Bonanza, Inc. ~ , .~ )I ~) a !J;tj..:J ' . 't/ f PUBLIC UTILITIES EASEMENT r'c 'JU') .- 1'-7 .. ~nny J,. .; ,J rAM 1 .. .:..t THIS INDENTURE, made this /-'l-14-day of september, 1961, between BONANZA, INC., a corporation, party of the First Part and CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation in the County of Santa Clara, in said State, the party of the Second Part~ w 1. T N ESE. E T H: That for and in consideration of the sum of ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR, cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the party of the First Part has this day bargained and sold, and by this indenture, does grant, bargain, sell, convey, transfer and deliver unto the party of the Second Part a permanent non-exclusive easement and right-of-way for the construction, installation and maintenance of public utilities over, under, in and across the following described three parcels of land located in the County of Santa Clara, State of California to-wit: PARCEL I. A strip of land 25 feet in width, the Southeasterly line of which is described as follows: "BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the\<lesterly line of Monterey Road (state Highway IV-SCl-2C) as acquired by the State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways for the reconstruction of said Highway in 1950, at the most southeasterly corner of that certain 33.523 acre parcel of land shown as Arnold Day corporation on a Record of Survey Map recorded in Book 129 of Maps at page 24, Santa Clara County Records, and running thence along the southeasterly line thereof S. 89055150" w. 476.90 feet~ and being a portion of Ranch Lot 16 as shown on Map 7 and 8 accompanying final report of the referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the State of Calif- ornia, in and for the county of Santa Clara." PARCEL II. A strip of land of a uniform width of 40 feet, the southwesterly line of which is described as follows: ,j , v /' "BEGINNING at a point in the southeasterly line of that certain 33.523 acre parcel of land as shown on a Record of Survey Map recorded in Book 129 of Maps at page 24, Santa Clara County Records, distant thereon S. 89 55150" w. 476.90 feet from an iron pipe at the southeasterly corner thereof in the westerly line of Monterey Road (State Highway IV-SCl-2C) and running thence N. 200 w. 1304.96 feet~ and being a portion of Ranch Lot16, 17 and 18, as shown on Map No. 7 and 8 accompanying the final report of the referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536, had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara." '.....'L'.~".'~.~--.;'"""_,.W~"";,~.~.&,."'""~,.~'"..;..,,:,.,.."...R~"^~ .",_~..~."",-"-.",,.-~._'~_ T' .:' . -- '.'ii\-"",.. PARCEL III. A strip of land of a uniform width of 35 feet, the northeasterly and southeasterly lines of which is described as follows: "BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the southeasterly line of Tenth street at the intersection thereof with the prolongation southerly of the northeasterly line of Eigleberry street as shown on said Maps, and running thence S. 200 E. 366.26 feet to the most southerly corner of land of Ciabattari as recorded in Book 2480 of Official Records at page 349, Santa Clara County Records~ thence s. 70000'40" W. 157.00 feet~ and being a portion of Ranch Lots 16, 17 and 18, and Sublots XXIV as shown on Maps No. 7 and 8 accompanying the final report of the referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 had in the Superior Court of the state of California.1I C!iII G:".! C:~ -... I""'~ ~. ~;'; e= "",;, -? ... :r~ ....., ~,.'..i;l! -"I. r:.Jl IN WITNESS \~EREOF, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this instrument to be executed by its duly authorized officers, this /~14 day of september, 1961. /'7 / 1.5' d~u.!IJ q /Z'tt:.<:.- BONAN~A, INC. By 'I C ~ /[~~r"- --~ ck-~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) .' . -.../ t.l :;:~. '.. "., 'J'i On this day of september, 1961, before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON, a Notary Public in and for said County and state personally appeared Wll] lam A. Sml th , known to me to be the President of the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and also known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. ~" '"Tl c'I:J I - Q ~ ; 3.>r- 0 ~~~- ...- -.....~ "'8 c; C' '" .. ;~' ~;~ -, -.....-. ~._.iO ~ ~J~~ ~ ".'~ I.' G' i./ <: " i(',~:~:'?:::~)~:~)" . . . \ ~ ''',' '.. ~- ,'" . :-;>:<."~ .) ;,- )~....r;~:.:{; ~ I 4';. ..~ ~..O..- ~ ~ ;:','~.~ I ; ; Q l. ~"h;I\~t!. ?....:.~ Ii \ \.\\ \._'~i.,i.." ...,...:..............::..... {\ (Jl :t>-o Z -n "'\J -i''ll ~ ~~~ ~~ ~? ,r'} r"~ .;'- .i::: ~2' 71 [:;.; :~':~ ~:'~ ~~ :;t , ,:.u r'- 0 0 . ' ::r c: :1] ..' ZO -i(J) r -< -2- l" 9 " "" ..........., c.,..'"1 W ~ ~ /'*t"l'<<\\. ''10'" ~ c.~ ~..o ,.,.. '.I!ro J.....'~ 'l-~; ~~-....... i~'~"" ," r ,: it; '!, " !n",I:', ' ~. , ,;1 ...'. B ~ u; J,d t ,{ f,~ ", ',' ,~,' ,''-', .." .. ,,j I hbi), f RESOLUTION NO. 640 :aBSOLUTION 01' TD COUJICIL ACCD'IDG COJ1VBYAJlCB PROM BOJIAHZA IIIe., A CORPORATION, fOR IASBMBR'l' PtJIlPOSU BE IT USOLVBD by the Council of the City of 01.1....._". +-hat said city of Gilroy does hereby accept the attached conveyance from aOBANZA INC. t a corporation, to the City of Gilroy, dat.ed September ]4, , 1961, and consents to the recordation of said deed. PASSBD, APPROVB'D AND ADOPTED this ]9th day of september, adlourned 1961, at a regular/ meeting of tbe Council of the City of Gilroy by the following vote. NOES: COUNCI~BRS: Duffln,Goodrlch,Jordan,Petersen, Quartlrol I ,Wentworth, and Sanchez. CQmlCILMlMBBU. None COUltCILMBMBBRS. None AYU: ABSENT . ARPROVED J SIG SANCHEZ Mayor ATTBST I SUSANNE Eo PAYNE City Clerk ~xI~'S ~~IPlCATB I, SUINJ'D PA11lE, the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the annexed copy of aesolution bas been com- pared by me with and is a true and correct copy of the whole of such aesolution duly adopted at and appearing among the official minutes of a meeting of the council of such City of Gilroy held on the 19th, day of september, 1961, and I do hereby J.iert!-l,y that the Council of said City of Gilroy at a re9Ul..r/Yalli~1'b.V held on the l~th day of September, 1961, accepted the fore- going conveyance and consents to the recordation t.hereof. Dated this ]9th day of September, 1961.