Lopez, A. and Sarah ,.'" ~\ ,0{< ",' I' ~ THIS INDEN'rURE, made this / L.c: day of December, 1921, between SP~AH LOPEZ and A. LOPEZ, of the Oounty of Santa Clara, State of Oalifornia, the parties of the first. part, and the City of Gilroy, a mu~icipal corporation, the party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said partiea of the first part, for and in corsic1eratioY' of the sum of One Dollar to them in hand paid by the party of the secord part, the reoeipt wherebf is hereby ac- knowledged, does he:oeby ?;t'ant unto the said party of the second '-. part, the righb to lay and maintain a storm sewer, in accordanoe with the plans therefor prepared by H. B. Fisher, City Engineer of the City of Gilroy, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the Oity of Gilroy, the certer line of whioh storm sewer, as it passes through the property of the parties o~ the first part, is partioularly described as follows: Begj~ning at a point in the Westerly line of Lot No.5 in Block 2, South, Range 2 West, of the City of Gilroy, in the COunty of Santa Clara, State of california, as the sarne is shown on Itap No. 5 and its areT"dments accompanying the report of the Refer"3ss in the part! Ucn Gui t of Henry Miller et al VB. J..!assey Thomas st aI, in the Superior Court Of the County of Santa Clara, state of california, and ~urning thence North 610 14' East, 141.65 feet to the V'esterlv line of Eigleberry Street. The storm sewer is to he laid under ground, and the bottom of the ditch in Which the sewer will re laid will be hbout 34 inches below the surface of the ground as it passes through the property above described. IK rTINES.:; WHEREOF', the parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands the day and year heroin first writteT". . ~ ~, Y:-71~ G . II 11 Slale of California. [55 ' ~ / " County of Santa Clara, j . L;;, J ON THISn____/m___~__fl':y o~, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred an~~~before me, WALTER G. FI1~GERALD, a Notary Public in and for :~d:Cv:Qf~ _'_":'~di ~~';"in: ~;;;:;~:Ji:l:i!I/:--: _ _ _ __ _ ________ _u_n _ ___ __ _n___ _n 0-- - u___ _____u__ n_______uu__ u--uu----n-~----4u _ ____u __n_n________ ___ __/ _n__n_n known to me to be the pers~----described in, whose name~subscribed to, and who executed the annexed instrument, and _~ acknowledged to me that ~~~;~~U:~~h:.ES~;:--~~~~-~~~~~~;~ ~:t'-~-;--~n ---~-~~~-e-- ~;-~~~i~; S~~l~ at my office in the COU~f t ra, e dad - r last above wItten. ~ . ----'La..U . _ ___ _ _ _ _nu___ ~_ U_ ___ _ u~-u- ___,_ ___u_ NO PUB C In and for the County , a ta Clara, "~~laIifornia / \ <-, '- (~ -. io"l ~'( "1\ :.r C'~ ............ J:t f:'q ril Q rO j.:; to N f::t.l ~ ON Hf:'q ~ ~3 ~. 00< t-7 r-f C\1 0) .-i o +' :>-i o ll< t-4 H t!) P:. o :>-i E-i H o C\J .-i o (1) Q It -,- ---- ,~ ~ ~ :;::i ~.. {r'll~~\ ! '~'\ l~ ....: ~):. 1 l" ~I! >= I , ;;; ~ - a:v \ ; ': +- _= i'E uJ' ~ ~ ~, 1\): ~ ~ Mj ] ~ \(j' i:~'~; ~ ~ l~j~ 'r.'..:. i. \,1 \c:c . ~:5 u. .'~~ \1 ~ 'I!] . ~ --:i __ 1 '" _ ... .- , I '::E .!! Q ::;~l 1'1 I ~ LA_\ ,\; : . 1 . ~ ! "'.:;; J I "d; ~ ',) (.:\ f::t.l E--l < Q Q -1Z <0 D:::cn ~Z ~ ~:c.;; o ~ 0 ~ t: E;....,O ~ '0' t.I. ~ .e1iS ~ ~ ~ ~ .;; eJ ~ 5 ~Q <~ ~