Filippi, Frank - Agreement in Lieu of Power of Eminent Domain Upon recordation r'1a i 1 to: City of Gilroy 7390 Rosanna St. Gilroy en. 95020 6507753 E 813 r!~: 249 Recorded at the reQuest of LQlvpers Title lnsumnce Corp. E~J~ ,?t:24S : y E P'Z"' 1 }r"0 8:00AM GEORGE A. MANN, Recorder &uta flam Wullly, Official Records LAr,rYFRS TITLE INsurV\NCr, GY4027 SJ68299 AGREEMENT IN LIEU OF THE EXERCISE OF THE POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN BY THE CITY OF GILROY WHEREAS the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation, referred to herein as City, requires a sanitary sewer easement over the lands held by the Lawyers Title Insurance Company, in trust for the persons herein designated as "Owners." WHEREAS the Owners refuse to sell any right, title or interest ~II ln said land or appertances. j)ff WHEREAS the City, by the authority vested in it and by resolution adopted of initiating eminent domain proceedings, pursuant to notice of intention dated February 28, 1978, will proceed to condemn and take said property, notwithstanding Owners refusal to sell. See Exhibit "B." Now therefore, this accord has been reached first to avoid protracted litigation and its consequent costs and, second, to fix damages sustained by Owners by the forced taking by the City. a. The property herein referenced is located south of Leavesley Road, Gilroy, California, more specifically described under Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this specific reference made a part hereof. b. Damages suffered by Owners by the forced taking is calculated to aggregate the sum of $16,500.00 and City agrees to pay Owners said sum on finalization of this accord with legal interest on any delay in payment of the condemnation money. c. City agrees to hold Owners, their assigns or representatives, harmless of damages resulting from the City's or its' contractor's or agent's acts of negligence throughout the City's construction contract covered under this agreement and to compensate any losses suffered by the owner's agricultural tenant, by negligence or otherwise, including any damages to crops, buildings or other appurtenances under lease; and to remove from the premises any debris or residuals resulting from the construction process or project and '.,si shall leave the premises in a condition suitable for farming purposes. d. The City grants to Owners, their assigns or heirs, the right to connect future urban development of their lands, affected by this project and subject of this agreement, to the sewer interceptor pipeline, at any "manhole" or "breather" connection along its course. e. The City further agrees that any future repair to the interceptor, or any portion thereof, subject of this agreement, shall be repaired at the City's sole cost; including any damage such repairs may cause to any structures, street facilities or landscaping, belonging to Owners, their heirs and assig-ns. f. The City shall. bear any and all costs necessary to close this transaction including pro-rated taxes from the date of entry to the date of closing. r E 81~ -,'.:~~~.l . U r'-..~.It..P. g. City agrees to hold Owners harmless from any and all claims made by the agricultural tenant, Lawrence B. Benassi, by virtue of the destruction of the two story farm house or by any other aspect of the construction. IN CONSIDERATION THEREOF: a. Owners hereby grant to the City a permanent easement fifteen feet wide, and a working or temporary easement, fifty feet wide, the later to expire with the completion of the project and in any event six months from date. The precise grant is more particularly detailed and set forth in Exhibit "A" which is made a part of this paragraph by incorporation. b. Owners further grant to the City the right to dismantel and remove from the premises the two story farm house impeding construction. The above accord shall constitute the City's full and final obligation by virtue of the City's taking of Owners property described in Exhibit "A." IN WITNESS WHEREOF this agreement is executed by Frank J. Filippi, for himself and other parties in interest for whom he has power to act and shall become binding upon approval by the Gilroy City Council. DATED: This ~5'f~ day of August 1979. OWNERS: LAWYERS TITLE ----'~ D EXECUTED BY: if /. ~ ","',: Ass,~~'~nt ,~Si'e tan :....',>i'.-.~ . '\' .....//1 r., 'JI . ' 2C~~ App oved by City Council STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Santa Clara ) )ss. ) '_3 r5~;2~Stf On this 20th day of September~ in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy nine~ before me~ SUSANNJ! E. STEINMETZ a Notary PubZic~ City Clerk, City of Gilroy~ St&te of California~ duly sWorn~ personally appeared FRED O. WOOD known to me to be the CITY ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF GILROY and NORMAN B. P99Ijfi{gH ikni9pYl to me to be the MAYOR OF THE CITY OF GILROY~ the corporation del1cri]J?idin.'andthat executed the within instrument~ and also knouJn to me to be tfte [Jfj:!"sonswho' executed the within instrument on vehalf of the corporation ":phete'fn named; and, acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. \... .J>', , ,j;:' .' '.' , ,,,,,.,. ", ,"t ;.:. :IN WITNESSflHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official '8eC~J'6;t:the City':"of Gi lroy in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this <Yi?~~i\:;ate...f:i~ft above written. '/..1;........".. ,.\,< l' _ t. ilf' cpo.. City CZerk~ City of Gilroy~ State of CaZ' per Civil Code Sec. 1181; Government Co e ES13 r~sc2$8 EXHIBIT "A" .. ... . E 813 P!s: 253 DESCRIPTION OF SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE ACQUIRED BY THE CITY OF GILROY OVER THE LANDS OF LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORP. BE ING a port ion of the Lots I and 4 as shown on I'Map of the Subdivision ot the Elizabeth H. Martin Tract", which map is filed fOl' record in Book 'IF" of Maps at Pate 31, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and being more particularly described aj follows: Parcel One An exclusive easement for the installation and maintenance of an underground sanitary sewer pipel ine under, over, on and across a strip of land 15.00 feet in width, the centerline of which is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the southeasterly I ine of Leavesley Road distant thereon S.64037'38" W. 390.00 feet from the most easterly corner of that certain 32.737 acre parcel of land described as Parcel 3 in the Deed to the State of Cal ifornia recorded February 25,1971, in Volume 9231 at page 165, Official Records of Santa Clara County, and running thence S.25022'22" E. 4.89 feet, 5.48021'02" W. 146.99 feet, S. 32058'39" W 73.96 feet, 5.17036'22" W. 399.84 feet, 5.13006'49" W. 212.00 feet and S.7034'15" E. 212.00 feet to a point that is N.]I020'52" E. 7.50 feet from a point in the northeasterly I ine of said 32.737 acre parcel (now 101 Freeway) that is N.66028'23" E. 204.81 feet from Stat ion 389+75.23 on the "E" I ine of the Survey for said Freeway; thence continuing parallel with the northeasterly I ine of said 32.737 acre parcel and Freeway 5.18039'08"E. 1009.48 feet to a point that is N.68054137" E. 7.51 feet from a point in said northeasterly line that is N.66028123" E. 119.00 feet from Station 379 + 69.10 on said "E" I ine; thence continuing parallel to said northeasterly line 5.23031'37" E. 1981.00 feet to a point that is N.66028'23" E. 7.50 feet from a point in said northeasterly line that is N.66028'23" E. 119.00 feet from Station 359 + 87.78 on said "E" line; thence continuing along a line that is parallel with and 17.50 feet northeasterly (at right angles) from the line Common to Ranchos 5an Vsidro and Las Animas, as shown on said 10 a p, 5. 3 2 0 0 7 I 30 II E. I I 8 7 . 1'2 fee t, 100 reo r I e s s, t 0 ani n t e r see t ion with the northerly line of Gilman Road as realigned and described as Parcel 2 in the Deed to the State of California recorded February 25. 1971 in Volume 9231 at page 165. Official Records of 5anta Clara County. Parcel Two A temporary easement for the purpose of construction of a sanitary sewer in the easement above described over, on and across a strip of land 50.00 feet in width adjoining the southeasterly and north- easterly I ine of said easement and extending from a point in the southeasterly I ine of Leavesley Road that is 50.00 feet easterly of the point of beginning of said easement to the northerly line of Gi Iman Road. EXHIBIT "A" E .813 P!G: 254 DES C 1< I P T ION 0 l" SAN I T A 1< Y SEW ERE AS E MEN 'I' TO BE A C QUI RED BY T Ii E CITY OF GILROY OVER THE LANDS OF LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORP. BEING a portion of Lot 4 as shown on "Map of Subdivision of the Elizab~th H. Martin Tract," which map is filed for record in Book "F" of Maps at page 31, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and being more particularly described as follows: Parcel One An exclusive easement for the installation and maintenance of an underground sanitary sewer pipeline under, over, on and across a strip of land 15.00 feet in width, the center- line of which is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the southeasterly line of Gilman Road being also the northwesterly line of that certain 26.880 acre parcel of land described in the Decree of Distribution of the Estate of Edith L. Hornbeck, recorded October 26, 1960 in Book 4961 at page 573, Official Records of Santa Clara County, distant thereon N. 690 57' 42" E., 17.90 feet from the most westerly corner to said Parcel in the line common to the Ranchos San Ysidro and Las Animas, and running thence parallel with said Rancho Line S. 320 07' 30" E., 913.53 feet, more or less, to a point in the line Common to Lots 4 and 5 that i's N. 570 52' 30" E., 17.5 feet from the westerly common corner to said Lots in said common Rancho Line as shown on said Map. Parcel Two A temporary easement for the purpose of construction of a sanitary sewer in the easement above described over, on and aCross a strip of land 50.00 feet in width, the southwesterly line of which is the northeasterly line of the above-described easement. EXCEP'fING from Parcels One and Two, above described, any part of the Lands of the Santa Clara Valley Water District contained within said Parcels. EXHIBIT "A" E 813 P!~: 255 EXHIBIT "B" .~ ~2~.OA-9?a ..'U\M:TBA:pl 02/28/79 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY INITIATING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS E 813 ?!GE 256 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure 1245.235 that it is the intent of the City Council of the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California, to adopt a resolution of necessity under Article 2 (commencing with Section l245.2l0) of Chapter 4 of Title 7 of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, directing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of certaiIl real property, hereinafter described, for the purpose of installing, constructing, reconstructing, maintainin9g and repairing of sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances in, over, under, across and upon the parcels of land more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN to you as the persons shown on the last equalized county assessment roll as the owners of the parcels described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, that Monday, the 19th day of March, 1979, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the regular meeting place of the City Council of the City of Gilroy, at Council Chambers, 7390 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California, are the time and place appointed and fixed by said Board of Directors when and where they will hear all protests in relation to the adoption of said resolution of necessity and authorizing the filinq of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of the property described in said Exhibit "A". NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any person interested may file a written request to appear and be heard with the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy within fifteen (15) days after the mailing of the within notice (Mailing address: P.O. Box 66, Gilroy, California 95020). Any interested person who files such a timely written request has the right to appear and be heard at the time and place stated herein on the matters referred to in Section 1240.030 of the Code of Civil Procedure, to wit: (a) Whether the public interest and necessity require the construction of the aforesaid improvements; (b) Whether said improvements are planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury: and (c) Whether the property sought to be acquired is necessary for said improvements. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the failure to file such a written request to appear and be heard within fifteen (15) days after the mailing of this notice will result in waiver of the right to appear and be heard. Dated: February 28, 1979. WILSON, MOJTO~, ASSAF & M~LIGOTT --z r? /:r/ By_ ~:/~~::~~~;~!::.2 ~JZ.::';t;~) Thomas B. Adams .- Attorneys for City of Gilroy