Gilroy Canning Company, Inc. (3) 'f . , :t , .- ~ & p( 4- Financial Title Company Escrow No. 133341-014 RECORDING REQUESTED BY, AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF GILROY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 7351 ROSANNA STREET GILROY, CA 95020 DOCUMENT: 14297083 Tit I es: 1 1 Pages: 5 I UIIIIIIII nllll ~0014297083:cE Fees + No Fees Taxes, ' Copies AMT PAID BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Financial Title Company ROE ** 009 7/22/1998 8:00 AM I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE (J) RECORD WITHOUT FEE UNDER SECTION 6103 GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CAL.1FORNJA Parcel No.: 6A Project: City of Gilroy Bridge Replacement APN: 841-04-006 EASEMENT DEED Gilroy Canning Company, Inc., do(es) hereby grant to the City of Gilroy a nonexclusive easement in the real property located in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described in Exhibit "Cn attached hereto and made a part hereof for the limited purpose to construct and maintain the Miller Slough - Forest Street Bridge. The City of Gilroy shall have only such access to the above described property as is necessary in order to carry out the purposes of this easement. Dated: 3/18 , 1998 GILROY CANNING COMPANY, INC., a California corporation By: I Patrick E. ~~nett C't'O ) ) ) l..-l2.efore me, ~/l~efl/ !Jerh!(v! M1l'/IC-, 'Iv I ) / Vet I c. ~ E ,De'nr1e..~ ' , personally known to me (or pro'[ed-t;.G-,-~ on --tfiB-,..ws-:t.s-of -,sat.isfactoxy,e.viden-ee) to be the person(~) whose nameC*) ~/~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that~/.ghc/they executed the ~aI!le in ~hcr/thcir authorized capacity(~), and that by ( hiiJ~fthcir signature (~) on the instrument the person (.~, or 't11e entity upon behalf of which the person (.Sl, acted, executed the instrument. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF -St'l J(lti., \J, I' On 3 1/i5{ q R personally appeared WITNESS my hcmd and official seal. Signature ~ ~ tl ~ ~. ~ ~ & ~ ;~~ ~~~L~ · ~ Q G.. I , COMM. #1166553 r- :J .r,,,, NOTARVPUBUC-CALlFORNIA i:3 ~ " " SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY .... ~ . u : My Commission EJCpires Jan, 20. 2002 It . ~"~-'';':';.".....-.......-.................,; . ' . ~I '.. .~ ' I , : I , , - i ~J . ... l.1 -/ November 3, 1995 R-T( l7809B Ruth and GOing, - De'1cription for Construction and Maintenance Easement Miller Slough - Forest Street Bridge Parcel F -lA All that real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of the lands shown on that certain Record of Survey map filed for record on December 18, 1941, in Book 6 of Maps at Page 9, Santa Clara County Records, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Forest Street (75 feet wide) which bears North 20000'00" West a distance of369.09 feet along said westerly line, from the point of intersection of said westerly line of Forest Street with the northerly line of Lewis Street, as said streets are shown on that certain Record of Survey filed for record on June 22, 1995, in Book 666 of Maps at Page 35. Santa Clara County Records; thence leaving said westerly line of Forest Street. North 65000'45" West a distance of 33.13 feet; thence parallel to said westerly line, North 20000'00" West a distance of7.09 feet; thence North 01 ~4'41" West a distance of 59.69 feet to a point which is 4.30 feet westerly of (measured at right angles) said westerly line of Forest Street; thence along a line 4.30 feet westerly of (measured at right angles) and parallel to said westerly line of Forest Street, North 20000'00" West a distance of 35.06 feet: thence perpendicular last said line, North 70000'00" East a distance of 4.30 feet to said westerly line of Forest Street; thence along said westerly line of Forest Street, South 20000'00" East a distance of 85.93 feet to a point which bears North 20000'00" West, along said westerly line of Forest Street. a distance of 36.13 feet from said Point of Beginning; thence perpendicular to last said line. South 70000'00" West a distance of 10.33 feet; thence along a line 10.33 feet westerly of (measured at right angles) and parallel to said westerly line of Forest Street, South 20000'00" East a distance of 10.83 feet; thence perpendicular to last said line, North 70000'00" East a distance of 10.33 feet to said westerly line of Forest Street; thence along said westerly line of Forest Street. South 20000'00" East a distance of 25.30 feet to said Point of Beginning, and containing 1.258 square feet, more or less. II , . . . [J . C] . l . I . I . '1 EXH I Blr If: II .' r~ : ." - ODD FELLOW - REBEKAH CHILDRENS HOME OF CALIFORNIA 841 04 023024 S70.00'OO"W 786.10' ROS 6 M 9 N60'2T04'E I) 5... 26 c~ -- 1 lOOF AVENUE ~ 84.1-03-050 '\ " ; I 3:. 'I PARCEL 1 ~W' -l... , . WI y, \I " El1" \I 3:~ '?N\ PARCEL 2 : JASO. ET UX 841-03-07S ,- ROS 1")0 M 29 - APN 841-04-006 GILROY CANNING COMPANY, INC. 12.84 U ACRES 559.361t SOFT. t .17,5' / 7$) I s... ~// \ I . . '" .:., EXISTING CANNERY BUILDING .J~ ,.-; , II I. II~ ''---~--- SCVWO EASEMEN-T G579 OR 406 - ----~--- ------ - -------- JO . 70 10 o 30 ! cpr ,., .:.> It' , Yo -v I I', ::E CD I- I \ ______ c 0> , I l -<----" r= ""= , - I ~-:: " ~ I , I h-d" I >,,: " OC Il~ I' I!::,.::. II -' , I I ,( '-:___-.1. I,.;~ ~ , II 'I ------ L , 'I'"-l.; 37;S' " " \ ~~-------.,-; ll--~ \ I ~~:~ . >~ "'"' II ;::;, . '.:, I, ! I Ie : - .., :). , '-'-., -:;:;=~:;1 :: 01 . II ~: I II ZI -1S5--' r " , , , , ~ " , UNE DlRECTlON DIST ANCE L1 S70'OO'OO'W 10.33' L2 N20'00'OO'W 10.83' L3 N70'00'00'E 10.33' L4 N20'00'OO'W 10.83' LS S70'00'00.W 3.00' L6 N70'00'OO'E 3.00' L7 N20'00'00'W 7,09' en I\) o . o c.:l o ~ ci ...., o a, 696.00' ni Co) S70'00'OO"W BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BEARING N 20'00'00' W ALONG THE CENTERLlNE OF FOREST STREET, AS SHOWN ON THAT RECORD OF SURVEY FLED FOR RECORD IN BOOK 666 AT PAGE 35, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS. W AS TAKEN AS THE BASIS OF ALL BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON. 1 \ 37.5' CIl!-C \ . 0 I __ ____ ____ ______(P_____ __ __ __ ______ 1O~~--r; :.:, I 570.00'OO'W 100.00' ~~ : : : AVILA '..., " 841-04-001 \ ~: : : A,C. DRlvEN4 Y ~ ;" c.:l q LEWIS STREET \ I I I I 1'0.,)1 I LTI 28~69 07 ~~ I CRAPHIC SCALE IN 'EEi PARCEL APN OWNER PROPOSED USE AREA t SF REMAII/DER F-l 841-04-006 GLAOY CAt>NNG CO. RIGHT -OF- WAY n2 559,249t SOFT F-1A 841- 04- 006 GlL.ROY CAl'NNG CO, CaNST J MAII/T. ESMT. 1.258 F-1B 841-04-006 GLROY CANNING CO. SAN. SEWER ESMT. 341. .Area I r N area. excluQlno that area w'lnm t-'arcel r 1. IS jOg:+- ~a ~t. 5 a 055. et l78098 Drwn ~~ Appraisal Map Miller Slough Bridge Forest Street Parcel F-1 Date: 10-27-95 Scale: 1. :: 30 RUTH AND GOING, INC. Civil Engineers Land Surveyors 1630 Zanker Road San lo.e, Ca, 95112 rei I~CB) ~52-57CO ,ax 1408) 452-5790 :'J~ :-....p~~--:-' ='~',-' """ r "" ~ '~:;r ~_", ,_' ~1 li ~,:: -.- ;:r,eet .. I CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (Government Code Section 27281) Certificate of Acceptance of Conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Gilroy Canning Company, Inc. This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the easement deed dated March 18, 1998 from Gilroy Canning Company, Inc. to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 97-62 of the City of Gilroy adopted December 1, 1997, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in, the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, document #13986427, dated December 22, 1997 and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on A