Carr, Thomas A. and Viola M. NO !l'-~E.- t- c. . 27383 1 03?'J,4~.Qr' f II t U I oj t{ tZ r.C 0 1\ U AT nc(:UEST OF ~.. \ t\ L \...~ ('!l"V 0 11'" 'i n '.: '" ~ . r Ut!,.h,J . NO FEE PER GC SEC ~lECOIWIUG llEq,UESIlID DY: RETUlUl TO: - f Susanne E. Steinmetz,City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. ~- Gilroy, CA 95020 l {!-- Huy 8 \ 39 PH '89 , n 1-'" ,. . u .: ~., ,... ..,.!'''}, l vl'"t 1M;, Lt\U;\ r. Ht~'..~ 0 .i. l16 0 PAGE 9 48 EASEMENT DEDICATION TO CITY OF GILROY The undersigned, being the legal owners of the real property hereinafter described, hereby dedicated to the City of Gilroy for public use an easement for installation and maintenance of water services and meters on under and across the real property hereinafter described. BEING a portion of Lot 33 as shown upon that certain map entitled "Tract No. 232 Gurries Addition to the City of Gilroy" which map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on February 14, 1946 in Book 8 of Maps at pages 24 and 25 and being 'more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of Lot 33 in the northerly line of a 20. Right of Way as shown on said map of tract 232 and running thence along the westerly line of Lot 33 N. 20.00.W. 4.00 feet; thence at right angles to the westerly line N.70.00~E. 3.00 feet; thence parallel to the westerly line S.200 OO.E. 4.00 feet to a point in the southerly line of Lot 33 in the northerly line of said 20. Right of Way; thence along said common line S.70000.W. 3.00 feet to the point of beginning CL AR A COUNTY, @ Ng I I I t ADDITION 232 !:>~ '2d \'25.. 3 () r- 18 _ _ _ _ ..l42.~1_ ___ o If' In : Z ~ 19 I I I 53 II 20 17 - - -- - . - - -- .... - - -'to 21 (J' .., o c" 22 23 III lI\ -.,.. -~ ('4 24 ~ ... <ll 25 - ---/4'-:-"'3 --- 'f- to 26 l" 1'25 ~, J : -lJ' . r- --- L r- ~':'- HANNA- >- <to ~ o <t o a:: CD CALI FORNIA ".,./t;.9~J.91 r".i;;REET Lt6 0 PAGE 9 49 II 7090 II p3.511 ~t+ : 4: I' '" 130 ~Ol 37 o r- o 1/1 ~ __......_1.2<2-____ ~ o <9 36 o It! IJJ > a:: o 35 ~ r 1/1 1/1 o -9 34 '20' 1300 40' ~ ~ ~ U\ lI\ ,~ 0" · . 42 0 r " >,O~lXJ '..J .--5J'2..._.____ __ I-or o j "p' 33 S IJl . . I N7tJ't1u'~ 3,00 - Ai 20&:~ -- 4-:~' o 32 .~ o III 31 ~ '30 1" C" o r- 38 39 40 41 43 44 -,-- 45 --------- en 0 29 IJJ ,Jl 46 - a:: --------- a:: 0 ~ ::> Ul 28 (,!) l/l ---'0;0---- Q 0 0 l/'I 27 ~ , '?O ISO to o --- - - -,.:.J-STREET x. ~.9S700 ./ 9Oi}7- @ " o It! ~ ~ 11\ 11\ '" It> l" .... a en l/'I a:: - LL. 0 0 e 8 ..... ~ .... t- IJJ W a:: t- OO (J;\ \V ROSANNA 5 T. CCUf"lLED IN CONf'OIIlltAMCE wtTN *-31u,. (Jf1 1M! R~fHU! . TAXATION CODI!. "\' UfIlCTlvr OATI. NAJtCtt. '. .....,~;.r.. ,AlFRED E. CARLSOH- A3SESSOft t.\,; I,N,~~~"~C::;:(: e"'uled (I,;, Deed on ......~....2t.;........~~......... (OWNER) L 160PAGE 950 ................................................................................................................ ( OWNER) ...................................................................-....-................................. ........................................................................................................... (OWNER) (OWNER) Tlw tlllll(~l'5iglled, Tru~t('{' ulllkr ))(~l'd of Trust r{'conbl ill Book ............... Of/idal RCl'oJd~, I'al~l' ............, Saula Clara Couilty Records, hereby joills ill, cOIIsenls to, amI subordillatcs its rights unller sailllJccd of Trust to the easement herein conveyed. .......................................................................................................... (THUSTEE) 'f:. (Individual) m c.:.,::~-:r;;~;;NCLt?&~J. On this~-' .. day of.. tt?c?YtJ4~-~..................in the year one thou~and nine hundred and /2' P? Itcrore me, .CYS' T-91 1111.F';::::,g~71. . I a Nolary Public, State of California, duly connni~sioned and swori personally appeared .. ....~~-1-:!.:.......!f'..~..?:A~.I::Jt................... .................. ...... .... ..V/I/?JJ......H~.. .. C:!f..(.4-, ..... . ...... OFFICIAL SEAL . CRYSTAL RAfFERTY NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Comm. Expires Aug. 23, 1993 known to me 10 he the persolC) whose nameS.l1ge-. subscribed to the within instrument, and arknowledgl'd to me that.. he... executed the same. Cowdtr,'. Form No. H-(Acknowl.<1RlI1'''1 :.-I':."trRI) (C. C. S.C. IIR9) IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto Sl't my halld alld affixed my oerieial Il'al in the. .. .. County Of~'~ .. ..r~. dl-I!~t~ . .. the day and .year in this certificate fir~t a.bove ~~i.~t~~.. ...... ...... ...~....' _ f!l,.J.~. . Notary Public, State of California, ~O My COllllllission Expire~ . ,J ~ql":?-:7'..:1. (Corporation) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, . ........County of On this.. I, .III. day of . in the year 0111' thousand nine hundred and. hdore me, , a Notary Public, Slate of California, duly cOlllmissioned and sworn, personally appeared known to me to be the .. of the corporation descrihed in allll tlmt I'XI'I~lIll'd Ihl' within irutnnlll'nl, and Illso knowlI to me 10 Itl' the pl'rSOIl who executed the within illltruml'nt on behalf of the corporation therein named, al\(l acknowledged to me that sud. corporation eXl'l'nl(!d Ihe sallie IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have herl'llJlto set my hand and aerixed my oerieal seal in the County of.. . .... . .",.., ....,....,..,..the day and year in this certificate first above written. .-.... ... ..... Notary Public, State of California. My Commission Expires (Partnership) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ................... !s~. ........................County of...., On . ... bl'rore me, the undersiglled, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared .. known to me -.-' to bp . Ilr th.. J1artnl'r~ of Ih,. parllll'r~hilJ that l'xl'('nted the wilhill ;nstrlllllcllt, and ackllowlcdged to me that su('h partnl'rship rXI'l'IIII'r1lhl' sallie. WITNESS my hallll allll"rridal sl'al. Signature -,..: NaillI' (Ty!Jcd 01 I'dnted) ~I}' COllllni~!ioll F.xpill'1 L 160PAGE 951 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPT~~CE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY . THOMAS A CARR and VIOLA M. CARR I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by ___ Thomas A. Carr and Viola M. Carr of the premises described in the attached" conveyance dated the 25th day of October , 19 !39 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN wITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of . October , 19 89 ......