Hirasaki, Hisashi and Jean Taneko -,. NO FEE per GC Sec. 6103 ~~~ ^' V 7435051 G 951 P!GE 553 EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT We hereby dedicate to public use a strip of land designated as IIEmergency Access Easementll for emergency access only. Such reserved easement to continue in full force and effect until such time as an ex- tension of a public street is approved by the City of Gilroy at which time said easement shall terminate and be of no further force and effect. Said easement is described as follows: BEING a portion of Lot 6 as shown upon that certain Map entitled "Map of the Subdivision of the Elizabeth H. Martin Tract", which Map was filed for record in Good "F" of Maps at Page 31, Santa Clara County Records; being a strip of land 30.00 feet wide the southwesterly boundary of which is more particularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at the southern most corner of the above referred to Lot 6, thence along the southwesterly line of said Lot 6 North 320 OS' West, 2278.87 feet more or less to the northeasterly corner of that land conveyed from Henry Brem to the State of California by Deed recorded in Book 8098 of Official Records at Page 543, Santa Clara County Records." III ~ ~ '" CIl o :Po ell <=\\~ en _ >r- '-1m c...o +;1J '0 --.L"o. l'Tl ""Tl ,.,...." 00 '-I.J" C:;:::o o '-, r'11;:T.:1 o """""~ m ':00- 'J <::> -_ 00 -- ".." :::0 00 \&' 0 ,....., " . d ~/~~ ,.;.JL"J {i) f"rt ;::0:,.0 o :--:'1'1 ~I) r r.'f~: ~ -.., ;.,:~ ;; ;~> ~.:v f;' ': !:ij; f'.... -" ::=>0 ;::0 ~'tJ ;:~. >m ~ '"" <') ;;;; '.. 0 ~'U :::0 1;:1 ..",0 I'T'l ~(I) ;::0 -< OWNERS: Bl: ~;/L ~//..".~L Dated: By: qnlM\J -\(iU\ cl-h 1\i.hOSatA Da ted : ~ I:) I ~')- . Cl l.J.J N ...... ex:- c:x:: ~ o Z l.J.J c..l ~ V) ::::) :: :E: 0::: '"' Ii.- CA ...... :c ~ JJ~~~L~ Dated: ? - :2 - 8L::- By: By: fJ~ ~~. .., ^''> tI ~ MA,IL TAX STATEMENTS fa: u ...... Da ted : b-.:z-d"~ u.. ..... ~ 0::: l.J.J U City of ~ilroY' 7351 Rosann~ Street Gilroy, CA 9502Q :z: u o ..... --I V) co l.J.J ::::) 0::: c.. ::J ~ >- c:x:: C! :z: c:( <.') ~ '~ 0 V1 :z:.. l.J.J ...J Cl 0::: ,.J Cll.J.J <-'_ c:x:::c I I STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara On this 2nd day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and eiqhty two , before me, Emt}y A. Murotsune , a Notary Public, St~te of C:ali~ornia, , ~ duly commissioned and sworn, ~ersonall~ appea~ed Hisashi ~l.ras~,(.;, ,Tp::In'T';mpkn Hirasaki. Shinobu Hirasaki & Joanne Hl.rasaki ~ known to me to be the person ~ whose nameS ~'; subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me en that ~he}L- executed the same. CII IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed . my official seal in the County of Santa Clara the day and year in this certificate first above written. ...,.~~ ":of,; e EMMY A. MUROTSUNC ~ " NOTARY PUBlIC'CALlFOFi~,J:;; ... · SANTA CLARA COUNTY 'f' , My Commission Exp, May 21, 19b(j ;r 1(' ~,~~".l"'\':"<t..-:~<:,,~, ThiS documenllS only a general form which may be proper for use In SImple transactions and In no way acts. or 1$ Intended to acl, as a subslltute tor the adVice 01 an atlorney The publisher does not make any warranty. either express or Implied as 10 the legal validity 01 any prOVISion or the sUitability of these forms In any specific transaction g >/<.-1/1 t/. )J~~ZL:"(<" " Notary Public, State of California ~ May 21, 1986 My commission expires Cuwdery's Form No. 32 - Acknowledgement - General (C, C. Sec. 1190a) 1 I I ! . G 951 P~GE 555 ., fit CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY HISASHI HIRASAKI, JEAN TANEKO HIRASAKI, SHINOBU HIRASAKI AND JOANNE HIRASAKI I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Hisashi Hirasaki, Jean Taneko Hirasaki, Shinobu Hirasaki and Joanne Hirasaki of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 4th day of August , 19~, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of August the City of Gilroy.