Chiesa, Ermelinda -r r:~n~ BOO(.0,-uU PAGr 78 "ll' I, , .1 n It tl," .:... " t ,.'. 'l./' C ':...' G, Application No..............___........ 800:\ 5~U{j P~,GE 78 LR.S, ~rant 1Jgeeb 3Jnbibibual FilED FOR Rf-COrm .1' ') -,....' ll't' ,,"\', f', """ '.. jo\ ~\ ;:'. LJJ .: k, u t .+-. ,/.; <<i:.L I. X l.ll ;'_l:-<-} SE~l ) 3 58 PH 1961.1 OFFICIJ\L R::?;CORDS SANTA CL.L,ft~ COUNTY PA,UL n, TEiLH ERMELINDA CHIESA, Surviving wife of COSTANZO CHIESA, now Deceased, and MARGIORINO CHIESA and DOROTHY CHIESA, his wife the first part ies , hereby GRANT TO CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation HECJRDCR the second part y , all that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: IX/W Above space for Recorder BEING a portion of Lot 1 as shown on "Map of Henry Millerl s Subdivis ion of Las Animas Ranchlot No. 23, II which map is recorded in Book "H" of Maps at page 5, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and being more particularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at a point designated "M 1" as shown on said Map in the northerly line of Hecker Pass Highway (shown as Bodfish Mill Road) distant thereon S. 890 121 30" E. 24.05 feet and N. 220 151 W. 35.86 feet from a monument casting in the centerline of Hecker Pass Highway at the intersection thereof with the centerline of Miller Avenue, and running thence along the northerly line of said Hecker Pass Highway N. 890 121 30" W. 55.01 feet: thence N. 00 471 30" E. 10.00 feet: thence along a curve to the left from a tangent bearing of S. 890 121 30" E. having a radius of 10.00 feet and a central angle of 900001, a distance of 15.71 feet: thence N. 00 471 3011 E. 6.19 feet: thence along acurve to the left having a radius of 140.00 feet and a central angle of 230 021 3011, a distance of 56.30 feet: thence N. 220 151 W. 277.68 feet: thence N. 670 451 E. 20.00 feet to a point in the Southwesterly line of wayland Lane as shown on said map: thence along said Southwesterly line of Wayland Lane S. 220 151 E. 374.20 feet to the point of beginning." . . //.' ~,TNES~ .' our handS. ('\!' this ;; / C/'j//-'J~I.H'" <~ ,'" .ulil(' < ~J " " . , ' " .~ "A~ ,-'}',-,-,... ''-.,' I 1r "h,.,. /';j-.'-,hi tt-in, lit,", -''1; t, '1 " . . , ..> . '. 10-. , W, ~f e 111-* lI.arIT'.. ,'" ''Ill ,./lltttl:. """ '" ... .,...,:. t IlIftlt. htll""lw:,! lilt '1~:'''d7{h.'' ','"fl'l hit ,u,. ". .. pf~ *11../1, I In. \t>.-.UtlOCt> .~, '.I;~, ..!.;~r;.j!!'-f" /~I'r. _ ,.. I <.~--: ~_'fC l.A:' / \ e 'l' , ," ,..'.' . ...~."'.""'" ,...~~...,., './ ......, "\...'-_.-'""--".-c:~...... /' /' / ..J (SIGH';",~r 'IC~~,',-'~,:;;i'_.('~,'~, ;:~R;~";~i(N;~!';"'.""" ....,,~ .. "r~-F . = J,r:_Y~\t.{~~~.l:.=' STATE OF CALIFORNIA } .6 COUNTY OF SANTA'C;,L(\RA 55.. ... On~this';i /:1Y-'. "'d~Yi?f"-<, '.19 61 before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON ___ ~.. -:r~, _ . t...'" . 1'1, ' a Notan:;--Pl!..fHi~.i.~,ard forsa1d y;>un,ty and State, personally appeared ERMELINDA CHIESA, Surviving Wife of COST~O'CHIESA, rlo~ Deceased, and MARGIoijiNO CHIESA and DOROTHY CHIESA/his wife,,;) :' ti" known to me to be the pe:()~, S whose name S , : are subscribed to the foregoing instr mene, and acknowledged to rhe th~. ;they executed [he same. ". '. . .. >- ..::,... C. .. C.[.'.iA._.1..: ....1.._......:f....."'l ~ t~:- - I.t " " " . ' NDtary PubliC' day of fJii J'){.!<-!:.1,/' ,19 61 I /' ~ . <"'L' .~~=~_::;_:~~~:==~............. \ .,/ '- '-.'~ '" - BCO( 5296 P~,GE 79 RESOLUTION NO. 637 IE IT RESOLVED: That the City of Gilroy does hereby accept that certain Deed attached hereto made by IRMILINDA CHIESA and MARIIORINO CMll1A and DOROTHY CHIESA, his wlf., to the CITY OF GILROY, dllted the 18th day of Augus.t, 1961, and consents to the recordation of said Oc"d. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of August, 1961, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL "EMIERS: Duffin, Goodrich, Jordan, Petersen, quartlroll, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNC I L MEMIERS: None. AISENT: COUNCI L MEMBER: W",tworth APPROVED: ~fG SANCHEZ Mayor ATTEST: SUSANNE E" PAYNE City Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full, true, and correct copy of a resolution regularly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of August, 1961, at which a quorum was present. IN WITNESS \iltIREOF I have hereunto set my hand and fixed the .eal of the City of Gilroy this 22nd day of August, 1961. .. -1- ';"rF-~~:~~1!'-';F~"'lI[.;:r,..~.:." ..~.:.c"'"L::,",,f%:'.'Xl?ir,,~~:&o'~~X::="".;;:r.~..,'~:'t""~~~~-"'-":'II''''''''''+''~~'''''"'''=''-'~-':''', :) 'Ii ': ~ ;j' <~ K " il1 ~ ~l m M ~ Gj ~. 't1 J~ i~ i~ ~ ~ ~. ':i ~ ~. ~ ~ ~. I: I ,~ ~. ~. i I M ~ I 1. :::~:C:o:o:he fiscal year 1961-1~62 . lien but not yet ~ . ~NOTE: Taxes for the f1scal year ly60-1961 nave been paid. ~ Code Area 2-1. (Assessed with other property) i,' H ~ H ~{ ~' i< !, H 8 r.~ ~ H r' H ~. ~ ~ r,! ~ ~ ~ lil ~ b",.""_~""=,..,=",~=",,,....~.,",,...,._=~",,-,,_.__., WFS.r,EffM: rl:r~~E bU^ I~ANiltYfCOMBANiYf ij ~".w.'f :.4 olU--"" 't....." ~h '"c, ,1-,l'!>__tV\" .,.,,~,t;'~'~.a.-A.~7......,...:.J ~ -jj ".,...J .....'~..7~~ :J ,>" J ,~J . l /-~ ~.>! ~_ !\'I=-~)i '~-,~ i, '" ],~ A,~ :e.'!Jf:? .~~(lj ~ 1};1; L:E{ e.,~\ 1J, ;I;J if; !', i i 1; ! >,) I )1,~ j-,; ': f \ ;,:It ~ j:;".~H"'"', '~', ,.~,~" :~; q nili1lr:l fN~I:PA'N~EI CZOMI?A:W~'.. .l:'J,i".--.\ ..,.J,__:;,.J~J~""~""" ,.",-;,;!.I~#....-~j.J '.\ ! .' I I I', T I: i ,~ i .\ i\ ,\ >.,~ - \ ( f ( II.; j,lt I. '.1 ). !),\; , ):.t! i I '!'L_ r( r f :1.1. ( ~ ~l ~; W i~ 1,\ r' ~ ~i ~ ~ j() SYDNEY S. JOHNSON ; :'1 ,i >,~ I 357076 i. ii ; jl, I 'I ; j ; .... i ~. i H~ August 4, 1961 8:00 8. \.:~ ; ~,I i,~ H ;.:' COSTANZO CHIESA and ERMELINDA (;HIESA, husban() and wife, as joint tenant s, for life, wi th remaln('ler over to r4ARGIORINO CHIESA, as provided for in the Deed from Costanzo Chiesa, also known as C. Chiesa, and Ermellnda Chiesa, husband and wife, to Marglorlno Chiesa, dat(~d December 9, 1948 and reGarded December 15, 194C: in Book 171'} of Offic 1al ReGards, page 502. j~ 1), f' * W 4 Lj4 ~~ ~ ~l due or payable, ~ Receipt No. 2674. ~ I>: ~ First Installment $c)~4.7U ~ Second Install~ent $5:~i.. 71 ~ (Includes $24.88 personal property tax) h ;i; W j', t~; r' i~ ~ , t' I .:"::2.':2.A":J";":U:7"'!rE:lZ'~1I,,::;u~,;a~,,-,~~.x;~4' The real property referred to is described as: All that certain parcel of land situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BEING a portion of Lot 1 as shown on "Map of Henry Miller' a Subdivision of Las Animas Ranch lot No. 23," which map 1s recorded in Book "H" of Maps at page 5, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and being, more particularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at a point designated "M lit as shown on said map in the northerly 11ne of Hecker Pasa H~ghway (shown as Bodfiah Mill Road) distant thereon S. dyu 12' 30" E. 24.05 feet and N. 220 15' W. 35.8b feet from a monument casting in the centerline of Hecker Pass Highway at the intersection thereof with the centerline of Miller Avenue, and running thence along the northerly line of said Hecker Pass Highway N. 890 12' 301t W. 55.01 feet; thence N. 00 47' 30" E. 10.00 feet; thence along a curve to the left from a tangent bearing of S. b')o 1.2' 30" E. having a radius of 10.00 feet and a central angle of 900 00' a distance of 15.71 feet; thence N. 00 47' 30" E. b,19 feet; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 140.00 feet and a central angle of 230 Ood' 30", a distance of 56.30 feet; thence N. 220 15' W. 277.08 feet; thence N. 670 45' E. 20.00 feet to a point in the Southwesterly line of Wayland Lane as shown on said map; thence along said Southwesterly line of Wayland Lane S. 22015' E. 374.20 feet to the point of beginning,lI ------- -- -- ---..- , BODF/5H MILL ROAD <fECKER P455 ':If /" i. In lhc 0 P.JSS H;,hW"'J tJ fJT LOT / - fllAlR r AI/LLER'S SUB. OF L45 ;J),J/;t1,45 RJJA/CH LOT 23 THIS IS NOT'A SURVEY OF" THE 'LAND, 'BUT IS COMPILED F"ROM 'DATA SHOWN BY. THE PUBLIC"RECORDS WESTERN TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SANTA CLARA COUNTY DIVISION - This report is issued preliminary to the issuance of a Standard form policy of title insurance and is issued for the purpose of providing information relative to the title to the land to be insured by said policy. It does not include an examination of and the policy of title insurance will not insure against loss by reason of: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. 2, Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3, Easements, claims or easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4, Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. S. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. b. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting, regulat. ing or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on said land, or prohibiting a reduction in the dimensions, area or separation in ownership, of any lot or parcel of land. "PUBLIC RECORDS" WHEN USED HEREIN MEANS THOSE PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH, UNDER THE RECORDING LAWS, IMPART CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE OF MATTERS RELATING TO SAID LAND WESTERN TITLE GUARANfY COMPANY ~"...___,~,40: ~l..tl~~;~~OUNTY DIVISION <:)\~L-.,~, J" By..............,"" .."",,'''''''''''''''' ,,,,,,............,,,,,,..,,.... PRESI DENT - )> "'tl "'tl ~ 0 <: 1'1'1 ~ )> (/) -f 0 ." 0 ~ 3': .. l"'f' ~. S -< )> l"'f' l"'f' ~ 0 ., .-----. :J (1) ,. -<