Villalba, Senaida M. Escrow no. 11013758-004 LZ DOCUMENT: 15877675 II 11111I 1111 ~u 100158776751 Titles: 1 / Pages: 5 Recording requested by Alliance Title Co. When recorded mail to City of Gilroy/Attn: Rhonda Pellin 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Mail tax statements to Same as above Fees. . . 19.00 Taxes. . . Cop i es. . AMT PAID 19.00 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of · AI I iance Title Company RDE ** 001 9/21/2001 8:00 AM Space above this line for recorder's use GRANT OF PUBLIC USE EASEMENT The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): This is not a transfer of real property ownership, but merely a Grant of an Easement/Dedication for the purposes of Public Service Utilities in favor of the Grantee. GRANTOR: SENAIDA M. VILLALBA, TRUSTEE UNDER THE VILLALBA FAMILY TRUST AGREEMENT DATED JULY 2, 1991 HEREBY GRANTS/DEDICATES to: CITY OF GILROY the following described interest in real property in the County of Santa Clara, State of California: SEE EXHIBIT "A" AND "B" AS PREPARED BY MH ENGINEERING CO. Dated: August 23, 2001 ~J t/~~ SENAIDA M. VILLALBA, TRUSTEE UNDER THE VILLALBA FAMILY TRUST AGREEMENT DATED JULY 2, 1991 1 June 4, 2001 MHengineering Job No.: 201026 EXIllBIT "A" 30-FOOT \vlDE PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT All that real property situated in the County of Santa Clara, State of California and being a portion of Parcel One as described and delineated in that Individual Grant Deed filed for record on June 25, 1992 in Document Number 11423306, Office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGThTNING at the most easterly comer of said Parcel One, thence along the southeasterly line of said Parcel One, South 72001'45" West, a distance of 33.26 feet; thence leaving said line and running parallel to and distant 30 feet from the northeasterly line of said Parcel One North 43032'54" West, a distance of 365.67 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of said Parcel One; thence along said line North 72001'45" East; a distance of. 33.26 feet to the: northerly comer of said Parcel One; thence along the northeasterly line 'of said Patcel One South 43032'54" East, a distance of 365.67 feet to: the POINT OF: BEGINNING and containing an area of 10,970 square feet, more or less. ,. . . . . A plat sho"\\'ing the above-described area is attached hereto and made a part hereof as "Exhibit B". This description was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Land Surveyor's Act. Dai1P/ William 1. lmtock, RCE 24893 Expires: 12/" 1/2001 F:\Legal Descriptions\Curt\21 026\2] 026PSEDOC Page 1 of 1 N 72V1'4S- E 33.26' APN 841-14-076 30' ~ u ~ ;7..0 ..0 ~;7C! c:S> ~ 'l-0 '", -'P ?, ~ o~ ~ o~ <::) '\. '\. '\. '\. DOC. # 11423306 '\.APN 841-14-028 '\. '\. - ~. '\.~o , "o~ '\. '"? 0 ,,~ '\.~ '\.~ '\.(<' ''\.'''~ ", '\.~.. '~~ " .'\. '\. LANDS . . - .-' ..... cO APN 841-14-027 DA VIS ci '\. 'j, \j '\. " '\. " '\. '\. " o ./ v ./ <0 <.;) == o W Vl a. <0 N o N ./ ~ o ./ <0 N o N ./ Vl f- U W , o 0: ~ .:; EXHIBIT -B- LEGEND APN ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING PSE PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT PLAT TO ACCOMPAtff LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT DRAWN BY: eec DA TE: JUNE 4, 200' APPROVED BY: WJM SCALE: '''=60' ~MH~....~,P.."",..~.,.,..{<c..;~..,...,~,.,.." ,CO. 16075 ViDe1ari Boulnard . . C" ;.',"-. ,'. .; -:. .' lIorcaD Bill. C4 1I5037 GENERAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SS. On ft~ u-~+ ~ '3 , 2001 , before me, a N tar Public in and for said County and State, e.n C\ ; d ~ ; I \ a per~on.:lll~ K.uUWll Lo me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person (.s1 whose name (,er) is/a;re sub- scribed to the within instrument and ack- nowledged to me that he!she/Cftey executed the same in h~/her/taeir authorized capa- city(~, and that by ~er/~r sig- nature on the instrument the personC8t, or the entity upon behalf of which the per- son (.a7 acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Ch{:,o~ Notary's Signature C, ~l" S~b personally appeared (Notarial stamp or seal) THIS CERTIFICATE I MUST BE ATTACHED I TO THE DOCUMENT I DESCRIBED AT RIGHT I TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT G~V\-r DF y,-,-b\\c. E~vYle>r\,t DATE OF DOCUMENT Ft~ ";;23/ 2m I NO.OF PAGES L CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (Government Code Section 27281) Certificate of Acceptance of Conveyance to the City of Gilroy by Senaida M, Villalba, Trustee under the Villalba Family Trust Agreement dated July 2, 1991 This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the Grant of Public Use Easement dated August 23, 2001 from Senaida M, Villalba, Trustee under the Villalba Family Trust Agreement dated July 2, 1991, to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 99-90 of the City of Gilroy adopted December 20, 1999, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, document #15167735, dated March 1, 2000 and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on September 19, 200 I:\CTYCLERK\FORMS\ACCEPT ANCE,DOC