Brem, Glenn and Muriel ...'~ 7/Y 60544S1 D 760p!GE 294 Recording requested By: _ Ti~le Insurance & Trust Co. P.O. Box 275, Gilroy, Calif. WHEN RECORDED r~AIL TO: CITY OF GILROY P.O. Box 66, _.- .. ...:. 95020 D 760p!GE 294 GRANT OF PUBLI C Recorded at the request of Title Insurance and Trust Company , JUN 22 1978 8:00 A.M. George A. Mann, Recorder . Sanfa Clara County, o ffieia I Records t Gilroy, Calif. 95020 UTILITY EASEMENT ON Escrow # 388663 Gy se We, Glenn Brem and Muriel Brem do (es) hereby GRANT TO THE CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California, a right of way for public utilities in general, including a sanitary sewer line, water line, and storm drainage line, with the right to enter upon the easement at any time for the installation, construction, repair and ma i ntenance thereof, on, across, and under a stri p of 1 and 10 feet wi de described as follows: BEING a portion of Ranch Lot 47 as shown on Map No. 7 accompanying the Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Superior Court Case No. 5536, in and for the County of Santa Clara and more particularly a strip of land 10 feet wide, the Northerly line of which is described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwesterly corner of Parcel One as described in deed to Glenn Brem and Muriel Brem, his wife and recorded in Book ,5711 at page 418 Santa Clara County Records and running thence along the Northerly line thereof South 89047'40" East 1287.22 feet to the Northeasterly corner thereof in the line common to the Las Animas and San Ysiaro Ranchos. U 'r- QJ r-~ LJQJ :::l :c 0- QJ >,+J ~ to tOU +J'r- 04- z: 'r- +J -0 ~ -oQJ c::I:U Signed this ~~ Pi ~~2~ Gfenn Brem Day of Ji/4.L 19 7f tl J}( z.{ h A 'L L ~~,~ L--PvL / Murief Brem MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: City of Gilroy 7377 Church St Gilroy, CA 95020 ~tate of Cltalifornia <<:ountp of Santa Clara ~ ss - ACKNOWLEDGMENT - General- \ cl!'n tbis 2nd day of June A. D. 19~before me, S. A. Kuehling a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Glenn Brem and Muriel Brem fi,-~.. ." . . ~. OFF.ICIAL SEAL S. A. KUEHUNG NOTARY PUBliC CAlifORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY Iv Comm'$$.oft hporfl Jaft. U. 1911 known to me to be the person whose name s ar(> subscribed to the within Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. 3Jn iIlttness iIlbereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this Certificate first above written. a f./L-f.Lj'2 Notary Ie and for said County an~ t e of California My Commission Expires Jan. 13, 19t1l I NP 2 2170 12740 t-" -' .. ".:. D 760p~GE 295 - "-', ..,. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY Glenn and Muriel Brem . I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy. do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July. 1965. at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027. page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Glenn and Muriel Brem of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 15th day of June , 19~, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the reGordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of June of the City of Gilroy. . / ~ ~0~ / !:: ~ t) @ -; ~ --,~ 1 / - - r,,:;.'t ~/ G;- ~ / n" / 8/ if r.. ! , / 1 "'S6L1 .- - 6'1 <k ~I ~ ~ ~I ~ 1- , , h, r" /.'8/ ff/ cv L 0'-1 J ~~ ., f-----..to .... ~- 1- ...., ... ...., cP ~ il ; I \ [ I C . I A~M33~~ A311~~ H..Lnos -"l 1 , I I I I , I I I ! o :I u 1 I 1 ~ I I ~. I I li I (]) '<l' I I lb ...., .Ie' .,. :1 1 lb k ~/: ~I :1", ~ "- ~/~. I. /1 <.i - 0 "T I- I 1 ~I I / t.,. I'i. .j I ... ~1 1 ~ KI l E(,'ESl en ;( J ;tl l>? " ~-' ~I ,~ ~ ~ ~ I Q; ~;'" ... .. 0\1.... Cl)!1t ""'~ ,; , ).,r.,)o" ; g:/ @ ~ u...... 0.. 'd ':) L '1)d~ '0::> l <J (ZOJ-(O G) iii 'D/ ,- -od <J: .~l ~ .....j c}' '" -'~'" ~'Qi.-- -..J V Q. ~ :; riJ 1 ~i 1 ~. I~ I I , . j'~ /19 @ t/ /1 ~ : V ., ~ ~ Q- ~I '" ~ ~ ~ ~ , ../ ~! I ~ , , , ,e ...1 ~ ",/ ~I O' iil tV "'I ! ~ I . .... .... $ZZ CIO CIa l!! ~ .. ... ~~ ....>0- ......... ~-- r--- N t'l Q) . 'U Cl uOr---c c>ur---u U) CO'lU ..co....~ ~.,..., u .,..., ~ . <l ~ C':l.... >< I (l) c-:: s-: UE- C':l:2 C _.. C':l'U"""u E C (l) t.:. !-oed...: o (l) C':l.... 4-t"'OE- c::.... <l o c:: A,- U c:.> '" "" > > c:: (l),,..., .,..., 0: t- 'U (l) (l) t (l)..c::t:c: .... ~ UJ... .,..., 4-t 3 ~O c: o u --~~ TO 1961 A(8-741 California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy-1973 or American L;Jnd Title Association Owners Policy Form 8-1970 " " Schedule A No. Date of Policy: JUNE 22 1978 AT 8:00 A.M. GY-388663-B Amount of Insurance: $ 3500.00 Prem i um $ 100.00 1. Name of Insured THE CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 2. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in THE CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 3. The estate or interest in the land described in Schedule C and which is covered by this policy is i(~l( AN EAS EMENT . . APPLICAfION NO. GY-388663 . , . Schedule B This policy does not insure against loss or dM18ge. nor against costs. attorneys' fees or expenses. any or all of which ..ise by reason of the following: Part I All matters set forth in paragraphs numbered 1(one) to 11(eleven) inclusive on the inside cover sheet of this policy under the heading of Schedule B Part I. Part II 1. TAXES, BONDS AND/OR ASSESSMENTS, SEE EXHIBIT I ATTACHED. ~ . AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID lAND AND FOR THE . . - . - PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, IN FAVOR OF: SIERRA AND SAN FRANCISCO POWER COMPANY, A CORPORATION FOR '. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF TOWER lINE AND TElEPONE lINE RECORDED AUGUST 27, 1912 IN BOOK 393 PAGE 65 OFFICIAL_RECORDS AFFECTS AS FOllOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY BOUNDARY OF lOT 51 OF THE lAS ANIMAS RANCHO, THENCE THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID lOT 51 BEARS SOUTH 540 54' WEST A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET, MORE OR lESS; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 320 12' WEST.A. DISTANCE OF 1,953 FEET, MORE OR lESS; THENCE NORTH 330 27' WEST A DISTANCE OF 800 FEET, MORE OR lESS; THENCE NORTH 310 .59' WEST A DISTANCE OF 1,619 FEET, MORE OR lESS; THENCE NORTH 310 56' WEST A DISTANCE OF 8,364 FEET, MORE OR lESS; THENCE NORTH 490 13' WEST A DISTANCE OF 575 FEET~ MORE_OR lESS, TO THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE lAS ANIMAS RANCHO lOT NO. 40. SAID MATT.ER AFFECTS THIS AND OTHER PROPERTY. 3. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION OF SAID lAND AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN, AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, IN FAVOR OF: CITY OF GILROY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SEWER lINE RECORDED FEBRUARY 9, 1927 IN BOOK 301 PAGE 220 OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS AS FOllOWS: THE CENTER lINE OF SAID EASEMENT BEING DESCRIBED THEREIN AS FOllOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY lINE OF THE OLD GILROY ROAD, SA1D POINT BEING DISTANT EASTERLY 2 FEET FROM THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF lAND OF RICHARD BREM, SAID NORTHEASTERLY CORNER BEING ALSO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF lOT 43, OF THE lAS ANIMAS RANCHO PARTITION, .(::ASE NO. 5336, SUPERIOR COURT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA) AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG A lINE PARAllEL WITH THE NORTH- EASTERLY lINE OF THE lAS ANIMAS RANCHO AND DISTANT 2 FEET EASTERLY THEREFROM, SOUTH 320 05' EAST 2763.40 FEET TO THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF lANDS OF FANNY l.AND EVELYN SHEPARD; THENCE SOUTH 320 56' EAST 400 FEET; THENCE ON A lINE PARAllEL WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY lINE OF SAID lAS ANIMAS RANCHO, AND DISTANT p FEET NORTHEASTERLY THEREFROM, SOUTH 320 05' EAST 4610.70 FEET TO THE MOST SOUTHERLY APPLICATION NO. GY-388663 CORNER OF THE LANDS OF FANNY L. AND EVELYN SHEPARDJ BEING THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 50 OF THE LAS ANIMAS RANCHO PARTITIONJ CCASE NO. 5336J SUPERIOR COURT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA) SAID MATTER AFFECTS THIS AND OTHER PROPERTY. 4. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING A PORTION OF SAID LANDJ THE EXACT LOCATION THEREOF CANNOT BE ASCERTAINED OF RECORDJ AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREINJ AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, IN FAVOR OF: SIERRA AND SAN FRANCISO POWER COMPANY, A CORPORATION FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF TOWER RECORDED : DECEMBER 31J 1928 IN BOOK 442 PAGE 220 OFFICIAL RECORDS 5. AN AGREEMENT TO CONSTRUCT LAND DEVELOPMENT IMPROVEMENTS, UPON THE TERMSJ COVENANTS AND CONDTIIONS THEREIN IMPOSED WHICH SHALL BE BINDING UPON AND INURE TO THE VENEFIT OF THE SUCCESSORS IN INTERESTJ EXECUTED BY: GLENN D. AND MURIEL E. BREM RECORDED : FEBRUARY 27J 1970 IN BOOK 8841 PAGE 675 OFFICIAL RECORDS 6. A DEED OF TRUST TO SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS OF THE AMOUNT STATED HEREIN DATED APRIL llJ 1977 AMOUNT $49,500.00 TRUSTOR GLENN BREM AND MURIEL ELENE BREMJ ALSO KNOWN AS MURIEL BREM, HIS WIFE TRUSTEE THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF SACRAMENTO, A CORPORATION BENEFICIAR~ THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF SACRAMENTO, A CORPORATION RECORDED APRIL 28? 1977 IN BOOK C775 PAGE 508 OFFICIAL RECORDS INSTRUMENT NO.: 5625329 SAID MATTER AFFECTS THIS AND OTHER PROPERTY. TO 1866 C \,5-75) American Land T itie Association LOdll [-'01 IcY-l!::11U Wilii AL. : A t::naorsement r-orm 1 Goverage ur Klrler Icarl Land Title Association Owner's POlicy Form 8-1970 or California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy-1973 APPLICATIOt'{ NO. -GY-388663 . Schedule C The land referred to herein is described as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF GILROY~ COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A RIGHT OF WAY FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES IN GENERAL~ INCLUDING A SANITARY SEWER LINE~ WATER LINE~ AND STORM DRAINAGE LINE~ WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE EASEMENT AT ANY TIME FOR THE INSTALLATION~ CONSTRUCTION~ REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF~ ON~ ACROSS~ AND UNDER A STRIP OF LAND 10 FEET WIDE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ~ BEING A PORTION OF RANC~ LOT 47 AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 7 ACCOMPANYING THE REPORT OF THE REFEREES IN THE LAS ANIMAS RANCHO PARTITION SUIT~ SUPERIOR COURT CAS NO. 5536~ IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA AND MORE PARTICULARLY A STRIP OF LAND 10 FEET WIDE~ THE NORTHERLY LINE OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF PARCEL ONE AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO GLENN BREM AND MURIEL BREM~ HIS WIFE AND RECORDED IN BOOK 5711 AT PAGE 418 SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS AND ~UNNING THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE THEREOF SOUTH 890 47' 40" EAST 1287.22 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER THEREOF IN THE LINE COMMON TO THE LAS ANIMAS AND SAN YSIDRO RANCHOS. TO 197914-701 APPLICATIDN NO. GY-38863 . . Exhibit I A. TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1978-79~ A LIEN NOT YET PAYABLE. B. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1977-78 ASSESSMENT NO. CODE NO. FIRST INSTALLMENT SECOND INSTALLMENT ASSESSED VALUATION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY 841-16-19 67-009 $432.86 PAID $432.86 PAID NONE CAT. NO. NN00568 .. TO 1919.1 CA'(7-77) .. INDORSEMENT FORM 41 1-REV. OWNER'S INFLATION PROTECTION INDORSEMENT AlTACHEDTO POLICY NO. GY-388663-B ISSUED BY Title Insurance and Trust Company The Company, recognizing the current effect of inflation on real property valuation and intending to provide additional monetary protection to the Insured Owner named in said Policy, hereby modifies said Policy, as follows: 1. Notwithstanding anything contained in said Policy to the contrary, the amount of insurance provided by said Policy, as stated in Schedule A thereof, is subject to cumulative annual upward adjustments in the manner and to the extent hereinafter specified. 2. "Adjustment Date" is defined, for the purpose of this Indorsement, to be 12:01 a.m. on the first January I which occurs more than six months after the Date of Policy, as shown in schedule A of the Policy to which this Indorsement is attached, and on each succeeding January 1. 3, An upward adjustment will be made on each of the Adjustment Dates, as defined above, by increasing the maximum amount of insurance provided by said Policy (as said amount may have been increased theretofore under the terms of this Indorsement) by the same percentage, if any, by which the United States Department of Commerce Composite Construction Cost Index (base period 1967) for the month of September immediately preceding exceeds the highest Index number for the month of September in any previous year which is subsequent to Date of Policy; provided, however, that the maximum amount of insurance in force shall never exceed 150% of the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A of said Policy, less the amount of any claim paid under said Policy which, under the terms of the Conditions and Stipulations, reduces the amount of insurance in force. There shall be no annual adjustment in the amount of insurance for years in which there is no increase in said Construction Cost Index. 4. In the settlement of any claim against the Company under said Policy, the amount of insurance in force shall be deemed to be the amount which is in force as of the date on which the insured claimant first learned of the assertion or possible assertion of such claim, or as of the date of receipt by the Company of the first notice of such claim, whichever shall first occur. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as extending or changing the effective date of said Policy. This Indorsement is made a part of said Policy and is subject to the schedules, conditions and stipulations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof. Title By Secretary NOTE: In connection with a future application for title insurance covering said land, reissue credit on premium charges (if applicable at all) will be allowed only upon the original face amount of insurance as stated in Schedule A of said Policy.