Long Meadow (4) RE'l'UHN '1'0: ,. J)yt 9394?BB FIl-ED FOR HECORD AT REQUEST OF D:0 1~~~ AUG 13 12. Ptl '87 c:-----7-.. NO FEE PER GC SEC 6103 -RECORDING REQUESTED BY: .. Susanne E. Steinmetz,City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. - Gilroy, CA 95020 o?ll OF; , ':([)S SAIni" ]\ 'OUNTY LAURIE KA.NE HECORDER - K 259PA6E 837 DEDICATION FOR STREET AND UTILITY PURPOSES The undersigned, being the legal owners of the real property hereinafter described. hereby dedicate to public use a right of way for street and utility purposes, including but not limited to electric, gas, telephone, cable TV, water, storm drainage, sanitary sewers, etc., under, over, on and across the real property hereinafter described. The undersigned further irrevocably offers to dedicate to the City of Gilroy for use of the public a right of way for street and utility purposes over, under, on and across the real property hereiner described, said dedication to be accepted only when the City Council of the City of Gilroy adopts and records in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara a resolution accepting said right of way. Until said right of way is recorded the City of Gilroy shall not be responsible for maintaining said right of way and improvements thereon. If any change in alignment, length or width of right of way approved by the City of Gilroy results in vacation of any part of the real property dedicated herein, such vacation shall terminate the dedication as to the part vacated. The provisions hereof shall inure to the binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns representatives of the respective parties hereto. benefit and be and personal BEING a portion of the Solis Rancho in Santa Clara County California, as patented, and being more particularly described as follows: -., BEGINNING at the most northwesterly corner of Tract 7638 as found recorded in Book 551 of Maps, pages 35, 36 and 37 Records of Santa Clara County and running thence along the westerly line of said Tract 7638 5.0059'41" E. 171.67 thence along a radial bearing N.79035'54"W. 57.29 thence along a curve to the left from a tangent bearing of N.10024'06"E. having a radius of 365 feet, through a central angle of 11052'06" for a distance of 75.61 feet thence N.1 028'00'W. 81.59 feet, thence N.84048'54"E. 49.78 feet to the point of beginning Containing therein 0.1901 Acres of land SEE MAP - EXHIBIT "A" .-' ,'II .' K259PAGE 838 !::: -.. ? p 191 54('/l! . . . . ..... . . . . -... . . . 49. 78 ) ~ ~ ~ o "1 8 4 60...00 loB - ' 60.00 :"'\ . . ..... uJ . . 0 0 <D r-- 0 (Xl 0 to . l,.i . cri CO CO,... (\; C\J - (fl lfl I 66.53 I I I I I I ,8 16817.9 5 Q. FT. I I , R.20.'43'06" lP 93 '-.1-:32,71 - - - ...-- -- 60 00 N, B 4 . A T 76 8 z /.3~ .55"1 0"1 ~ ~ lJI 35' 36 .f37 z .. 7J21l 11I - e 0- lJ1 - . o ~= 19 0:: 20 ~. . 0 . "1 o 5000 0 5Q.FT' 6000.0 50.t" ,0 0 ' o . 00 o(}\ 0(11 0(11 . ~ ~ ~! I I -- -- 10 - -- -- 60 00 4 5 . 5.4 E. 5\.68 R M -c:::>- - . . L E I' S..1 E --:-J o to N. 8_ 4~ ' _ 4 8 ' \ 53.00 I ~.. . ~'I " o to N B 4. 4 B' 54" E . 14.5\ ~t20'.. R-?,O LA..__---At'A3'411.I!> ,_A:14024-..u L:so.20 ' " L:2S.98 ' , I It). 1 ' 01 ()l , -: .~I , 7 ~ /l>~' JQI o~ '.tV 7t:.3\.25Q.FT, 1\)0." ~tt>1 - '.:;,r: ,.., tt . . ,.~/ I Dill ., ~~ [(, 1a:~JJ- .er I 0'1 r-: III co <;.. e 4. 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DEDICATION R EY C , T Y ..5"CAI. G' .' 1":.tI~' .... Aue; , /9fJ7 " . .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said OWller(s) ha..,... executed this Deed Oil Larry Essary Construction, Incorporated ~;'-/Y/ /~ /} //1. ~<~~,L, WdU'~.,..,...,..... /,// (OWNER) TIll' 1Illlll'rsi~lll'd, Trustec IIl1de'r neTd of Tlllst n'eordl'd ill I\ook . ,......." Santa Clara COllllly Rt'colds, llerehy joills ill, cOllsellts to, alld subonlillalcs its to lhl' l'asellll'llt hcrcill cOllvcyed, K 25 9PAGE 839 ...~<?~A~!~6-~ (OWNER) Official J~('('or"s, fJa!~(' ...,.,....., rights ullder said IJccd of Trust (THlISTEE) (11I..Jividnal) STATE OF CALIFORNIA. C f - A" -('k] r fL'" L- ount)' O.~._"~' !'V IT '-.. ..-:1:'.... . .,;-;' On Ihis,::;; ~ oay of 1ft( G', i<..5" t ~s, hdole 11I1'. III the year 0111' Ihomalld 111111' hUlldred alld C I c;, //7 'r S-€ r.,/,!..A....J , a Nolary Puhlic. Slale 01 Calilornia, duly rOlllllli~,~iolled alld sworn, IlI'rmllally appeaf(.d TIt/;;. ~, DO'''\, /Z.,,?, ". S,-jfnl9:~., kllOWIl 10 III!' 10 he Ihe per~on whme Ilallle I) sllh~rrillnl 10 Ihe wilhin imlrulIlI'nl. . OFFICIAL SEAL CONNH2 STEVENSON NOTARY PUBLIC-CAlifORNIA P,ificipal Office in SJflta Cruz County My Commission Expires May 4, 1991 1tr~~t:,,""~:e!~!Q~~~...""I!1''::N~~'lI'.' and al"kllowll'dg('d 10 IIII' thaI he exe(,lIled Ihe ~allle, ('c"'lltty', FOII1t No. .1-4-. (Ad(lHlwl".I~nl('nl (;f""I;II) IN WITNESS WIIEIU',OF I hal'(' her('lIlIlo Sf'1 IllY h,,"d alld alfixf'd IllY olfil"i,,1 sf'al ill II... ClIlIlIl)' of .-7l'f-TI1 <Jt.i{ '~~. Ih" day aod y"al ill Ilsi~ Cl'rti/i(al" lil'1 above wrillCII~(",,{!~ ~~-<J Nolal Y Pllblir. St.lle (II CalillOlllia, , ((' \' SOl' 11~'1) I\ly COlllllli"ioll Exp; (eOlpOralioll) COUIII)' 01 011 this 1 d./ day of ~ <s, 4:/kfJ-I- ill till' year Oil" Ilu-'luand lIill" hlllld.ed alld J Iwlo,,' IIII', 0,,;;,- C-:::>~//&> SIal I' 01 Califorll;a, dill)' ('Olllllli~siolled alld ~WOl"ll, J"'.<onall)' appea,,~d k;j;.t!~'l b55&,et" . ' kllowlI tll IIle tll I... the 1".e:55/DtE'v/ ~y/:; c~~/:''''/ . a Nola.y /'III,li,', S rATE OF CALI FORN I A. of tlse ('('/poralioll de~qil",,1 8 OF'\ClM.1U4, FATE liM.LO . NOTAflY PU8UC>CAUfONftA SANTA CLARA COUNTY MT C<Me. EX'. A,. 8. 1991 ill alld Ihal "X('('lIlt'd 1111' will';1I ;mllllllll'lIl, and al~(1 knowII III III" III I", II", 1"'''011 wloo ('"erlltet! Ilse willsill imllllllll'II1 lOll bdlal! of the (,oll'llIalionllsl'u'illllallll'd, alld arkllowkdg,'d III III" Iloal ~lIrls ('!II por:>lillll I'X('('III"d llse K:lIl1e IN WITNESS WIlEREOF I Isav(' 1sf'l"'lIlIlo <f'1 lilY 1..11111 allll "lIisnl lilY "Ili, al "'al C' /7 ' III th(' COllllly 01 ~/?;VT,;l 0"/4<#, ""~ (hy alll1 }I'al' in Ihi. n'llili~ Ii..t 7'ill""' (.J~I/ 4L./ ?L'//ct Nolary 1'1I1,lil', Slale of Calilolllia, t I\ly COlllllli"ioll Expi,,', (l'arlllenhip) STATE OF CALIFORNIA Counly of S; ,f /'-- OJ en. L1' '2- ~ 55, On ,jf-CL6t(,.f l,':>~ J crf? b..roll~ III", Ilse IIl1d,',sig,...d, a Notary Publil' ill allo for said Slale, pe/sollally appeaf('d T(ffi..., '" 7'> cirL/L 0, l.. S c. II,t;J 11. F~~~~~;;~~~I ...,..,.., ...., ,..... ....' kIlOWlIloIIU" <l .,\l "'1".' CONlJ\;~(; ('.7'''''l('"'':''ICl:'O~! Ill'. CJ IC.--f.- or IIII' 1';III"I'I~ o[ 'I", r,':llIIH"dl;p I~ "I:'" II il~..,"", ,)2 r::i1L~\1'lt~'( P'W. I I 'I" ' , w' 10") r,J01'AR.Y cc:,';'L' I'" r', ".'1'-. ~RII'A 1.11 ""T"lel I U' \\It 1111 1I1~\lIIIIII',d, alld ....kIlOwl(.dgl'" 'II :II'~ I -r. ,I ,. . w.,.,- ''''''''..d-\ t-U "1 \l, I I' . I ' "1 \' f) Pein-in"' (i"iu 'e ,:._,_:~ . C. I'll ~,,\ I l'alllll'l" Ill' "','llllq.' 'I' ~all\l', ;l~~t:Y.t.<,/ ,.,,;';:<,;'.": ,"'-"':" ,:,UlOUilty J' , , , I',. . , :.. ~' ~, -r:~~'(;',::""..._:: J::':,:~k"Ic" Ui;"CS I.',ay 4,1801 .11 N I' "S III)' h;II1l\ :0:1<1 "Ifill," ~('al. ---/.... ,- . ~ 'c. . ,O~.~..""' ~.'_-V"7<.~~~~,;;,.."",,, r;~ .w.<~~~ N.li.;.> ; ;,Il'd (II Pli;.lnl) K 259PA6f 840 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY , LONGMEADOW, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Longmeadow, A General Partnership of the premises described in the attached" conveyance dated the 7th day of August , 19 .87 ,and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 10th day of August ~ r - of Gilroy