Filice, Carmen E. .. ~IRECoRDING REQUESTED BY BOOK 9668 I',~GE 210 4-1 75406 c:....;;:-.M.l (,;;, ~) ." Name rspecial Projects Dept. I 800~ 9668 rAGE 210 FILt:.L Uh hLCORD ,AT'RE~ ~7i,t4 AM '72 Transarnerica Title Ins Co. AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Street :~t:ress 111 7 5 4 0 6 state L A2 I Zip J- --.J .~., ~ : "i- MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO ~~e I ~ t.2It,4. I ~~;~~s ' It#'. ~)( ~, City rx~v,: - ~~. /J. Q ~f~te L ~IIA. Ift>,..,() ~ NO FEE '. ,QFflCLA Ii l:. GuF'\DS SM'tTACLARA COUNTY .' rBE:i)R!liEE. IrOWLES , - - -HEG'OmlER SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE - TRANSFER TAX S NO TAX DUE EASEMENT //G.R;ANiJ//D~ 212497/JPD (Escrow No. m___nm_mnnu) _ . D~cember lO~ 1971 By thIs mstrument dated _n___n_n____nn____n__n_nn______mmn_nn__n_nh_________n___nmnnnnm_' for a valuable consideration, CARMEN E. FILICE~ who acquired title as a single man hereby GRANTS to CITY OF GILROY~ a municipal corporation the following described Real Property in the State of California, County OL____m_~_~~~_~n~_~~~_~___h_h________n___mmmm_ City of mmG.U.r_Qy_________m____m___________nnn_____mmm_ SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED AND MADE A PART HEREOF: BOOK 9668 P"Cf 212 .- -) d ,-b~ ~~~=~--Q~:_-~----------------------------------- Carmen E. Filice o } ~~Q.. f (", { ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA. On................................................, 19.'7.. ...., be{je me, theundersigne~Not~ublic ir and for said 11 ~ Q SS. County and State, personally a p ...............:::~....... ....=... _.........m..~...._C~.I!..c;.I,.~.......__...m... '> ~ " ~ ~G'B6180,JJ0~C;i80;D0'l.0S1SC'.('J@jSC'i0G".01~@9~ Notary's Signature ................. :.:;.........~.L .......... ............. ................ .................__............ 9 .,,"\''''. OFFiCIAL SEAL gg 2~ '\';;~;rj((':; U:'\II.',RD PETu'1:1.1.N ii, ~ ..'161~~;.:n.r~":I' ',...."~,' or -:., ....1-., f (0 It;; \" -;r~~<" ~'~vT,..'\: ( l-'!Pl rr M_ ,.- !'_l i:,''--.,D~ llA ~-<' @ . :5~~~%;:\~- _ S/\'i< i..\ '-ci~>~;,:,\ .c'.6j_J'j,~--.;.~I' q ~ > .c""~.~;),__.~~~,~~_:n~!~~rc~ E_xpi,r0S May 4, 1972 g 0@9@>.9":;"::",..li':;:) '-s"\:.., '~:\JC:0C .-..:-;<~-:-~.~,~~Ct=,.'~;~:JC-0G;?) ~ Gi 110 No. Monterey Street Gilroy, California 95020 o '<:I' '" c:i Z ; ~ MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE ? )( ./\11 that certain 1'(;;,1 propcdy ~:;Hudte in ll1'.: Cii,y of Cilroy, County oC ~)ant8. Cl~lra, State ()f C:cilj.forni<:1,. l)cin,g an. f:[~sc:rrleilt [()l' f'();t(lv/i.-!.)/ f)tlr'l)oS(~:1 :-:~lld fc)r the ip.s talJ.:..'J.Li.o}l {"JJ.":d nlJ.in.te:fl;).11Ce ()f Pl"iblic utilities {:UHJ being' :U:10l'l~ i.l2I'ticu1.CJ_:cl)i described 8.:3 foHoV'u,: P.AHCEL ONE: Being an easement over a portion of L;')t 12 of Tract No. 5089 and being more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING at (:be intersection of the Northeasterly line of Lot 12 of Tract No. h " () 0 ,... . , '\ff 1 .f' I') A' . I" d' p 1 ,)Ui.h' .. blJroy Jle8.ClOWS~ a IYl~;':'p oJ. \V llC.l '.vas THee for recor 111 ~,'oo"-.._ of maps, page ~ Santa Clara County HecordE3 with a line parallel with and distant 20. 00 feet Northwesterly measured at rigllt angles from the line common to Lots 12 and 13 of said Tract No. 5089; thence leaving said Point of Beginning~ along said parallel line SCdth [)70 43' \Vest 24.69 feet to a point on the Easterly line of Carlyle Court, as shown on said Map; thence leaving said paraliel line along said Easterly line of Carlyle COLlrt from H tangent bearing of North 480 40' 17'1 West along a curve to the left with a radius of 45.00 feet through a central angle of 420 55' 4311 for an a:cc length of 33.72 feet; thence leaving said Easterly line North 880 24' East 52.49 feet to a point on said Northeasterly line of Lot 12; thence along said Northeasterly line South 220 17' East 3.56 feet to the Point of Beginning. PARCEL TWO: Being an easement over a portion of Lot 13 of Tra.ct No. 5089 and being more parLicularly described [}.s fo11o\'/s:, BECINNING at the intersection of the Northeastedy line of Lot 13 of Tract No. 5089 -- Gilroy IVIeadows -. a JT18p of '.vhich v,as f':;}cd for leCUl'U in Book of Map~J, page ~____! Santa Clara County Hecords, with a line pc~ralJeJ ;'{U1 and distant 20. 00 feeL Southeasterly~ measured at right angles, from the line common to Lots 12 and ]3 of said Tract No. 5089; thence leaving said Point of Beginning along said parallel line South 670 43' West 24.69 feet to a poi.nt on the Easterly line of Carlyle Court~ as shown on said Map; thence leaving said parallel line along said EacJterly line of Carlyle Court from a tangent bearing of South 40 06l 17" West along <1 curve to the right with a radius of 45. 00 feet through a central angle of 130 46' for an arc length of 10.81 feet; thence leaving said Easterly line North 880 24' East 32.72 feet to a point on said Northeasterly line of Lot 13; thence along said Northeasterly line North 220 1'71 West 2 O. 57 feet to the Point of Beginning. PARCEL THREE: Being an Easemcllt 0\'0'.'1' a portion of Lot 31 of Tract No. 508U and being more parU.cuJ~Tly descrihed as follows: BJ<;GINNING at the intersection of the Northeasterly line of Lot 31 of Tract No. 5089 - Gilroy Meadows - a map of which was filed for record in Book____ of M J"p'- "'OlUe Santa Clara Count'.' Hecords. with a line parallcl with and .c;.... iJ~ t.JC..C)"- ,.. .l " distant 20. 00 feet Northwesterly measured at right angles from the line common to Lots 31 and 32 of said Tract No. 5089; thence leaving said Point of Beginning along said parallel line South 670 43' West 24.69 feet to a point on the Easterly line of Loupe Court as shown on said Map; thence leaving said parallel line along s<:dd E a[3terJ.y line or Loupe Court fronOJ. a tangent bearing of North 480 40' 1711 \.:rr(.:f'~ ~..:.lC'~'lr) ~~=- ,:'..tr\r0 tc. t~h0 J.cf~ '.Jri.t1"" ~1 r~.(lj.l_::r~ of .t1501 00 fr:"(:'~_- tJ~I'(":~ ~-- ,'-'{"'~".r~:-,;--,'! ~\!~,;,_,1C of 5~~() 08,"'4:311 for an arc length of 41. 74 feet; thence lea\'ing said EasL.::rly line of Loupe Court North 780 11' ~ast., 57.79 feet to a point on said Northeasterly line of Lot 31; thence along said N'ortheasterly line South 220 17' East 13.75 feet to the Poi nt of 13 e ginning. PARCEL FOUR: Being an easement over a portion of Lot 32 of Tract No. 5089 and be'ing more particularly described as fo11ov;"8: BEGINNING at the intersection of the North easterly line of Lot 32 of Tract No. 5088 - Gilroy lVIeadows - a Map of which was filed for record in Book_<.__of lI."t'.",,)., '.'~'\g(' Santa Clara Countv.. Records. with a line parallel with and iV. l,.r( t )"J' 1..J.... _ -~- , ~ .... -.' " " distant 20. a-Oreet Southeasterly, measured at right angles. from the line common to Lots 31 and ~)2 of said Tract No. 5089; thence leaving said Point: of Beginning along said parallel Ene South 670 43' West 24.68 feet to a point on the J:as~erly line of Loupe Court; thence leaving said parallel line along t,aid Ecwter.l.Y 1ll1c of Loupe Court from a tangent bearing of Soutb 40 061 17" Vlest along a curve to the right v.lith a radius of <1 f:l, 00 feel through a central angle of 30 33' for an arc length of 2. '79 feet; t.hence leaving said Ecwterly line of Loupe Court North '1So lil Eclst 26.45 feet to a point on ;]~'J.:id Northeasterly line of Lot 32; thence along said }\iortheasterly line No,~tb 220 17' West 7. 26 feet to the l)oint of Beginning. L-.X 0> C> CJ ."'" c..'J ~ ~ 00 ;; C'> ,.., "" ~ ,.... / /~ \ \ ^ j\ '" ;. I' / \ 1/ / \ ,/ X, I " I I ~ / '-' , \..~.,~ I / V "-... "-~"'''''' /',., I / " ,.i --:J / / ~ / ~/ ""', "f..... '-" ~, '~.~.>. ',,-CPo , ... ...-;;.... '"-)~-. "'" <S:' r--" ,~- c'-- -. \ \ \ /\ , '" ,. / / / BOOK 9668 /"'GE 213 . // '-, ~~'- ~ / ~ C~j__ ~,,/. : '-, " ,: . " '""" .ro"""" "\. / / / '\\ ~ / ,,- ". Aa~. .. ~ ',,,,,, "'-.., ;---- / -t:-:. _ / I / / _,I / " '.~ /J4A'CEL 2 " , ... ~ , ,. '- / / I j . ":~'I' / / / / 3 .--" /,:., '.;' { ~ " .. ,<".. , c ; ~ , ./ /r",:' :>}/. ~ C ."-..<1. /,..; "r, ,. J .::~ /4;" .1 r ',~, V~:.~." ''; .:../ <'Ii fC':/ ' 4- (',,/1. ,~::,.J}'" ~~~/ 7""v 1Itae~., & S~ CIVIL ENGIN~~~NSUE 1130 WEST EVELYN CALIFORNIA SUNNYVALE ~~v? ;</: ," . - . ' BOOK 9668 Pf~Gf 214 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY CA RM EN E. Fill C E I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July. 1965. at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228. I, as said City Administrator. do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Ca rmen E. F i 1 ice of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 16th day of December , 19 Z2-, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of Janua ry the City of Gilroy.