Petersen, K.L. and Alyce M. " GRANT ~ INDIVIDUAL _~~i _1JO K. t. PETF;RSEN and ALYCE H. ?ET!RSEN, his wife, the first parties, hereb! grant to CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation, the second party, all that real property si tuo. ted in the City 0 f Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: A right of way over a strip of land five (5) feet Wlae being a portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot No. 16 according to Map No. 7 accompanying the report of the Referees in the La.s Ahimas Rancho Partition Suit, Action No. 5536, had in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, and more particularly described as follows: CO?lHENCING at a point in the northeast'erly line of Tract No. 165 llSunset Parkll recorded in Book 5 of Maps, l)ages 28 and 29, records of Santa Clara County, California, distant thereon No. 200111. 194.75 feet from the most east- erly corner of said Tract No. 165 llSunset ?arkll and running thence North 700 E. 5.00 feet; thence at right angles N. 200 vi. 65.00 feet to the premises of Justin and Geraldine C. Byers; thence at right angles 5.00 feet to the \...resterly line of the premises of the grantors and thence So. 200 E. 65.00 feet to the point of beginning. This easement and right of way is granted to the party of the second part for the installation, maintenance and repair of sewer lines, water lines and other publjc utility lines over, under, on and in said strip of land, all of which lines and utilities shall be laid, main- tained and repaired so as to interfere no more than is reasonably neceSS'J.ry with the surface of the ground and the use thereof by the parties of the first part, their heirs, successors, and assigns. vlITNESS our hands this ~day of sePt~n' ~51. 4Jg-tJZ~ ~ ~~ ?no M~____ ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLAfu\ ) On thiJ;"J day of September, 1951, before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON, a NotRry Pllblic i~,}~'f:1d for said County and " ate, personally appeared K. L. PETERSEN ~~~." . ~~1:...H. PE~T:H~EN, his -' e, ~novlJ?- to me to be the persons whose ~~W~ .~~~~~pscrJbeQ to the regolng lnstr men and ack- nO\vledged to ~~~:Xhat the~~~?Cecuted the s e. ''''''. ){,'~'! '." ~~~~i~t~~PJ~~;~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss ll.i,Q.Ii.u11..Ql Ii- ..-- -2Jt11_1J1 IE )'1 RlSOLVlDby the '__ .. ~ne~11 of \be CU~J' 'ot Gl1ro7. "'''*'t 8udC1'",o'CI1Ny hel'citt,,, ....p,. tAe ..tta.... e_..,... aM .....n'. to the _eot'datlon tr.rftt. PASS!!). APPfiOtt,~1 A~ro Ji.OOP'~iD _hi.l. u~St.n..4ay (d'_~~~~.e.Ill~~r. !. '"' , t J.~Jl. at " rll\\(p.llar ...tine 0" the C~ Coun.cl1ot the Ct", or CUbto,y. Al~S' C()t>>lC!~Jh Pate, Thomas, :Mason and l/Jentworth lOIS, ABSII1'. c~'"C :UJezlt COURC 1 LMiii'i. none Daniels A Pft~{),QD. ~~~; ~ Gail..~1 ~l.m&ul I,? ~\. COX, theelV' Clerk of 'the City of \t1~,.. 4o_"u, Mr'1fY that the I.mM.-KtCopy of'nesolut.1,oa b$.8 ~ c_.pand by .. wtt_. - 1. a ''''U. udeorreet cO~1:'tb. vh<:'>le;lt 8\:lOb f{o.olut1oft dUly adopted -.1:; rmd .PPf.H'l~lnc -';~ ,t.ott'ieJAlm1nute. ot the St'tJl\l1&l" lMGltl.nc of tM eOI,~on Counoil of 1~J.4 City iJ.)1 CUlror n.ld on the 1 th Seotember l$~ !i<r' rl ',' _.:. J, liIlJl,.. . thJll RI1Lu.n t.;-';#A. ;I,w,a ;1,i~tJ.tiQA:~ I. P. A. eox, C1t,. Cl..kof' the City ofG1lroy, do nGMb.r .~t, ,tbflt tbjqQ~ C~"1el1 of .aid CIty of' Gilroy. at a rfiplllr Qt'1 tbe. ,. 18tI; nday of September" 19S1. &coltpted 'the t "1''''' aM eOnMnted to is; NCoMatIQntbereof. . 0";) t"- ~i C\.l, C() l'- t Ft \ Q \, ~ ("'_1 .' \'" u-') \ll" c: U_ ' en ~ Oc _.- ',..I U ~'_. 0..:>:: l!J (c' . a:: " , , ~2 ,\:....... n:::::> .;,..... a c:; ,.c 1.1. 1J . r;"', Cl n """J t:\.J W r- I ~<t .) :I , I e ~ \ \, = en == ~ - = = :) ... = = - .. .... ~ .. - ....Coloo . = == = en ~ II ~ .. ~ \.W ... ~ ~ II = .. en Q .::l ~ Id !~, a In. (' 'Ig ,:0 4+ ~il(.d' ~!,'~I' r.ti " d,'.'.' 1'f1 idi' H!HI r4~ i!~ J:'y,:ij (j) , lei.! ~.,i ", rn!i :,' &I I'll :1:1 H: I,:: ,:j) ,III'!, :,i,'" I . 111 I II lii' ,', 1'1' ,I, 1.11,,1 Iii ',ii Ihl; " .. "tj ", '" Q "', tiJl , "W) ~,.{ i ..,.,.t. 4i In ri, ~.',1,"".il:'"''','',,;'I,.,., -i:}~--"'l_ H ' 1 ., :=;::; ". .t' :,",;, '",','". i 1;1" , ) ; ..>~ :i. .....; ~~,~ (I) 4rl ~c: (!) ~ :0; r I" f' ~ ~ ,~ J " Iii f, ji ! I ~ I ~ :1 ~ ~ !' !~ ,:'~ i~ . '<1 IlJ If! Ir,j I~i ill I~ Ii' j ,'1M 1 I :'!l i :;.":) C(P 00 {- ::!.l r-