Monocrete Pty., Ltd. ,)7 6959822 City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Gi.1rov, California 95020 REC. FEE MICRO LIEN NOT SMPF F 862 r~';: 121 F 862 P!GE 121 RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF TITLE INSURANCE and TRUST CO. Recording requested by and when recorded please return to: Record at NO FEE per Government Code 6103 JAN 21 1981 8:01AM GRANT OF PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ON GEORGE A. MANN, Recorder Santa Clara County, Official Records Brem Lane extension - Gilroy, California I (We), Monocrete Pty. Ltd. , an Australian Corporation do(es) hereby GRANT TO THE CITY OF GILROY, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California, an easement for public utilities in general, including a sanitary sewer line, water line, and storm drainange line, with the right to enter upon the easement at any time for the installation, construction, repair and maintenance thereof, on, across, and under a stip of land 60 feet wide described as follows: BEING a portion of Parcel A as shown on Parcel Maps recorded in Book 467 of Maps at page 15, Santa Clara County Records and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 111 iron pipe at the northwesterly corner of Parcel A as shown on said Map running thence along the north- erly line thereof South 8904714011 East 60.14 feet; thence along a curve to the right from a tangent bearing of South 0300411611 West, having a radius of 5060 feet and a central angle of 04001 '2111, a distance of 355.24 feet; thence South 08005'3711 West 248.70 feet to the southerly line of said Parcel B; thence along the southerly line thereof, North 89047'4011 West 60.57 feet to the southwesterly corner thereof; thence along the westerly line of Parcel A, North 08005137" East 257.00 feet and along a tangent curve to the left, having a radius of 5000 feet and a central angle of 0305813411, a distance of 346.98 feet to the point of beginning. Grantor shall incurr no expense in the development of this Roadway or any other public utilities/associated thereto. DATED: December 16, 1980 ~.<, " E. M. Bixler (Secretary) State of California l County of Santa Clara1ss. On Public R. before me, the undersigned, a Notary in and for, said State, personally appeared B. Lyons, Pre'sident and E. M. Bixler, Secretary known to me to be the person(s) whose name AM the wi thin instrument and',acknowledged that same. WITNESS my d 0 ficial seal. Signa ture \.. \-\.~. \\-\0 1V\~ t. (~ame typed or printed) subscrlbed to executed the OFFICIAL SEAL H L: THOM~s NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ORANGE COUNTY My comm. expires APR 29, 1983 - 8 M: CI) o o CI) :>. ~ I ~ - tn .0.: CO-..: <;:S=_ ... 1.0 c ....: o cv om. ~ ~~ ogo I.L C IOOO~ ~ ?- M ,~~ I f'~ o~9 'N - - ex> (J'l (J'l c.D I .>..- w ~ ~ rr) rr) II ~ II --1 -J - . I rr) ~ f:J - rr) ex> - It) ex> 0 It) I rr) 0 ft o rr) " 0 <J " ~<J 8 I 0 N It) " I 6 M 20 " SS 19 cr 0 ~ ~ luaOUDl II ION ---..-- 'Q , 09 )... IJJ --..J --..J ~ I o ex> 0 f'.,: () r-.: ~ It) ;1 ~. " rr) It) _ o i2 cO aj o ~ ~ ~ o ., CI) f"N I ~ ,~ t~a. Q: ::: - ~ ~ Q..oc m rr) (J'l 00 ~ C\J . W u a:: ~ ~ I ~ p rl1 _ 0.: ex> ~ It) o 7~ ;;j (f) " "" ~ , I =~ :w -~ ~ It). !.olt) 000 . 0 zoo o >. ~ ~ ..... ::I: rr) ~ en LL 0.: z c.. <I) . m(J'l o ":'0 J Iw - c >. J I <II CIl 0 ... - 0'1.0 c ~ Lt.l iX [0 -C\J (/) - 0.: 0 -..:0 =_ Z .1.0 - 0 ~ lD ~a:: ~ 0 W,.... - lD . O""F 86~r;;: 1.22 o t? t? 069 . N. t ;!- - 10 C\J a:: a:: ~ 1.0 ~ I.LJ 0 C\J W ro ari a:: IS? l- (/) UJ " wLL : --1 ~...J 0 <(<( ~ ~I o. 0.: Wit) 0"" . ~ 0 a::: w 0 : m C) z z ~ -.J 'U ILL O<l W <l ~60.6L~ ) I ~6' ON U _r<> a::: 0 CO . 0 <t U) to a. C\J It) . qc; '6~~ at Cl. "~ I.LIa.: (/)- .0:.;- 0'- _CD 'M I ~"O~L ~ ~~ <t C)-~ 00 <l<l -.J W U~CX) a:::NI"- <tIOV a.~""": ,Zt?"8vL 03"Ov,LV 0'68 "S SL ~ 9 L . AI, 0/\ ............ ....." '0 ca 1l..1 o _1 " . .. F 862 r!2: 123 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GilROY BY MONOCRETE PTY. LTD., an Australian Corp. I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Monocrete Pty.Ltd., an Australian Corp. of the premi ses described in the attached conveyance dated the 16th day of Decembe r , 19 80 , and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of January of the City of Gilroy.