Rea, James W. III w~ ~~.. , /,'i; /; " /: ~/, (/ ~.p/, ~ ~~.:?t/Z~ ~tJ,..~x: ~t I ~~/}~.q.50r() NO FEE NO TAX DUB EASEMENT DEED :J823'HSl Cj "'".'.r....". Qi'Il'~"'./ ~:; l!I( ~>.I..t. '-. ~t L'(.~ ;:;\Gl~ I, J 1.... Grant, convey and dedicate to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation, the right of way and incidents thereto for a drainage ditch easement upon, over and across that certain real property, in the County of Santa Clara, State of Ca1 ifornia, described as: A 20 foot wide easement, 1380 feet in length, lying within Las Animas Ranch Lot 52 and running northeasterly, the northerly 1 ine of which is described as follows: (A IJ tt Signed and del ivered in the presenc/of 17 ,~./ )~.+-<! / _.-r":../''\._....t....- l \ _ ./ f. / J "'-.~- " I! j1.j~ te) ).)! /,'; /(~tJ t'(3.-i! ! " J ,,"'- " .' f,/.. _._,.~_:i.c-:....~.~t_'_~/;(~-t!:ijj~c:n,; t,:,:,:e to write .r~: i!.. o:cr i""'" ::,:..,:c:'"C~~':!.::.,;:: \1'~1:; tLen ) ",. . 7 '7 ' ,y "\n:C:-S;i;li(L,/]L\_.L)4~_":"~ Ze > j.....t_.J..... L ..:" (/ ,/ lC-<.. ;." .' :,1 !. t .I ). ' . _",-'/:H-',:r~7~~~'=.,l \\:t1'~ms ';'-:f-,,,,-,-"::.::=:=~, ;;:;r: __'. fC~' II} wark 'I ,:</ J.' , . j ~. r I 'e. ",' 1( l i' (( d ,i" __~ , 1970. ',;..,.. l , 1"''< ,....;--..- / , to"'.,' 't.'''' i~. "" :.; Ci. .j~l;" . ',' . , // t ~) f' .' -, ! ~ j,--':"", \ I I / \...~_ ,;/ "M~- .I f '" .....' 7- (( -,.,.k.-.t,1 ./ . ')(' I ""'1f'Y1 ( -".<:~Y .,..-'. . ..~ ~:.?? -",;.. ./ "", i /' /," ,'1 /~( / STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ. ) On the 28th day of April, 1970, before me, JEAN M. CLOUD, a Notary Public in and for said State of California personally appeared ROBIN ANDERSON, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the saae. Witness my hand and official seal. . \ ~---'-J 'I' ,''''~' , ()~"'~iCj^\. ~\!:AL ....' ."..z..;'.., ~ " ~ 1 _,~ '''' {'", l.l!...,:.;~...,.::)..; J';;;.,1"1 .td' (l"..,~O . ~. ", ' NOT'"'' ." I..".''''", . ~ '. ~ + , '<..') "AI.' i',:; ,.' ~~~..,,~~',....~.. ",\..,' l.'~;~"lMi~:~.I(IN F;':.i:-l~-;'" r.tA'{ 4,197;":_ l I STATE OF CALIFORNIA, t 09'-'" --9 SANTA CLARA SSo Bonae)" J~} PAGE (; ..__..m__m__._.._......c ounty of....____________........ooo.._.....ooo...ooo..ooo....ooo....___ooo...... On this__......Z.4.th..___..ooo...day ofooo....__.__~P.~.~:!.....___...___....m___"....ooo. in the yeat" one thousand nine JIl,ndred and__n_.____..n~~y.~P.::t::y.m.mm__.... before me, ........n...E11.GQ..___L........I.S.Q.Lh....__....ooo.._.._____.m..m..._____.....______..___., a Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally aNeared__..J.b-!'1$..$.m.W.~..m.R.:!?A I = BEA REA CHOATE, MARGARET W. REA, IRVIN A. FRASSE and ARGARET'.'.E.RWIE :o-ooo.ooo-...........ooo------..ooomooo---..-.--..ooo..-------.....'...----.....m--...........----........................ known to me to be the person...e._.whose na11le..e..._.g.'!;.~....nsubscribed to the z<Jithin instrument, and acknowledged to me thaL.t..he..Y..executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal o Santa Clara In the._...................ooo.................County of.mmm...__......................mm__.....................ooo..._.ooo...the day and year in this certificate first above written. . . (1. __..............___000..._...__............____......................:.~;::.~:~:~~:::.__.t.~..__..n.::::i~jj::(_:.....ooo.....___.::.........m.___m.. N P bl. S f C IOf 0 oJ Hugo :f::(. Isola otary u IC, tate 0 a I orma. Cowdery's Form No. 34-(Acknowledgment-General) (C. C. Sec. 1189) My Commission ExPires.__.mQ.s:~.~?_~E....?}.L~.~?OPRINTED 6/25/64 42.0786 BOOr. 8955 PAGE 80 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY JAMES Wo REA Iii. SEA REA CHOATE. MARGARET Wo REA. IRVIN Ao FRASSE & MARGARET ERWi ED I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 944, adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 6th day of July, 1965, at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the as said City Administrator, do hereby accept on behalf of the said County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 7027, page 228, I, City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by James W. Rea II I,Sea Rea Choate, Margaret W. Rea, Irvin A.Frasse & Margaret Erwied of the premises described in the attached conveyance dated the 24th , 1970 day of Apr i I that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said con- veyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I day of June , 1972-. have her~et my , ./ ,-" ,Y \ hand thi s 15th of the City (f) (;))>0 [>1 Z >1 Q~:~ ",' \ " G) ':--:. [1l : l' ~ ': . ~.\,; -,i ;.-:-,. I _, g;s r=r-::D rnzO (f)-j(J) -< NOFE~ , and \...... ~~ c- ,,&, ~ >rCO - -I fTI CJ1 ~ ~~U, CJ..j ~oou ,..."., C;UD vv m ,.. ~, ~ m ;U rrl '- 'wi N .Cf.>m t",,, -rJ -10 1:- ::r:: 0 0 --.!: 00 ~ "?5 OOUi C=> ,.......