Leonardini, Joseph - Resolution No. 85 for right of way l RES 0 L UTI 0 N lJ o. .,e5_ BE IT RESOLVED by the Kayor ~nd Con~on Council of the City of Gilroy, that said City of Gilroy hereby accepts the conveyance hereto attached and consents to the recordation thereof. Passed, approved and ~dopted this \~ day Of~ 1937 , at a ~~----Y1eet:l.ng of the Cornmon Council of the City of Gilroy. A -:tES : Councilmen:- George I-.:ilias,Jr.,J.H.Rush,iJ;iJat Heiner, George Mason. FOES Councilmen: - None A'PQk,,'rn .I.....IUL'L,l Councilnen: - None Arrproved: ~~ Ma "Tor .J e' p Ip~ ~ ~ Gt--,. ';81', He.c.\< , Attest: Iff cq~ ~~~~ RI GRT OF 'NAY FOR Al:I: IN CON~~:IJ)ERNCION of the sura of One Dollar (~;l.OO) to the undersigned in hand paid, the receipt \:vhe~ceof is hereby aclmowledged JO~3EPH LEOFARLIFI of the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, does hel'ety grant to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation, the right of way to construct, erect, maintain, operate, repair, renew, and remove an under ground main s ewer line, vri th the rL~ht in the grfntee to connect other and pri v2,te sewer lines to said main s ewer line, toget11er vd th the ri sht of inp;res S 2.nd e.0:ress to and from the same, over, through and along the westerly side of that certain parcel of land situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and described as follows; to-wit:- Be(~:inning at the intersection of the Northerly line of Old Gilroy street with the Westerly line of East street; thence Northerly along said line of East Street Four Hundred Sixty-Two and 62/100 (462.62) feet to the Southerly line of Seventh street; thence Weste~ly along said line of Seventh Street One Hundred Sixty-three and 38/100 (163.38) feet, to the common corner for Lots 1 and 3 of Eloclc 2, S.R.6. East; tbence Southerly and alon'; the di vidine~ line betvieen Lot s 1,2,3,4, and 5 in said block, Four Hunc'red Eir~ht and 68/100 (408.68) feet to the Northerly line of Old Gilroy Street; thence Easterly along said line of Old Gilroy Street One Hundred Sixty-nine and08/100 (169.08) feet to the place of beginninf! and bein(1~ all of I,ots 1 and 2 in Block 2 S.R.6.E. as delineated and so desiGnated on Map No. 6 accompanying the final re- port of referees in partition suit of Henry Miller, et al, vs. Massey Thomas et 8,1, in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara. The Grantee shall upon tbe construction of any said seVier lines, leave the surface of the crround in the condjtion the same now is, in- sofar as the same,may be possible. 'rhe Grantee shall have the rifht to assirm in whole or in part any or all of the ri'-;hts hel"cby granted. IN V'iJ..TJ\TEfS 'JIIEHEOF', these day of ~_, 1937. L.t. sic;ned this ~~ ,.. ~ Executed in the presence of) - ) ) STATE OF CAlIFORNIA ) ) ss. County of Santa Clara) On this ~7~day of _~_, 1937, before me _,____u~ a Notary Public in and for the said County and state, re iding therein, duly cormniE'sioned and BYJOrn, personally appeared JOSE - LEONARDINI knO'l'ffi to me to be the r:erson whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, 2nd ac1moYJle ed to me that he executed Fte same. IN WITNESS VjHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the County and State aforesaid, the day and year in this certificate first above w~itten. -~~--- No - Public in and ~for the County of Santa Clara, State of California. I ('.J M ~n :0 "-, t" ~>l c; ~ ~ '! '" ~ 1,0 ~..J ~, .. !!l:; .' -~ .. ..,l...." ~~. i-,f,,";).' ;, '{,j< i~' ; )/ ~"~/ /"" c~ ~ ::1 / )--Vij) t-~-+'\/~ ' .. t- ti) C) rl "'I I I I 1 (;r. -', ~ i ~ ,-- ',~: N'.. ~ ! ,;~ ; ~.~. M "~: 1 ~ ~;!;-,:~~~~ "";;'~.\ '-~~ -~\ \n ;'~ "- '....;.', \::->' r', :; -~~; \. ') " \"~ (\ '"\,, '\ r,\ ~'., ,.;. "...... .....,...,t \. . ~,..~ - f'., "'~~ ~ ~ -;:> ~ ii;.1 f '~ ~ ) <C ......'C "'; ,.,j ,.\ r~ ; t < :~. ~ <( oJ U) ..:. a::: <( lIJ D: )-3iLl'l m ~ ~ ~ ui~~~ U 0 0- U) 0 II: ~ lIJ z oJ ii: ~~Cl~ <C ~ ,"" D: o l- I- <( J .Y. -I \..