Santa Clara Valley Water District (03) .- , . ., . Valley Title Compary Escrow No. 197820-] ~S) Accbmodation .",,# ?- ?, ';, "~3-P^ GE J I 95 " 11401366 RECORD WITHom FEE UNDER SECTION 6103, GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Recorded at the request of Valley Title Company JUN 11 1992 8:00AM LAURIE KANE, Recorder Santa QIII COuoIV. OffICial Records AFTER RECORDING, RETURN TO: REC FEE, RMF MICRO RTCF LIEN SMPF PCOR to -Z SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CA 95118 This instrument is delivered to tIle P~~::Ct)rd:?~.'s c'if:c:3 as g:-I eccomrnadation OUlTCLAIM DEED by ~,l,:~ j "ri ;.;;:~~ C:;"Jr~'1(l;::n~/, ~.~/1t;"1i)i_.;t t~tte ~~;~a7G:'1 ::~n{! ior GonvanJenc8 only. i"i' h~j~) not ;}',~~':3n o;u::nlined as to its validity, oxecution or its effl.}ct upon title, if any. gt. c ( Document No. 5018-38.01. 56.02. 53.01...&3-:61 SANTA CLARA V ALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a public corporation, hereby quitclaims to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, all right, title and interest in all that certain real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Parcel 1 All that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Being a portion of the lands described in the deeds recorded in the Book K794 of Official Records at Page 2140 and Book K945 of Official Records at Page 2106, both documents are in the office of the Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California.. to wit: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line of the lands designated "Parcel 3" on that certain Parcel Map filed in Book 395 of Maps at Page 51, Santa Clara County Records, with the centerline of Thomas Road (39.60 f~et wide) as said intersection is shown on said Parcel Map; thence along said centerline, NORTH 95.82 feet; thence leaving said centerline, N 53001'46"E 85.98 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 1 ,200.00 feet, through a central angle of 31011' 17", for an arc distance of 653.20 feet; thence southwesterly along a curve to the left from a tangent which bears S 76053'08"W, having a radius of 800.00 feet, through a central angle of 18012'11", for an arc distance of 254.16 feet; thence southeasterly along a curve to the left from a tangent which bears S 50016'55"E, having a radius of 100.00 feet, through a central angle of 34045'05", for an arc distance of 60.65 feet; thence S 85002'00"E 199.63 feet; thence S 89002'00"E 126.17 feet; thence S 88042'22"E 35.00 feet to the centerline of Princevalle Street; thence along said centerline S 00002'56"E 19.80 feet to the intersection of said centerline, with the centerline of Thomas Road; thence along said centerline of Thomas Road N 89002'00"W 415.31 feet; thence N 45048'00"W 21.46 feet; thence S 83028'00"W 19.84 feet; thence S 49ooo'00"E 40.16 feet; thence along a curve to the left from a tangent which bears S 70043'01"W, having a radius of 1,090.00 feet, thwugh a central angle of 17041'15", for an arc distance of 336.49 feet; thence S 53001'46"W 168.78 feet to the centerline of Thomas Road; thence along said centerline NORTH 41.86 feet to the Point of Beginning. Ccmtair:;r;g 70,8-12 :iljlJarc f~d, or 1.626 ai.:n:s of land, more or less. ORIGINAL "'d 01) I t~c [l] ~ 'I , ~;i ryj :~l .~,~ . 0 1 Z m [~ <: ci Z i' co I 1 rr: ~ <..: ... ,,,, iI" M 2 33 PAGE I J..e 6 .....~, .- Parcel 2 All that certain real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Being a portion of the lands described in the deeds recorded in Book K945 of Official Records at Page 2106 and Book K794 of Official Records at Page 2140, and shown as Parcel 3 on that certain Parcel Map filed in Book 395 of Maps at Page 51, all documents are in the office of the Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California, to wit: BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line of said Parcel 3 with the centerline of Thomas Road (39.60 feet wide) as said intersection is ~hlJw!l on said Parcel Map; thence along said centerline, SOUTH 100.00 feet; thence leaving said centerline, WEST 25.00 feet; thence NORTH 100.00 feet; thence leaving said line, along a curve to the right, having a radius of 225.00 feet, through a central angle of 2r 15'58", for an arc distance of 107.07 feet to the easterly line of said lands; thence along said line, SOUTH 103.08 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 4,238 square feet or 0.097 acre of land, more or less. RESERVING UNTO GRANTOR an easement for water management and/or storm water drainage purposes, in, upon over, and across the hereinabove described Parcels 1 and 2. The easement shall include the right to construct, reconstruct, inspect, maintain and repair a channel, protection works and appurtenant structures, together with the right to trim or remove such trees or brush within the easement area as may constitute a hazard to persons or property or may interfere with the use of the said area for the purposes granted. DATED: APR Z 8 1992 SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ..~ ATTEST: SUSAN A. PING ? //;), kJt~~4Z)~C~P Clerk of the Board of Directors STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SS M233 PAGEI19"1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - EMPLOYEE On this Z ~ day of f}-;DY . , in the year {crt] 2- , before me ~V6tLh L. "7(jr/"}~ f/ /, . personally appeared ?af'riC/<.. 't: Rr,a.ro ,personally known to me ( proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be (]/'\4..)rrna.1v if) e.. 8azrvt V rt!.e;IDr$- of the Santa Clara Valley Water District, a public corporation in the State of California, and acknowledged to me that the Santa Clara Valley Water District executed it. WITN ESS my ha.mHirid'bfficial seal. ~,' - '. . t ~-.: " i,_ ~G)(9G)(9~~~~~~G)(9G)(9~G)(9G)(9~ ~' / ,,?:qFfICIAL SEAL l3 ~"' . (' :,/SUSAN l, TURN~R ~ ~ '. ~OT A~'(~UBLlC;' C'\l,!FCRNIA ~ ~ . .') SANIA.'CLA.M. ~~tiNTY ~ ~ My Comniiss;~h .ij~l1it~s',July 27, 1992 ~ ~G)(9l>llDG)(9~~~~~~~~i':I(<l~'){;>>!. /dMt~,~~ /Notary Public in and for said County and State My Commission eXPires:~1)""d1, fqq;r-- Fe 24D (06,14,82) 4 _. 1123 3PACE 1'98 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT This is to certify that the interest in real prperty conveyed by the deed or grant dated . April 28, 1992 from Santa Clara Valley Water District to the City of Gilroy, a political corporation, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 91-70 of the City Council adopted Noveaber 18, 1991, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of.Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 11161411, dated December 11, 1991 and the grantee consent to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 1st day of MrlY strator of the City of \, . . , MZ33PAG'E't'I'"a ",". ~ '. 5 88'42'22' E 35.00' ". . .., . 0" . '" . ..... .... w:';;;:' is, '.;,;; CSl ' . .. :'- ~ (',,1-. ~ uii l=I a'l ~: a: co ;...:.; 0 Ul ;';::: a:::: en ~ I I I <l~' " I PRINCEVALLE I I STREET I I 5 00'02'56' E 19.80' "t . ' .;;; . lJ') .- ~C) 0 0::: z: r r COlRSES r 0 >- ..> CD R - 100,00' 0 r A - 34'45'05' L - 60.65' -1 > CD N 45'48'00' W CD 21. 46 ' (f) r U CD 5 83'28'00' W ~ 1.1) 19.84' :s r "t tJ) CD 5 49'00'00' E 40,16' z: 'v" ~ -'-. .... .... u.. 0 Q) .... z: If) 0 J (f) CJ) a.. > <C 0 :2: m J :::l . ~ (f) ~ . (f) ~ :s 0 :r:: __DETRILL r N. T.S. >- r0- C, ::::J, l\.1 (f) (f) <( :s L ...4 2 ,-.) 0, .:J THOMAS LANE \ }< 7 9 4 O. R. 2 O. R. 2 0 6 RRERS PRRCEL 1 = 70,842 Sq,Ft. or 1.626 RC.I PARCEL 2 = 4,238 Sq.Ft. or 0.097 RC.I ~ M 5 J PARCEL 3 TOTAL = 75,080 Sq.Ft. or 1.723 Ac.I Rf)/. FfPR. IHTE 1 2 3 'lII OCSCRIPTI()I PROJECT ~. 5018 fILE~. 38.01,53.01,56.02, TIRE REIWT ~. 86.01 SCR.E 1'= 100' ~ J.G.PAUNIL IHTE 07/15/91