DeBell, Dennis, et al '-- 4b~.100.t7 Application No.}..~}.~.~.~... I.R,S. ~rant 1attb 3Jnbibibual DENNIS DE BELL and CHARLOTTE DE BELL, his wifQ, and LARRY FRISONE and GLORIA FRISONE, also known as GlORIA V. FRISONE, his wife 800166.10 PAGf:157 '~~'/ the second part y , all that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: r. '. R"c:orJ.d at the, r~ oE rP,.',rn Oitl-e g'ltlt''t!;~'l!l Cu. ;;;~;~~~~~~~M '.' PAUL R, TEIU0Rncord"", \~ill-1~t CI". Cf>uni:y. o fric:<: I Re~o1't'll.. ~_lll ..L~~~''''1AL~'''''''''''' . ~ ~~.'t the first part ies ,hereby GRANT TO 6630 PAtt35' 7 BOOl '. THE CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporatio , BEING a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot VIb as shown on Map No. 8 accompanying the final report of the r~ferQes in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Sa.nta Clara, and being more particularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at a point in the southwQsterly line of Murray Av~nue that is S. 260 19' E. 200.00 fe~t and S. 640 40' w. 30.00 feet from an iron pipe at the intersection of the centerline of Murray Avenue with the southeasterly line of Parcel C as shown on a Record of Surv~y Map r~corded in Book 155 of Maps at page 25, Santa Clara County R~cords, and running thence along the southwest~rly line of Murray Avenue S. 260 19' E. 70.00 feet; thence S. 640 40' W. 71.50 feet; thence N. 260 19' W. 70.00 f~et; thence N. 640 40' E. 71.50 feet to the point of beginning." WITNESS our hand S this 17th day of A~st, , 19 64 ~ i ~....&...................... ....m..:..................................................................... {!J -', J:.' &LL / ,'_ ,/ . '} ,,/"7 . 7.aLtC.t:t:2J.A. I,t.. .. ..J.....m....mmm..........m........... ~ ~" ~ -n..;.-~.__.:_m__.. 7"'.4.<_-~.--rd.~".h'-<____.- I v ST' Of CALIfORNIA 1 COUNTY Of SANTA CLARAf55, On this 18th day of August , 19 64 before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON a Nota~ Public in and for said County and State"personally appear; DENNIS DE BELL and CHARLOTTE DE BELL, his Wi~~~*\.>--~~j;;~RY FRISONE and GLORIA ^FRI~ONE, his wif e, known to me to be :~~Pe'rs(ln s~W~$tna,me S are subscribed to the fOre,~J instrument, and acknowled,J ~o . that t Y executed the same, , .~/ 'I: \". ". .4, -:<~' 0-' ..-;:( . J1,&-<. if I rf/ r::;;' 't:?:;~~ S ~... hm, ..nh nmn.......: ..Cnn....'...:..,'~6~~~np~bii~.min na'-ndhnfor the Coun } .,~~ 0 San a ara, State f California. tJ;:, ~E My commission expires March 8, 1968. " ..... :Vi::: /~/~ r; - \ ,,\~~~~ Cf,,~'\it., "-~_f!.' ~.J. ,<~"~,, "..J\O,_~.. ,\- .. I ~ RESOLUTION N O. ~ "",6630 'AOI158 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ACCEPTING THE CONVEYANCE OF PREMISES SITUATBD ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF MURRAY AVENUE FROM DBNNIS DB BBLL AND CHARLOTTB DB BELL, HIS WIFE, AND LARRY FRISONE AND GLORIA FRISONE I HIS WIFE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Gilroy does hereby accept the annexed conveyance of real property from Dennis De Bell and Charlotte De Bell, his wife, and Larry Frisone and Gloria Frisone, his wife, located along the westerly line of Murray Avenue in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and consents to its recordation. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 1964, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILM~RS:Duffin,Eckard,Goodrich,Jordan, Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Petersen. NOES: COUNCILMBMBERS : Non e ~--. .........-..---- APPROVED: KENNETH L. PETERSEN Mayor ATTEST: SUSANNE E. PAYNE City Clerk .. ~630 p~Gr 359 BonT.lJ · I , SUSANNE E. PAYNE , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 854 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 17th day of August , 1964, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 18th day of August 19 64 ;~t~~1.?~j 10 ./2~' .~ :erf<of;i.the City of G i