Jones, Floyd and Hazel M. 1 .. I.R.S. , ./ /.' <'::"'. L' c) -.,.. Application NO,uu.3.~7..4:92~A WTG .- ~rant 1!\ttb 3Jnbibibual FLOYD JONES, who acquired the property hereinafter described as his separate property, and HAZEL M. JONES, his wife, BOOr. 5"014 PAGE 162 the lirst part y , hereby GRANT TO CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the second part y , all that real property situated in the CITY OF GILROY, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Above space for Recorder BEING a portion of Lot 2 and all of Lot 5 in Block 1 South, Range 3 West of the City of Gilroy as shown upon Map No. 5 accompanying the report of the referees and its amendments in the action for parti- tion of Henry Miller, et al, Plaintiffs vs. Massey Thomas, et al, Defendants, in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, Action No. 5536, and being more particularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the easterly line of Rosanna Street distant thereon N. 200 W. 104.80 feet from the intersection thereof with the Northerly line of Seventh Street, said point of beginning being also the northwesterly corner of Lot 4 as shown on said Map; thence along the easterly line of Rosanna Street N. 200 W. 83.70 feet to an iron pipe at the westerly corner common to Lots 5 and 6; thence along the line common to Lots 5 and 6, N. 690 03' E. 139.72 feet to an iron pipe at the easterly corner common to said Lots 5 and 6 in the Southwesterly line of Lot 2; thence along said Southwesterly line of Lot 2 and the prolongation thereof S. 190 08' E. 85.85 feet to an iron pipe at the intersection thereof with the easterly pro- longation of the Northwesterly line of Lot 4; thence along said Easterly prolongation and the Northwesterly line of Lot 4 S. 690 551 30" W. 138.39 feet to the point of beginning." "" .~ . . nonMIl:'~'I,U~Yt '-c-~~o:..~: l~'i ; ,(I I", ~'. j.,I',. .', "'''' (~ ~\t, "IW:~, 'Gc',._..r:~-'f;j <~ !/I"~-r-~T'I'S- \-n:s" .'1'P,r.. H J; ;\I:~rE '11' ')'),~I,II''';, '!I!p.UlS !!~ 'J'lIl...J.l('.;l~i'I'S ........_~ -{ " ... }. ~8 US~ -- WITNESS 1923185 Boo(,5'014 PAGE 160 J"'~. ...e............................... i Recordi?d at the request of : 7t)e81ern :7it/e !Juaranty (!(J i SANTA CLARA COUNTY DIVISION · I DEC.lS 1960 i::lA.AM . PAUL R. TEllH~ Rec0t"de.., .. Santa Clara Coun"y Orr; '11"" .,,~. . ........_. \,.. or '!,J':.' "oearas. ...........................'.................. our hand S 15th P,f-{. .19 60 day of June this :::~zt;/::_~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ~ANTA 'CtARA SS, - ~,- J i ) ,~ft ~ , <,>n'~~*..15't!1"'~.dayof June .1960beforeme. SYDNEY S. JOHNSON, a Nota:r)..Publ'ic'in.andfor. s~K1 (:ounty and State..personally appeared '-I :- _' ... ..., .."- . .:'.. ,''': '~, .....~... .:,. , .;:. . ,-"~ ,,:/..F'O~J0NBs.,and HAZEL M. JONES, his wife, ":/jr::.~-:::,-':' ~: \ ',,' ',,<<_:: ::J::', .~ be lilt" per~(>n'8'. ., 'who~' h$;e,s, are ~~:i,:,., ',-", \::\~>:>'. .,,:, . . ::: 7\'"~.". ~". _:- 347492-\V.LG "~ 1! f).f\-. BOIlt 5014. f fen .... fA at 1. ~h..! RESOLUTION NO. 592 RESOLUTION OF THE CGtnlCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE OF PREMISES OF FLOYD JONES t LOCATED ALONG THE EAST S IDE OF ROSANNA STREET ADJACENT TO THE CITY ARMORY PROPERTY. WHEREAS, FLOYD JONES, has executed a deed dated the 15th day of June, 1960, conveying to the City of Gilroy the folloWing described premises located in the City of GilroYI County of Santa Clara, State of California, to wit: BEING A PORTION of Lot 2 and all of Lot 5 in Block 1 South, Range 3 West of the City of Gilroy as shown upon Map No. 5 accompanying the report of the referees and its amendments in the action for plrt.li.tion of Henry Miller, et al, Plaintiffs vs. Massey Thomas, et al, Defendants, in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Claral Action No. 5536, and being more particularly described as follows: l \ "BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the easterly line of Rosanna street distant thereon N. 200 W. 104.80 feet from the intersection thereof with the Northerly line of Seventh Street, said point of beginning being also the Northwesterly corner of Lot 4 as shown on said Map; thence along the easterly line of Rosanna street N. 200 W. 83.70 feet to an iron pipe at the westerly corner common to Lots 5 and 6, thence along the line common to Lots 5 and 6, N. 690 03' E. 139072 feet to an iron pipe at the easterly corner common to said Lot 5 and 6 in the southwesterly line of Lot 27 thence along said Southwesterly line of Lot 2 and the prolongation thereof So 190 08' E. 85.85 feet to an iron pipe at the inter- section thereof with the easterly prolongation of the Northwesterly 11ne of Lot 4; thence along said easterly prolongation and the Northwesterly line of Lot 4 s. 690 55' 30" w. 138.39 f(~et to the point of beginning." and, WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Council of the City of Gilroy to officially accept the said conveyance and authorize its recordation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Gilroy does hereby accept the deed conveying to said City the premises above described and that it does hereby consent to the recordation of said / dee~. / f PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of November, 1960, by the - 1 - anu,: 501.4 fAi1f: t fJ1 following- vote: AYES t COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodri ch,Jordan, Pate, Wentworth, and Sanchez NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS I Petersen and Rush APPROVED: SI~ Sanchez MAYOR ATTEST: Susanne E. Payne CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) I! ~Ufi~ANNE Eo PAYNE! City Clerk of the City of Gilroy! do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full! true and correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Council of the City of GilroYq at a regular meeting of said council held on the 21st day of Novemberq 19601 at which meeting a quorum was presento IN WITNESS WHEREOF1 I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the city of Gilroyu this 21st day ofNovember it 19600 <S1I/JeYvnu t. ~~ CITY CLERK - 2 - POIJCY NUMBER , , 88003 - 347492-A SCHEDULE B This policy does not Insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: PART ONE I. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, eonflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records. 5. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. PART TWO UDIlCtDlBEUD CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POL,ICY FORM COPYRIGHT 1960 PAGE Two POUCy NUMBER 88003 - 347492-A SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this Policy is described as: All that certain p&:rcel ot laad s1tuate 1n the C1t7 ot <JUro7. 00_t7 ot Saata Clara. State ot Ca11tora1a. descr1bed as tollows: BEDlG a port1on ot Lot 2 and allot Lot 5 in Block 1 Sath. Ran&e 3 We.t ot the C1 t7 of G1.lro7 as shown upon Map Ho. 5 accoap8D71Ds the report ot the reterees aDd 1.ts aaena.ents in the act10n tor part1tion ot HeDr7 M1ller. et al. Plaint1tts. 'Vs. lIasse7 Thoaas. et al. Det.ndants. 111 the Super10r Court ot the Silte ot Cal1torn1a. in and tor the Count7 ot Santa Clara. Act10ll )10. 5536. and be1ng aore part1cular17 descr1bed as tollows: ItBEGIDIBG at an 1ron 'p1pe on the Easter17 line ot Rosanna Street d1stant thereon )f. 20 W. 104 .80 teet trom the intersect10n thereot w1.th the Hortherly l1ne ot Seyentla Street. sa1d point ot beS1Jm1ng being also the Ilerthwester17 corner ot Lot 4. as ShOD on said Map; thence along the Easterly llDe ot Rosanna Street. If. 20. W. 83.70 teet to an 1ron p1pe at the Westerly, corner co_on iO Lots 5 and 6 thence along the.11ne co_on to Lots 5 and 6. H. 69 03' E. 139.72 teet to an 1ron ILpe at the Easter17 comer co...n to said Lots 5 and 6 1n the Southwesterly line ot Lot 2; theBce alo~ sa1d Southwester17 l1ne ot Lot 2 and the prolongat1eD thereot S. 19 eSt E. 85.85 teet to an 1ron p1pe at the 1ntersect1on thereot w1th the Easter17 prolongat10n ot the Horthwesterly liDe ot IDt 4; thence along S!\d Easter17 pro- 10ngat10n and the Korthwester17 l1ne ot Lot 4 8. 69 55' 30" W. 138.39 teet to the po1nt of beI1nn1ng. Surveyed. aoD\Dl8nted and descr1bed 1n July . 1960. bY' W. J. Hanna &: 80ns. Surveyors. G1lro7. Cal1torn1a. CALIFORNIA LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY FORM COPYRIGHT 1960 PAGE THREE I I I I I I ;; 0-- ~ '-4 ") t- ,'" , ,-- ...... ," ,: r ":" ~ ~ \j ..... ~ It) " ~ \ ~ It V '" :'.i~ . r>.' . ..t -~1: jr .~~ ~J ,;....... r ...) \ '-"'- ' 5 I'. 08 i ~ 4 5 ~ N. l() "- ,'I \) ~ I ! "', ~ , \)' . ~i '- '. , 'I t, : , ~I I \ 70 " ~ ~ ... \\j ,~ ~) " ~ eo.oo' ROSANNA ~ r-. \) "'I L c) J L: :r _/..(?~_'. ~ 0 w, t- :... l\ STREET ....._..-- -... ... -.- - ---_.._--- .---#--