Estate of Harriet Ellis Thif3 Indenture rnade the ~ 0 t~\A. day of \I\J\').. 1 in the year One thousand nine hundred and eight, by and betwoen Laura Vetter- line, a8 the duly appointed, qua1if'ied ancl act ing aOJr:inistratrix of the estate of Harriet Ellis, deceased, the party of the first part and the Oi ty of Gilroy, the party ot~ the second part; Witnesseth; 'I'hat whereas on the 9th day of December 1907, the Superior Court of' the State of California in ~md. for the Coun ty of Santa Clara, by its order duly given, made and entered on said date, appointed said party of the first part herein as ad- ministratrix of the estate of said Harriet Ellis, deceased; And whereas thereafter and on the 13th day of' December 1907 said Laura Vetterline, the party of the first part herein, duly qualified as such administratrix of the estate of said Harriet Ellis, deceased and has ever since be~n the duly apPOinted, qual- ified and acting administratrix of the estate of said decedent; 3rrl And whereas on the~. day of April, 1908, the said Super- , ior Court by an oeder then duly given, made and entered, autor- i II ized the said party of the first part, as such administratrix, to sell certain portions of the real estate of said Harriet Ellis, deceased, all as specified and particularly described in said or- der of sale, which said order of sale is now on file and of re- cord in the said Superior Court and the same is hereby referred to and made a part of this Indenture: And whereas said party of the first part under and by vir- tue of said order of sale and pursuant to due and legal notice given, did sell at private sale ( judging it most benificial to said estate and to all parties interested therein to sell said real estate at private sale ) certain portions of said real es- tate so atlthorized to be sold situate in the City'Of Gilroy, Coun I ty of Santa Clar~, state of California and specified and described I in said order of sale and hereinafter particularly described and I I that at such sale the said party of the second part herein, the I I I City of Gilroy becrone the purchaser of the whole of the real es- i tate hereinafter particularly described for the mrr~ of rive hun- dred dollars in gold coin of the United states of America and said sale being made subject to confirmation thereof by the said Su- perior Court; And whereas, the said party of the second part being the high est and best bidder for saicl prpperty and said. sum of $ 500.00 be-' ing the highest and best sum bid for the same, the said Superior Court and the said party of the first Dart did on the 29th day of' May 1908, accept such bid of the said party of the second part and did sell the said real estate hereinaf'ter described to the said !)arty of the second. part for the said sum of $ 500.00 so bid by said party of the second part as aforesaid: And whereas the said Superjor Court did on the 29th day of May 1908, duly give, make and enter an order confirming said sale and ordered and directed a conveyance to be executed of the said real estate in said order and hereinafter described to the said party of the second part, a certified copy of which said decree of confirmation of said. sale was duly recorded in the office of ( the County Recorder of the said County of Santa Clar~, in which said County the land so sold is situated on the 2.1 day of ~...:1 1908, which said order of confirmation now on file and 01'1 record in said Recoedrers office is hereby referred to and made a i part of this Indehture; NOw Therefore the said Laura Vetterline as Administratrix of the estate of Harriet :h;Ilis, deceased, the party of the first part pursuant to the oeder last aforesaid of the said Superior Court and for F<nd in consideration of the sum of Five hundred dollars in gold coin of the United States, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in accordance with the bid of the said party of the second part made for said property and in accordance with the order and decree confirming the sale thereof as aforesaid, has granted, bargainEld, SOld, conveyed and conf'irmed and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second aprt and to its successors and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said (I \: Harriet Ellis at the time of her death and also all the right, ti- i tIe and interest th~~t the said estate by operation Of law or other- wise may have acquired other than or in addition to that o~ the said Harriet Ellis at the time of her death in and to the following described real estate, towit; All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, ly- ing and being in the City of Gilroy, county of Santa Clara, State of California and bounded and described as follows, towit; Beginning at a point on the south line of Sixth street dis- tant 48.90 f'eet westerly f'rom the south west corner of' Sixth street and Rail road Alley and thence westerly along the south line of Sixth street 24.10 feet; thence southerly and parallel to the East line of Monterey street 86.07 feet, more or less, to the lands of one G. A. Chappell; thence easterly and along the line i ! I of lands of' said G. A. Chappell twenty three ( 23 ) feet and thence ! northerly and along the west line of lands now owned by the City of Gilroy 86.07 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Together with all and singular the tAnements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging and in any wise appertaining.; To Have and to Hold all and singular the said premises, togeth er with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second. part I land to its successors and assigns forever. In Witness Whereof the said party of the first part, as admin- istratrix of the estate of said Harriet Ellis, deceased, as af'ore- said, has hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. It. t7 ;;~y,q ~t iUr r:~f ( seal ) Administratrix of the estate of Harriet Ellis, deed. . II ..~~. . ~--- nu~_::!'..~~ i $$ On this Bp4day OL~~uu. in tk, y,ar of our-~::~n O;:.Jhousan~ Nine Hundred and.nn-b.A.F__n_..._...n_n__n___________.mn. , before me, -~m~"'-%~_h_____._a Notary Public in and for the County of q~_~hnnnState of California, res~d~ therein, dulJ: '""missi...,, and ""orn, P."onaliY app<a""~~",,_~~ ::2t):~-'b-~__1l~~~:::7.:__: . known to me to be the person described in and whose name .A....-t.J subscribed to the within instrument, and IJJhe acknowledged to., me that Me executed the same'} Q4 .~C-t- CA..~~~~. , !~m~~~~~n~~rtOr.I..kaveker~;:':;if~"s;;" 'ft,;~,~f:': In, day ond year in. tni'ee't~~~~u Nota~y Public in and fo~ said.... - - ........ .........County of. . ..... .... ............ ..........~tat~ of Calffornia. - GENERAL ACKNOWI.!GMENT Hardy's Blank No. 41 Hardy's Bookstore Oall'd Callfornla 5112 . . , ~ ! I l t tel -ri ~ J:: ' - G:l -riCH .. I~~ "0 '0 ~ .a o'g .. <l> (.) 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