San Martin Vineyards Company, et al ~ , 1/ q f' ,...! ~fi t:"~"'" "'1 'w ~} ~'ll-': ;;~~ ~ BOOK:]' ~ l~j rJ\{it 404 EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SEWER LINE THIS INDENTURE, Made this3 0 ~day of June, 1961, between SAN MARTIN VINEYARDS CO., a co-partnership composed of M. J. FILICE JOHN M. FILICE, P. C. FILICE, PASQUALE LICO, and FRANK C. FILICE, of the Co~n.ty of San't,a Clara, State of californ1a, Parties of the First Part and CITY 0," GILROY, a Municipal corporation in the county of Santa Clara of said State, the party of the second part; !! 1. 1: Ii .! s ~ E 1: H: That for and in consideration of the sum of ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR, cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknow- ledged, the Parties of the First Part have this day bargained and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, convey, transfer and deliver unto the Party of the Second Part, a perman- ant easement and right of way for the installation and mainten- -,,:7C~,.:J\,~... ance of ~ underground .sanlt.llryse.wGl;-J.,.~ over, under, in, and across the following described premises located in the County of Santa Clara, State of California to-witt "'1." A strip of land 10 feet in width, the southerly line of which is described as follows: /' "BEGINNING at a point that is N. 00 491 30" E. 5.00 feet from the northwesterly corner of that certain 11.285 acre parcel of land as described in tha Final Order of Condemnation entered in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, entitled "Gilroy School District of Santa Clara County, Plaintiff, VB. San Martin Vineyards co., a co-partner- ship, at a1, defendants, Case No. 1160211" a certified copy of said order being filed for record on August 24, 1960 in Volume 4896 at page 254 of the Official Records of Santa Clara County, and running thence N. 890 10' 30" W 2160.05 feet, more or less, to a point in the westerly line of that certain 157.788 acre parcel of land as described in the Deed to the San Martin Vineyards Company by Deed recorded in Book 2627 at page 215, Official Records of santa Clara County, distant thereon N~ 150 45' E. 888.33 feet from the southwesterly corner thereof, and also v 2. A STRIP OF LAND 15.00 feet in width, the southerly line of which is described as follows: BEGINNING at the north- westerly corner of the said 11.285 acre parcel of land of the Gilroy School District and running thence along the northerly line thereof S. 890 13'30" E. 146.64 feet; -. ). ,~~ S(J[)~ :):3.1!) t~t4 05 thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 1000.00 feet and a central angle of 180 32' 30M for a distance of 323.76 feet; TOGETHER WITH the necessary rights of ingress, egress, and ~rorkin9 space for the original installation of the line.on the above described premises. 3. AND ALSO an easement for the installation and mainten- ance of an underground sanitary sewer line over, under, on and across a str~ of land 70.00 feet in width, the centerline of which is described as follOWS. BEGINNING AT THE west:ernmo$tterminus of the centerline of Fourth stl:eet as shO\oln 011 the Map of Tract. No. 2023, Castle- ".rood Park, Unit No.3, which map is recorded in Book 90 of Maps at pages 40 and 41, Records of Santa Clara County, California, and running thence N. 8go 13' JO" \'1. 150.00 feet." inCluding the perpetual right to enter upon the said easement land at any tuae that it may see fit, and construct, maintain, and repair __ underground ;~1'~~~~";'&t..'er-'1.i:fte~'fo.;r;'..U1G",..p\U1pefH!.of ~ cOR\.peyift," 'BQwa~ Ov{:,:r, across, through, and under the land 't hereinbefore described, together ""'lith the right to excavate and refill ditches and/or trenches for the location, placing, re- placing and repair of said &8wer 1inesand the further right to re- move trees, bushes, undergrowth, and other obstructions, if any, ."t "h;i , \f., "\ .';1\ ~ interfering with the location, construction, repair, and/or ine "i '.., " '~ maintenance These easements are granted to the party of the second part upon the following conditions: ~...~ .'~"'..'J'- ."f ~~.. . ~~...~. 1. That the Parties of the First Part may make connections t onto and with that part of said sanitary sewer line that is la1 and constructed in and on the easements above described or any part thereof if required in the development of a subdivision or subdivision of the land through which said easements extend upon the same conditions applying to other subdivisions in territory annexed to the City of Gilroy. ..., ., ~~ ,;;....<.. ,'-' I~ ~. .. !f,,;{'" 2. Parties of the First Part may use the easement property, ~ both surface and subsurface if such use does not interfere .~~ with or injure the said pipe line o. r......w1.t...h.'- ;r:t'p.1'\t.ets .J.. ~~.A1~i access thereto, .~ 2',) C.i,.{~l :r~ ;7 J .. /' i" . <,;:'.',U'~';;').f"" 3. The grantee will install apd maintain t_,~;,aa.:td:..U.WJir line within said easements.;~o cost or expense to first parties except the sum of .,~.'-i;tntnl'1"-'foM.~~i"Ei 8ew~r ,line"-w~ said easementsV. be paid if, wben, and as First Parties said property, through which said a4!leI line extends is subdivided. in accordance with", l-u~~,q., ,.~t~l .' " ~. r~$.i_ W,)I N~~~ l~f.1f,jA. /' .}-,~ ,,' <'--J ~~j".-~~~::~~~~~.t~ "'2h,1.(.~ 'If'frll ~319 f' ~~[ Jt 06 hU..;,\ ,J ~. _, . 'l!.it ... the ordinances, resolutions and standards adoJ.'>tErtd,l:'>r.._ the City of Gilroy or its lesislative body,4ii,l'upon" ',-""",, the further conditions that if the srantee does not install said sewer line on or before the t~e the said premises are subdivided the First Parties shall have the right to furnish and install the sewer line within the easement premises if done in accordance with the plans specifications and requirements of the said City of Gilroy and the cost of such installation, including the pipe, shall be forthwith paid to First Parties upon completion thereof less the sum of $2.00 per lineal foot of line so furnished and installed. ."-:. 4. That the Gilroy Elementary School District of Santa Clara County grant to said Second Party an easement for a sanitary se-.ver line and a storm drain over a strip of land of a uniform width of 30 feet along and ~ediately west of the easterly boundary line of that certain 11.285 acre tract of land as described in the Pinal Order of Condemnation entered in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, en'titled "Gilroy School District of Santa Clara County, plaintiff, va. San Martin Vineyards Co. a co-partnership at als defendants', case No. 116021", a certified copy of which is on record in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County Volume 4896 of Official Records at page 254, and also an easement for said sanitary sewer line over a strip of land of a uniform width of 31.23 feet, the northerly line of Which is the northerly line of said 11.265 acre tract above u'lentioned, said sanitary sewer line to be a part of the same sanitary sewer line of which the sewer line to be constructed on the ease- ments herein granted by First Parties 1s aleo to be a part. IN 'WITNESS wHEREOF the Parties of the First Part have hereunto set their hands the day and year first he~einabove written. SAN MAR'.tIIN VINEYARDS CO. >- tf).!- oZ: cc :::l :r OO...J '" ~'~ ;: ;~~..,~ I..>.. n: rt; , , ..~ r~ i , (3 :.5 <i::{ ""::( 0; }- /l.. -.. ~. (J). ,:j.- ~ ..... By ./" -'1' .. . _.oIr. L Jti~~,?.t..,...,.... ,~:,;.I '0"., ":-..,,, \-- <<.... ~ \<'j\'1 '\ '.. (':1.."'" c..o - , " ~~.)- (.:.) ~~: lft:5'~. - ,. t:fl:, 'c' f' ."(,:) ,<~ :r:: ~'.' ~ <:z:t:.:.'- ". CL. ~ -,,:~~~. ....; :~ .~ ~~:;; ',. f-l .",~",\ ..' '.~, (V) "..,\ tLl ~ ". i. ',~ .,.. '" ,c:> i'Z:~ ~ ,,' ~~ IJ.:}- 'l;M ~ ~..ct,.......~, C:'<r" ~. i -J . ts- NC".l ~ ,- r By By . ..1 By ." / ; ',;; .. By "f \ \(. .........-. -" ./ .I ',If l' ;~i . Pattners STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss County o~ Santa Clara ) c',".... ~ri' t.ju.s,Bo~ day of June, 1961, before me, SYDNEY S. JOHNSON, .a:. N~:t~l:Y PubMc in and for said County and State, personally appeared ,.,.i.~~il!"ILICE,;QHN M. FILICE, P.C. FILICE, PASQUALE LICO, FlANK C. ,'(~ICE, par~rs, known to me to be the persons whose names are i:~};)s~r1bedt:.Q." the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me ~~~~~l!~uted the sams. ~~~~ - 3 - Notary nublic RESOLUTION NO. 629 Boox:J:JlrJ PAGE 40 7 RESOLUTION Of THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ACCEPTANCE CONVEYANCE Of LAND BY SAN MARTIN VINEYARDS COMPANY FOR EASEMENT PURPOSES. BE \T RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Gi lroy does hereby accept the attached conveyance of ..sements for rights of way for sanitary sewer pipe line, executed by San Martin Vineyards Company dated June 19, 1961, and consents to Its recordation. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1961, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCil MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCil MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCil MEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan,Petersen,Quartlroll, and Sanchez. None Wentworth APPROVED: SIG SANCHEZ 51g Sanchez Mayor ATTEST: SUSANNE Eo PAYNE City Clerk J,// . I, SUSANNE E. PAYNE , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby c€rtify that the attached Resolution No. 62q is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of June , 19..2l, at \,hich meeting a quorum ~as present. IN llITNJ:SS l'lHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 2 1st day of \\ xi ~~f, j; ..