Santa Clara Valley Water District (02) DOCUMENT: 21237382 Pages: 5 1111 U II ~ IIII U Fees. . . . Taxes. . Cop i es. . AMT PAID 5.00 RECORD WITHOUT FEE UNDER SECTION 6103 GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 500 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: REAL ESTATE SERVICES UNIT SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 REGINA ALCOMENDRAS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City RDE fI 007 7/13/2011 2:44 PM SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE .b~. -:II oVc2 313 <;1~ APN: 783-16-022 DOCUMENT NO. 5039-23.02 GRANT DEED (Easement Reserved) SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a California special district, hereinafter "District," does hereby grant to City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation, hereinafter "Grantee," all that real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, as described in: Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference Reserving unto District, an easement for the purposes of ingress and egress and for water management and/or storm drainage purposes in, upon, over, and across the above-described property. Said easement area shall be kept clear of any type of building, fences, structure, pavement, or trees unless prior written approval is obtained from the District. A District permit shall be required for any improvements within the above-described area. The easement shall include the right to construct, reconstruct, inspect, maintain, and repair a channel, protection works, and appurtenant structures, together with the right to trim or remove such trees or brush within the easement area as may constitute a hazard to persons or property or may interfere with the use of said area for the purpose granted. It also shall include the right to enter upon said land with vehicles, tools, implements, and other materials, take therefrom and use earth, rock, sand, and gravel for construction, maintenance, and repair of said channel, protection works, and appurtenant structures by said District, its officers, agents, and employees, and by persons under contract with it and their employees whenever and wherever necessary for the purposes reserved. Neither this reservation nor anything herein contained shall be construed as an assumption or acceptance by District of responsibility for the construction, reconstruction, repair, or maintenance in a condition not dangerous or defective of any roadway or any structure constructed by Grantee across said channel. Dated this 6to day ofOc..~V" 2009 J SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT BY~ ---- Chief Executlv fflcer 9ea~ Goleli e... C:\Documents and Settings\natadomi\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\FZFXBER2\7660deed_bds-4-29- 09.docxFC 122b.docx Page 1 of 2 ORlGINAL DOCUMENT NO.: 5039-23.02 ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SS On thiS~Ot't day of O~r Notary Public, personally appeared , in the year 20(ft, before me (V1 ic.h.e1e- L.I:J I/? ' &au c, 0) d/ t:. Name(s) of Signer(s) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(%) whose name~) is/ate subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ohc,lthey executed the same in his/Rer/tl,eil authorized capacity~), and that by his/Rerftl=leir signature~) on the instrument the person~), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(,g) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. "\ ~d.Jii;f:f!s~: @ Ie L. CommllllOft tI 1759895 PI Notary I'uI*c . California I SOnta Clara County - J .....CclmM. ==29. 2011 I .......---....--.............- --...~... WITNESS my hand and official seal. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER Though statute does not require the Notary to fill in the data below, doing so may prove invaluable to persons relying on the document. D Individual D Trustee (s) ~ Corporate Officer(s):eJ=.-fl D Guardian/Conservator D Partner(s) D Limited D General D Other: - D Attorney-In-Fact _ Signer is Representing (Name of Person(s) or Entity (ies) s (j~ Clara V t1 (~ UJaJty- 0 is-l. C:\Documents and Settings\natadomi\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\FZFXBER2\7660deed_bds-4-29- 09.docxFC 122b.docx Page 2 of 2 , CARROLL ENGINEERING, INC. 1101 So. Winchester Blvd.. #H-184 San Jose, CA 95128 Legal Description Lands of the Sllnla Clara County Water District Exhibit A All that real prop~rty situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California. lying entirely within the Solis Rancho, being a portion of the Lands of the Santa Clara Valley Water District.. as said lands are described ill that certain deed recorded on August 21, 1972 in Book 9981 of Official Records at page 115, Santa Clara County records, being real property varying in width, over, under and upon said lands and being more particularly described as follows: BE.GI"N"NING at the most northeasterly comer of said Lands of the Santa Clara Valley Water District; thence along said line Soul.h 750 II' 10" West, a distance of 4.86 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve to the right; thence along said curve having a radius of 245.00 fect, through a central angle of 5040' 21", for an arc length of 24.26 teet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, being the most southeasterly corner of the I.ands (If Gilroy Unified School District, as said lands are described in that certain Final Order of Cnndemnati,)O. recorded on July 16tl" 2007 as Document Number 19512452, Santa Clam County records, said comer also being the westerly right of way line of Santa Teresa Boulevard (a public road of varying width) and the northwc~;terJy corner of Parcel R.. as said right of way line and parcel are shown on thai ccnain Re:."t>ord of Survey, recorded on January 9'h, 1981 in Book 478 of Maps at page~ 14-20, inclusi"e, Santa Clara County rc;:ords. and the beginning ofa non-tangent curve to the right from whkh point a mdial line \leurs N.,rth 89" 46' 05" West; thence along the wt."Sterly line of said Parcel R and said curve having Ii radiu:, of4989 00 feel. through a central angle of 010 15' 28", loran arc length 01"109.52 feet; thence South 04" 55' 52" Wes!. a distance or.:; 68 feet to the southerly lint' of said l.ands of the Sanw Clam Valley \-Valel District: thence k-J\'illg :;aid right of way line and along said southerly line. SOllth !lCV ~7' 12" West, ~ distanc:;, of 42.S(, ft'el; thence leaving said soulherly lille, North 02" 41' 20" East. a Jistanct' n!' oi:.!); f>:cr {htnl~ \innh 4~ :}g'~Jd \;Ye'~;. d distiltH.:e pi' 18.4-:' re\.:!: rhence Nonh 0(1' 'J2 :11" V....'e(..:.;-; distJflct "-~ JO.~:5 L:':L! h! tlit ihir:!lt,lh iiil: IJ ~aiJ Lant.L" uf Ik.' ~~unw ("lara \'ulk) \~.'~UL" rq:;ricr: tLl.'HL',' ahulg. \\;11' lint: ~..,nh tiT' <.R' 54" Lil~r. ~ dislanct: of 15.62 feet to the hegmning; of il tangent curve W the kit: thence aion~ '<aid ':\lev:; hilVI!1).: a radius 01'24').00 feet. throu:;h a central ,Ingle of 09" 07' :!J" for ali arc lengtb 01 _,')fJ dK" ;r. r'~iI"{l ulGHH.,UN(, ~~ild t:,mt".ining an Jf\:'J 4li t; l{L~ ,qnar\: 1\:;;:1. 0101';,;' or leg..,. The b~'aring. North ilC)' .;S ",,l"' East (It th.: :i<lutitcrl) line III !II': Lands orfjilro: Unified School Dislrin, a,; said lands are described in lllat ccmlin Final Order of Condemnation. recorded 011 July I {iu" 20(J; a~, DocuOlent Number 105 i 24:2, SiHlta Clara County recorili;, \\11:> used as the basis of all bearing,; herein. A plat of the arh')\iC lh::;cril1l."d real propt'rry i~ attnched hereto. labeled "Exhihit B" and is made a parl hereof. Page I of J ""f j~/~1 1 /~I lANDS OF /. ~'-j IdrOY UN/r/tD i.I,. ,/ ! CHOO,L" D, ,/OC; T;;;C,&:..T I. ' i I [). C NO 'J 5 , ~ 4_2 ). I I 1/ ! I I I SCNCOL PARCEL Ii. .', j / F /". /, /, / 42.62663 ACAT5 z\ . : "'1' I' i ; / 6'WIDE x 4' S.\ ( . /1 \ Ie I HIGH OVAL g, , /! // ',/ "--/1;.. ~,llT~~~~~G~I~~ ~,\ I~, I - I ;&/, / z\ I(';V--~I"\rv/I" 7' HIGH r' . ~ ':"~:r-:/ CHAIN LINK ~.\ ! ,/~ 8g/~8'5" t/i ( FENCE ~ ~9'46'05~E_0)_ I,. B;S~$ O;c8}A!i1c"'t-'~; 89'5()"54" E ,/ / L "", :O~ / // / '! .' / /'1562'/ / / R=245.,/ / ' I II ,'. / / /J" ~"'07'.23' /' /', / , " / / f ;',;" _, .- '. , " ./ I . >'"7";'N 00'02'41" W " . A/'/" / , .' .30.35' /; .// /, />>-/' ',,/, / . ,/,/' '/,/ ./... ' ,/" .. /' u.. ~ // /// // / /" ,/ ,,' .:' - ;/' /" / '" 0 .t' /.1 / / / / /., ,," /,1 ,/ "./ / ,,/ ,/'. I- / ////,/' / / / / / "I ' ~ // /. ~'/. . / ...: . /,/ ,/ //, /"/'O;: . '-'1--'("'-..[-- //.f / / I . . iO I, v . .r, . .1:./ >- "././ "/ ,'..., (,) 'NINe-: Wf:..L' / / / ,,// /f ,I' ... " ;1-::: .::!~,~. -' ,.> .:/// ////~r~/'~//,,//~,~~ ~ . '.", " /''/ .. /) / / ,/ -;' >< , " "6'/ . '/, /,/" W ~< ? '. ./ ' ,,/,; ,/ // /"" - - I' ._~~ -~. - <;! ~ / / /' / .1 // ..' ,,' ~-~/ / .1/, //? ,,' ./~'," wlw ZZ ~:J rr 1-< 0::;;; w D..LL 00 0:: a..l- J: ~ C2 " ~ . ftO~ 0...:-( --<\9 (. r"\'-I 75'\\ \ FOUND 2" BRASS DISK " STAMPED -----"SCCO ROAD S 75'11'10" W COMMiSSION" 4,86' IN MONUMENT BOX TPOB ~ j _ __ -<- \POB -- ;=2J.00 I ""'--- MO': 1 L=24.26 r:'" 6="'40'21" NORTH_".",ERLY " !;I CORNER or THE '\ r:5 ll\ND':' OF I ir : c. V 'H.IJ. PER ::: 99810R.115 ~ PARCEL RR .J \, ~, \ ,~ ! D I -I I I ./ / I I L.IONS CREEK 'PARC::L P. ,'tli,',\,: c~',\.,J:,~' /i FT J:-:::, ,,' RIO'ii Q W;"! UHf > /' / /' Pf.-F ~t/P, !..J <.d // / f,IP If, ,~;m , /' ,/ .' c.!/ " / ' ~: / ,- 7 HI(,11 '(:-c'~ ,I < '" (\11\111 [!(V/ ;"/'~'FFrwF "/ ./ //'Y inlU) 7' .,;;.;,.; ~,,>"'/' /; );~., /. ;;/ />/" /., -; -, &II l.rlAIN L"'ni " / / .- /' " , ' ':1= ,4,:. :i<.\)is.:>iij";,-,.,, ' 'ENe' ;>~<~/<~://1/;~;<>/ I~ ((f~~~~'~":: ::~~~~: ), ( ~/;/ '//:~:<>X> '1....< li~I(,:7C~1~'~J' ",S81 ,,; ;;5 ) /~/,,(+~;~:~ '~ l' '1!v~. .t _._-x -- --,<---A~' -,~" / /x~:--,_,.e . /' A.- . I'." ,^,V\\/G;.;~3:' " . /", / /'/' , ,,/' ./ ;< i j v, ::---~ ,( \J,>'l:" S 89'57'12" W :2o~6;'-1 I)<~~/::,.ctl fit 42,56' I I I IY, fli' IT "'. 'I ~ if; ~ EXHIBIT -B- r i4 1-' . I \ PLAT TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION LANDS OF SANTA CLARA V ALLEY WATER DISTRICT I" "/ / '/ x, i ! SCALE: 1"=20' NO. REVISIONS DATE: 09/23/08 DRA WN BY; BB/RM CHECKED BY: BEC PROJECT NO. 1662 Clmiffi(ffi[1 1101 S. WINCHESTER BLVD. sum 8-1&4 SAN JOSE, CA \15128 TEL: 406-261-9800 r FAX: 408-261-0595 EmffiO[(l~rnilDmffi E-YAIL: iniollcarroll-encineeriog.com o ~ CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (Government Code Section 27281) Certificate of Acceptance of Conveyance to the City of Gilroy by SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the grant deed dated October 20,2009 from the Santa Clara Valley Water District to thc City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 200S-56 of the City of Gilroy adopted December 15, 200S, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, document #20093294, dated January 9, 2009 and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on this 2Sth day of June, 2011. Thomas J. Haglund, City Administrator City of Gilroy