Ginesi, Carlo THIS INDEN'rURE, made this 2/ day of December, 1921, betweon CARLO GU~'ESI, of the COunty of santa Clara, State of California, p2.rty Of the first part, and the City Of Gilroy, a munici~al corporation, the party Of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in oonsideration of , the su~ of One Dollar to him in hand paid by the part;y O.r the secend part, the receipt whereof is hereby ac- knowledged, does hereby grant unto the said par~y of the aecond part, the right to lay and maintain a storTr~ se'Ner, in accordance with the plans therefor prepared by H. B. Fisher, City Engineer of the Oity of Gilroy, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, the center line of which storm sewer, as it passes through the property of the party of the first part, is particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Easterly line of Church Street, in the Oity of Gilroy, COunty of santa Clara, State of Cd.lifornia, distant thereon 373.15 feet southerly from the point of intersection of the Southerly line of Seventh Street with the Easterly line of Church Street, and ru.r~ning thence NOrth 610 14' East, 141.65 feet to the r.esterly line of an alley. IN WI1NESS WhZP~OF, the party of the first part has hereunto set his hand the day and year herein first vrritten. ~t $~~_ c./:/ . . ~ I' . .. ... 1 ~~::,:~~~:::i~j.ra. } 55. -k . T ~N THIS____j_;L~_:__d.Y ~~ln th, ye~r O~e Thousar1d Nine Hundred a~f!::C:f;{",~_ ,before me, WALTER G. FITZGERALD, a Notary Public in and for said County of.Santa ra, residing therein, uly commissioned Ilnd sworn, personally appeared__________._________n_______ __n__ -.-... m___ n__ __u m_mm ---~~:~~-~~ -~~~~-~~ ~~~-.;~~~~~----------~~-e-s-:;i~~~ ~n~-~~~s~-~-:~~~-------~~-~~:;i~~d to, and who executed the annexed instrument, and _n he____ aCknowledged to me that ____he_n_executed the same_n_______________n_____._. __ _____. nn_.._n_ ~ IN WITNE~ WHEREOF I hay at my office in the Coun .~ .. ~. [-1 '~ ~ ::.. c5 ~ H -j) 1 . ~ H (J o ,-I i " :.) ~ ,.:) I >-1 H C) o .~.~ () c~ H '::) . . ri ,,\1 c> r-l "> '73 ~~ g- C I en t:r> -0 -~ r I ~ I ~ i ,^ . I ~.I. I ~ . I~l >= I~! -:~ i DC':: J i :::':w ~: ..g; uJ '" ti :,~~ 8'~ .~..-J<' ~ f'":) f '''1) "'-go ~3' 0- -(J ~~ c~:: ~':;.. :;;j' '- i =- ',':'" g o ri C\.1 - <:) -=- Q) -0 .... o ~~ <1} 0:: ... f/) Q) ~ Cl 1 .::j . , I n -1 ':j .. , 1 , -It -=1 Q ....J Z <0 ~cn ~Z ~ ~N=~ o 0 < s t:..., c.:. ~...r.. .>< 00 .cn~ ~ ~ >- t:3 ~ et:~C ~Z ~Q ...J>- <en ~ ~/,