~(A/VVV ' . _ ;: .. ":, .kllown to me',fu.:';,' be the person S whose name ~ ~. subscribed to the foregoing instru~~nd .~cknowledged lO,me that,. r;;~~; f~~~~~~.;~':' ........ ...-;.//.::t:c~~i:ii~./.....~~f.:~,/~ - .' WITNESS ~ hand $ this Iv r I i I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, ) ss 8uo(,4GOO taGS 40 This is to certify that the interest in Real nroperty conveyed by the Deed or Grant, dated the 10 day of May., lQ56, from HENRY BREM and SARAH E. BREM, his ~1fe, and GBORGE BREM and SARAH A. BREM, his wife, to the CITY OF GILROY, a political corporation and govprnmental agency, is herehy accented by ordeT' of the Common Council on Juhe , 1958 and the Grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED: June , 1958 CI~L LOY , BY'~~~ State of California County of Santa Clara