Camino, Ernest J. and Ida l' Form 2 ~ airant meell t,~R1LEsr.r J. C.l~:,,:lIIJ-CI and IDii Cl\.JJ:IIJO, ilis vJife, &.s joint tent;.Ylts, the first part y , hereby Girant to j}lE' C11::{ OE GILFOY, A IIunic ipal Corporation, the second party , all that real property situated in the Ci ty of Gill' oy , County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows; bEING parts of .clock ~ .i.:orth, Range 1 \'Jest, as said Jilock is shown upon 1v16p Ho. Q accomp::::'1ying the Report ofche Referees in t.ile Las Anirnas Rancho Partit,ion Suit, Action 1:0. 5b36 had. in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, and more particularly those parts described as follows: Parcel Ho. 1 "THE '1VE.,.'l'ERLY 10 ]'EET of ti:la.L certain parcel of land d.escri bed as fol ows: 15~GI1,lUFG at a point on the 'J'leE1terly line of :.~onterey Street distant thereon northerly 211.60 feet from the intersection of sS.id line of :'onterey street with the northerly line of }~ollrth Street ana said point of beginning being the common corner for I t. . 6 'Y7' "'1 1 ry 'f .... P 1 ,.:t 't' '~i.L f' N'l ~o C fina. J.n.D OCK oJ Lor lJH, ...'.Hnge e 8 0:: ne 0 lJY 0 \x1 roy, tnence southerly along said line of.lonterey street S.20"C01E. 27.CO feet; thence westerly and parallel with said line of Fourth Street S.700001W. 150.00 feet; tnence northerly and p8ra11el with sHid line of iionterey Street H.20oCO'W. 28.31 feet: to the southerly line of Lot 6 in said block; thence easterly BnL along the dividing line between Lots 6 anu 7 in said block U.700301E. 1bO.Ol feet to the place of beginning, fino. being a part of Lot 7 in 'Clle above mentioned Block.1I Parcel lTo. 2 "'rllE l:lt1~ SI\BR1 Y 10 .i:EET of tnat certain parcel 01 land described as follows: bEGLJ11IlW at a point on tne Easterl;yr line of :2igelberry street distant thereon southerly along saia easterly line 182.00 feet froQ from the soutnerly line of j}hirQ street an~ said point of beginnin being tile common corner for Lots 1;:; and. 14 in sa ilL block and running thence S. 20~0(;' E. 65.40 feet to the sou tll'.vestel~ly corner of the 9arce 1 of land. conveyed. by A. A. Martin and. Cal'rie S. "Iartin, hi::; wife, to Her-bert E. ?obinson by Deea. u8.ted January 8, 19Z,0 ana. recorded January ID, 192i0 in book 501 of Official Records, page 10, anU. also being;"he 1Jorthwesterly corner of the parcel of lanci conveyed. by A.A."Iartin and Carrie S. Martin, his wife to Jame s Vim. :F'isher, b;y Deed dated July 25, 1932 and. rec ord.ed July 28,1932 in Book 623 of Official Fecords, page 07, and thence eaEterly and a.,long "he ci.i viding line between the above two referred to parcels of lanci. N.70oD01E. 150.00 feet to the we sterly line of land. conveyed by A.A .1,1art in et aI, to E.E. Robinson, by Deed 4ated April 18, 1928 and. recorded April 21, 1928 in Book z,o 0 of Ofti cis.1 ?ecol'ds, page 522, and thence northerly along the westerJy line of land conveyed to said H.E. Robinson lJ. 20000' Vi. 28.42 feet to the northwe sterl;; corner tilereof, tne!lCe ,;ve sterly S. 70~30 1 VI. 5~.0 8 fee t to the westerly line of Lot 4; thence Hortherly aYld along .said. westerly line, li.22016'20"W. ~,6.54 feet to the common corner for LatE 13 anll 14 in the westerly line of Lot 4; ti~nce westerly and along the diViding line between saia. Lots 13 and 14 S.70~OOIW. 94.57 feet to the place of beginning, ana. being part of Lots 4 and. 14 in the above mentioned block." Parcel Ho. 3 "THE EASfl'ERLY 10 ]'BET of that certain parcel of land descri'bed as follows: \ BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Eigelberry street distant thereon 247.40 feet southerly from the intersection of saia line of Eigelberry Street with tile Southerly line of Third street, anCt saici point of beginning being tile Southwesterly corner of the parcel of land conveyed by A.A . l,"iart in and Carrie -- S. ~-1artin, his 'wife, to rierbert E. Robinson by Deed da tea January 8, 1930 ana Recorded Jenuary 13, 19;;'0 in ,,:Jook 501 of Official Reco rd.s, page 10, anCl rnnninf; thence southerly along SE-id. line of Eigelberr~y street S. 20000' E. 50.00 feet to the nortlrwesterly corner of the parcel of land conveyed by A.~.~ard, et al to G. To gn& Ida by De eel da ted July 1, 1904 and re c ol'ded July 7, 1904 in Beak 279 of Deeds, page 2Q(\; thence easterly and alone:: the northerly line of lE-nd conveyed to said G. 'l'ognalda If.70o001E. 97.80 feet to the easterly line of Lot 15; thence 3.21045'E. and along the easterly line of said Lot 15 39.26 feet to tne COlInnon corner for lot,S 6 and 7 in the easGerly line of Lot 15; tllence easterly and a.long the line betvV'een Lots 6 and. 7 H. 70. 30'E. 51.00 feet to the vvesterly line of land conveyed by A.A. l~rtin et a1 to H.E.Robinson b; Deed dated. April 18, 1928 End recol'deo. t.pril 21, 1928 in ..jook 390 of Official Recora.s, page 522; thence northcrl;y '3.nd along s&id westerl;y line and parallel to ~~nterey street N.2CoOO'W. 90.48 feet to the Southeasterly corner of the parcel of lana conveyed to paid Herbert 3. Robinson by Deed recorded in Book 501 of Official ~ecords, page 10, thence westerly and. parallel with the Southerly line of Third street, S. 70000' 'IV. 150.00 feet to the place of begin..Yling, and "being a part of Lots 4,5,6,14, and 15 in said Slack and R~mge." II I . '~ . In Bitness BlJereof, the said first part! fifth day of February haS executed this conveyance this ,1946 \ itute of C!t:alifornta, } ss. C!t:ounty of ianta C!t:lara On fliittp.................... day of .........__.._f..~.b.rRt;l:r.Y.................__., 1949...., before me ......................,..........::,;;...R-..Gr.ee.n..........-.....--....--......., ..........--.........--.----........ a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared .......ZxneS.t...J...Camino...ancl,..I.da...Cam.i-no.,.,--h.:Ls...w.i-i.e....--........ . known to me to be the personJL... whose name...~__,..J~.:r_e..__._____...._...._.._......_.. subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that ....~he..l_ executed the same. DUtness my hand and official Seal. $.t * ~ Q - > - Q Z - r,:j ,-l r' (.'J ,~) ;..:t H ! , . " 3 . r:J "'-1 :;1) : 1 l.,-" 4 p., n a.> H .,-l :- ? w .~ ,..... ...:"""t () ~',.:i f-! < ~ ..,~ ;.J :.~ i~ H -. -_.,~- '_-"'.I;~'-.~_...,.. __ '::'~..p,.,~;;.::..-:.:.~,-_- 1 o E-< 1 ~~'-f 1 0: p~: H: f--j : oi c)! ""-1: O-j: i:_~i 'J ~: ':J : .'ri : -r:>: ,j: i-1 : 0: <~)~ : '~4 : 0: C.:J : 01: eJ: 0,: .~: u: .,-l : ~: I'-:~ : J""t: c~i I Ii Ii .9 ." ~ ~ ." . '" :f '1lj e ~ '" l1:l ~ 0 0. ." Z <lJ "E ... 0 e.I u "'tl <lJ ... ... 0 I:l <lJ ..<: ~ I ~I ~ I I I I II I i ] 8 '. "-.-",-.....--:.,,,,,,-,,.- ....-/.....;.~''''~. ~'-~-' ~ c:: . ~ ~ o~tl :\ i t3 - ~~ I 2 $ </l '....J...... c ~ 1"\ 1 ~ ~ 0'" I .- (/J ~ i~ S:- & ~ ',,,",,,log -C ,....; ~ en : ~~ ~ .....: ~ ~ ~ to""', I . , ''''0 I ~.,.." ~ \ : : : ~O I, C:1l~ en ,,) I I I '-" - 'vi "'0 ~; \J ~\Q\~~:J~ U1~~U- : 13 I>> o 0 t- \l.l -0 ~a: -0 1_ Zt-Zc.. ~ ,<(.... <D S _Z~lJ) \&:1 'Ill:::: ~ ~O ~~ \~.\ -=::; f 0.(.) " . C) t' ~"I I I I I I . I I I I . O I I I I I UI I I..J Cl : W ~ Cl: 0:: ~ l:d ~O_"'o.. ~:;(lJ) ",0:: o::~ ~ a:. ,101 ,::,:\ 0:: o c.> u.I a: ~ 'I Q '" II c:.; Ii I a~ I-! h !I~ i~ I ~ ~$2. .c ~~ I en 0 en I ...= z l -< ~ ~li ~ I~ I~ T "',:'- ~ E SOL UTI S?. li }J.Q.. ~ BE reI' RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy, that the certain Deeds hereinafter described are hereby accepted BY the City of Gilroy, to wit: Grantors Date of Deed Oliver K and Florence E.Baxter January 28,1946 February 1,1946 February 4,1946 February 5,1946 January 30,1946 February 5,1946 February 5,1946 Floyd A.Robinson Andrew R.and Lols J.Battagin Hugh S .Hersman Ernest J.and Ida Camino Eileen McElroy Harper Alfred R. and Clara n.Bettancourt The Geo.H.Louis Realty Company July 9,1940 Said grant deeds are hereto attached and made a part of this resolution. This acceptance by resolution is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 1158 of the Civil Code of the State of California. Accepted this Lf\~ day of March, 1946. APPro::t,: @ ~ Ilayor~ Attest: City c~;~,~ CLERK'S CERTI FI GATE . I I I CLERK'S CERTIFlCA'rJ$ I~ PA.Cox, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the Common Council of said City of Gilroy at the 1"~L\t~-{ meeting held on the 4~ day of March, 1946, a p. the foregoing conveyance. and consents to the recorda- tion thereof. Dated: 'rhia ~-\-~ day of V\ 'O"l'( 'n ,1946. ~-~.~ City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California. .