Lawson/Balanesi ~ECOP.DING REQUESTEU BY: 1 0 1 4 0 4 'l 5 ) 2- '; 'l f H ! (I; ':.: ,,;' t' l'-f' 6r! ';I" i Oi: f'( . , '_ ,.I '. . ) I d;/:/; '~ ~ Ju~ ~ ~3 AM-;Sf RE'l'UUN 'J.'O: fJ I r Y I? i- 6/ L./2 'by' . RI)s /}-J/J/ A- '5/ a /~Q{)! / (fA. 9BJZO NO FEE 01 i : ',Id!f~, sMnA U,-/l:'~l ~'~)lJNTY' ..... l^Ut{IL.Pdj[ JUN 9 1989 n reo ~: I.! r H K 980PAGE813 RECORDED WITHOUT FEE UNDER SECTION 6103 GOVEr.;NMENT CODe DEDICATION FOR STREET AND UTILITY PURPOSES -~..' 1'he undersigned, being the legal own~rs of the rEw! property hereinafter described, hereby dedicate to public use a rigllt of way for Street and utility purposes, including but not lil"ited to electric, gas, telephone, cable TV, water storl" drainage, sanitary sewers, etc., under, over, on and across the real property hereinafter described. The undersigned further irrevocably offers to dedicate to the City of Gilroy for use of the public a right of way for ~treet and ut~!ity p~rposes over, under on and Clcross the renl property herellHlfter (h~SCrlbed saId dedication to be accepted only when the City Council of the City of Gilroy adopts and records in tile office of Recorder of the County of Santa Clara a resolution accepting said right of way. Until,said rigllt of ~ay is , recorded the City of Gilroy shall not be responslble for maintalnlng sald right of way and improvements thereon. . If any change in change in alignment, length or width of right ..of way approved by the City of Gilroy result~ in vacation ~f any part o~ lll~ real property dedicated herein, such vacatIon sllall termInate the dedIcatIon as to the part vacated. The provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon the heirs~ successors, a~sign, an~ personal, representatives of tile respect- ive parties hereto. ; ! ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF GILROY, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PORTION OF SUB-LOT 40, AS SHOWN UPON MAP NO. 8 ACCOMPANYING FINAL REPORT OF THE REFEREES IN HENRY MILLER ET AL, PLAINTIFFS VS. MASSEY THOMAS, ET AL, DEFENDANTS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF PARCEL TWO AS DESCRIBED IN DEED FROM MARY GIACHINO A WIDOW TO ANDREW E. TRINCHERO AND EVA A.TRINCHERO AS SAID DEED WAS RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ON DECEMBER 23, 1976 IN VOLUME C 493 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 649. SAID POINT OF BEGINNING ALSO BEING THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF BODFISH MILL ROAD WITH THE WESTERLY LINE OF HANNA STREET AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF BODFISH MILL ROAD N.79040'W. 11.47 FEET; THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE FROM A TANGENT BEARING OF S.79040'E. HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.00 FEET THROUGH, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 59040' FOR A DISTANCE OF 20.83 FEET TO A POINT IN THE WESTERLY LINE OF HANNA STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY -LINE N.19059'53"W. 11.47 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. . ;,;:' CONTAINING THEREIN 21 SQUARE FEET OF LAND ~;, .' ~ ~. , . . .,!":J"':'i ." ~ --1- . ~" + ~ ~ -y cJl.,A 1b ~ \ '\ ~ Fe.a.V\!. . \ , \ , ~.. ~o \.0. '\ , '\ , , K 980PA6E 814 / ,. -~" .. FIRST STR~ET . . - N 79~4..cr.pq" W -- . --7-- l2.a.'N, p.o.a.. 11.4"7 · , ., A-59' 40 ' R - 20.00' L - 20.83' SUB-LOT 40 ," I .., ~. ,. ",Vi.ci.n'"i:y' Ma.p N.T.S. PORTION OF SUB-LOT ~O MAP NO.8, MILLER, ET AL VS. MASSEY THOMAS, ET AL SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF GILROY, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA JUNE 8, 1989 HANNA ~ BRUNeTTI CIV.'- INeINI.... ~ IURVIVO,,' , JU&.aQ.ltr.cAIr......,_....~_... .-----.....---.--.,... .-..... . SCALE: NOT TO SCALE ~ \ \ , ,\ , \ IN;W.II1'N NEE,SS JVIJ~JlEOF, the said Owner(s) ha.5... executed this Deed on 4t~du:- 41~ ~11)..I])P II b< i-./J/2 5(.1// .... ..... ~.......... .................. .......t~~~'-::!s R /;~tLL /?-R S!JI-I v,e I -"'R ' ............::!..!?y C!:.8,....frI..!i:.k.dt1!..€'.-;?.I................. ............... ...... ............... , ::-11'1' J ~ I (OWNER) V L) FrN L/ 8L ftAJes/ . .............................. ... ........................ e........... ........ ... .... ............... ............................................................................................. (OWNER) (OWNER) Tim umlcrsif:;lIcd, Trustce ul\(h~r Deed or Trust ..eco..d(~d ill Book ................ Orridal Her.onls, "a~c ............, Santa Clara Coullty Records, hereby joins in, consents to, and subordinates its rights under said Ueed or Trust .to the easement herein conveyed. K 980PAGE 815 ......................................,............................................................ ( 1"ItU S TEE ) (Individual) __..__....,...:c.:; :=:~.~".'...~:.'.^.:........__._._........l.. On thil.............,.........day of ...... ...................................................in the year one thou.and nine hundred and.... ...... ... before lIIe, . ....... ........ ........... ..... ............. ........... ....... ... ...., a Nulary I'uhlie, State of California, duly cOllllllillioned and Iworn, penon ally appeared......,............................. .............................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................-............................ .... .................................. .......................................................... ...................................... ... ............ .... ...... .. ................... kno'r~ to me to be the penon....who.e name.................. .ubscribed to the wilhin inslrument, and acknowledged to me that....he....exeeuted the .ame. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto .et my hand and aUixed my oUidal leal in the.................................. .....County of....................................................................the day and year in thil certificate fint above written. .......... .... .. .....................' ........<..................................................................................................... Notary Public, State of California. Cowd.r"1 Form No. J4_(Aelcnowl.dlmtnt':"'O.ntrat) (C. C. Ste. J 189) My Commission Expire. . .......,... (Corporation) ................._....~:;:..~f ~~'..'~~~.:~:.............................lq. On thia,.....................da, of . .1 ;.................. .................................in the year one thou.and nine hundred and.......... .. ................ before me, ....................................... .................................................................., a Notary Public, State of California, duly COlllmissioned and .worn, penonally appeared ... ....... ...................... 1 ! . . ... ... ....................... ...... ....... . .,..... ........ ... ...... .... ...... ... ..... .... ..... ..... ... '. ...... .... ..... known to me to be the................... ............................ . ............. of the corporation described in and that ul'r.uted the within instrlllnl'nt, and nlso known to me 10 he Ihe person who executed the within in.trument on behalf of the corporal ion therein named, and acknowledged to me that luch corporation exeruted the .allle . . ,.. .. .... ..... .................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto .et my hand and affixed my oUical .eal in the ............... ........................County of ..............:.................:.......................,.......the day and year in thil certificate fint above written. .................................................................................................. N~i~~y p~bii~,.St~t~ ~i c~iif~~~i~: My Commission EXI,irel (PartDenhlp) NOTARY PlJBUC - CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY , My Comm. Expires May'''. '990 before lIle, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for laid State, personally appeared ...SfUl()tK:A.).(..~Jt.J!.~. ..l.tlex.....~.~.Q~.J...C.h.C1.r..I.~;i..:.......... ....A....~.~.'S?'?!...;LIS .... .}... ...P .l!:~.....'Bg,..l{bl!. ~?(... .I.:Jb.H..c..(;. .E.~.... ~~. ~.~.:.. -' ...:.............................................J............................. ,.................................................. known to me to be . .. . /J.I2'!-::e.... of thl' I'artnl'n of tht' partnership that eXl'clI{[i ihe within instrultlcnt, alld acknowledged to me that lurh partnership exrrlltl'd the Jame. :::::~:.~......... ...,...................g.W!4~.!.Up~... ~.~~?,.......,.. Nallle (Typed or Printed) My Coltlmission Expirc. M.~..... !1.c./9.9..P............