Deiber, William W. and Jessie M. (3) _tr481 .120 WILLIAM w. DEIBER and JESSIE M. DEIBER, his wife, the first parties, GRANT ~ INDP{IDUAL hereby grant to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the second party, all that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: A right of way over a strip of.land five (,) feet wide being a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot No. 16 according to Mapc No.7 accompanying the report of the referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5'36, had in the Superior Court or the State of Califonnia, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the most easterly corner of Tract No. 165, "Sunset Park" recorded in Book, of Maps, pages 28 and 29, records of Santa Clara CountYt California, and running thence South 700 W. ,.00 feet; thence at right angles No. 200 West to the premises of~ank L. Serafin and Camilla T. Serafin, his wife; thence in an easterly direction along the said premises of Serafin to the northeasterly boundary line of said Tract No. 16" "Sunset Park" above referred to; thence in a southeasterly direction along the said boundary line of said tract to the point of beginning, being a strip of land of a uniform width of five (,) feet extending along the easterly boundary line of Lot 1, of said Tract, and along the easterly line of Lot 16 a distance of approximately five (,) feet to the said premises of Serafin. This easement and right of way is granted to the party of the second part for the installation, maintenance and repair of sewer lines, water lines and other public utility lines over, under, on and in said strip of land, all of which lines and utilities shall be laid, maintained and repaired so as to interfere no more than is reasonably necessary with the surface of the ground and the use thereof by the parties of the first part, their heirs, WITNESS successors, and assigns. our hands this /~~day of September, 19,1. . x) t; (//~ .<~ ;J !/~.trl(. -- . ). '-...-" \. ..A 1 /1 J '; 1Jt.~., ;'. , " :~/. ........'" -- '- t .I' ..:{-...........--L-.--<..___'' L'iLC./ l /.~/ ' /' STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss a Notary .WILLIAM persons. nowledg COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ,,( q~.:. O,~) I)" day of September, 19,1, before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON, "::~nd for !taid County and St e, personally appeared ,. JESSIE M. DEIBER, hi w' e, known to me tpbe the '_ e subscribed to the egoing inst_rumen~/ and ack- ~ney executed the s' ( ) /.~J /~ .J: " ,. '11":::'~ffc;,: ;,.....~\ \\ ,,-' the County California. ,,,,,"- __~.t, ,__'~.-.___,,_ E.~2.Q~!IIIO.n 110. _Ill -..'" ._ ,...238t _121 BE IT RESOLVED bJT the Mayor and Common Couneil of the City of Gilroy, that said City of Gilroy hereby accepts the attached conveyance and consents to the recordation thereof: PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of Sentember ,1951, at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. .l\.YES : COUNCILMSN:Thomas, Pate, Mason and iJ1enblOrth NOES: COUNCILlv1EN: None ABSENT: COUNCIL?t:EN: Daniels APPROVED: ,4 · Pu- e 7Q~ / Mayor' CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, P. A. COX, the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the annexed copy of ReSoDltion has been compared by me with, and. is a true and correct copy of the whole of such Resolution duly adopted at and appearing among the official minl1tes of the regular meeting of the ComMon Council of said City of Gilroy held on the 18th_day of _.__~septe~1?er , 19,1. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE o ~ . .. A;~~;S~l~~??liiii City Cleric ~f t~ty of~l~~, County of Santa.':l:~lara, State a,~i.') California.'!~f~i '., :;tl~i? : ~}~h.:ii.;.S'i. ,'\ . :~:!;l';r~i!f&lWJ~~i{f ,"i;'.','i;)i_:;.".':'J:;'_':~';':,j:; o c:: \J_ Oe ~ I- - 0.,':: , c:r: t/') w a::: ::> 00 u- U,l 00::: WI- -14 u.. c:. ... .......i City Clerk 0 County of Santa California. certify held I, P. A. COX? City Clerk of the City of Gilr that the Common CounC1.J of said City of Gilroy, at a; on the 18th day of September ~, 19,1, accepte veyance and consented to the recordation thereof. '" ~ '''"Ie: f:: ~ ~t.....i W,' C\) t! OC !""~ l..';C f~ {:'4 " l'-J U,-) =-, ,,: . ". It"'.....: cr.: aO: ,~ ! --- ~ 11 . ,-j (l) Lr\ G-l C)"' ~ -r! ..i;,~ ,-j = ;3 ~ ~ en '. '" \ rO t/) 0 ~ = ~ 'r! -r! - cd .c, .p ~ = = ... crj = = fJ~ cd H iloIl p:j 0 H ~ - - ... (::) ~:L-4 ... p.! (l) '- = . , fi1 t--, (:Cj :>1 H ..0 0 en ~ C::.:.' ~:::--l H 0 0 s -J r-i f-) [:,::j r~ 0 (l) " ~ fJ (:) 0 t...:j .p ~\. [-1 . .p H r, p, -.w [- ~ ,~ c.'J '1j (l) Z ~ ,--.:., Pi U) "<oi [L; .r! = d ,..... '" ::) 0 .. t.L1 ,.. H H .r! rO H U] :>1 ~ (l) en t.4 rJJ r~-'l .p H r:"::'1 H S cd ::s f-;> 0 r::l ~.