Cal-Mission 4 '1 !'~~;1 "J (~ (\ /1 ....I. t) :;t 1/ .} V '.:.t Boo(.4239 PAGE 41 Application No......................... 11'''' r .. 0 r - jqi "~4 I.R.S, ({orporation clPrant meeb 3lnbibibual ,>ftIt(.fD r-u HFGORO , //J~' r J;, P7'" r, i,' F,#'-' ..(:;J . /:J '~,a.A (/ (' 2/1 Nov 2~ 12 18 ~ 1958 /' CAL-MISSION, t"'\t.J'::,l titJ OUNTY a corporation, does hereby GRANT TO THE CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of Santa the real property situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California. described as follows: # Above space for Recorder BEING a portion of Las Animas Rancho Sublot No. 43 in the City of Gilroy as shown on Map No. 8 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition suit of Henry Miller, et al vs. Massey Thomas, et al., Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara and being a portion of the Westerly part of that certain tract of land conveyed by Ernest Barnes to Albert Gurries by deed dated January 8,1941 and recorded January 24, 1941, in Book 1024 of Official Records, page 9, Santa Clara County Records, and is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch pipe on the centerline of Rosanna Street prolonged northerly at the Southwesterly end of Welburn Avenue, 30 feet wide as conveyed to the City of Gilroy for public street by Deed dated May 23, 1908 and recorded in Book 343 of Deeds, page 72, Santa Clara County Records: thence along the southerly line of Welburn Avenue No. 700 E. 717.50 feet to an iron pipe: thence S. 190 55' 30" E. 108.06 feet to an iron pipe: thence S. 880 50' 30" W. 180.32 feet: thence along a curve to the left, having a radius of 370.00 feet and a central angle of 180 50' 30" 131.54 feet: thence S. 700 W. 427.21 feet to the centerline of said prolongation of Rosanna Street: thence along said centerline N. 200 E. 30.00 feet to the point of beginning, and CONTAINING THEREIN 0.702 acres of land. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to be executed by irs duly 1_ .~ ., ~ t . . I authorized offiter~,thi~" '. 31 day of October , 195 S ,'. ..\I1....~"'Il.....o- (. "', "r , :>.0 4;.r. " ~.-" IP"" .....<'..~' ",":3J --..,~ :~:...".::::~<I,1i' . - c':' u . " -; J.. ,. . ... ,~ ,". .,. .... ., . ~."'" ..... ';,.'.:, I I ......,.. .,,- ",..'$-:J'" .",.l..O c........d.', ~ "'~l,. ..}~o..'e4'-"': (...)":1...;. . STATE'b-f"~~bl.f"-'t:J~ H ~) ~ COUNTY of.,;.,iIN'I'ffYI SSContra Costa On this 3l8t day of October a Notary Public in and for said County and Slare personally appeJred G. A. Filice and .1013. Perrelli known to me to be the President a,' Secretar7 ", ". 'rI0#e/rllI #/ /I>fcle/#of th, corporati~p.~at.:~x~~~d:~~~~~!hin and foregoing inslru- ::",~.:",~,~':o:::,:~o ,::,::<d",~::.::'OO' who ",,,,,J ,h. w ..hi" m"rom,"'"" ~,.,,'", :~',:,ro" ,: ,:,~t;~", a:d acknowledged to r~ "- .',:. .NI>~ ~t:I.brl.', ~ c01DlD.i8eion ',' ,,' '.' .':,h~> 1959 . San Jose Abstract & Title Insurance CO~':,;,:,;, ,~,..., / .. ,." -' -~.;<:_,~....:~~ CAL-MISSIOB co. .. .-.....-...... ........._____...............________. .P............................--. ......____......_.... .....Q.~L~...,.......,. BYnCjn By nnn.mn~~~'''~ President ,....,7J" e-~<:..~ -_.__.~.--.-......._............_..._._~... Secretary ( , I ~ , 195 S. before me Robert W. BlT i')3.9 -l.'....., " .~, t. .12 Pursuant to the Resolution of the C::ommon Council of the City of Gilroy, adopted on the 17th day of November, 1958, authorizing the Mayor of the City of Gilroy to accept the attached deed and consent to its recordation, I, the undersigned Mayor of the City of Gilroy, do hereby accept said deed and consent to its recordation, on behalf of the said City of Gilroy. CITY OF GILROY By' 4/~7f " f MAYOR "'j< ./ .--' [A~] " J ,\;1 \'.t! >- >- 0( = = Z . ~! C'a C'a o!!: =- =- ~.J -..' E E oJ: 0 0(0( .,t .... Q Q o:U ~: "0 c..:t c..:t I- . := .I:J ": <I) >- 0(0 <I) a:>> "': "0 - I- U = Z.J Q W ~~ ~I '" = C'a 00( w :.a C'a ... ...: '- : \ ... C'a 1-0 ui..: ....:I ,. '.... ....... Rl ~ ::I ::I UI =.J -< ,,~ ..... o~ >- ~ .-; en :I: c.::I ~o( 0(.J ;::J' v: I -= I- Z.J 0(11. 0( W Cl ~1 11 e ~ "Q 00( 1: >-u ,: = 1: 0 ..... ~ ~ '1~ <I) a:>> Q C'a UU 11. . ....... :> Ji '" ;:: OJ iii o:~ <.s UlIiI ~ := ..... <I) t= ... a:>> :>0( Cl q, 0.. <( 1:UI jl I ~1 ~! u ~> W ~ Z cae ::l = ...0 .>- fi "0 u: C'a 0:""1 UlZ c.; Q W ..... <I) "- ... OZ "0 - <( ::I z-< oZ ~ .~ ... u en I- . 0\:> , ~ !: ~~ 0 C'a = OUl UI!!: l'lUl ... U ... "" UI.J ">J. ~ <I) - ... en a:>> Ulo( " .,- -J c:: -= ;:: IiIU ~ ~): ~ <I) c t= Z ,.., "",,: ,J' ..<:: -iii (~.>~ ! ~ a:>> = UlUl ... en ... :>0 -'; <I) Q a:>> m""l ....... ": "0 - - "'Z ..... .... = en -0( 0 C'a a:>> ~Ul Cot') :. . (, R ~ SOL UTI n N No. 487 RESOLUTION OF TFE Cm:IM01';r CnUNCIL PROVE lEG F0F: fTO:T1? ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE OT LANT TO CITY OT GILROY. WH~REAS, Cal-Mission, a corporation, has eX~?Cllted a deed dated October 31, 1958, convAying to the City of Gilroy the following described pronerty located in the said City of Gilroy: BEING a portion of Las Animas Rancho Sublot No. 4~ in the City of Gilroy as shown on Map No.8 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition suit of Henry Miller, et at vs. Massey Thomas, et al., Action No. 5536 had in th~ Superior Court of the state of California, in and for theCounty of Santa Clara and being a portion of the Westerly part of that certain tract of land conveyed by Ernest Barnes to Albert Gurries bv deed dated January 8, 1941 and recorded Janu~ry 24, 1941, in Book 1024 of Official Records, pcpe 9, Santa Clara County Hecords, :1n(1 is r:'1ore n:3rti~'Jlarly described as follows: BEGI*NING at a 1/2 inch pine on the centerline of Rosanna Street prolonged northerly at the south- westerly end of Welburn }\venue, ~O feet wide as conveyed to the City of Gilroy for public street by Deed dated Vay '3, 1908 and recorded in Book 343 of feeds, page 72, Santa Clara County Records; thence along the southerly line of 1'lelburn Avenue No. 700 E. 717.~C feet to an iron pipe: thence s. 190 5S" ~O!l E. 108.06'1 feet to an iron pipe; thence S. ppo 50' ~C" j'T. ).80.32 feet; thence along a curve to the left, having a radius of ~70.00 feet and a central angle of 180 50' lO" l~1.~4 feet; thence S. 700 w. L~7.21 feet to the centAr- line of said prolongation of Rosanna Street; thence along said centerline N. 200 E. lO.OO feet to the point of beginning, and CONTAnnNG T'TRREIN 0.702 acres of land; and WHEREAS, the saie City of Gilroy desires to accept said conveyance and cal1se the same to be recorded, Now therefore, be jt resolved anc it is hereby ordered that ~ said grant, deed nnd conveyance be accepted by', the City of G11 roy ;::~.:~ /"1" (~ . / ;:"1.-1 1)/' .; ~ }.,-:. ..j Ii ,.P BOOf 4239 PAG! 43 / .~ i';~" .,/ and the:t the same shall be chJly reco'rded in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, and Be it further ordered that, Si~ Sanchez, the Mayor of the City of Gilroy, execute the necessary consent and accentance upon said conveyance on beha] f of t.hp sa id City of Gilroy. PASSEr and ArOPTF:f this 17th day of I'1overy;ber by the following vote: AYSS: NOES: COUNCILMEN: Pate, Petersen, Rush. Wentworth. Gallo, and Jordan COUNCIIM~N: None ABSEnT: COTJr;CII2J~ErJ: None Approved: .!!.!~_~E:~ez_. Attest: .U U', , I HEREBY CERl'IFY that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of November, 1958, at which meeting, a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of Gilroy, this 17th day of November, 1958. f~ ~j,/~:;" ('ca ( V" City Clerk City of Gilroy ~ -~ ......'