Crawford, E.D. and Claudia E. CbiS Ind~ntur~t Made the. 7th . . . day of May, . in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and t\velve , BETWEEN E. .DLOrawf'ord.andQlaudia E.CralA::ford, ..1:1ia.wif'e, . of the County of . . Santa. Clara, .n.. State of California, the partieSn. of the first part, and ..... The.Cit.y of'Gilroy,. of the County of.m ...s~ntanQ la-ra'n State of California, the party. ... of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said partieB._cof the first part, for and in consideration of 'the sum oC.... Ten . Dollars, Gold CoiP.. nof the United States of America, to nmtham nm in hand paid by the said partnYn of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by these pr~sents grant, bargain, sell, convey sucoessors and confirm unto the said party ..of the second part, and toita mmj[eilx and assigns forever, all that certain ^ IOL_., piece. _. or parceL... of land, situate, lying and being in then...Clty.of' .Gilroy. County of Santa Ola.ra, . State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit: . ...Beginning at na.. 4I1x.4" post..marked.UonS...T..,nbeing.oo1!lID..oD. .Q.Q~n~r..fQ.r...S.ub.LotS.n8.and ..H..of'nthemLaanAnimas . Rancho.,... inmthe__l1.or-th line of' Mart.~n Lane ,tl1e'-c.enaJ.()l1g.thenf'el1c~().n .tb~.nlj..ne.l:>'3twe.~.n.s.a.id $.UP...YQts... 8nand9,... the. ..f'ollowing.coursea..and .dia.tanaBs..N. 3.nde.g..m~3.2.'n \~.L:322. 70. f'ee.t'.ntof'enoepo.st.M.o.S...5 nN. nl9 .d.eg..... 20'.-11..,-418.70. fo B.t. tOm the.. .fence. po stMc. n S..4n aniN. ..4.odeg..m4-O' nl'l.,.-- .1-5-5....'50.-f'.e@t--- t,om:the.f'e!1c~..I)Qst. M.G.. S...3,..a.nd R..29.deg.40n'n.1'l.,n354...42.f.8.6t.to.:_ t,.~~E!m(}.oIl1In():rLC.()rne~ .f'Qrn Sub.Lots8andm9.in.the..South.lil1.e.oi'mSub... _.. Lo t()J m.E3a,i.Q.__l,Jal;J.. AnimGts.Rancho; .tllence. . along . .the. line .be tw.esnn.8ub... L.9.t. e;,__.8.PCl__Swanston Lane.of{uthe 'North, and.Sub. .L.ot'8.ot1--t-hs.G-outh. :N.!__oE3 .o'e.g.~ __37'.E.qm3.66..30f.e.etto.a 4" x.4".post--marked--S...'I' ,-uand. 1:>t3Jl1g .COIIlmonc orner. .t'or__.8wans tOTI.L1.:.\.ns. and--Sub. .Lot.8 ...in ..the.meatn ~.~I1~n.o:f'__$lilb.r..()t 7,. thence .R.1()pg.the. 1ins1:>e.twe.en.S.'U.Pyots__7__and Jl S. u26 .deg. .20'E.., 4:34..40 :feet-.to.a. 4"x 4".post-~ marked 5-4-'1',.-- and N. .63 --deg. 39'. E.,. 299.65 .f'.eet-, . toa -4"x-4tf.poatmar-k-ed --S-3-T, th.~Dg.~. S.__.2e~leg. H3' E.,B.B.B2 .fee.t,.thence.S.u60deg. --28'uW. o.38f.3.3.fe.e.t, __ther..oe 3. 22 .deg.32' B.. ,71L50--fe-et .to.a. .p-oint-.on tl1~__~o:r't.l1~I:':l.YmJ.ine..of' Ma.rtin..Lans., ..thenoe .al.ong,..the...N.or.therlYm1ine Qf __~ai. d. Martin__Lane,... S. 6 O...de.g..__28'..Wo. ,... 24.o.06-.faet.--ton.theuplace---of p.e.g.lnning. ..... G o.n taining .7..00--.a.cre.a.. and --be ing mil; .part- of'.. .Su.. --Lo.t.uSh. oi' --t!le..LasmAnimaa .Hanohoju.Santa.Gla.raO-ounty;.C.alLrorni-a. __.__m..mm.. uu__.'rpe.a.lX>ve__ rl~Bcrlbed .pro:per,tyiabe.ingmcouveyed__to. Sf.\.idmO.tty__ i ..9.fmGJ.)..roy ntQmbeusedasuB.Publi.cPark, andHinth@.8-v.ent Hthat.Hthe-.-samei i is notusedu.for usuell upurpoB.8.S_at. any time,.ths.titleuto us.a.id...pr.oDertyj . ., ,- I i __~h~:l.J u:r'~.Y.~~t ut()S~iclgra,nt.or.a.L . H Huuu.um___nm.u__. i I I I I --1 1 ct.. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said successors party___.__of the second part, and to :i.j,eLnmhllt<< and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said partie.~of the first part hllle.__ hereunto set.tly~iruhandS_ the day and year first above written. Signed, Executed and Delivered in the presence of Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining 51 ATE Of CALIfORNIA l CO~~Yt~~;~18r:aY \Of~ay,...m- the yea' !9!HeYom ::.t'~~ a 71 otalY Pab! ,c I nand fo' said Santa cla,a coanty, m5i d i n9 t hecein, d aly comm i ssianed and swam, p"'~tappea'ed~:.. ....~~...~.. knoWn to me to be the '50n4. escdbed whose nameA--_~sabscdbed to, and ,,)hoexecated the within instcument, and acknowledged to me that._1:heyexecated the some 171 WITNESS WHEREOF, r have haeanto set my hand, and~~ my official sea/' at my office in the said Coanty of Santa Clam, t ~d yea' . . ce,tificate !t,st above wdUen. ._..L- Notary Public in an<l-for the County of Santa Clara. Stat of California . ! I I I i I _____1_ t-~- '" c '" <fJ E o u... > C ::l C u 1: '" U --.... .,...i-,,:v , , i I -~ ! '~ ~) ~ ;:. c:c - _ .I <f1 (!J)/I'\ '0 ~ ~ ~ ""0 I') ~~" ~"'. C "'0 ~ ~ . - ~ " ~ r-\v-... . E 0 l,..; v--." u o .... Il.) ~. "J, .' '.: Co! ~ r ~ ~' ~ O! ' 0 . : . ,0 :::E \'.\' CO Il.) : · 1') C ~ : (~ .- Il.) ro '-J >- - C ~ o U ro ~ ro U ro - c ro if) <J " ~ U o U o t -0 2 ro o ~ G! ~ ... ~. . CJ g - . , . exl Q >., o ~ r-I oM c.!:l tH: o >., +" .r-! o Q) ,q ~ 'd 0 kf- o ~ t:;, .,. cI3 ~ o -+-:l Q) .. . ~ ;::! o w W 0\ , \ ~ ~ " . ~"