Longmeadow )., ~~~~~-i. j : R2C6~DING REQUESTED BY: ~ RETURN 1'0; C. ~ o{ C. I ~J.l Lf- Cf( b W =r' H A tl..~ ~orJs (0!:; L,u' ~ltl~ ~'"1 CILfQ-'1. - ~s:02o . , 8430223 ' ,-FILED to:': ~'::GDRO AT nEQUE.!:iT OF' ~A(~ ,JUN 6 8 oi ~H 19,B5 'l'o'. ~ OFFlctL r:,r.::C:Or-;DS S i\ Ii ct. C '../'.: :i\ "I) u; JTY L:',Ui~jE ;;:,tJE RECOHDc.R The unders i gned ~E:::::I::e F~:g::'R:::e::D o~'r:::T:e:~R:~:;:rty here in. f J ,,! described, hereby dedicate to public use a right of way for Street and ~ utility purposes, including but not limited to electric, gas, telephone, ~ cable TV, water storm drainage, sanitary sewers, etc., under, over, on and ~ across the real property hereinafter des~ribed. ~ Ii The undersigned further irrevocably offers to dedicate to the City of I Gilroy for use of the public a right of way for street and utility purposes, over, under on and across the real property hereinafter described said I dedication to be accepted only when the City Council of the City of Gilroy adopts and records in the office of Recorder of the County of Santa Clara a resolution accepting said right of way. Until said right of way is recorded the City of Gilroy shall not be responsible for maintaining said r igh.t of way and improvements thereon. f~ any change in change in alignment, length or width of right of way approved by the City of Gilroy results in vacation of any part of the real property dedicated herein, such vacation shall terminate the dedication as to the part vacated. The provisions hereof shall inu~e to the benefit and be binding upon , the heirs, successors, assigns and ~ersonal representatives of the respect- ive parties hereto. EXHIBIT "A" BEING a portion of Lot A as shown on "Map of the Survey of the Subdivision of the Estate of Perry Dowdy, Deceased", which map is filed for Record in Book I of Maps at page 143, Records of Santa Clara County, and being also a portion of that certain Parcel of Land conveyed to LONGMEADOW, a General Partnership, by deed recorded March 6, 1985 in Book J287 at page 182, Official I~ecords of Santa Clara County, and being more particularly describ d as follows: BEGINNING ata point in the westerly line of Morey Avenue at the northeasterly corner .nf~that certain Parcel of Land described as Parcel 1 in the deed to Ron Tate, et UK, recorded March 6, 1985 in Book J287 at page 184, Official Records of Santa Clara County, and running thence along the northerly line of said Parcell N.85004'W. 35.21 feet (35.00 feet in said Deed); thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 400.00 feet, through a central angle of 39047'01" for a distance of 277.74 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the rJght with a radius of 400.00 feet, through a central angle of 3021'43" for a distance of 23.47 feet to the most westerly corner of said Parcell, being also the most easterly corner of that certain Parcel of land conveyed to LONG MEADOW, a General Partnership, by Deed recorded March 6, 1985 in Dook J287 at page 182, Records of Santa Clara County; thence continuing along the southerly line of said Parcel conveyed to LONG MEADOW along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 400.00 feet, through a central angle of 31047'18" for a distance of 221.92 feet; thence N.89042'W. 250.80 feet; thence leaving said southerly line N.Oo18'E. 40.00 feet; thence S.89042'E. 208.98 feet; thence alOng a curve to the left with a radius of 509.73 feet, through a central angle of 19000'00" for a distance of 169.03 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 381.28 feet, through a central angle of 15001'02" for a distance of 99.93 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 442.00 feet, through a central angle of 23017'23" for a distance of 179.67 feet; thence N.79034'18"E. 98.77 feet; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 30.00 feet, through a central angle of 74038'18" for a distance of 39.08 feet; thence leaving said westerly line S.85004'E. 35.00 feet to a point in the westerly line of Morey Avenue, as shown on said mar; thence along said westerly line S.4056'W. 81.31 feet to the point of beginning. sr.r. M^P r:XIITrH'1' "13" " ! I I ii' Ii J.il : I I I' 'I f ~ I ~ I l .- 5 J. tt D ~ '''.S,'S . . _. ,.. , 08 g"" r. 1JI III 48 . .~ '" t 1: '0 Q. 0 N.O. 18 L 0 , ; 00 0- 3a.D01 to.40.0 . : % (J . III o · .,.e. :"N c. 49 \D N lD - . (II ~I ~ lD I..J ~ <t. , N · __l 0 .. ll,l1 ~~ Os ~ . 906 r--..- ~ ""'0' .' 0 1 ~~."'l,...40}'!'i"1' 4";'o.'ii:l!l ,000 (II ., 'e.,,' . 0 ..'/J t ".,.,' :.'....0 i~..JI.... & ..... t.lI .,, ., ,~ .N o o ., ., ~ ~o ... I ' '" ~:~'4Ii t1 ~"l j -,... . . .-.-...... I 0 III III 'l!.,.\. .. .. .....".. "1' II "" """.2" 0"" ____ E, " 6. " ~ ~ ~ 1 ... .. V ,,; 50.00 lil t n \II co \0 . III (1) \0 ,~ OJ;' ; : ~ "h./,' '!-'~;' I " :'i: ~" . :h ~l~; Ii" .f,ii1 .!IIIII!,\: i1:' ':d'''l.:. ','1' 2. ,. . ' ,.... ..... ':u 1) -" . o .. , f' N rn , I. ~ ~ ,Ul 10 (Jl ,. N ,.... 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(.., .() r, \'~) v.... Cl ..' ""'" .~:~:. !!1 .. . ....\ J;' I,\, I.f) .....' r" ..... .. r~\ .)1 () Ci () . _0:"- ...... OJ I \ I~ i I 'I 1 I I ! I I i c.. % N 111 (JIllr. "'1>.( o JI' . nO ~m~ epr"z "-m >> , I I . \ ' :0 . V(,."'O pi" i. . ~ f} 2 0 0 ~~~ ~J r Pm ..-----. ~~ ... .. "" so' A.,..J8'USM L' ,59.04 F=UTURfl ~,o. . ~ I II o ~ ' , B I. 5 0 ~,." E)(' 1ST. R. O. W. 5.4. Sf/'W. J:I Cf!NTeALI~If!:J - 2. 4S. 671To MO.,;; c,s<, : -~ ~ - OA'f A.OAO~ EA!>rrl, AVENUE ' MAP OF STREET & UTILITIES DEDICATION 'EXHIBIT -B- L~NGMEADOW, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, TO THE CITY OF GILROY 11'1 H 1TlIESS H1JEP.c;O,l<', the onid O~mers 118. ve cxeeu tad ihis lJeed on I I III I" I ,I qlr 0 I . , , , . " I' " .' Ip. I 85 " , 11 i :' ,I t ''I "ij , I ' ',.ll, 01 t t. Lf" ,f I I ' " .. ..co I:;; 01' ':'..' j : i:: LOriGHEADOH, a general partnership, BY: PACIFIC OAKS PARTHERSllIP J a partnership - partner BY&~ ~ /:f~ I leodore . Selma By:Jkd2.~ Hand B. Schaal By: ~~d.~d _ e en f\.. S'c lUB. - ) /l '). V/J By: By: / J ~". 6" j} e ~ )) ".IL' - (, L.6-t ~<J.l( ( , " ~ fiLL Constance D. Schaal ) / /3 U t.-JC/z'J.:.C LarrY...ESS2#.y c.onstru.,.ctl.' on, Inco.rpo~.rat..ed :1. .-:::- ,)., /" By: :i,lr; E7'r(i;~:~td~;;/ <: L"cC,'( {/ . . ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On , 1985 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Pub' jC .~in and for said State, personally ippeared Theodore O. Schaal, Rand B. ' I:' Schaal, Helen A. Schaal, William B. Schaal and Cons tanee D. Schaal perso - i~ !\lly.1qlown, to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to i~tbe, tl1~~ perBons who executed 'the wi thin instrument as five of the partne s of the partnership that executed the wi thin ins trument, and acknovlledge to me that such partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. / -' ,/ / t~>f / /,'" /'. ,,'; - Signature RAFAEL T. RODRIGUEZ NOTARY PUBLIC. State of New Yor~ No. 31-3319915 Qualllied in New York County Commission Expires Match 30, 19 .:;" I STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Santa Clara On this 30 day of May , 1985, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said county and state personally appeared Larry Essarx personally known to nle (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person who executed the within instrument as the President of Larry Essary Construction, Incorporated or on behalf of the corporation therein named, said corporation being kno\'Jn to me to be one of the partners of Longllleadow, a general partnership, the partnership that executed the with- in instrument, and acknowledged that such corporation executed the same as such partner and that such partnership executed the same. \~ IT N E S S my h and and 0 f f i cia 1 sea 1 . \ ) V \.,.1(/,/)) :l.r:, I ) Signature ll1;l.i'fllJ _ ^-- ,1- ,}(. (-" ~::..h" @ O""'CIAL SEAL '~'" DONNA M. LANZA .. NOTARY PUBLIC - CAliFORnIA , SANTA CLARA COUNTY Mr CommiSSIon EXPires Dee. " I'" CAT. NO. NN00637 TO ',955 CA (1-83) (Partnership as a Partner of a Partnership) !!II TICOR TITlE INSURANCE STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ SS. On MA Y 30, 1985 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared HELEN A SCHAAL personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person_who executed the within instrument as ONE of the partners of PACI FI C OAKS PARTNERSH I P t III I: III :z: III ... L C ~ . the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same on behalf of LONGMEADOW. A Genera 1 , a partnership, and that said last named partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. / ~ ')/r c.../ ~. . .' -nJ~ l_ Signature ~.. (j l r Ll\ - (/{J . (f ~ CAT, NO. NN00637 TO 1955 CA (1-83) (Partnership as a Partner of a Partnership) -"~,..., . OFFICIAL SEAL .~.. DONNA M. LANZA ..,,; NOTARY PUBLIC - CAUfQll.,oA .' SANT A CLARA COUNTY My CommISSIon Expires Dec. 9. 1911 (This area for official notarial seal) !!II TICOR TITlE INSURANCE STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ SS. On MA Y 30, 1985 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared THEODORE O. SCHAAL personally known to me or proved BNre on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person~ho executed the within instrument as of the partners of PACIFIC OAKS PARTNERSHIP STATE OF (tl(K~K4( NEW YORK } COUNTY OF NEW YORK SS. On & /3/ J,~' before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for saidState,pers~nallyappeared i :.'IClll~'i\\ 'i~" ):I\h.'-,I-...- personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person_who executed t~e.withi,n instrument as (' I.' l~ of the partners of"'''' ,....( ii-Ie. (^\f'..I< (,,: . 11/\1 '\ . X.: l'<'..,,( \ i \} the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same on behalf of. Lt' \ ..... () i\ \r:7 i'\j)"'( L' , f"'- . {lc.:I-)r:"p l\:.l-- . ,a partnershWA~L tf~R DRJQUEZ saId last naJ?ed partnershIp .e~ecuted the samn'ARY PUBLIC. SlaL of New Ylirli WITNESS my hand and offIcIal seal. No. 31-33 9915 ". Qu~lified in New ork County Signature -~:.,.,.~. " ;;:;---- t"~:... ~T!~~'~n E~ rc~Ot UIPl " / (This area for official notarial seal) STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ 5.'i:. On MA Y 30, 1985 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared RAND B. SCHAAL personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person~ho executed the within instrument as ONE of the partners of PACI FIC OAKS PARTNERSHIP t III I: III :z: III ... L C ~ . the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that theX executed the same on behalf of LONGMEADuW. A General , /:1 partnership, and that said last named partnership executed the same. WITNESS my.h..d and n~fidat "at: /.- Signature YrVlirlJ)J 1~/)1,~J t.l ~ CAT. NO. NN00637 TO 1955 CA (1-83) (Partnership as a Partner of a Partnership) t III I: III :z: III ... L C ~ . ~ CAT. NO. NN00637 TO 1955 CA (1-83) (Partnership as a Partner of a Partnership) t III I: III :z: III ... L C ~ . the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same on beh~fof LONGMEADOW. A General , a partnership, and that said last named partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. I I/) . \ / ',' :) J/t~/: I)) ,1 ~ SIgnature' l A. 1/ \t.( I , ... .L L/ ~ OF"CIAL SEAL DONNA M.LANZA NOTARY PUBLIC - CAlIfOfl,.oA SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Commission (,pires Dec. 9. 1911 (This area for official notarial seal) !!II TICOR TITlE INSURANCE !!II TICOR TITlE INSURANCE . OFJ'ICIAL SEAL ..... DONNA M.LANZA r.; NOTARY PU BlIC - CAlIfO"'wA ., SANTA CLARA COUNTY Mr CIlnuntSSlOn hlllles Ole. .. 1,.. --".,-..~ CAT. NO, NN00637 . TO 1955 CA (1-83) (Partnership as a Partner of a Partnership) (II TICOR TITlE INSURANCE t } SS. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ On MA Y 30, 1985 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared CONSTANCE D. SCHAAL BRUSCHKE personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person_who executed the within instrument as ONE of the partners of PACIFIC OAKS PARTNERSHIP W I: W % III .l L ~ = ~ the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that the executed the same on beh~fof LONGME D W General , partnership, and that said last named partnership executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official se~. S;gnotu<< IA:ru &11 ( ~1I!?1 t'1 """"""", . @' OFFICIAL SEAL .... DONNA M.LANZA ,.... NOTARY PUBLIC - CAUfOR..... .. SANIA CLARA COUNTY Mr CommiSSIon Expires Dec. t. I'" (This area for official notarial seal) (.I ,.'~ ., ~ "'j//""'" .,.".. '#"",,' STATE OF CALiFORNIA County of Santa Clara ~ 55. LAURIE KANE. Recorder of the llbcwl: I1lititlc~ CounlY. do hereby certify lbat lhc tlnocx"d is a fu1i; lrue and correct copy of lhe orillilHll record in my ,nice. fJJNES. ,y '"od "d omcio' S",. day of ~ . 19 '/J , P'!},!y