Pacific Gas & Electric ,.......~ (' -.... ""....,',!I') ~~") ul;C( uJu'..., PAGE :if} . AF'l'BR Rl!CORDINGj Rln'URN TO: 2158305 FOR mx::ORDER' S USE ONLY ~ S0' ~ ~~\- == ~ (iJ ~-.... ..-. ~ c..nl\) C;, t-" --' R; UJ .'~ ;~ ~ ~~ 0 ::, ~ <:11' -- .0 '.} --~~ . c.J-\,~ ~: \ ': -~' " ~ ~'. --;:J ('" . -,.~ " --'- i' ~J~~ i........ l1 ~' l' r".' c) c} ...,.. ~ ..- ::; i:J ~ vi -< PACIFIC GAS AND ~TRIC COMPANY, a California corporation, hereinafter called Pacific, hereby grants to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter called City, the right to excavate for, install, replace (of the initial or any other size), maintain, and use a sanitary sewer within the strip of land, situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northeasterly boundary line of lot 40, as said lot 40 is shown upon Map No. 7 accompanying the Final Report of the Referees in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536 in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, said northeasterly boundary line being the boundary line between Rancho San YSidro and Rancho Las Animas, from which a 2 inch by 3 inch stake set in the northeasterly boundary line of said Lot 40 and marking the westerly common corner of lots 4 and 5, as said Lots 4 and 5 are shown on the map of the Elizabeth H. Martin Tract filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara in Book F of Maps at page 31, bears S. 320 05' E. 71.88 feet distant and running thence S. 320 05' E., along the northeasterly boundary line of said Lot 40, a distance of 188.95 feet; thence N. 590 37' w. 39.50 feet; thence N. 2) 19' w. 155.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Pacific reserves the right to replace, maintain, and use its existing electric transmission lines across said strip of land and the further right to erect, in- stall, replace, remove, maintain, and use, in, on, along, and across said strip of land such underground pipe lines, for any and all purposes, and underground and overhead electric and communication lines, as it shall from time to time deem neces- sary in the oonduct of its business. v/.AnY trench made by City, or on City's behalf, within five (5) feet of, or under, ;' ~CifiC' s existing towers on said strip of land shall be excavated by hand and City ISball so conduct its operations hereunder in such a way as to avoid any damage to said towers. The footings for said towers extend 1.5 feet above the natural surface of the ground and City shall not alter this distance by depositing any fill around said footings. -1- ,... t"'n., Boer: :) ),_:_/" po' rr :J""" 01 r..J;". ,......,' City shall not alter the grade of said strip of land and shall promptly back- . fill any trench made by it upon said strip of land so as to leave the surface of the ground thereover as nearly normal as possible. No tools, machinery, equipment, or materials shall be IOOved or operated within six feet of any wire in any of Pacific's existing electric transmission lines. Violation of this provision is a misdemeanor under Section 385 of the Penal Code of the State of California. Insofar as it can legally do so, City shall indemnify Pacific against and mld it harmless from any and all loss, damage and liability for damages, whether for damage to or loss of property, or injury to or death of person, which shall in any way arise out of or be connected with City's operations hereunder, unless such damage, loss, injury or death shall be caused solely by the negligence of Pacific. The rights hereby granted City shall terminate in the event that City shall fail for a continuous period of five years to maintain and use said strip of land for the aforesaid purposes. Upon any termination of the rights hereby granted, City shall execute and deliver to Pacific a good and sufficient quitclaim of sa.id rights. Should City fail or refuse to deliver such quitclaim to Pacific within ninety days after written demand therefor, Pacific may execute and record a written notice reciting such termination and City's failure or refusal and, after ten days from the date of recordation of such notice, it shall be conclusive evidence of the termination of said rights against City and all persons claiming under City. The foregoing grant is made subject to all liens and encumbrances which may affect said strip of land and 'the word grant when used herein shall not be deemed to be a covenant against the existence of any thereof, and is further made subject to all of the provisions of General Order No. 69, and of the requirements of General Order No. 95, of the Public utilities Commission of the State of Cali- fornia in like manner as though said provisions were expressly set forth herein. -2- :';1!('12 'J ' .. Boor 'J)\j PAGE. 02 The provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of and bind the respective successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNE3S WH.E.RIDF the parties hereto have executed these presents in dupli- cate this 5th day of ., :'.' ~ " ' ,\" - : ...... ,." ~.- , ' 'wi ~,.. ; I n r J -...I ;~~ "".".,.' t"", ': " ,~ . r:. r, \~ ' - ....0.. 3.80 State of California ---...:-- ..g'~~~"~!?-'~"",,,,,CONnJY OI...f?~...~~~iSCO j II. o h' 1 ~th M h ........................ n I 1S.......I......d"'" of arc . h 62 -J .........,.............., In J e yqar 19 bel ....Rita..J......Gr.e.en .. '.:.' " (j I . . ........, ore me, Ci t &".. ~.~.,:.:..-..L...4l'!9/~ry PNbl,c In MId lor Ihe laUl .......Y...........CoNnty. Jltly.comm .t:dneiJ' J ......,......~...,..~'f.:,.M?-~.~QAi..~~.:~.!.:i~;$;;~~:.~.~ppeared known 10 me t"'b~t.e...:.YJ'9.~.~~r_~.~:~:;.~: Exec. E.........'... ,....~...~~.~~~~~.' -: :..:.~......._.........:ngr.!."....... withi" and 10;",:l,'o" L r:.:......................ot, Jb.4 eo.f'(Jgralion thai execNted Ihe h " & ~golnstrNmenl MIa 1'0 7;,.JI1. p e! h t e laid "IStNl~';f>fl IJehrtJl 0; '/IiJ-.. . '" . erso"."". w 0 execNled ilCknowledged I '!/~4J IrII 11 ,t c.'?"i'~r'aJ'on therein named, and mBnl p.rStllmJ 10 . s i ~ 'CfW';;::~OfI ex~cNled the wilhin instrN- In Witness W'~'. ,,)' rlll"41 ,on 01 tIS board 01 directors. , '.,,' tt.;'/J;rtltl. hereNnlo sel my hand MId affix d official selll, in Ihe....fi:-~~i~ ;.~~r.1JJJ.r;.1.~;Q.~y .....,...-::~n~~/ R~~~y~N~f,eemn lor Jh,....c.i:ty......~~d.... .C........... pj.. San Franci s . ................., ollnl'} MY...CommIs.slon.~~xpTres :S!j:D.~ ctgr:i~ i March , 1962. , - .~' r:........... /'t BY. ~;I;t " CITY OF GILROY ~ ' ' By _2<-e:~ _:; a..A1.<<"/::_~ /,,/ Its Mayor / d "~) .' ~-"'''::~''''fj ~ ".~ i - ' .,~~, ,v. ~" '. ,",~,' 1'1' Attest (J 2 UUY/f/MU !i:<.~~';~( City Clerk , :' }"f ,': ' \ 1:'- L,.' ..' ; _.. : ~.'" je San Jose City of Gilroy T.llS. ,R.4E., M.D.B.& M. 43 Prepared, .1.1111::......._ ChcCIWfl~ ....~.....~'"'.~MR~. f E.8l!' '62 -3- r Boor 5502 PAGE 303 i~ESOLUTIO~NO. .-2.Z& ilESOLUTIO~l OF THE COUNCIL OF THE Crry OF GIL.tOy ACCF:PTLiG CO;\;V A LA:JD PACIFIC GAS A~!D Ti~IC FOn T PU.t\.;"'Q3E3. BE IT 1'l,!{:jOLVFD, th,~t the Council of the City 0;" Gilroy does hereby c:.!ccept the att;lched conveyance O;'1!1 easement for sanitary sewer pipe line, executed by the clric Gas and Electric Company dated Yarch 5, 1962, and consents to its recordation. PASSED D ADOPTED this 5th day of l":arch, 1962, by the fol1owin~ vote: AYES: COUNCIL 5: D~ffln,Goodrlch,Jordan,Petersen, Quartlroll ,Wentworth,and Sanchez. : None NOES: COUUCIL T: COel\fCIL : None A P?HO'JEli: S,I G. SA~CHEZ IV! AYO.t:. \ TT1~:~'r: SUSANNE E. PAYNE CITY CLfltK . r::.-., BGOr J,')U2 PAGE .104 I , SUSANNE E. PAYNE , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 676 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 5th day of March . 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- .fi~~d~he official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 6th day March """"""""