Miller & Lux, Inc. /" . I. ~.," (::.' '; .'.':.':-; ...' lJ't','':'1 4 I 1 I -__I '1 THIS INDENTUlm., Made this 6~ dav of' June, 1923, by ___,.._ \J fiiILLER & LUX Incorporated: a corporation, the party of' the first part.: and the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporati.on, the party of the seconcl part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of' t.he first part, for and in con- J .1 sicleration of' the sum of' Ten Dollar>s ($10.00) lawf'ul money of' the Uni ted states of' J1merica, to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby aeknowledgecl, does by these presents grant unto the said City of Gilro~r the right to lay and maintain a sewer on that certain piece and parcel of land situate in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, state of California, bounded and part.icularly described as follows, to-wit:- BEGDTNING at a point in the southerly line of Seventh street distant thereon one hundred and fifty (150) feet Westerly from the point of intersecti(;H1 of the southerly line of Seventh Street with the Westerly line of" Hanna street, and running thenc.e southerly and parallel with the ~sterlY li.ne of Hanna street one I hundred ancl seventy (1'70) feet, Il!Ore or less, to the NortJlerly line of Sub-Lot 35-i\, in the parti ti.on of the Rancho Las Animas (land formerly of E. J. Breen); t.oe;etber with the right to enter the said premises at all times for the purpose of maintaining and re- pairing the saiel seWE'r system. , IN WITNESS \i1IEHTWF, the party of the first part has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed and its corporate seal to be hereunto aff"ixed /f:;~ ,its by. J, ~'1- J rUt.-~ I , ~A~ and c:; ~.~ 1 ,.., ~~ u am1 .' , respectively, the day and year herein first written. . by~c~~~- --<-- -.J~~",~~_ r STA.TE OF CALIFORNIA }ss. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 513981 00 this /,0Mx1~ day of C$ ~ in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-three before me, JAMES MASON, a Notary Public in and for said City and County, residing therein, d y commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ~ ~I of ~~ President known to m~ to be f ~ J........ -J,.- oJ.-J., the Corporation deacribed m and that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person,.4 who executed it on behal f of the Corporation therein named, and 7: Fte';f acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my office in the said City and County of San Francisco, · the day and year last above written. In and for the City and County of San Francilco, Stale of California. My CommiAion will eJ:pire December 4th, 1923. ........ "\ ':fj, . .~ .. 'W ~-~$ ~. (,) c::: .:~~ :0 ~o~ g : r/) g (\"')\ ~-~~ ~~. ~.~ ~ >= :CPI ..... . ~ . ..~ 00 :n): :' ~I [-0 C\l .zi~U;~ ~ : t! 0 ~O '-9 a : . I i .1< .,) c...> {');:; ":" . . \0 0.. .0'-. ! ' Ie:;: LJ,J C c:0i2.A' : , ; , __ _~ ..... '1. : h,~3 ~E-og:'O>' : ;.1 ,0 _ . cD ro -l-' LL . '5 ~.:. t; -o~ ;"'E c.. 5 ~ : _ .....' c, <.0. I. . . 8 - 0 . ,. .....r.'"'v.' __. .1. (N,.: (1) </) Cj~"':) ~ 0' ~ .., \ \: ..."E "\ ". . . .. . ..'. ClS ., .,., '.' . :-0 8 .... , . .... </.c . ..Js:: · G;I ~ ,.. .j;X: ~. ~ ~.. ;>t ~"~'> S ....';- \. . ..... ," H '''x;;' H ~ ~ 'r-! ~ ~ 0 ~ H o .... ;"oM( ~ H H H :2 I Cl l.ll 1Il A I -":::."< .....' ~,; -, ...,' ,..... ." ....-f' . m ...~ ! e~ ~ N = ~ E~t .s oc . en=: ~" t1 .~ ~ ei z f- Q ~~ ~ ~~ P H ca a.> .,.:.l ~ s.- o r-. s.- o Q i:: H h .