Mantelli, Henry D. and Carla E. RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO - I City of Gi lroy Na~1f;> Public Works Department Street 7351 Rosanna Address Gi lroy, CA 95020 -, REC FEE -.J RMF MICRO "I LI EM lOT SMPF PCOR -.J City & State L MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO I Name Street Address City & State L r - kECTJ 8935465 FIU:O FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF' ~1~ SEt' 8 J 12 PH '8S( J r . OFF ;GI"~' L :.:" t ;~,' ~ ~ ~ SANiA C! ,HI'.: 'r'~U.";';:"Y " _r..... ""'. '...f"".' if. LAUR1:: ~~NIC: RECORDER J836PAGE1021 CAT. NO. NN00582 TO 1923 CA (2-83) SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Individual Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS ...J Z ...J f- <( ll. The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ None ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: (X ) City of Gi lory , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, HENRY D. MANTELLI AND CARLA E. MANTELLI, HIS WIFE hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF GILROY, AN INCORPORATED MUNICIPALITY the following described real property in the Ci t Y 0 f Gi 1 ro y , County of Santa Cl ara , State of California: A Non-Exclusive Easement for Storm Drainage and Overland Flow purposes over and across that real property described in Exhibit "A" and delineated on Exhibit "B" attached hereto; and also a Non-Exclusive Easement for Slope Construction and Maintenance and Drai nage Ditch purposes over and across that real property descri bed in Exhi bit "C" and delineated on Exhibit "D-I" and ID-2" attached hereto. Dated, OfAJ/-<(. /91"(. STATE OF CALIFORNjI( . /)/1. . } COUNTY OF ~ > Ld::d.d:.4. ..I SS. On {l.~..-Iu '.P /f' /9.P (. before me, the "ilndersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, P;S~I~~P~:d 1'-~:t):t./~~illF//; personally known to me ml'1~.€8 lie ..... Vll dllo basis uf ~il.L- i~tt>Ir ~17;.-lpnril-to be the person.s. whose name '\ t:Z./Lil...; subscer~ iO the within instrument and acknowledged that ., l. executed the same. WITNESS y ha:d and .OffiCial ~fAaI"1 Signature ;;.!r. ul4.L '/.1/1 t-- lfl J ."6= Title Order No. RECORDER"S MEMO FAINT WRITING OR TYPING OR CARBON COPIES MAKES "'OOR PHOTOGRAPHIC REOOFfO f!#41Ar~&- j{) l? a~.A.. ~~c-' Henry D. /"antelli -e.. c'";,V(.l~(.l)) /u~w-<.L~ Carla E. tvlantelli OFFICIAL SE..\L CRYSTAL RAFFERTY NOTAHY PUBLIC. Cf,UFORNIA SANTA GUlRA ccu~r...v My Camm. Expires ~\Vg. 23, 1989 , ~~"";l> (This area for official notarial seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE Escrow or Loan No. 1 ~ RECEIVED APR 1 ;5 1986 ' SANDIS, HUMBER .. "SSOt'"I r -T ~ Revised March 13, 1986 February 28, 1986 Job No. 486102 Tract No. 7867, Carriage Hills Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" J 836PAGEJ022 BEING AN EASEMENT FOR STORM DRAINAGE AND OVERLAND FLOW PURPOSES ACROSS THE UNSURVEYED DESIGNATED REMAINDER (LANDS OF MANTELLI), AS SHOWN ON TRACT 7867 CARRIAGE HILLS-II, GILROY, CALIFORNIA. All that certain real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being more particularly described is follows: BEING a portion of the "Unsurveyed Designated Remainder (Lands of Mantelli)" as said land is shown and designated upon, that certain Map entitled "Tract No. 7867, Carriage Hills-II, said Map being filed for record in Volume~ of Maps at page,~~~f', Santa Clara County records, and being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1: BEGINNING at the most northwesterly corner of Lot 14, as'said L6t .is shown on the aforementioned map of Tract No. 7867, said point of beginning also being on the easterly line of Carriage Hills Drive; Thence, from said Point of Beginning, South 890 291 36" West, 70.00 feet to the Westerly side of Carriage Hills Drive; Thence, North O~ 30' 24" West, 70.00 feet; Thence, -North 860331 06" East, 103.10 feet to a point herein and now designated as Point "A" for the purpose of reference thereto in further description hereinafter to be made; Thence, South 3 u 26' 54" East. 73.50 feet to the Norther 1 y 1 i ne of the aforementioned Lot 14; Thence Westerly along the northerly line of said Lot 14, South 86033' 06" West, 36.79 feet to the Point of Beginning. PARCEL 2: BEGINNING at the most northwesterly corner of Lot 25 as said lot is shown on the aforementioned'Map of Tract No. 7867, said Point of Beginning also being on the easterly line of fine Drive; Thence, from said Point of Beginning, South 860 28' 20" West, 60.00 feet to the westerly.s~de of Fine Drive; Thence, continuing along the westerly projection of the northerly end of Fine Drive South 86 28' 20" West, 6.26 feet; , Sand is, Humber and Associates , r-" H\/(:::'V()fS, PIcJnners i . J 836PAGE1023 Revised March 13, 1986 February 28, 1986 Job No. 486102 Tract No. 7867, Carriage Hills-II Exhibit IIAII Page 2 of 2 Thence, North 30 31 I 4011 West, 70.00 Feet; Thence, North 86028' 2011 East, 66.26 feet to a poi nt herei nand now designated as Point IIBII for the purpose of reference thereto in fur,ther descri pti on herei n after to be made; Thence, South 3C)311 4011 East, 70.00 feet ,to the northerly line of the aforementioned Lot 25, and the True Point of Beginning. PARCEL 3: BEGINNING at the herinabove mentioned Point IIAII and running thence the following courses and distances along the centerline of a 50 foot wide easement, North 50~ 11 I 141 East, 195.80 feet to a point herein and now designated as Point IICII for the purpose of reference thereto in further, description herein after to be made; Thente North 50 00' 0011 West, 66.00 Feet; c Thence North 40 181 0011 East, 389.00 Feet; Thence No~th 540 21 I 5511 East, 214~45 Feet more or less to a point on the northerly line of aforementioned IIUnsurveyed Designated Remainder (Lands of Mantelli)1I indcated as IICourse 711 said point also being 22.5 feet, more or less, Westerly, from the easterly terminus of said IICoursell. Said point also being the end of the description of Parcel 3. PARCEL 4: BEGINNING at the hereinabove mentioned Point IIBII and running thence to the hereinabove mentioned Point IIC'I, North, 41b 491 0511 West, 80.21 feet, said line also being the centerline of a 50 foot wide Easement. r.l ~ ' L lru Sand is, Humber and Associates : )"'<.'('15. ~;\Jrveyors, Planners J 836PAGE1025 March 19, 1986 Job No. 486102 Tract No. 7867, Carriage Hills II Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT "C" BEING AN EASEMENT FOR SLOPE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE, AND DRAINAGE DITCH PURPOSES OVER A PORTION OF THE "UNSURVEYED DESIGNATED REMAINDER (LANDS OF MANTELU)", TRACT NO. 7867, CARRIAGE HILLS-II, GILROY, CALIFORNIA. All that certain real property situated in the Ci ty of Gil roy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being more particularly described as follows: BEING a portion of the "Unsurveyed Designated Remainder, (Lands of Mantelli)" Parcel, as shown upon that certain map entitled "Tract No. 7867, Carri age Hill s- II", said map bei ng recorded in Volume.sb~.. of Maps, at page~JJ",;' , Santa Clara County Records and being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1: BEGINNING at the most south westerly corner of Lot 26, as said .lot is shown. on the aforementioned map of Tract No. 7867, said Point Of Beginning also being the most north westerly corner of Mantelli Drive; Thence along the westerly line of Mantelli Drive South .020 17139" East, 23.61 feet' to a point on the southerly line of the aforementioned "Unsurveyed Designated Remainder (Lands of : Mantelli)" Parcel, as said Parcel is shown on the aforementioned map of Tract No. 7867; Thence, leaving the westerly line of Mantelli Drive and continuing along the southerly line of the aforementioned. certain "Unsurveyed..." Parcel, South 89050100" West, 53.00 feet; Thence, leaving the southerly line of the aforementioned certain "Unsurveyed ..." Parcel, North 33055100" West, 9.33 feet; Thence, North 050 10100" West, 46.00 feet; Thence, North 10010100" West, 95.00 feet; Thenc~, North 17055100" West, 140.50 feet; Thence, North 320 55100" West 143.00 feet; . . , Thence, North 24055'00" West, 91.50 feet; Thence, North 66- 35100" East, 140.50 feet; .~--_._---_._- -, Sandis, Humber and Associates 'f'i}neers. Surveyors. Plonners . 1 J 836PAGE1026 March 19, 1986 Job No. 486102 Tract No. 7861, Carriage Hills-II Thence, North 32020'00" East, 41.78 feet to a point on the easterly line of the aforementioned certain "Unsurveyed..." Parcel, said point also being on the westerly line of Carriage Hills Drive; Exhibit "C" (Continued) Page 2 of 3 Thence, continuing along the easterly line of the aforementioned certain "Unsurveyed..." Parcel, and also being along the westerly line of Carriage Hills Drive, the followin~ two courses, southerly along the arc of curve concave to the east 15.34 feet, through a central angle of 00D50157", the radius point of which bears North 72 008150" East, 1035.00 feet distant, to a point of reverse curvature; Thence, south westerli along the arc of a curve concave to the southeast 23.79 feet, through a central angi e of 6800815.0", the radius point of which bears South 71017153" West, 20.00 feet distant, to a point of compound curvature, said point being on the northerly line of Sylvan Lane; Thence, continuing along the south easterly and easterly lines of the aforementioned certain "Unsur~eyed .'.." Parcel, and also being along the northerly and westely lines of Sylvan Lane, the fo 11 owi ng two courses, easterly along the arc of a curve concave to the south 110.27 feet, through a central anQl e of 12009101". the radius point of which bears North 40033117" West, 520.00 feet distant, to the most north westerly corner of Sylvan Lane; Thence, South 28 C) 24116" East, 60.00 feet. to the most south westerly corner of 'Sylvan Lane, said point also beinQ the most north westerly corner of Lot 30, as said lot' is, shown on the aforementioned map of Tract No. 7867; . . Thence, continuing along the easterly line of the aforementioned certain "Unsurveyed..." Parcel, also being along the'westerly line of Lots 28, 29 and 30 as said lots are shown on the aformentioned map of Tract No. 7867 the following two courses, South 27041114" East, 164.91 feet; Thence, South 29045137" East, 74.43 feet, to the most south westerly corner of Lot 28, said point also being the most north westerly corner of Vista View Lane; Thence, along the westerly line of Vista View Lane. and also being along the easterly line of the aforementioned certain "Unsurveyed..." Parcel, South 18053103" East, 52.00 feet to the most south westerly corne~ of Vista View Lane, also being the most north westerly corner of lot 27 as said lot is shown on the aforementioned map of Tract No. 7867; Sand is, Humber and Associates " ;'; II '~ )1 J! \/l:,-;V( Yr~;. .f IkJrlflt:rs '1 J 836PAGE1.o27 March 19, 1986 Job No. 486102 Tract No. 7867, Carriage Hills II Exhibit "C" (continued) Page 3 of 3 Thence, continuing along the easterly line of the aforementioned certain "Unsurveyed..." Parcel, and also being along the westerly line of Lots 26 and 27 as said lots are shown on the aforementioed map of Tract No. 7867 the following two courses, South 1404213811 East, 71.01 feet; Thence, South 01000154" East, 71.40 feet to The Point Of Beginning. PARCEL 2: BEGINNING at the most north easterly corner of Lot 25, as said lot is shown on the aforementioned map of Tract No. 7867, said Point Of Beginning also being the most south easterly corner of the aforementioned certain "Unsurveyed..." Parcel; Thence, along the northerly line of Lot 25, and also being along the southerly line of that certain IIUnsurveyed..." Parcel, North 89003'19" West, 110.00 feet, to the most north westerly corner of Lot 25, also bein~ the most north easterly corner of Fine Drive; Thence, leaving the southerly line of aforementioned certain "Uns~rveyed..." Parcel, al~o leaving lot 25 and leaving Fine Drive, North 030311.40" West, 20.06 feet; . Thence South 89003119" East, 110.84 feet, to a poi nt on the easterly line of the aformentioned certain "Unsurveyed..." Parcel; Thence, continuing along the easterly line of that certain "Unsurveyed" Parcel, South 01008119" east, 20.01 feet to The Point Of Beginning. Sand is: Humber and Associates : 1:~;1 ,; 'r~,d P'/f'Y( [J!iJf H SCAl.E.. I '~ 100 ' ~\ ~ ~.V , r..\ ~ . <r'" \ '..J 0"" C.. ... \ .'::: (- , <~'./ ()-:) '. \:1 -- / . "oJ ":'-~.. ,,,, \ . ( ~. /. ....... ~ ./ ..../ -.~ ^.~... )./ - ~ ./ [Q f....J >. / \ ./ I'~ ,/' .u '-'" ...... /y ,'J~~ / .:~ ~?i 3/ ~/_IYr~k~~/ ~ ~ c--~/ / I~\ / /( ~ .... ~ ~.... ~2.~ : .",-- ,.. I I ..... -,. .... .....j . ....J Q:' . J.836PAGEl 024 ~ - .~ .~~ ..... 't . '~I 50' COURSE TABL.E No. lJ6ARING OISTANCE I ,c;0...!J() '24 Uw 70.oa' 2 N& "3.:1'O,,'e loa./O' 3 a"2C1 54 j(f 73.50' 4 N8~ '3.3'O~ 'E 3~~ 79' . 5 ,4.189 c9~.c 70.00 t; N8c,"28'eo.c ~~.?~' 7 N.!J 3/ 40 IV 70.00' 8 tI(, 28'20 '€ 6~. za, , 9 N.3 0 al4o"w 70.00' /~ I ~,_ I __---- . / ~ ,,( ~'~J /-' --.--/ . f',~ /' 'folllj I ~ r'PARCEl I , 3. , 25' 25' ... 1\ ~.\ ./_-~/...-~ '-. 0..... "'. "a,~ /~ '. .'0' v- . ...._-( ~~~.l ~D/. . / ~/) C /~,J~ . PARCEL / !~ 'A~:'o~,:-, r 2 PARCEL 1 '~~~/~7~i~ . ~'r~~~~~~~ . . . '.~- ~ I i' "\~~~ tf;O' 4 . .. L..OT 2S -- . .:;.- - .,...- \ \ , ~ ." \.!) CI) .~~~ \~~~ .~ ~. ..... L.OT /4. LOT /5 ~~ ~~ 'lQ , , /.Q7 24 1..0T /3 /.0 T /~ .. EXHIBIT B'. EASEMENT. . FOR. STORM ORAINAGEANO. CNERLAM FlOIAI PURPOSES L.ANDS OF MANTELl' LOT~II T~ACT 7tMJ7 CITY 01' GIL/ltOY6C~LII". 5.. \H. ~~._~.(o:,.~.. N CenlrQl, :"."?' . " 5aInos. CO:ltC'P'." ) -~ ~~.r' . doe 7 7 '2027 RE.V. 3/12/8(4 FEB. 28, /98(0 .JOE No, 48"/02 ~g {>JtlO ~ . (l. rl' J 836PAGE1028 (LANDS Or MANTELI.I) COUI?SE TABLE No. BEARING OIS7:4NCli / S89050'00"l.J 53..0Q': 9.33' . 46.00 ' 95.00 I 140 . 50 I 1 3.00 I 91. 50 ' 140.501 N32020'OO"E: 41.781 cO" 7" R=lO 5.00 = 15~34 =68008'50" R=20 .00' L"'23. 79 =12009101u R=520.00' =110.27' 528024' 16"[(R) 527 04 1 ' 1 4 II E S29045'37"E S 18053 '03"E S14042"38"E 501000154"E S02017'39'E . J,,~Q ~to 'u<f uy,CJ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ 1 64. 91' 74.43' 52.001 71.01' 71. 40' 23.61' i .' ".- .........= , 1\", ,,0 . \ .. ~. c~'v 515040200 ~ GRAPHIC SCALe Jt:DM '11 N' " I E)(,.,~BIT D~I CSln\ EASEMENT FOR SLOPE CONSTRUCTION MIL} MA/N'TENANC€, ANO STORM DRAINAGe PURPOSES OVER UNSURVEYED. DES/G/./ATED REMAIN'OER(LANOS OF MANTELLI)-, TR.ACT 78C,7 CITY OF GILROY J CALlI=: 50 , PO,C3 - POINT Or BEGINNING OF DESCRIPTlON- SEE EXH/13IT ,cq (R) - /ND/C47t:.-S J?ADIAL BeARING. MAR. /0, 198u, JOB No.48w/02 Ei\H ...... ......... and AaHCI-. ~. $un,leyora; PIon,..,. '34 CentrOl A~ Salinas. CoIifornlO 93QO, 408 757.2927 ~890'):;' 19"\'; ~():; 0:; l' 4()"W SH~)O():; , .l9"W SO 1 o{)X' 19"[; 60 . 40 20 0 ~ . GRAPHIC SCAl€ SCAl.E.: /".tDO' 0 60 I J 836PAGC102n . . ~ ~/ ~ ~.~ " .~~ ~20 puE /l. , // ~'5/ (",.. \ A / ~ ~ I ,.v 1// /. !-U ~ / \.~.~.~-L ~-, I}/~ ~// .. '. .IV . / ~ / .' "\11 . ~ I ~. \\~/ fr / ~/ L!-, ~). ' ~0/0~ n~t / 1D <:5 t: o~J/~a ~Vj,' f? /~ ~ z ,~~:t~iJ{! /' ~ ~0 / / ~ / (~ / . S'(/ "/ . / . / / / 3 / / -!l__!5_1 o ---~~ -~r:,---- -- p- - , (:)\~' ^' 25 ()f~~ ~~ ' I .P'/#E I - --O~) Ve 'I' \ ..f''') , ,,- ,\ '. OISTAAlCE lIO.OO' 20.06' I 10 . 84 ' 20.!)I' Po.B. - POINT OF BEGINNING OF DESC,l?IPTIOA/- /1 /I . SEE EXHIBIT C MAI2. /0, 198~ . JOB No. 48~/02 . / / V) ~ ~ ~~ ~-~. oS ~ ~ :::5 / / / ~' . PARCEL. 2 / e- ~ ,'}n - Hj)/V( . II 1/ EXHIBIT'" D-2" EASEMENT FOR SLOPE COIJSTRUCT/ON AND MAINTENANce, AND STORM DRAINAGe. PURPOSES OVER U,vSU~VEyeO DESIGNATED .REM.AINOeR (l..ANDS OF , . MAAl7ELLI)JTRAC7 7867 CITY OF GILROy" CALI;=: 5 H Sand. II, Hum~ and As,oclat., . ~, ~I\I8VOfS, PIonne<l 134 Central Avenue . . Sol.nos. Colrtornoo Q 300' AOll 757.'}9'}7 . .