Chao, Feng-Chou and Chiu-King ..... REC01<OING REQUES'l'BO 13Y: CITY OF GILItOY NO FEE PER GC SEC 27383 1101b587 r C"J Susanne E. Steinmetz, City Cler City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 B w w u. o z F II f f.1 t (, t( ~. I l~ LJ " U . -; _.~'."J i' ( ( r-,,) ,. ., RE'l'UHN '1'0: ~Iry DF GILnOy r, ,} (; j 1 ~ 9 IS · U '91 I' , '-- S.. - ~ , ';(JUNTY :NE ."0 , ''', r' " U)[I , ChlA OEOIC^'l'ION FOH STHEE:'l' ^NO UTILITY PUHPOSES The undersigned, being the le9al owners of the r'eal property hereinafter described, hereby dedicate to public use a right of way for street ond utility purposes, including but not lilllited to electric, gas, telephone, cable TV, water storm drainage, sanitary sewers, etc., under, over, on and across the real property hereinafter described. The undersigned further irrevocably offers to dedicate to tile City of Gilroy for use of the public a right of WCly for street and utility purposes rver, under on and Clcross the renl property hcreilw[ter dpscrilJcd said dedication to be accepted 01111' when the City Council of tile City of eilroy adopts and records in the office ot Hecorder of the County of Si:lnta Clara a resolution accepting said right of Wuy. Until said right of way is recorded the City of Gilroy shall not be responsible for lIIaintaining said right of way and illlprovelllents thereon. If any change in change in alignrllent, length or width of right ot way approved by the City of Gilroy results in vacation of any part of the real property dedicated herein, such vacation shall tertllinate the dedication as to the part vacated. The provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives of the respect- ive parties hereto. BEING all of the southerly 10.00 feet of Lots 19 and 20 in Block 6 North, Range 6 West as shmm on Map entitled "Map of Loupe, et aI, Northern Addition to the City of Gilroy", which map was filed for record on June 5, 1888 in Book "D" of Maps at page 5, Records of Santa Clara County, California. SEE MAP - EXHIBIT "A" : f) ') f' - .. .- ,-Ii . ; '. . .-' , ; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Owner(s) h;tIJ.e. executed this Deed on . ._.,. ~ ~ ~X,._ _ ~. ~.~. _ ,_ .~. .?~. ,~.,...........,. _.....,....,.., ,.... .._.......... ... '" .7T:::L....~;;i.........m.........m... (OWNER) .~,_......~..."...~~....."..,._"",.........,.. ~'i~.~t-~.( (OWNER) The undersigned, Trustee und('r Deed of Trust recorded in Book ......,......... Official R('cords, paRe.. . Santa Clara County Records, hereby joins in, consents to, and subordinates its rights under said Deed of Trust to the easement herein conveyed. (TRUSTEE) GENERAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT "0 201 C t f Santa Clara oun yo } 55. Marjorie Fuller ~~ Ju 1 y 19~, before me, ~ ~ ------------------------- ~ State of California On this the ~ day of the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared FENG-CHOU CHAO and CHIU-KING CHAO-------- OFFICIAL SEAL MARJORI E RJllER NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA I > SANTA CLARA COUNTY " o personally known to me 19 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) are within Instrument, and acknowledged that They WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~~.; > .~)~~ CJo.- ~ Notary'SS19~~~~?"~?'~.?~?'__~~j NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION' 23012 Venlur. nt.d. . P.O. BOl 4825 . Woodllnd Hollo. CA 'i1364 subscribed to the executed It. Tll0 122 r~=~-~~~l the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared ~ ~ ~ ~ o personally known to me o proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who executed the within Instrument as or on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed il. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary's Signature ~.~ ~1 ~............../~/~~..............~/~~~~_6_'~/......//......//.......//.........../..-',.J~~.J......~,.,/~,.,....../"r/r'._'/'"'/"'.J,..J~' COAPOAATF. ACKNOWlEUGMENT FOAM 7120052 NAlION.L NOTAAY A550CIAlION' 23012 Venlura Bhd . WOOdllnd Hd'S. C. 91364 ~, r r -, --.----: ~ L ,-'. .' - 1 -- t I c', c/' ~~ (p (J~ p.~ fZ .;tJ ' ';0' ., j2- PVBL/C ALLE Y <:I ~ ~O S 89OCJCJ"E l\J (J SO" /00" ~ lij 0(, ~ ~I~ ~p ~ ~lt ~,I ~ ~ 0 '\) tlI It) "- A-t '\) ~V l~ ~q ~ ~ ~c, rfi ,~ p~ ~B~ " I:l 1::\ ~ '\) ~ "'- ~ ~ 'l\ ~ JIIIi 22 2/ Q 20 /.9 " "" , ~ ~ I ~ '\) 0 ~ "- ~ fI) r ~ , \I) '/;0 SO" 80" f<--'/ S 0/ ~ "- , , ~ If) flj N B9Ooo'w , F/RST ~ STREET PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FOR DEDICATION PORTION OF LOTS 19 & 20, BLOCK 6 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST "Hap of Loupe, et al, Northern Addi tion to the City of Gi lroy" Book "D" of Haps, Page 5, Records of Santa Clara County July 1991 1" = 40' EXHIBIT ..A.. JOB NO, 91046 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTN~CE OF CONVEYN~CE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY FENG-CHOD CHAO and CHID-KING CHAO I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resol~tion No. 83-55, adopted by t~e Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by ___ Feng-Chou Chao anc Chiu-King Chao of the premises described in the attached' conveyance dated the 31st day of July , 19 ~1 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS ~~EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 2nd day of August i , 19 91 inistrator of the City of Gilroy