Ikotech, Inc. and Wayneleigh Homes, Inc. No_ 51'''' Add,... Clly& 5'01. L Na.... St,.., Add,... Cily & 5101. L 'f. i' RECORDING REQUESTED BY 6G1.96~6 .City of Gi 1 ray 679 PACE354 ,~~ ~j Gi. .. 679 PACE354, mf~~ Iliitri:aRfOlMi8 o AHD WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r- Susanne E. Steinmetz,City City of Gil ray P. O. Box 66 Gilroy, California 95020 .., Clerk D -1 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO I I ~ 1)\\.;- SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S. USE Corporation Grant Deed TO 1921 PNTI CA (7-74) THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS :-t.~~\:-,,"\\"'i '1'./,,: ,~ I'~( l" t....J.~. A,P.III," " " The undersigned grantor(s) declare{s): Documentary transfer tax is S ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City of , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERA nON, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, !KamCH, mc., and WAYNELEIGH lIDMES, mc., .: ._~ ...' ", ," ,'~ lr' :r..~.\' '{ (--1 ~:..: [~..,~ .(\ ~..., ' ~'3><:' c) (.7;: 0 G.. r:.~ c;;: ~ .,,'~ ()' ,4 ~ lJ...... ?'.~: ; I :::: /~.,;,~ '" 0.. ' ..' ~ ,. '. .,..""" .:~I'~'; ," ,,:," ~~ .I j , .: . '.,_ .I . ~ '\ . 'f'?!f: I, J . t ,~ .' . ! t 'I :'~, \. \ I. \' . ~'( ,." her.~b~:Os~T~ to:~ 'V ,- ,-1' , C> !tcorporatiorl5rganized under the laws of the State of California CITY OF GILROY . c.,; ~ . ". -' L . c: .. ,J '" f\ ,.; " " ,~ . ~" Ij""'\....... A~ EASEMENT of a unifonn.width of.0.50 feet over ~ots 10, 11, If~~lJ,!'!~'t'i~((1S of Tract No. 6054, a map of wInch was f~led for record m Book 402 of.M.!ips.,,,at' pages 31, 32, and 33, Santa Clara Comty Records, for the instal1atici('lild"", ,.......- maintenance of sidewalks the Westerly and Southerly line of which is .cr'ibed as follows : Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot 10 of Tract No. 6054, a map of which was filed for record in Book 402 of Maps at pages 31, 32 and 33, Santa Clara Comty Records; thence from said Point of Beginning, along the Easterly line of Santa Theresa Drive, as shown on said map the following two courses: SOo 46' 00" W, 325.46 feet and a1cng a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 330.00 feet, through a central angle of 140 Q4' 24" for an arc length of 81. 06 feet to a P. R. C. thence leaving said Easterly line along a curve to the left with a radius of 20.00 feet, through a central angle of 910 44' 36" for an arc length of 32.02 feet to a point in the Northerly line of Sixth Street as shown on said Map. Said point being the tenn:i.na1 point of the herein described er1y line. See. O:t-+~e.d 'In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporat m ment to be executed by it.. Presid nt thereunto duly authorized. Dated: Mav 5, 1978 STA TE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara On May 5, 1978, before me. the under- signed. a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Michael W. Valley known to me to be Ihe PRESIDENT of Ikotecn.. ~ B Inc. t and Wame1eicll 'H~s',' ~ y, Inc. , ~ Ihe corporali~nltti"at executed the within Instrument,' known 10 me to be the perso who executed the wilhin Instrument on behalf of the Corpor!lion/ lereir. named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation/e~ecuted the within Instru- ment pursuant to its by-laws or a resolulion of its board of direclors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. <1i> the following described real property in the City of Gilroy County of Santa Clara , State of California: } SS. to be affixed hereto and this instru- By ~ Signature ~.}y.II~ r .ot;]'o\ CU'k,\ COIiNTY (JFi'-i(':!AL S[~:.;\L f\ }\f~0f IN. HiCf\EY NCTAR'i PllnL!C -- ,'>\L lFORNIA i~h;NC'I?;\l Or~IGE IN iv'ly C:nlf~.l'S~;j('n r~,.(t..drtls t,,1dreh 28, 1981 ~,......~ (This area for official notarial seal) Title Order No. F.scrow or Loan No. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE 1 I I D 679 PAGE355 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY IKOTECH, INC., AND WAYNELEIGH HOMES, INC. I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Ikotech, Inc., and Wayneleigh Homes, Inc. of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 5th day of May , 19~, and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. 10th IN WITNESS WHEREOF, day of ~1ay have hereunto set my hand this of the City of Gilroy. OO(JI!:I O. SAftA. CI.A.U Bequeat For :&.cor41Dc .t Lecal In8trument ~terrlDc .&1 J'ropert7 Intere.t J'or 'al_ Becor41ac Beqaelte4 BYa Cit of Gilro J.44re..a P. O. Box 66 Gilroy, California ZIJ' Co4e:95020 ..tH0VI!' OJ' OONSIDIBA.!IO:r (J'art 6.7. DiT1'10. 2, Cal1t.nd.. liev8llUe &: Tuatloll 0048: aJ.ao Chapter 2, !itl. 2, OZ'41Jumce 215. SlLnta 01ara COUlLt1 OrdiDal'lC. Co4e) . -0- Show J'eroent ot 'al.8 In lIach Juri.d.1ction:, f. nooBDD.' S DEPJ.RDlENT (Separate Writ~) D. 679 PAGE35B lIJIIOOlmIR' S DOCUl.Ur.~~ No: CHWI!Oaa Ikotech, Inc., and Wa neleigh Homes, Inc. OIWlUla City of Gi 1 ray "corier'. U... Val. ot l1ooaent&17 !ax S.... UtiD4: RECORDER'S MEMO FAINT WRITING OR TYPING DR CARBON COPIES MA.KES I!DmI e4GTOGBAeHIO REC.ORD . .lecor4er' . U.e T .. Campbell Cupertino Gilro, 100% LoI .utOI La. .utOI HU1. Lo. Geto. M11pl tu Monte Sereno Mountain Vlev Palo Alto MORGAN HIll J'DlALft' OJ J'DJt1BY :&UJl J.ID OO"Qa! - f, Jlecor4er I . .. San Je.. Saf;a Clara Sarat... ' SaIuqyal. 'tJJa.1.DccporaHt n~.ta 0....t7 . Kerce4 00_t7 8aa Ba.1te OeuatJ' I&D. ..... Ooua$7 _ta Cl'uz Oouat7 8tu.l.1au.. Ce1IIlt7 Pl... biDt....: Fred O. l~ood City Administrator Date. May 10, 1978