Bouret, Gregory G. and Eugenie A. , _' . ,'l E A S E MEN T FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of One Dollar ($l.OO) to the undersigned in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged GREGORY G. 130URET, also known as G. G. BOURET and E'lJGENIE A. BOURET, his wife of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, do hereby grant to the CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation, the right of way to construct, erect, maintain, operate, repair and renew a levee, bulkhead and/or other flood control structures, together with the right of ingress and egress, to, over, and along and from the same and together with the right and continued right to take and use material from the lands of the undersigned on the Carnadero Creek side of said levee, to construct, operate and maintain the same, over, through and along that certain parcel of land situate in Santa Clara County, State of California, and described as the following, to-wit:- Beginning at a point where the westerly line of Ranch lot sixteen, as said lot is shown on Map No.7 accompanying the final report of the referees in the partition suit of Henry Miller et aI, vs. Massey Thomas et al in the Superj,or Court of the County of Santa Clara, Stc,te of California, intersects the center line of the Carnadero Creek, and running thence, along the westerly line of said Ranch lot sixteen, N.150- 45' E. a distance of three hundred and eleven and 33/100 (311.33) feet; thence along the following courses and distances: S.560- 49'- 30" E. a distance of three hundred and six and 59/100 (306.59) feet; S.880- 51'- 30" E. a distance of seven hundred and eighty-five and 67/100 (785.67) feet; S.52v- 0' E. a distance of two hundred and seventy-nine and 20/100 (279.20) feet; S.370- 46'- 30" E. a distance of three hundred and five and 99/100 (305.99( feet; S. 280- 4'- . 30" E. a distance of three hundred and thirty and 16/100 (330.16) feet; S.370- 23'- 30" E. a distance of three hundred and six and 74/100 (306.74) feet; S. 510- 57'- 30" E. a distance of three hun- dred and sixty and 70/100 (360.70) fe t; S. 620- 37'- 30" E. a distance of one thousand and thirty-seven and 30/100 (1037.30) feet to the center line of a sixty foot road known as Miller Avenue; thence along the center line of said road the following two courses and distances: S. 320- 40' W. a distance 0:1:' thirty-eight and 06/100 (38.06) feet; S. 29(;- 5' Vi. a distance of four hundred and thirty-seven and 12/100 (437.12) feet to the center line of the Carnadero Cree~ thence along the center line of said Carnadero Creek following its meanderings up stream with the following courses and distances; N. 480- 45' W. a distance Qf three hundred and eighty-three and 92/100 (383.92) feet; N. 550- 15' w. a dist[~nce of three hundred and seventy-three and 56/100 (373.56) feet; N. 400- 15' W. a distance of five hundred and eleven and 50/100 (511.50) feet; N. 470- 30' W. a distance of t~~ee hundred and eighty-five and 44/100 (385.44) feet; N. 610- ,30' Vv. a dis tance of six hundred and seventy-nine and 80/100 (679.80) feet; N. 850- 45' W. a distallce of six hundred and five and 22/100 (605.22) feet; N. 400- 30' W. a distance of five hundred and forty-seven and 80/100 (547.80) feet; N. 610- 55' W. a distance of ninety-one and 74/100 (91.74) feet to the point of ' beg inn ins, beins a portion of said Ranch lot sixteen. ;J1r IN \VITNESS WIIJREOJP, these presents. are hereby signed this L day of If ~~- · 1938. A , ~CL~~ \( '1: ~ srJ:1ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SSe COTJN'rY OF SANTA CLf~RA ) Ol!nthis j~ day OfW~ , A.D., 1938 before me. (, '~ ~ a Notary I)ub1ic in r~ nd for the said 00uty and t~residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeo.red GREGORY G. BOURET, also known as G. G. BOURET and EUGENIE A. BOURt:T, his wife, known to me to be the persons whos e names are sub:::crlbed to the v'lithin instrument, and acknovlledged to me that they executed the same. IN .WITNESS vVHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the County and state aforesaid the day and year in this certificate first above written. ',yJ, f9-~, Notary Public -In and for the County . of Santa Clara, State of California CLERK'S CERTIFI Cl,'rE I, P. A. COX, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the Common Council of saidCity of Gilroy at a re[pllar meeting held on the 3rd day of October, 1938 accepted the fore- going conveyance and consents to the recordat~on thereof. Dated this 10th day of' October, 193fJG ' . ~._._~(L~_,__ ____ vity Clerk ",~ I < ~ I SIT PAGE 5/ _~ ~. fi 7. ta k. Pion, -~ 4i8~~ "",0' =, r ~, . . ~~ 't\ \ ~ ~\ "'~ 3/ .:l..' _ '?~~ <'gi- .lil 1hIa IMp ... ~ coonpil.d boy the "'.'.mY' Ofr~ ' Soma. a... County from o.~ of 1'1IC:lO'd .. of tho fT' of March. 1972.. ThiI ,.,,~ Me ~ """.~ in e>om(mT'T' wi1h Section tv of the R~ IW'ld tu.tion .cww t'i' II uted fa- I.nd idwltlfiatbl of It. -.mn.t rol.l of the et:.:n. ... DWIGHT L MAlHs::m leo-..,~ . ---:, ,'-, :: I... . 0(. ~'~'. I : ,yt\": ": ',' ';~,:;.~ .;-: ',' 1\ ri .~,--- . ..' '..-"" , . ,:_4, ---'- - I ._' ,- ,~___, . .-",::~"';~tI".E_ " ..-t _-..:1.1; 400:-'-'-___ 'q . ' _ :309J.Z. . _.zo\ ~ \t~'" V I I \~ ~, 'l'L-J ~.D ~ -;. 4' AYE , --~-- ,.. '._ jI4.a.. 0 ,.5 4::9 ~~ V (:1 !l ~ ~TR1Q ,01581 : 1.I0~, ""~ _",_~~"5 l44.<r7 )I.',684$'.r y./6'~ I:16'T c' '.' W' ~ ,:' 9 .4.~].(. NET ~ 7'2 f"~Y3 "-42.-4Q AC. ~ 96.86 Ac i , '"11 \0" , 11 +. 193. T7 ~---.:~ ~ rr- ex> '" co 3S ... ~ [j I ~: , ' . ['.'. , (" .' .. ~" .., 'tir-.'.:itlt~il"' .. -:..... ~ . - _.. .J. ..,.... ~:::,.~ 'j! bU.j " -ii, '. . , @) -,.,' ." .' ~ ,; '.' ,'! "~l ...=~ ~," ~ ~',':= ~::i.: or-~- -.-1- :""ii"""""""'- .. . -;-. > ......' .r~@~~' Ii' . ~'t-.<. , " .. ... - '... . '. .:....... ~ _. -". _. . . .i~ : ~ RES 0 L t T IOn n 0 .1(\(\ ..... -- -- ... ......... ...... ... ..... ..., ....... - ~ ~ Err V1'1) by the tlnyor ana COtJDOb. Council o;t"the C1tyot Vl1ro7, that said C1ty of Gilroy bereb1 accepts the convo~rQ'l'lee hereto attached emu eon~H:mttJ to the recor~ntlon thereof. Passed. tlPProvoC and adopted this ~ (iny ot' October. 1938 II nt n ~---peetlv.[: of tl.o COr:l;10n Council of the City of -..71,11" :] . f: Counel1mon:- George C.Milias,Jr.,Jack Rogers,George A. Martin,George M.Mason. ;',') ~': Cotmc51.~f)'n:- None 1\ ~. 'T CO~"1ellmen: - James Battersby,Nat He iner. Approved: S.D.Heck ~ . ,...,. J~.ttett: (Seal) P.A.Cox bl~,r Glc Tic .. CLT.:nK 'S CEf~TlflCATE .....- 151 r . r I, P. .A. Cox, t he C:~ ty Cl ork of the Cl t1 of U11~. do hereby 00"1f'1 thut thee.m{)xec coW of nesolution has oot!)n COI'Zlpnred b:f 1:0 '\11 th and 1s 8. true and correct cOPT of the "hole of such Fesolutlon <July adopted at and a, peo.rlnr; ar:1Ollk tho o.f'1'lc1al m1nutes of the reg- ular meeting 01' the C'0ll%10n Couneil 01' such C1.ty or Gilroy held on the ~ (~ny ot OQtober ~ 1938 INr,!,r': ,f';S ~ I hove hereto set 'I:'!'q ban6 end affixoo the oft1e1,al seal of sn1Cl Clt,j' of' Gilroy thl.8 4,th day ot OctoQ~;[ ...._.... lC'~? ~~ m.~(~}~lt7 of (}11ro,.~ Santa Clam County. Ct,11.for' 18.. ~r. H HO HP. '() c.':: H ~ 0 a:I fI;o :>1 0 p:~ rl o ;>1 a:I o E'~ ~~i .. f:rl H .,.-1 'd ;:r~ U 0 (1) p., C~j .p ~ ~ ~ f-~ -.~~//"-;,/z~~ r~~'rd ,.- V . \"'- c..o ~ ('I) ",. ("1'''''''''.- \ \ .~-' . y:.;: E-t1 ~1 0~! ~!'I i:rll Ujj <~I ~l; I .. m " ":'" .p (1) p:j '() ~ Clc 8 I .r-I ~ .? ~~-. .p (1) "' 8 ~l p:; l- I-' o P a:I s:: o ",or-! :>.' .p o (,l,j . c!J . ,1- \" ,} N~~-!! , \~.. "~:Ei }'I J . I \ to 6? I i ..... ~- 1 i....I ", ~.- I "" :;:l . Ii , - ar ~ QCJ L!l ~fi~ _" ,1; id"'_ ~t~ ~ II i'~~~ "!-I ~~ ~ ~, """Cl ,,1"""1 1..2(t+-......n...~ ~', fI _.0 "')~ ~'~l- l~ : 0:: <IS \ [ -I a" .E"i ~ ~ i' . j' s - ~~ :;:l \.'~ V ~~ M'8 .~ ~l~\il~'" :1 - I <t!t"B ~,~ it ~ ... .. Q; ~ -t j ,j I 0) rl i II -~ ~ ,,~ 0( ..J tI) ~ a: Ii: ~ ~ m III z en 5 u g} ~ .~ ~ ~o:C z .., II: o ~ l: ~o( ..: 1'I :i (11 0( .. o ~ >= [ o .. II: U ::! ii: ~ ()