Bryan, Elmyr T., et al l~' Y . r:2HIS nmENTUI-\E, I.Iade this 51 da;}' of July 1920, 13etween the persons whose names are subscribed hereto, the parties of the first part, and the City of Gilroy, a LIunicipal Corporation, the party of the second part, ViITNESSETH: That the parties of the first part,' for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars to them in hand paid,do hereby grant unto the party of the second part all that certain piece and parcel of land situate,lying and being .in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, state of Oalifornia, describccl. as follows:- Beginning at a point in the joutherly line of ;jecond street, distant thereon One hundred and forty feet Basterly from the point of intersection of the Southerly line of jecond street with the Basterly line of itosanna jtreet, and running thence Sontherly and parallel to the Basterl;:l line of hosanna street .:&lour hundred and thirty-two feet; thence at right angles l::asterly Twenty feet\; thence llort'-:.erly and parallel to the Basterly line of nosanna street Rour hundred and thirty-two feet to the Southerly line of Second .:.)treet, and thence '.Jesterly and along the ~outherly line of 0econd street Twenty feet to the place of begirming. TO llAVB AIm CLO HOLD unto the Gi t~l of Gilroy for a public }Ule~l" '.'lay. I~ WICLnE3S VnI1mgOl;', the parties of the first part, have hereunto set their hands the da;'7 and year herein first viri tten. ;;;~~~' _~_TE~ -~~ /~~/ a)~/~/ ~qJ---d4L' /Il;/l ;J if (J17. Li~1f! 0, ftp-ur ~ ~.. , .:' d<< ;lJI. ~i rwlr ... L l~\ r . ~~:~t~fo~~::::;~iara, } 55. , 3i a!! ~_ /____ ON THIS________((____________day of_ -- ----7----------, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and~___. before me, WALTER G. FITZG LD, a Notary Public in and for ..id ~o~t:;:_s..,~~.etm. "_'idiOg~~~~IY _..~~9:i~~e~-~~~-.s~~:~~ L:~~,~~~~@~:~~~:.-~~ ~~~~~_-~ ---~~~~~~ ~~.- ~~~~~.- Lfl~ _ ___.,______J't/'//'-_ m_n ~_~~_ - __Lf~~__ __ ___'__,__ __n_____ _n_____ / b1 J/~,_ /' l~ ~ " , m____._._____r~--~__~~--- ~m -_~n__h~------mn- known to me to be the personSu_described in, whose name..d________n___subscribed at my office in the Coun seal, tten. l~\ Y . State 0 County year OnE said Cou: SIal. \1 California, } . t!' c;:1 CountY?f Santa Clara, 55. -1--./ ON THISm;!_E~mdaY Of~-:!..-4:~ _. __, in the year One 'l,ousand Nine Hundred an~~ before me, WALTER G. FITZGERA~:-:~-:;-~c in and for ..~ ~oootY_'f,#LL~I:k1Alg~,;~~~;:,~~:~ ::2;hZ~~~"lIl:~i2-:::::- _.num_ ..__. __m. ._____ _.un __m __<<-::.~~~~~.~L~~~:~~m----n-h---- _ __, _.., ____n mn' m. _. mmm_ _u_ ---------- ----------------- ---------------- .----- --_. -- ------ ---------------/--- -------_._------ known to me to be the personu_n_described in, whose name_~o;:t-nn-subscribed to, and who executed the annexed instrument, and -f!- he___~ acknowledged to me that U_hen__executed the same.n_ ____.. n____ ____n ____ _, ____ ____ __h_' .___ -. _on_. hU , ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF I ~a,ve ereunto set, my ha od a, " ,Y Offi,c,.ia,l",seal' at my office in the coun~~::~~~_ _~ _~n .:ar J:_~:&r:~~~ , PU1ij:.IC \ In and for the Cf'unt ta clara~~~of California , \; \ i i-1 ;o~ :,1 i-1 CL ,;J -. :" ,'........ . .;, rl cd 4J Q) ~.-- ~ ...... \' .-' -.... ?-I p:j fTl . Ei ~ ~ ;-1 ~. . 'I '" o [-I . ?-I o Q:4 [.-1 H o r'i=l o ?-I [-I H o . ~ g it. ~''i en 13 t'J tn 1! o . 11;..; 0 c . ["1' 0) g J ~J ~I ~ 'i -:i'. (") : ~ ffi ti..:~oz o:l Q)..... I () ~-a .;~z ~ 0 bD>,4: ,.. ~ ~~..J 0::: : == LL -cl+118. <<l : <<l'" _ Is..... . i ~ 0 .I : <<l ~ ~ ~ ~ . o ,~'t.l 00 rl ?-I rl ~ l I I . ~ . . I . ~: ) .~: : ~':iJ ! I N: I<i . ~. . . . I ~ i: ~ ~ . ~j(~"'l, \\'\, "J l ~ J .i ~ .", ' :::"J [,1 [:.:1 <~ i-1 i'~;"'~ o ...J <f: 0::: W o N l- lL. o 0::: W I- ...J <! S lL. ..J <t: U >- o a::: ..J o ~ ,';J-- ~ ".,"L \.o:;r-