Bickel, Reddick H. and Margaret R. ,^_.<' ._"._,_,"""_.,~~.:..,...._,'~,-"."",~.~"__,'d~"-"''''''''''-''7'",,,,","c''''''-_,",,i'_',~'_~*'"'*"''''-''''~''',."<..,~.._';J~'',""",-","~""",_",,,,''<;''~'",--,;~,,,,,,,..,,,,,,.,-,,..._-~-- Rr.:eORDING REQUESTED BY . , '".. "'_01" 343u701 89qtW-,Q.~ /sCE 30 t? 1~'EQUEST =<G'- "-' , ." "". .. .. ~ I /~ /. I AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO City & ' / State L' ./ i~ {~/' ~ OF FICL" (Y:. SANTA CL.LH".:UNTY GEORGE E. FOWLES RECOFWER Name Street -l-1'-"4..~ )..' Addr.ss ~ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORo€.\:fl:.~E;L"tN. '()fl BOOl 0.1. "'~ , ilUi.. iJU MAil TAX STATEMENTS TO I I Name Street Address City & State L_ I --' Grant Deed NO TAX DUE AFFIX I.R.S. $m.m_._m.__....._........ ABOVE TO 405 C (8-67) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, r;ceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, REDDICK H. BICKEL A Tre; MAKGARET R.EiLCKEL, Ji,IS:WIF"t, AND WILLIAM .R. BICKEL, A SINGLE MAN. hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION the following described real property in the County of Santa C19ra , State of California: A RIGHT OF WAY f~ the purpose of installing and maintaining an under- ground domestic water pipe line over, under, on and across a strip of land 15.00 feet in width, the Northerly line of which is the Southerly line of Burchell Road as shown on Record of Survey Map filed for record in Book 6 of Maps, at page 52, Santa Clara County Records and extending from the Easterly line of the Watsonville Road to the Easterly line of the Grantors. i Dated .. April l?th 19h8 :_......._...-,:,~F~'l _ .,,' ) __:"" '_... :~\:- '.'~ /1..e~~~liL/Y;(:,[t ~...~~~/' , Reg~.ick H .B~Ckrt..~ . 'j , t ,t }'. J? v {J tNVl 1,,-- ,j ~.:.-LL..v..11. .k-' William', R.Bickel .. ~~~~~~,taL~ tJ' Margaret R. B i eke 1 . . known to me < . to be the~_;:Lwhose nam4h' ':( subscribed to the within instrument a~d ~knowledged that . ;r--executed the same. WITNES" ~. hand and offi ial seal. ~ _.."--'- ~'1!~, ! {i~ ... Signature _~\}~I.,- Jv~j/, ~~, :;<ETr:~!lAN Name- yped or Printed) l'~TD;~. ~N~}t NOTARY ~UBlIC T -. ~.~~.<--'1:: / j:'j ,. '~-i~ Jc~r / C~) (This area fo1' offidal notarial seal) '(/ ~. Title Order No, Escrow or Loan No. MAil TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE l STATE OF CALIFORNIA, l County of Santa Clara f ss, I~ /' . I ~ - ~{F =-:::__day of---d2K'_cL________, in year .Olle Thousand Nine Hundred and-5cx_'"t~L_I;:;,!~_....... / i?"'r.'k~~cf ~Pcb'# r ( before me, ~ . jU~T~E, a Notary Public in and jo~ the County of Santa Clara, pers0111y / appeared - A/#~~A-L'~*- ---IG_ - -- -- hc-i::~ _C -- - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - -- --r- _./ BOOK 8153 P^Gf 31 -----------------------------------,------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ known to me to be the person___whose name-------LS________subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that----She______exemted the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, T.,,.'...., ..."..."'........".."'......".............".,,"' my 'Iii" in th, County 'I Santa Cia" th, day and~ea~' in the mil"aI' 17"' writt,.. :: 4<"'~>, RAY~",OND PROBERT E ~ L ~~ . ) ~ f,,- ';t-\', . _ _ ~ V~f}y:) V)T A~~;!~ZI?'~ :?!'('Cl2otU~T~ ~ - - - -N~~ar/;:;:;~he C o-;;~t; ot -Sa~~~ -Cia~~,- S;;t~ -;i Cal;f~~~;a~ - - -vif'.r , :"' ~/ :.ANIA c~ ";l, " . : IIi...;. 3"", ;)1 n I II II"~ 111,11........,,111111...... My Cannnission Expires April 14, 1969 !>... ...... .' .. . , ,. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE to THE CITY OF GilROY BV Reddick H. Bickel and Margaret R. Bickel, his wife, and William R. Bickel, a single man. I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Reddick H. Bickel & Margaret R. Bickel, his wife, and of the premises described in the attached William R. Bickel, a single man conveyance dated the 12th day of April 1968 , , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. day of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I 19 68. have hereu~set my hand ~/' \ /' -.--...) i 5th June ~ of the C i t Y \ ",