South County Ventures, LLC (2) (Il.- I' - t L-fc/ )j~ Order No. fJf7 ~Oq9J.) Escrow or Loan No. DOCUMENT: 19584166 Pages: 8 n ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Fees. Taxes. Cop i es. . AMT PAID * No Fees RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 Attention: Shawna Freels, City Clerk REGINA ALCOMENDRAS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of Chicago Title ROE tl 014 9/13/2007 8:00 AM South County Ventures, LLC 635 Campbell Technology Suite 100 ~fJJ.' Ca 95008 Parkway SPACE ABOVE TIllS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE ~~~ TRANSFER TAX $0.00 61 03 '---- 1Jl~ omputed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR /ffi/: flIl- If - OSI Mail Tax Statements to: CITY CONVEYANCE Exempt under Code Tax: $_ City: Gilroy _ Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. iMk ning tax - Firm Name AP.N.841-18-051 (Portion of) GRANT DEED FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, South County Ventures, LLC hereby GRANT(S) to The City of Gilroy, a California municipal corporation all that certain real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described as follows: See description attached hereto as Exhibit A. Dated: A 1A(}IA6T \ (" 2-00 7 Name: Title: <-Le. Mail tax statements to: Same as above address. \VPAPP\727643.2 053107-04706091 ~ CALlFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~,c<'.,G('~-C<>~~-C<>~,c<'~-c<>~~~~,C<'-c<>,C<'..<W-<%"-<%"~~,C<'~~a~ I 1 'I 1 State of California }~ County of 6A#-J-nt el,...A'ItA- ~ 1 I On A~ <or 'o~' tD"a belo'e me, ~(ll~:.~.,~~~~<t~:.?""'( /?Jf'L1 personally appeared ~ G- F, t.J I.-~'i ' Name(s) of Signerls) 1 1 D personally known to me ~ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(@ subscribed to the wi' instrument' and acknowledged to me th t he/ e/they executed the same in IS er their authorized capacity(ies), and that by ~r/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I, ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer ~ 8;9'"'' Name, QIe ~c. ~,'" Le'l ~ D Individual ~'..'..' $,Corporate Officer - Title(s): VV\A-N A-r I tJG ~e M Bf:~ I, D Partner - D Limited D General 1 D Attorney-in-Fact 1 D Trustee ~ IJ Go"d;a, 0' Con,e"'atm l :~::~: Rep'e:~'tI'~ ~~un-I_('mU1",,!VeUTt)e(5J I.U . _.! ,;(;,~'@j~~~~~~~~'@j'@j~~~~~~,~.;:,@~,'@j~~~~'@j~~~~~'Q'", fjCommIMIOft'. 17"162 PI MoIaIY N* . COIItomIa " IantO Clara County 1: ~ _!. ~ _~~~~~! J OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document G'RlhJ -r IlU61.L.5r I '". Z--D.., 7 Title or Type of Document: ]) fi~ h Number of Pages: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: ,..JO".JE Top of thumb here @1999 National Notary Association. 9350 De Soto Ave., PO. Box 2402. Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402. www.nationalnotary.org Prod_ No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1-800-876-6827 'I J 'I .J 1 'I 1 1 'I -I 'I 1"'1 .1 I','.: 1 '! ,I ~ 1 -I -I 'I 1 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (Government Code Section 27281) Certificate of Acceptance of Conveyance to the City of Gilroy by South County Ventures, LLC This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the grant deed dated August 16, 2007 from South County Ventures, LLC, to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 2004-20 of the City of Gilroy adopted March 15, 2004, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, document #17703402, dated April 6, 2004 and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on August 27, 2007. aksa, City Administrator of the of Gilroy EXHIBIT A AP. No. 841,18,51 South County Ventures Legal Description Being a portion of Parcel One as shown on that certain Parcel Map filed for record on November 25,1992 in Book 642 of Maps at Page 14, Santa Clara Records, Santa Clara County, California and more particularly described as follows. Parcel wA' Commencing at a Standard City Monument as shown on said Parcel Map, said point of commencement lying at the intersection of the centerline of Camino Arroyo with the northerly line of Gilman Road; thence along said centerline South 3r22'50" East, 106.98 feet; thence leaving said centf'l'line North 55"02'46" East, 55.00 feet to a point on ~e easterly line of Camino Arroyo as descrlbed by the Agreement for Easement and Dedication as recorded as Document 15499518 on December 19, 2000 in Official Records, Santa Clara County, said point lying on the southerly line of Gilman Road, said point being the "T rue Point of Beginning"; thence along the easterly line of said street easement South 31-n'50" East, 301.04 feet to a point on the nottherly line of the land of Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District; thence along said northerly line North 85"30'00" East, 9830 feet; thence leaving said northerly line, North 59"40'40" West, 62.61 feet; thence North 77"56'18" West, 5207 feet; thence North 29"45'42" West, 256.37 feet to a point on the southerly line of Gilman Road; thence South 5S02'46" West, along said southerly line 27.49 feet to the "True Point of Beginning." Containing 9,546.48 square feet mOl;e or less. Parcel "B" Commencing at a Standard City Monument as shown on said Parcel Map, said point of commencement lying at the intersection of the centerline of Camino Arroyo with the northerly line of Gilman Road; thence South 31"22'50" East along said centerline, 376.63 feet to a point on the northerly line of the lands of Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District; thence South 85"30'00" West, 61.66 feet to a point on the west line of Camino Arroyo as described by the Agreement for Easement and Dedication a recmded as Document 15499518 on December 19, 2000 in Official Recon:1s. Santa Clara County, said point being the "True Point of Beginning'; thence contin~ along said northerly line South 8S30'OO' West, 88.93 feet; thence leaving said northerly line North 41"35'33" East, 82.96 feet to a point on the we$terly line of Camino Arroyo as described by said Agreement; thence along said westerly line South 31"22'50" East, 64.50 feet to the "True Point of Beginning.' Containing 2.558.11 square feet more or less. ""~.......~r""~.&"'U1"'.4I"'.M 10 m.a- ~ AP. No. 841..18..51 South County Ventures Legal Description Being a portion of Parcel One as shown on that certain Parcel Map fUed for record on November 25.1992 in Bool{ 642 of Maps at Page 14, Santa Clara Records. Santa Clara County. California and more particularly described as follows. Parcel .C" Beginning at the most westerly point of said Parcel One, said point of beginning being the point of intersection of the southerly line of Gihnan Road as described by deed recorded as Document No. 11646987 Official Records Santa Clara County and the northerly line of the lands of Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District as described as Parcel 'A" in deed recorded in tibet 618 at Page 186 Official Records Santa Clara County; thence from said point of beginning North 70.38'12" East, along said southerly line of Gilman Road. 89.07 feet; thence continuing along said southerly line: on a non..tangent curve to the lclt from a radial of South 1l~r33" East with a radius of 1428.00 feet, through a delta of 5'3745" for an arc length of 140.24 feet; thence leaving said southerly line. South 03'51'48- East, 49.38 feet more or less to the northerly line of said lands of Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District; thence along said northerly line South 85"30'00" West, 160.93 feet; thence continuing along said northerly line on a curve to the tight from a radial bearing South 04"30'00' East, with a radius of 850.00 feet through a delta of 04.14'00' for an arc length of 62.80 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 6108.32 square feet more or less. EXPIRES 3-31-07 P.\Joh"'dr~2lIOI\IOl'ilfIl.f&ll~COUtlJ'6.tlGc ~ ~ .8 - o - fl ,M.,00' ". ". ". / 7f: -<~ ~:f~ /~"5 " ". / ". / " ". GRAPHIC SCAlE o 100 ~-~ SCALE IN FEET A.P.No_ 841-18-51 sount COUNJ1'( WNIURf:S ~ '~~ t'~\> , '" , ." 1~ ..If) ". .. \. -.a..'- . ,,~~ '\~ 'S'~If)~ /1);':""'); 110' WIDE ~ ~ NO. 15499518 ~C~ ~ ~tl"'l. P !ReEL "A" 1,548.48 SQlWIE fEEJ' (0.211 AcN) 5 s \ ,to q.p N 8 .... o I ~ I CD r "0 D\ 4( - - .... to I co .- I ~ , Cl' . ,. in I ll() ... I ... ~ , .. 01 .s; ., e 9- :g I , CD o o N I CI) 8 }- = c: I D o }- Ii.: --- 3 P.O.B. s.e.v.W.D. CHANNEL P AReEL "B" 2S5L11 SQUME fEEJ' (O.o5l.An) LINE SCHEDULE (Ds 31"22'50. E, 64.SO' 0s 85'30'00. W. 98.30' @N 41'35'33- E, 82.96' (IDs 59'40'40- E. 62.61' @S 85'30'00. W, 88.93' @S 77'56'18- E. 52.07' <Z)N 55"02'468 E, 27.49' Ross tep enson Associates, Inc, Engineering and Surveying 2801 Coffee Road. Suite B-1 Modesto. CoIifomio 95355 (209) 578-3895 I Fox. (209) 578-3929 PLAT OF DESCRIPTION CITY OF GILROY, CA CAMINO ARROYO BRIDGE AT S.C.V:W.D. CHANNEL ~ A PORTION OF PARCEL 1 , 642 MAPS 14 S.C.C. RECORDS LAND OF SOUTH COUNTY VENTURES GI1M~N ROA.U S8~~O"OO"W 160.93' SCAlE: - 0' .4Q.~ \,..., S.C.V.F.C. &. W.D. CHANNEL LINE SCHEDULE (DS 03"5\'48" E, 49.38' @RM 850.00' 4- 0414'00" L- 62.SO' Q)N 70"38'12- E. 89.07' oss . Stephenson Associates, Inc. Engineering and Surveying 280' COff.. Rood, Suite B-1 MOdesto. Col\fornlo 95355 (20Sl) 578-3895 / FOIt (209) 578-3929 1"=40' CRAPHIC SCALE o 40 ~---..... SCALE IN FEET .....- 1 EXPIRES 3-31-67 PLAT OF DESCRIPTION CITY OF' GILROY, CA CAMINO ARROYO BRIDGE AT S.C.V.F. & W.O. CHANNEL , i . ar& I ~I EXHIBITB .. ',"#. ......-..- .~-~_.. .~-----_.. . , . . ...,~~ ~- ." '. ~ . . . ,"'i,,'~ ~ 'co ";';' .' '.l~,!i.,'!l!.i,':.' 0':"' :.!ta:~ii"~ll' , i 'Il~'i~" t,ii ' r 11 i!'llai , r Pi : ~FJ 't ' , ..- . ,~ , ' . ' i: 8' i i ~ ~. , " . ~',: I~ .' N', . ," :,,: . ~:~: '", ,. . ~ .. .. i :.p . tit , O[ lL ~'~f JL'.J " ~... ,,, ~AQbvo ,~.- "