Filice, J. and Sons - Dedication for Storm Drainage Purposes , .' llliCOHUlNG HBQUES'l'EU U~: NO FEE PER GC SEC 27383 9828141 FILED F0H j'.U';CHD AT RE~U[S r ~F I Susanne E. Steinrnetz,City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 NO FEE GRANTOR SEP 8 12 43 PH '88 (I::'nc.\l, PEr-ORDS i \.'._.. .:1Y '..~\Unl._ i:"',':'~ K 673PbGE 353 ." " . ~ ...- .. t' . ,I t ~ , .. .... t ~ DEDICATION FOR STORM DRAINAGE PURPOSES The undersigned, hereinafter described, for storm drainage hereinafter described. being the legal hereby dedicate purposes on and owners of the real property to public use a right of way across the real property The undersigned further offers to dedicate to the City of Gilroy for use of the public a right of way for storm drainage purposes over, on and across the real property hereinafter described, said dedication to be accepted only when the City Council of the city of Gilroy adopts and records in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara a Resolution accepting said right of way. Until said right of way is recorded the City of Gilroy shall not be responsible for maintaining said right of way and improvements thereon. If any change in alignment, length of width of right of way approved by the City of Gilroy results in the vacation of any part of the real property dedicated herein, such vacation shall terminate the dedication as to the part vacated. The provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives of the respective parties hereto: BEING a portion of Parcel "A" as shown on Parcel Map filed for record in Book 534 of Maps at page 8, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and being a strip of land 20.00 feet in width, the center- line of which is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the centerline of Las Animas Avenue with the centerline of San Ysidro Avenue, as shown on said map, and running thence along the centerline of San Ysidro Avenue S.24040'43"E. 959.25 feet; thence leaving said centerline S 65019'17"W. 35.00 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of San Ysidro Avenue and the true point of beginning of the land to be described; thence S.65019'17"W. 331.67 feet to a point in the southwesterly line of said Parcel "A", being also the northeasterly line of the South Valley Freeway as shown on said Map. SE~ MAP - EXHIBIT "A" " ... <. ~(Jl I ~~ J>1Jl ;-ol- . o 0 .V1 wV!.. 0-. lJlW 00 " . Ui,A!N dM A S~. LAS U) :!: AVE 0 c ~!II I ".171 -I . ~. ;, ~~ ~ I N c..., I ~/.lJI' . 'I ",' ~ /.'-. .~ ~ ;,'" -.l 0) .'1 ,~ 0) '<;)0 I\} f -u < p ~~'\ ~ ~ rn e ~O l> \#~ 0\\\0 ~ J i ~ ~\C ,p(\. ~ef\ r c:Jl '('3-'Q,o . CJ~ ~~ 6v6 ~\OQ r ~ .... ~~O 00'< . ~,~'(). \> O~ m z: ~...... -< N N . uj - ~ ;' ......... C ~ N .--" / --~ (J) N - -. -- j , , Y' ~ VI ~6' f\) ~'" 0 .. 0 ~ 0 ~ u ~- - I ' ---J ~- 0 0 --l m ..., : l ~ tI\ I tJ ~ ...J fTI -.J 0 10 lJ1 I N ~ CD t- OJ 1> c: G) 0 "'tJ r- - 0 -< -< r- ;ll; )> :0 ]J '-' ..a. en CD 0 (,.) -I m Q) -< ~ ..., 0 X r ~ 0 "TI J: ~ I I - .." i I 111 .. "'tJ m ~ : ! I ~ )> - 0 > -I T1 z )> "0 ]J ;0 N f\)1l m CIJ 0 VI 01> r- . . " \J1 m . m m lJ1 ' )> CD NJl ..a. "TI "0 r- , II m U1 0 - 0 > N , r - ~m :xJ Ci) II .~ I\) m )> ~ or, 0 Z II l> ;n !. e - Q) m: " )> tI1 - eo( ~ VJ~ to Ii i j' ~ CD " I ! I I , 10 1987 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Owner(s) hav.e. executed this Deed 011 Augus t , Jo Fo FILICE & SONS, LTDo A CALIFORNIA LIMI~IED PARTN;:RSHIP K 67 3 P~GE 355 ~%;hce;...Geiiera.ipartiier Tbh~l $:. t--- Filice, General Partner Tlw IIIHll'I'si~IWd. Trllsl('(' IIIHln Ikl.d of Trust lI'co/dl'l1 ill lIook . (lIlicial IZ{'cOJd~. pal'!' .'... , Sallta Clara Coullty lZcconls, hereby juins in, consents to, and subordillates its rights ullder said lJeed of Trust to the easemellt herein conveyed. (TRUSTEE) (Individual) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of On this day of Jss. in the year one thonsand n,ne hundred and hrlOle Inc. State of Calilomia, duly cOlllnlissioned alld sworn, personally appeared . a Notary l'ul,lic, kllowlI to nil' to be the person whose nallle and ackllowledged to Inc that he executed the sallie. subscribed to the within instrulllent, IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hell'unto set Iny hand alld allixcd III)' ollic;al scal III the County 01 year in this eertilicate lirst above written. the day and Notary Public, State of Calilornia. Cowdtry'. Form No. .14-(Ack"owlc<lJ(lIlcl1l--"cl1""I) (e C. Sec. IIK9) ~f)' COllllnission Expires (Corporation) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of On this day of ! ss. III the year 0111" thousand nille hundred and before me, State of California, dul)' conllllissioncd alld swom, personally appearcd , a Notary Public, known to 11I1" to be the of the corporation described in and that ('xecuted the within imlmnJl'nl. anu also kllown to nw to he the person who executed the within illStrulllent on I)('half of the corporal ion therein lIan,ed, and acknowledged to nle that .uch ('ol))(lIalioll ,'xccult.d lhe .anl(' IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have Ill'leunlo set nlY hand alld aflixed n,)' ollical seal in the Count)' of year in this certifieale first above written. the day and No!;or)' I'lIhl;c, Slale of CalilulIlia. My Cunllllission Expires (Partnership) STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Santa Clara !IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!: 11111 11111 11111 II lie ;1'11 IIU. . ~ OFFICIAL SEAL . 5 . GAIL CORNAGGIA 5 - I - - 5 -.. flOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNiA 5 5 ", COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 5 5 . Comm. Exp. Dec. 2, 1988 5 i.1I11I1I11I11I11I1I11I1I 1111 11111 II 1111111111"111111111 i ( ss. On Augu:st 10, 1987 before lIIe, the ulldersiglled, a Nolary Public ill and (or said State, persollally appeared Orland D. Ereno, Josenh A. Fili~~, John S. Filice kllown to lIle to be three of till' J>arrll(,[~ of the partllership that exccllted thc wirhill ;nstrlllllenl, alld ackllOwlrdl';ed to IIle d." "'''' I. P:lI"l",..I,;p f"'f"lI".d "If' C:;II11/' IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ~fficial seal in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certificate first above written. . K 67 3?AGE 356 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYfu~CE TO THE CITY OF GILROY ByJ. F. FILICE & SONS, INC., A California Limited Partnership I. the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July. 1983. at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do he~eby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by J. F. Filice & Sons, Inc., A California Limited Partnership of the premises described in the attached' conveyance dated the 10th day of August 19 87 , . , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the reco~dation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 6th day of September 1988 , I . trator of the City of Gilroy