Estate of P.C. Hodges, Thomas Rea Company, et al Trustee 1 THIS INDENTURE i..tade this ('/t o '---- day of F,~1-):r'llal""f 1\. D. 1908, by 9.nri net'v,3en Thomn.R Rf:-:a Comp1.ny, s corporation, M. CQ.8ey, J"hlA. Viora. ,1. Clg''''3:r'e. l'.A.lf'tlit,eh11:r.'st as Trustee of' tht) EAtate of' P.C.Hod,g;es.d3oe1sed, and (B-d/I?~lfA s GRAper, all or th,) COllnt~' of 88nta C1ar9., state of' Gqlif'orn1.a, the p~.rtil,}H OI' the first p!J.rt. and. tha C'it~r nf Gilroy. '3. municipal onrporation of the C0unty of' S!lnt~1 CVlr9., Stac<3 of' California, the party OJ:' r,he Recondt part, WITNESSETH:- Th~ t th~3 said partieo of th9 .first part, for and in consirl'3r'3.tion of' th3 rpun of' ten Dolll3I'O lq.wful lnJney 01' the Uni t(.,d St~i teA oftundI'icq to them in h!lnd 9aid by the sRid party of' th<} "1.9conti 9!)I't. the r:;oeiy)t 'vhereof' i8 'hereny :1ckno''''l:..~r1eoo., do herdby sell, convey ~mri forever l1u:ltclaim ',l'lto th(~ H~1i(i prtrt~' of the ~econd. part their ra89'3ct1 ve int t~r'3sts in and to all that c3rt~.in lot. pie"3IJe a'1rl 1):"11"3191 of 1qnd <d tu~te, lying and being in the City ot' Gilroy, Oo::mty 01~ S8nt8 Cl8.ra, 8ta+e of' CP..lif'm'- nia. b011nr3er'!. '1 nd :D~rticHl~:rly rl~~;erib,~d an :folloWH; to 1Arit: Be~inn:ing at 8_ ::)oi nt rU 8 t'1nt north 20~ west 107.20 feet from a point on the nort~erly line of Seventh street distant 141. feet "9qt'~rly fr,)m the :!joint of inteJ:'r.lr-3ction of the north/3rly Ii ne of Sdv~nth Str'3et with t'hd w.:j';t,'-{l"ly linH of Monterey street in s~id City of Gilro~',and running tlHml18 north 20~ West 82'2.38 :rf~et; t'!t'-min north 10. "lOt El)st 77.10 f\~et to the Soath west eor-ner of :1. hrick building; thenIJe along the wdBter1y sine of 81.10 hrick B1lilding north 20'" 36' w'~n: 34.50 feet; -~hence. south 700 West 15. GO f'eet to the aHa te:rl~' dnd of a l1"l"ick build- ing: thence 801lth 200 E'Jf.1t, ':m"l a.long the fJ~FlteI'ly line of' said brick building 84 fl}et; th'~"1(~(7 C~o'lth 9"'30' west 82.90 feet; thence south 20Q e~~t 227.33 feet; thence north 70. Ea.st 18 feet to th'3 pl".iY~ i)f b'~ginnin~. /) :&- / ~; .f <l: ... ". . TO BE USED by the said party 01" the fleconrl part for ~n alley- w.~.y, and it iA nnd.ern toad that if the wlirt 9~rt~' of the seoond part shoulrl ever abrmdon or Qe'H3'} tl) 1180 :f,):r an nlley-way the land herei Y1b,~f"n'e mention'3rt 3.nrt described, then am in that event th,~) LgnrJs h.~:reby Ct)nve'!red is to reve:rt to !1.nrt again 1)(r come -the pro::)I~rty of the partios of' the first pqrt t '1wt th'Ji,.. h'3i1"8 :'1nrl ~f.H'lig'n8, an the Flame m~nn:;r r!TIc{ p:ro:oortion as the same is now h'31d lJy the sairt partL:l8 ot~ th,~ f:':Lrf~t Dfl.l.'t. I~ ~IT~ESS ~HEREOF the said parties of.h0 first part have hereunto set their hands thj dAY Ilnrl ~r~'"'l.r in this IndentlLre f:lrst \vri tten. -~ ~M Cl~~~ by ~~ 6' ~ (2 (T'~~ /n~.. / . ~- H//k t l~~ fJ 4cy ~"'~~ ~ d3~ ~~~Lt/ ~~~,~ --.. '--..' r Tr!lst:)e of the Estate of P.C.Hod.g-es, rlecerU~3(7.. . ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ SS COl:NTY OF SAN'L~RA. ~ ~ ~:n:~i;(;;~~;';~~WAlTER~aYF~;';O~~.':;O;;;~bli~i~n a~; ~;a;! "C~U~~u~~n~:~: (/ . ~;;:~~:;~p:a~;~fOh:z:;:;::rein, dul COmmi"iOn:~E~: .....U~.....,hnn.a~;f-.4nh.. ..(!.~~. ..... ...........h 'h~' .....h................_.. known to me to be the persolJr~...........whose name ~....~...subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that......::The..;7- ...........executed the same, Witness my hand and official seal.~. .y onic~. co.unty of Santa Clara, the day and year last: a60]r~?"Cf -e:: ~_ At.......z.LJ TATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ 5S . C,OUNTY OF SAN8-- ~A. ~. C ~ ~n~~~%;~~~~-;';~~WAlTER~~~~;Z~ALO.~NO';.. p~b/j~i~n a~; f~;at "c:u~~u~~n~~: ~;;:~~:;~p:;;tr~J~di0k&~~m"1"=1~)orn, ~'''i''''''''''''~"''c.n./.&'~e=............~...0~.:<!c.1:.~\..........................---- known to e to be the person..~...........whose name ~4......................subscribed to the within )nstrument. and acknowledged that............ he.......... ............executed the same, a.~~ ,~~-; Witness my hand and official seal at my onic in the said County of Santa Clara, the day and year last: above~wr' 'h ' ~~ .......h...h.....~ ......a~....___..._.........h'-.Y.. .... ..n ....._.................. """ Notary Pu lie in and for Santa Clara Co State .alil nia. r ..... I I I \ II I I I I I I I I Iii d I il : II I Ii I I: I i: I ii I I I ii Jli, " II ii I I' II! , I: I ,I III I I'. i I . I I I I -+~ ST On hUl ~ :'C~::',",,'--"-:''''''''.'''--.-:-:7''.~~:: -::-c'-"""'=_,,,,-....,,.-=-_-=~~=_=:-=._,....~...~_--:~_~.:._.,,,.,~._~""=.,-:"'"'=."".-~:~-""_~".,.;..."'7~'="=~,:,-.,...._="-CO-:::..,'.,.-,-_..~_-:-.,'".:..._~.-,,-,-"",:""_"",--:~-.-_"",""--.-_"-""'~:"-'---.-~_"'."":___""'.',_~,_-:::;""",,,",":C-_':.'''':-:-_7'''''''.'''''=:''''':=~-:-=_~':;::"_= $ia1e of €alifonntl, I ~o~~~;.;P~...,~~4:Z~)SS. Jtt{,~ On this:Jc:.... day Of%.h'O"'7/""~ the;/'{ ear one t";:;,nd ~ hundred and '""e1;J' Pcf!I!, ~efore me,.._k!.t.d1,.......Z..:.~.. ..... . ..c.........1. a Notary Public in and for said..........mm.......mm.........mm...................County O~J;L~&uuuR.t~;~ duly C:~~:d and SIfO?7;;:zz:.-oppeared _............................................................. ..........................~..................~........:fj.......................................m........................................................m.............m.................... ............. /:JP.' -:7 . known to me to be the......I;Z:~~;.~:..........__..............u....of the Corporation described in, and who executed, the within and annexed instrument, and acknoJl'ledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. 3n Witncss W~ercof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my Offic,ialsoal, ~! my ~/!ice in the.....m.........................................................:... County PM~....fC.tA....f.~...m.m...., the day and year zn thi~ Certi/icate /irst above u/ritten, ~52'm .;~'f{ft; in and tor 8a~~....11::G.::(f..L...oounty. State >I Oalifornia, Crocker's Blank No. l:a:a N.-ACKNOWLEDGMENT.-Corporation. (114.) H. 8. CROCKER GOMPANY, San Francisco and " r-I ~'> 0 c0 H . rl >> +' .rl f-i ~ (J) C"~ aJ ~ 0 ~H g ..:>, +' 0 .- f:il (!) lD iJ) ... ii:, l=l ..', '!:' +' '!) 0 'rl 'C' 0 ":'\ ~ . +' ~ a:; '-' ~ '" -,~VI'~,~;~- " , . . CO o (j) r-I . / '. - Ii: .... QI o CI.) -~~l''+;f';;';:;,);'!''i;:';;:; ;-:'~~~~i"'~~.~~i:.,::".~;",~,!I:>:;.~" ~ .i(~"~~:".--""'.h"~":>fl'$-' .,Oir;"*"r~\<'~'~--~'~t--, _;ry 1 ~ j' : I .~ ~~ I ~ll ~ I .;:;> 1::1 Cl.. (j) Q r. ~ ~\ ~ --:.-',,~~:~-~~-:~ "'"", .",.;:~ ?-.,..."....