Union Oil Corporation (3) ...' P I 3 I PA GE 0 0 8 9 191 13134375 ~f'ltE!} Fon RECOR 0 AT REOUES T OF J Ol',:t~! No, Escrow No. Loan No. ~ '~"'" ,'; i','~, "J)"~ .. . ;J.'~ \. i\!! \t~) ."~~,,, '. A , . ~, ~'~- '~,~~. ':~"':~ .~ , G fy ~ Gt(// 95 DEe 18 PM 3: 57 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Susanne E. steinmetz, City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 ci ty C1ed ~ OFF i ,-, 'I 'I' C' t' i' ,"} D " '" n . 1\ V ",1.\ -> SAP-n A CLAr~ A COUNTY BHENDA DA Vl~~ ~,~EGOnDER .. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: DOCl.II\IlENT ARY TRANSFER TAX $................................................ ...... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR ...... Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrdn.,es rlmalnln; at time of sale. Slgnatura of Declarant or Agant datar,ninlng talC - Firm Nama PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY GRANT DEED A.P.N. 835-30-005 FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Union Oil Corporation, dba Unocal, a California Cor~oration hereby GRANT\S} to the City of Gilroy the real property in the City of Gi lroy County of Santa Clara , State of California, described as SEE ATTACHED EXHIBITS "A" 1\ND "B". Union Oil Corporation, dba Unocal, a California Corporation ~\J ,(~Q2~' Martin N. Burton, Mgr. of Real Estate Dated _ VtVI>:'?-t I<L?-~~ ;I V- I?l, v.~ _1EIO tJ ASSISTANT SECRETARY personally known to me (or proved to me evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) within instrument and acknowledged to me that Ii I~~~~~~~~~~~~""'~ . ~,.._' . DIANE NAVARRO t i.; COMM. # 103899iC ~ , . < Notary P\J:)IIc - CaIfornIa ! L LOS ANGElES COUNlV I . ; ~MvComm,ExpIr_SEPla.l991 , ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature ~ ~ (This ar8a for official notarial seal) 1002 (6/82; MAIL TAX STATEMENTS J\S DIRECTED ABOVE 'I Stat~ of California '~ County of Los Angeles On July 28, 1995 before me, Diane Navarro, Notary Public, -0 personally appeared Martin N. Burton and R. L. Walton xxx personally known to me - or - CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER INDIVIDUAL xxx CORPORATE OFFICER Manal!er of Real Estate and Assistant Secretary TlTLE(S) PARTNER(S) _ LIMITED GENERAL ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TRUSTEE(S) GUARDIAN/CONSERV AT OR OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: Union Oil Company of California, dba Unocal Coo) proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/he/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. -0 P C") r'1 o o \D o WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~~ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY OYfIONAL DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT Grant Deed APN 835-30-005 TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT 3 NUMBER OF PAGES Julv 28. 1995 DATE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE P I 3 I PA GE 0 0 9 I EXHIBIT "A" FEE TAKE UNOCAL PARCEL 2 (205505-AA) FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSE ALL THAT REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CITY OF GILROY, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING A PORTION OF PARCEL ONE AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN PARCEL MAP FILED FOR RECORD ON APRIL 28, 1971 IN BOOK 282 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 26, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL ONE, ALSO BEING IN THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE HIGHWAY NO, 152 (LEAVESLEY ROAD}, (30.00 FEET TO CENTERLINE) AS SHOWN ON SAID PARCEL MAP; THENCE ALONG LAST SAID LINE SOUTH 650 18' 58" WEST 107.43 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG LAST SAID LINE SOUTH 650 18' 58" WEST 22,82 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE RADIUS IS 20.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 890 59' 14" AN ARC LENGTH OF 31.41 FEET; THENCE NORTH 240 41' 48" WEST 14.26 FEET; THENCE NORTH 650 18' 12" EAST 7,00 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE RADIUS BEARS NORTH 650 18' 12" EAST 20,00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4r 57' 34" AN ARC LENGTH OF 16.74 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 720 39' 22" EAST 21.31 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE RADIUS IS 20.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 420 01' 40" AN ARC LENGTH OF 14.67 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 528.30 SQUARE FEET OR 0.0121 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY WAS PREPARED BY ME IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS' ACT, ~i:~~ LICENSE EXPIRES 6/30/96 P~f~!4- r P I 3 I PA GE 0 0 9 2 DA7,4 TABLE J/ BNO L ....j NI)' R '.:y. . / 2CJ.af 47057'.34 " 16.74' ~ .9 7R'39'C2NE. 2/.3/ ' '-. 2 ~J : ".~ .:3 ct? tJtJ ' 42"cJ/'4cF' 14.0'7' , I '" 4 I }/.Q':f"tlA1'/Z"E. sa:;' ....! I 13:~' 470.:57'.34 " ':-.. 5 /2.56 \i. -, G 57c"39 cc"E 2/. :3/ . " . , . ....: 7 /5aJ' 42'tfl'4tl" //.tlt1 ' t::-' ..... 8 .s. 24'4/ 'tl2''E. 5tJtJ ' ~':~f ..., . :..i '. , I ' t-l,j f. 3tl. G7t? :J ". \ ".J i ! L}i.'~: [) AI O/L C 0/14 A4 IV y' Dr , .....A' I --..., 1.:7 A . . .' .f' - ";' .., 14 . t_ '- I_I r L."'\l ,;:~6~ "<1# tJq i....~ '.It... ::~. l... ~ . ~ ~ ~l ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~I ~ ~~! ~ I ~ ~\ /{205-5tJ5-BB) ~ ~ ~I / 24:1. 96.s;:: ~ ~ <::1 0 / ~ .: ...o-:!/f?\// /.......--(2ti'5-.:5t7S-AA) '. . ' /~'~b) / 5C'8.:30 S/f" . . ,,/~/ '0 :s-t/ G?~ I ,>~.' <., SC;S-18'58"';V /~7.4:3' .., Jf=f'tl.IJ{)'.... I :"'- /1:890$9'14" I "" Trtle I?tl.B.(Z'tJ5-5tJ5-AA)i8.8 L::31.4/' . : I . , -So.:S"/,&'58''j;Y. ?c.82~.'" : ..,1 / ... -, 72. 82/ - CM/e'rL//7e. .,' )/.o5'/~'.78"'E. "> I.... f: I '::"; ,\ ')-1 \ i I, \j I" ty ~ r-. ~ '.j ~ " s: : I~ o'^- ..> ....... ,- ;.J,. :.J) ..... i-=?4..Ai G I~?:-L (J/\it::~. ;' ";' j"":O 1\ l' .-z - ..' .: . 1_ ,_1 ~_ .." ....- '",-~ EXHIBIT "B" ;\t / ~ ~~ ..~~ ~ \)0 ~~~ ~~~ ~Ql~ ~ 1\] "S~~ ~ ~'J , ~ S:)' ~ /... ..c: ,.: \ ,.. ,;:: t......... .:.-:: ".-,;' _ 4.-.1'1 ~. ...... ,_'> 1_ J.__ , ..,.~:( l::"'~~ L.) (O{J/R/P'Y) REV DA TE 8-8-94 L cGENO '(75=-505 -AA F~e Take For Ptlhu(; Righi-at-WI! ~~.s~APHIC SCALE '05-5'~5"-L3B 5t?CJ'Mi::7e )?.5?E: 0 '20 40 SO, , , , PLAT TO ACCOMPANY THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A R/W DEDICATION FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES GREINER CIVIL ENGINEERING SUR\/EYING' ~NG' LANOSCN'E NICHITEC1URE CITY OF GILROY NOV. 1993 SCALE: 1" = 40' P I 3 I PA GE 0 0 9 3 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF GILROY BY UNION OIL CORPORATION, dba UNOCAL, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated July 28, 1995 from Union Oil Corporation, dba Unocal, a California Corporatio~o the City of Gilroy~ a political corporation~ is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 91-70 of the City Council adopted November 18~ 1991~ a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara~ State of California~ in Book and Page 1116141l~ dated December 11~ 1991 and the grantee consent to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. day of August ~ 19 95 IN WITNESS WHEREOF ~ I of the City of I^?? Ii f 3 ') - - '.5 0 - 00 r Assessor's Parcel Number (A.P. N.) APN 835-30-005 REQUEST FOR CANCELLATION OF TAXES BY A PUBLIC AGENCY The undersigned authorized agent requests that the County of San1a Clora cancel taxes against the described property, pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 4986 et seq., because pf aquisition by the public agency. Attached is 0 copy of the acquisition document and 0 copy of the citys authorization (if applicable). Dote Order of Possession Served How Acquired Deed CD Final Order c=J Fee D Easement D Others... please state D Dote Acquired December 18, 1995 Recorders Doc. NQ P131Page0089-13134375 Tax Rote Area 2-001 Requesting Agencj: t.ssessee: Nome City of Gilroy Nome. Burtis Corporation 7351 Rosanna Street P. O. Box 7600 Address Address Gilroy, CA 95020 Los Angeles, CA 90051 Total toke D 10 be completed by the Assessors Office of Santa Clara County Partial toke D Acreage (or sq, ft.) acquired Acreage (or sq. ft.l remaining Roll Year Roll Year Roll Reads Roll Should Read Roll Reads Roll Should Read Land Imp. Pers. Prop. Total Signature, Dote and Phone Number .v? ~. ~ 28 Agency's Authorized County Counsei Assessment Approiser Recel~:: by TRC Processed by T R C . gen~ Services q.~ ty Attorney 6-5800 phone 299-2111 299-4231 299 2401 2'?9 =671 299 3671