Berry, Trevis and Catherine .. RECORDING REQUESTED BY .:..;._~ (;978 f!t;f 213 7446235 Nome I CITY OF GILROY P. O. Box 66 Gilroy, CA 95020 I FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY AUG 20 2 09 PH '8Z AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Cily & 5tal. L -.l Mlr,00 OFFICIAL RECORDS SA CLARA COUNTY ([OnCE A. MAliN REGISTRAR RECORDER 51reel Addr... REC. FEE I I , v~; : 'fj ~. r "'.....-- ". "'...!'~ .,... .,,- MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Name SMPf CITY OF GILROY 5Ir..1 Addr... P. O. Box 66 Cily & Gilroy, CA 95020 SIal. L ~ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE EASEMENT ~Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS A.P.N. TO 1923 CA (12-74) The undersigned grantor (s) declare (s) : Documentary transfer tax is $ ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City of , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Trevis Berry and Catherine Berry, his wife, hereby GRANf(S) to THE CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, the following described real property in the County of SANTA CLARA , State of California: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFEFENCE Dated March 15. 1981 :t~/L4/~ ~Jh~"<J ~~~ Catherine Berry ~ . STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF Santa Clara SS. On J u 1 y 2 8 . 19 8 2 . before me. the under- '\. j signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Trevis Berry and Catherine ReTry WHO PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE ,<<l~~ to be the person~whose name S subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that t 11 P.y executed the same. WITNESS my ~.ry and official seal. '/~/~f- ~~~~ 1Ai".c", OFFICIAL SEAL I!;t~~~~ JI\r--.lET K WALLACE I ~~ir;0\:i21 NOT4RY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ~~~~~c=~~/r~!;;~e ,;',:,,~',f~; ~~1~1~',}_~~J( 7405 Wren !,\'s";"o. G',s;. ,C,\ S~Q20 (This area 1'01' offil'ial notarial seal) Escrow or Loan No. i. , EXHIBIT A SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT G978f)~GE214 A ten foot wide easement for sanitary sewer purposes, more particularly described as follows: Beginning for reference at a pipe on the line between the lands formerly of J. L. N. Shephard, and the southeasterly line of Lot 6 as shown on a Map recorded October 20, 1893 in Book F of Maps at page 31, Records of Santa Clara County, California, said point also being N 510 15" E, 13.041 chains from the (2.13 . 15~/.';U----' Point ~ sewer \ point southernmost corner of said Lot 6; thence N 320 12' W, 302.00 feet to the True of Beginning; thence along the centerline of said 10 foot wide sanitary easement, S 570 48' W, 826.00 feet more or less to the terminus, said also being on the southwesterly line of Lot 6. Pacheco Pass - Silacci/Reeder 2-19-81 .. \ G9?SP!GE215 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY TREVIS BERRY AND CATHERINE BERRY, HIS WIFE I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Trevis Berry and Catherine Berry, his wife described in the attached conveyance dated the 2nd of the premises day of Auqust , 19Bf--, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 2nd day of August the City of Gilroy.