Rowlison, Bruce A. I \~/ I Nome Susanne E. Steinmetz / City Clerk, City of Gilroy City Hall Ci~~ot~ L 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Street Address Name Street Address City & State _L j .i: t <;) \..8lo ~~ ll? ~ ~ J581pA6E1821 '. ~ 673PAGf a85 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE :n C_ ~. ~ G' f'-) r....... " NO FEE PER GC SEC 27383 9828154 RECORDING REQUESTED BY " lx' krv': r-"~--- ,'''. ! "-:....:.... j AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO : ' , , l-~ , I..... i "-, ~ i.. ,--" ;~.:~ ~_:___......_r. ~ MAil TAX STATEMENTS TO I I Not applicable r~-_. " ;-:~~ r;: ~:,> ~<~ ~ f'~ ~;: ~ ~~~.~~ '\...<- f ce.""'-'< ...... e~l"'-.... ".~ t APN 790-04-031 Grant Deed D.T.T. $muumu ..., ~ TO 405 CA (9.68, i .....s. ~ .-;: L ..j u -d ..J '1 ~ 3 ~ at. \ Ql ~ THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, BRUCE A. IDWLISON, an unmarried man, :"',':: .', ,t:1 L~6~~~~a f "'.~ ",or _.r - ; l' j'; , ~ ~., tl, ~ r W10 ~ ~ {.~- ~ ..., ~~ AlO rr1"ll 100 c: ::n ffl?J ~ Pl ..." (, 00 "l1 ;:1) o r:Jj- en C;; l',~ m C)J w -u .!::' .... 0:') en JAN 2 2 1986 hereby GRANT(S) to the City of Gilroy, a permanent easement for the installation and maintenance of an underground sanitary sewer line (Parcel One below) and a tEmfX)rary construction easement (Parcel Two below) over the following described real property in the County of Santa Clara , State of California: PARCEL ONE BEING a fX)rtion of the lands of Bruce A. Rowlison as described in Deed recorded in Book 1239 at page 539, Official Records of Santa Clara County, and being a strip of land 15.00 feet in. width the southerly line of which is m:>re particularly described as follows: "BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of said lands of Rowlison, in the westerly line of Kern Avenue, and running thence along the southerly line thereof S. 89051 'We 483.01 feet to the southwesterly corner thereof". PARCEL 'lID A temporary construction eastment 40 feet in width, the southerly line of which is the northerly line of Parcel One alxwe described, and extending the full length thereof. Said temporary easement is to be considered abandoned and will be null and void upon completion of construction of the sanitary sewer to be constructed through Parcel One, above described, and acceptance of the work by the City of' Gilroy or one year following execution of this deed, whichever occur. S fIrSt. ... /), ' {)Cjp~'-.; ~ ~) /1 g5 &J' iV.U d ))~~ Dated ' -;- . RUCE A. IDWLISON STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF '5lAUTH CLAk'.. A SS. On (;C';i) 10 (:;~ :;;;4 , 14 ~ 5" before me, the under- signed, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared BI2Ll('E.),. e('I{X_l 'QCI..J . known to me to be the person_whose name ,S subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same. WITNESS m;tand and official seal.;;, (~ ,1..- & ".-, . I //1 P Ii 1/ \ SIgn ure . .' v '1-, '\.. _./ / &-\10 D(?-A L oeO L f'/ Name (Typed or Printed) (This al'pa for official notarial seal) Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. -r K673PA6E .3'86 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY , BRUCE A. ROWLISON. an unmarried man I, the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that pursuant to the authority given by Resolution No. 83-55. adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy on the 18th day of July, 1983. at a regular meeting of said Council, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara. State of California. in Book and Page 7755622, I, as said City Administrator. do hereby accept on behalf of the said City the conveyance to the City of Gilroy by ___ BRUCE A. ROWLISON. an unmarried man of the premises described in the attached" conveyance dated the 24th day of October , 19 ,88 ,and that the said City of Gilroy consents to the recordation of said conveyance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 31st day of August . 19 88 J 1<f- ,-"l :~~: ,j ~,i:~~~ ~ ~,.~ 0 ::; T ;.': ~ ~ r;-; ..~ ~J :'_", ::.~ ).... Pi !;~ ~~ ~~ ~5 (.'t~ '..j ;? " .0 ::"!J) J -" NC'\ .s=- (" \.:::;; '\ ~ -0-. ::c: . "- .. ex:> '; (~ <:0 '-..( en (" ~ ., \ ..", , 00..1 NO FEE ] ,'~. " "'1'1 .~~ ::tlO~ fTl '.,., /:I d (.'j ;;:;:: l'-' Ui M' rY\ -4 ' ' I,Il...J 01-6 o. ~ 1"" ...."."...~\ :p ,;. K 673PAfiI 38,5;