Coutinho, Arthur J. and Lena M. 1 City & State L ~ 0- ! {)F;-lGi/L" i... Cd.)I\D3 SANTA CLAH/" COUNTY GEORGE E. FOWLES {;I RECORDER JAck ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE _ :) ~ ~.2ri4} f;r~494 ~,QO' I T~ r t ..ul ' I I L t' U ! _':; ;. - ".';~ [. ') , '(L~~UF~~ C'/J;P'1j JUL i 7 > l4~/tN '61 llS1 l~tc ,M rnf0fJt .J RE:::ORDING REQUESTED BY .~. '.J ~ n l" (. .'. v~...nJ0v J AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO I CLfjorJ ~ /6 -tl c~t#-;. .~d ,>"~~ .o;C:;' Cf-. 6 (;. j/. c. (jrJ . C /;, 6' " .. " . .. / /' ,....v}..z:/ ',.>CL I Name Street Addre.. I I Nome Street Address City & Slate L ~ AFFIX I.R.S. $....................IN THIS SPACE Grant Deed TO 405 C THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Arthur J. and Lena M. Coutinho hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF GILROY the following described real property in the County of San ta Clara City of Gilroy , State of California: DESCRIPTION OF SEWER EASEMENT ON EXTENSION OF LEWIS STREET: BEING a portion of Lot 21 as shown on map entitled "Map of the Sub- division of Las Animas Sub10t No. 11 and Las Animas Ranch10t No. 39, ri.n.,.Jhe Rancho Las An i mas and City of G i 1 royll, wh i ch map is f i 1 ed 'for 'RecSr,t1 in Book IIF_1", of Maps at page 4, Records of Santa Clara'Coiiitty, >~~-1rt~rnia, and being an easement for the installation and maintEm~~ce, ~;,4fj~{underground sanitary sewer pipe line, under, over, en and.;il~#6s's ,;j ,,~;.<i."':':~"" ...:...../.~!. ..~.,.:. ,,~\ ii"c:n~'t.:rip of land 11 feet in width, the northwesterly line of whi.c.b';,;ir~,;.. ] 'lmQI"~,particular1y described as follows: . . '-"':!~ \'.' .,' Il(.' "'6 ;.. \ term i ~~~ I :~ I ~~: ~e~~:r ;:,:~~e ~f ~~~ ~~r~~~s a~ :~:W~ \~\~~~ ~:~ t:~Y, running thence along the line common to Lots 9 and 21 N. 70000JE., 62.00 feet. Dated /1 ~~ Irlc7 Q~~) ~ ~ ~~,,,,~j //1 _ &~;C~ STATE OF CAL~RN~A , I 7 }SS COUNTY OF ~ tl-t,,<.Z fl.--/ (l k!.../......t ,,,~ j . On fr;;c<-~IJ(- ~,.;. /'11,7 , before me, the under- signed, Va ~otary Pubhc III and for s.a,~I State, personally appeared .(0) A LCl../ [1- C~~I L "G.",. j,U", ~,-/v'- ,,(., ,;;><;..c,.... "'-" 71 7 t'J''''''-- z:;:..",.I., ) . / to be the person~whose nameS instrument and acknowledged that WITNESS my hand and official seal. . known to me .r.L ~ubscribed to the within -Z. A:-"-'1 executed the same. Signature c <,; Lv...j-~..: _, ':;. /(Q. .' .,' '-./ E L ,..7/ /<.,e- /t,,<j / -€-r .:';1. ~ :'!l::: ~"I t:::.III,I'C ~E.'i!J'~ 'l!e ~,r, '-: 01"': ~::": ~ ~.r '" .,,~... ~ "., ~ N (T d -B~""'d-)' q .\I',~': t" f. !"" ame ype 0: :ph'r~,_-:\ L._"~. .''To'. I;. ...... ,,,. (Thh; area foJ' official notarial seal) ,.. 7,;--.".".... "llT""{ ,.,.. ,..', .,.. = F,,-:-._:'-':''- '~;:) '~" "'l;..':n':::-~;'..':\;' {~-.~:_':',~';.";,~~ .',,'.c,\ E "~:j;> :0,\'';1'.\ Cu\:~&\.i-W;\J~'(Loin No. ..::., .;-;;;;-;;-~':)'!':'.~"'''i','~ ~~""j-:',";".>. -- . ill - ":'I r-/t-~;' Title Order No. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE ..,.. 5UD'-O ~...- ,0 Vl ~I 0 \.91 - :: Ci , l- 1 \1\1.() -- 10-0 \f) 0 ~~ rJ Ol 0 (fIto 0 cOr() \(l rJ W \- <1 r 0 0 0 <:) u . r- .J .J l.ll . 0 z 0 i . 2. - ~ , , N COUTIN H 0 ~ IV e CITY OF GILROY PROPCS ED S EWER EX~Em ION EAS EMENTS ~ l.. FOR 0 ~ LEWIS STHEET SANITARY SEWER -- \tJ - ~ June 1967 1" · , 50" Q ~ w V) V\ () 0 c. ~ 0 "> &1 " ~ 1 \ij W, J. HANNA a SoN '-J CIVIL ENOIN..". AND SUItV.TOM O.LftOT . HOLLI.T.II 0'-' IC rolltASU ItS, SA. JOW: P'1n.D .00K NO .I_NO 77 81 p.,GE 496 eoo~ . CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY Arthur J. and Lena M. Ceutinho I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution NOe 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution Is on record In the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said / City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Arthur J. and Lena M. Coutinho of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 11 th day of July , 1967 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of July , 19~. --