Filice, Val A. et al HECUHU{.1 '(.; l'.LUU L~n;lJ U'i: NO 'FEE PER GC SEC 6103 9690539 fILED fOR BECORD AT REQUEST OF HE'J'UHN TU: w W LL o Z CITY. Of GILBOY HAY 13 9 25 t~H 'S8 "") ( Susanne E. Steinmetz,CityClk City of \, il roy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 OFFIC~.L RECORDS' Sf~_: :'""A Cl...\J\I\ CG\.:;~~ LAURiE KM~: ~FGOtmER K 534PuGE 553 lJElJIC^'l'lOIJ FUH S'l'HEET ^tJlJ UTILITY PUHPOSES Tllp \IldprsiY"f'd, ltCill'J tile Ip~l;d oWllers of tile r~al property Ilereillafter described, Ilereuy dedicate to public use a right of way for street alld utility pU'I1(lses, illCludill'J IHlt lIol: lilllitcu to electric, g;lS, telepllulle, cable TV, water stOrlll draillll')E', sallitary SE'wers, etc., ulluer, over, 011 arH.1 across the real property hereillafter described. Tile '"HJersiglled furthpr irreVIWidJly offers to dedicate to tile City of Gilroy for use of tile puulic l.l ri91ll: uf WilY [or street l.lIIlJ utility purposes over, undpr on alld (lcros~, 1I1(, r('ill property Ilcreilli:lfter dpscrilJeu saiu dedicatioll to be accepted ollly wllell tile city Coullcil of tile city or Gilroy adopts ;Hld records ill tile ()(fit'p o[ Hecorder or tile Coullty of Sallta Clara a resolutioll acceptill(j said riglll or way. Ulltil sllill rigllt or WClY is recorded the City of Gilroy sll,dl lIot be respollsible for lIIairrtaining saill right of way and illlprovelllellls lhereoll. ' .11/ If all)'ch.1nye ill cllall9(' ill llli4111l1elll, lell(JLIl or wiuUI of riylll of way approved by the city of Gilroy r('sults ill vilcatioll of any part of tile real property dedicated herein, sucll vacatioll shall terJllillate tile deuication as to the part vacated. The provisions Il(~reor Sllil11 illUle to llle uPllefil 1I11d be lJilldlllY U{'OIl tile heirs, Sllcce:,!';ors, assiYlIs allu ['ersollal representatives of tile res!Jec.:t- ive parties hereto. DESCRIPTION OF CHESTNUT STREET BUS STOP, GILROY VILLAGE: BEING a portion of Parcel 1 as shown on Parcel Map filed for record on March 24, 1988 in Book 584 of Maps at page 36, Reco:ds of Santa Clara County, California, and being more partlcularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at a point in the southwesterly line of Chestnut Street distant thereon N.3004'21"W. 100.00 feet from the most easterly corner to said Parcel 1 as shown on said Map, and running thence along the southwesterly line of Chestnut Street N.3004'21'W. 155.00 feet. thence leaving s~id line S.8014'15"W. 50.99 feet;' thence parallel wlth the southwesterly line of Chestnut Street S.3004'21':E. 55.00 feet; thence S.14022'57"E. 50.99 feet to the point of beginning" SEE MAP - EXHIBIT "A" ~, ~~ ,''J 't\ ~~ , ~ ~ ,~ ~ , ~ -- - - - II ~ ~ ~, \~. '~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ / ~~~~7f?G )'" ~~ d".:7n/.lYC7.;:? A?..37 ~~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ I, K534p~GE 554 ~ I I I I: " ~ CD ~ o.W 0" 1-< (/)0- '" (/)(/) z::)o. o m < i= a::E ~ <ou.z ~U.O~ W >~!:!: o<CX)~ >- ~Lt) 0 z .. <u.~>- ~oo~ ol-O...J o:r:lna ~ " ~ u. _"'0 ~ a: ...I >- t- ...I W !:: <4:00 ...J Z a: a. 0 < -0. !::z Co c- <I- a: o 0- \ ----- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ - < I- - m - :J: >< iLl -0 C\I .u ..... Ii !' I, . . W ..J < (J (/) " I \ I I ! co ex) en ..... ...J - a: 0.. < K 534?uGE 555 IN WITNESS WIIEI{F,()F, Ihe said O\\'lIcr(S) ha..... exerllled Ihis Deeo 011 ...................................-- . ()!A~~~.. ~. FILICE VNER) ~;i~ ,,,~~JLt'::: .... ................................ E~"!;:~~"~fJ::~~Rf).................. ~) \~)--I ....~~..~'....::/~~.;:~..... ANN R. FILICE (OWNER) Tlw IIIHI('rsiglll'd. TllISI('I' IIlIdn I ked of TIlIsI leronbl ill I\ook .. ... Official I{('cords, pagl' , Sallla Clara (:ollllly 1{1'('(mls, IWIl'hy joills ill, COIIS('llls 10, alld SlIhOldillales ils lighlS IIllder said I kl'd of TIlIsl \0 the eaSl'IIWIII Iwn'ill COII\'l'ycd. ('tHlIStrE) (Individllal) STATE OF CAI.IFORNIA, Cnllllly of 011 Ihi,4th SAnta Clara day of May ! ,~, hdoll' IlIe, ill lhe year UIIC Ihomand IIIIIC hlllld,nJ and e i g h t v - e i g h t J an e t K. VI a 11 ace . a Nutary Puhlic, Val A. Filice, Elsie E. St.ate .of Califurnia, dilly I.Ulllllli~sioned and ~wurn, personally appealed F111ce, Ernest S. Filice, Ann R. Filice k~^&}~:~ ;,,!:, ~T '~':~~}L~~'A ~~:,- .', ,,^,~:i,;:~,; COUNTY \ ,.. "...'..,. . : '. ~' ,.t.ro;;c, April (, 11189 "':'::.;" ~ - J>.._~________. ~ ~ ...._. kllown to lI\e In I", the 1ll'ISOIS whme lIallle S are ,"h~rrihed to Ihe wilhin imlrlllllcllt, alld al kllowlrdKedto IlIe that theY ('XI'11l11"l1 the sallie, Nolary I'lIhlir, Statc of California, hand and affixf'd lilY offirial seal IN WITNESS WIIEREOF I III the C i t Y 0 f G i 1 r:0~ )'ear in thi, ICllifilate finl ahovc Cnwrlr"IY" Futl1l Nll 1-1 (.\tl<III1.....lrdlol.lllllll (;rllf'lall ff' (' ~n IIHI)1 Expill" 4/4/89 (Corpolatioll ) STATE OF C-\I,IFORNIA, ! s~, COllllly of 011 Ihi! day of III Ihe )Tar 0111' thuusalld lIille hlllldled alld hdore IlIe. Stale of California, dilly ..onlllli"ioned alld !worn, per~ollally appealed , a Nolary Pllblic, knowlI to I1IC to he the of the rorpolation desrrihed in alld Ih", l'x..clIl('d tl\l' ....ilhill ill'tlllll\l'nl, alld al,., kllOWII to IlIe to lor Ihe prrmn who ('XI'I IIIf.d the within imllllllll'lIt 011 h..llalf of Ihe rurporaliollthereillnal1lcd, alld al knowlcdged tu Ine thaI Wl h rOlpolalill1l exerlll..d the !allle IN WITNESS WIIEREOF I 11;",1' hnelllllo Sf'I lilY halld a III I affixed illY offi..,,1 seal III the CUIIII!y of )Tal In this ..erlificate fil,t aho\'e wlitten. the day and NotalY I'uhlir, Slate of Califolllia. My COl1llni55ion Expiles ", K 5 3 Ll p A~ E 5 5 G CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPT&~CE OF CONVEYfu~CE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY VAL A. FILICE, ELSIE E. FILICE, ERNEST S. FILICE, ANN R. FILICE I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by ValA. Filice, Elsie E. Filice, Ernest S. Filice, Ann R. Filice of the premises described in the attached' conveyance dated the 4th day of May , 19 ~8 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 6th day of May , 19 88 . ..